28th July 2019 site updates

These are the stories I’ve added to the Slash Archive today:

Any money earned from any of the Amazon links and Paypal links on the site, (Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, and Amazon.ca), is used to help pay for the site’s url and hosting fees. If anyone is willing to donate or subscribe via Paypal to help support this site, anything extra would be a massive help – I have a new page for Chance’s Archive’s Paypal & Amazon links. (And if anyone is looking for it the Paypal unsubscribe button is found near the top of this page).

Star Trek Slash:

“An Enterprising Tale” by Loonywoif
PAIRING: Tucker/Phlox

Good Omens:

“In the Space Capsule (The Love Theme)” by amuly
PAIRING: Aziraphale/Crowley
FANDOM: Good Omens
SUMMARY: An angel and a demon stared at each other in space suits across the moon and let that just hang there between them for a moment. Aziraphale sighed and scuffed his space-boots against the dock he was standing on. “Oh…” “That’s it, come on,” Crowley said, because it was decided, now. Lunar dust was a truly fine dust, much unlike anything on Earth. Especially without the atmosphere to clump it up. It puffed up around Aziraphale’s space boots as he stepped off the dock, swirling around his spacesuit-clad legs. He couldn’t see Crowley’s expression from behind the glare of his helmet, but he could feel the like of it. His whole body radiated it, just standing there, legs straddling either side of the ATV, one hand on the steering handles, the other not quite reaching out to Aziraphale, but tilted toward him, palm open. Or, I finally gave in and wrote 13k of philosophy and drinking in space. (FYI: the sex scene is self-contained in the second chapter.)