Category Archives: Amazon/Paypal

URL update

UPDATE: I’m not many people are to see this here until I get the site back up and running again but it’s going to go down as I can’t afford the domain registration until the check has cleared. So the site should be back up and running again anytime from the 11th to the 13th of June.

Due to personal issues – medical issues – I can’t afford to pay for the url for this site which is due in the next two days. The hosting fees are 100% update and I will be having a check clearing in just under two weeks time which I will be able to use to pay for the url for this site again.

I am very sorry, but this couldn’t be helped and I decided that the hosting fees were far more important than the url given that I couldn’t afford to pay for both at the same time and hopefully in two weeks everything will be back to normal anyway!

Money issues

Update 2:- I should be getting the re-issued check next month, (the one that was stolen in December 2018), so it should be cleared come March and I’ll be able to use it and the money in Paypal to help cover the hosting fees and use part of it to pay for the url for another year. That’s no help for my rl problems, but at least the site should be OK for a while longer 🙂

Update:- Things are still not going well, no idea what I’m going to do as things just haven’t being working out. People ares till using the Amazon links though and there does seem to be a bit of a increase in those at least. The site is fine until the 25th of March at the moment,
Swagbucks and Prolific will help bulk things out on my end which will be a big help.

I’m not thinking straight and it might be better if I list what I am planning to do about the site, as the this would be the most important thing for people who use the site and use the Amazon/Paypal links on the site… (The Funding Page, which includes the Unsubscribe Paypal button).

  1. Any money I do have for the site will be used to pay for hosting fees, in particular money from Paypal. I can pay for a shorter period than usual to ensure that the site stays up for longer at least. It is possible to pay month by month, but the two remaining subscriptions are not enough to cover this, let alone this and the yearly url payment.
  2. I would need at the absolutely minimum another subscriber at $10 a month for the site to survive in anyway shape or form.
  3. The url, which I’m umming and erring about as the hosting fees seem more important.
  4. The Amazon referral money will need to be accounted for, once I’ve got it and perhaps I could hold on until then?
  5. My real life issues are going to take a serious toll on everything and I can’t afford to pay for any percentage of the site’s costs myself for the foreseeable future.
  6. I can use some of the money I earned from Swagbucks and Prolific to help pay for part of the site’s hosting and url fees, esp once I’ve gotten rl things more under control. (At the moment the money I earn from both sites has been helping me cover rl expenses, like medicine and doctor’s fees. I am lucky that recently doctor’s fees have gone from $45 a visit at my local GP to $20 a visit due to an increased subsidy for me which is being paid by the government, but that’s still $20 I need to find myself which is a problem).

Chance’s Archive funding

This is based upon the Archive Of Our Own’s funding request, which this year was for $(US)130,000 – their finance page. I use the money from Paypal and the three Amazon associate sites to help pay for hosting fees/bandwidth and for the domain name. Which is currently running in the region of $(US)450 a year. So it’s not cheap but no where near as expensive as AO3 with all of the additional costs they have every year due to their size.

To begin with the Paypal unsubscribe button –

Amazon links –

Paypal links –

One off donation –

Monthly recurring payment/subscriptions –

Yearly recurring payment/subscriptions –

Chance’s Archive