Title: On the first day of Christmas 2
By: Daisyangel
Pairing: gen
Rating: PG-13
Note: this is a personal challenge I've set myself. I am planning to submit a fic a day up to Christmas with as many pairings as I can and the fic has to involve Christmas or the holidays.
Summary: Garcia puts up Christmas decorations.


"Whatcha doing, baby girl?" Morgan asked as he spotted Garcia hanging various Christmas decorations around the bullpen and the little kitchen they all used.

"Making this place a bit more festive," she answered.

"Ah, I see," Morgan replied.

"It looks nice," Reid complimented.

"Thank you, sweetness." As she was speaking she was placing a sprig of mistletoe above the doorway to the kitchen.

"Morning," Rossi called as he climbed the stairs and headed to his office. He stopped when he reached his door and saw a wreath with a santa head on it.

"Where did this come from?" he asked the agents assembled in the bullpen.

"I put it there, Super Agent," Garcia answered. Rossi just nodded, he wasn't much for Christmas, but if decorating made his kitten happy then that was fine with him.

"Anyone else want a refill?" Morgan asked holding up his coffee cup. The others shook their heads. Nodding, Morgan stood and made his way to the kitchen. Hotch who was walking out gave the older man before heading for his office, JJ close behind, probably to discuss a case.


Walking into the kitchen, Morgan spotted Strauss next to the coffee cup.

"Good morning, Agent Morgan," she greeted cooly.

"Good morning, ma'am."

"It appears as if your computer tech has tried to bring a little Christmas spirit to the unit," she commented. Morgan nodded as he began pouring his coffee. Having just finished pouring hers, Strauss moved to fix it the way she liked it. Once he was done, Morgan moved to do the same. Finishing simultaneously, the two agents moved towards the door. In the hand that wasn't carrying her coffee cup, the section chief was carrying a file. The file began slipping from her hand and due to the fact that she was carrying a hot cup of coffee, she was unable to grab it before it fell to the floor. Carefully balancing his mug, Derek moved to pick up the scattered papers. Once they were all gathered he handed them back to Strauss who ook them with a slight smile. That was something Morgan was definitely not used to. Maybe she's not so bad, he mused. Feeling as if they wer being watched he turned and glanced back at the bull pen. Sure enough everyone was watching them. No, not staring at them, staring at something above them, what he wasn't sure. Following their gazes, he chuckled when he realized he and Strauss were standing under the mistletoe Garcia had hung that morning. Glancing a the section chief, Morgan gave her a slightly playful smile.

"What is it, Agent Morgan?" she wondered.

"Look up, ma'am," he advised. Frowning in confusion, she followed where he was pointing and gasped. Beginning to blush, she tried to step around him, but he blocked her path. "You know the rules, Strauss. We have to kiss since we're under the mistletoe," he reminded her. He was having way too much fun with this, she decided. Knowing he'd never give up, Erin decided to follow the ridiculous tradition and kiss him. Leaning forward, she placed a hand behind Morgan's head, easing him forward. Morgan was shocked that she was actually going to kiss him. Erin wasn't just going to kiss him lightly, she decided, she was going to milk this for all it was worth. Kissing him so deeply his knees buckled, she smiled playfully as they pulled apart and went their separate ways. Passing by where Garcia was leaning on Reid's desk, she spoke.


"Y-y-Yes, ma'am?" Garcia asked nervously. She was sure she'd be in trouble.

"Thanks for making my day," Strauss answered giving one last look at a clearly shell shocked Morgan before turning and heading for her office her mood a bit lighter than it had been when she arrived that morning.

