Title: Baby Girl
Author: bohofemm
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Morgan/Reid, Garcia.
Series: 1) Statistically Speaking, 2) The First Day Home, 3) When He wasn't Looking, 4) Right Where He Belongs
Spoilers/Warnings: None.
Summary: It's the night before Madison's first birthday...


"Daddy loves you, Maddie." Spencer Reid glances to the baby asleep in his arms. She stirs slightly. "So does Papa." He eases her into her crib. "Sleep well, Madison. See you in the morning." He draws the lavender chenille blanket over her. He wanders into their adjacent bedroom. "She's asleep."

"You always have a way with her. A way I don't have. She never sleeps this easily for me." Derek Morgan settles into the bed. "Do you remember where we were a year ago?"

"Hospital waiting room. Garcia threw me out out of the room. I learned how to change a diaper by reading 'What to Expect When You're Expecting'. You stayed with her the entire night." Reid settles into bed beside Derek. Resting his head against Morgan's chest, Reid lightly caresses his cheek. "How does a year go by so fast?"

"You're asking me?" Morgan buries his nose in Reid's hair. "I have no idea. Seems like I'm just getting used to her being here." He yawns. "Let's get some rest. Our little one has a busy day tomorrow and we've got to get Mom from the airport bright and early."

Before Reid is awake enough to see clearly, he realizes that there is a tiny voice screaming in the background. Jumping to his feet, he runs into the nursery to see Madison standing up, holding the side of her crib. She wails.

"Miss Maddie, it is two in the morning. I thought we were over being up all night." He scoops her up. She settles her chin on his shoulder. "You are a whole year old. I think we can make an exception this one time."

Reid knows that he shouldn't spoil her. He doesn't think that you can spoil a baby with too much love but he also knows that she shouldn't get into the habit of being held all night.

"I used to do this when you were a newborn. You had colic and refused to sleep unless you were cradled against my bare chest." He smiles. "I think we need some kangaroo care." He sets her on the floor at his feet. Immediately, her chubby arms reach for him. "I'll pick you up in one second, Miss Maddie." He pulls his white tshirt over his head and picks her up again. She sighs happily, settling against him. Tightly holding her, he sits on the pink chenille glider.

"I remember the first night I did this. You were so small- and I just remember wondering how Papa and I were ever going to do this. You were perfect and Papa and I weren't." He begins to rub soothing circles around her back. He glances up to notice Morgan standing in the nursery doorway.

"Did you change her?" he askes. "She hates being wet. A diaper change may lull her back to sleep." He rests against the doorframe. "Or we could take her into bed with us. That way she can be near us and we can sleep."

Reid is amazed by Morgan's suggestion.

"I thought we agreed to not do that with her. We didn't want her in our bed when she was twenty." He sighs softly.

"It's her birthday. One night in bed with her dads isn't going to hurt." Morgan rolls his eyes before speaking. "I want to spend time with the two most important people in my life and that chair isn't big enough for two."

Reid is touched by Morgan's sentiment.

They take Madison into their bed where she sleeps peacefully

Reid wakes early. He's been paranoid the entire night. He knows that Madison is safe but he knows the statistics of something going wrong so he's been up and down most of the night.
One of her chubby hands barely clutches the blanket. Every few moments, she stirs before sighing and settling down.

Reid reaches out and lightly runs one finger down her back. It's been a year and yet, he still can't believe she's his.

"Happy birthday, Maddie." He glances over to Morgan who is still sound asleep. "May you retain your Auntie Penn's eyes and your Papa's sense of humor. Both amazing traits to have. I remember the first time I held you. You were so tiny. I was afraid of dropping you. Then, you opened your eyes and you stole my heart." He can't believe he's talking to his sleeping baby but he thinks that she hears him despite being sound asleep. "Once upon a time, you would only sleep in my arms on my chest. Now look at you." He bites his lip, resisting the urge to run his fingers through her dark curls. "I never knew it was possible to love someone so much when you barely know them. Yet, it's possible. You have so much love, Madison Reid Morgan."

"If this was any other morning..." Morgan grumbles.

Reid opens his mouth to speak before seeing the sparkle in his partner's eyes.

"Sorry- guess I got caught up in her. Statistically speaking, it is a miracle we survived the first year." Reid coughs. "Yet, somehow, we did it. Here she is. Happy. Beautiful and healthy."
Reaching over Madison's sleeping body, he squeezes Morgan's hand. He makes sure the squeeze is soft yet serious- a mix of 'I love you' and 'We did it'.

They always did have a way with non-verbal language.

Madison softly snuffles.

"I want to go back to sleep-" Reid swallows. "But I can't. Remember our first day home with her?"

"She settled against your chest, went to sleep and we watched her sleep for hours." Morgan laughs. "We're doing it again."

"Well, with a girl this beautiful, it's hard to keep my eyes off of her."

As Reid settles in for a morning of watching their daughter sleep, he doesn't care if he'll be exhausted at her party later.

He is just too content with her.


Next story in series - Through the Night.