Title: Fatherhood
By: carinascott
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Genre: Slash
Pairing: Morgan/Reid
Summary: Reid reflects on his feelings about possible fatherhood. NOT MPREG!!!
Rating: FRM
Author's Note: Written in response to a prompt posted by crimson_antics over at comment_fic : Criminal Minds, Reid/any, He did think about having children


Reid didn't like lying to his friends. It reminded him too much of the period right after Hankel, when the Dilaudid had control and he was a lot less pleasant and forthcoming with his friends. But he'd lied to JJ.

He did think about having children. In fact, here lately, as he and Morgan became more and more settled in their relationship, looking towards the future, even considering buying a house together, Reid had thought about it quite a bit.

He'd never really imagined being a father. Not in any real, tangible way at least. He'd often imagined he'd be much better at it than his own father, knowing that he would never abandon his child, no matter the reason. But even so, it wasn't a serious thought. Just something he thought about on long plane rides to another city, or as he lay alone in his hotel room, chasing shadows across the ceiling as he drifted between being fully awake and fast asleep.

When JJ announced her pregnancy, he'd started thinking about it a lot more. It likely had to something to do with Derek being in his life, now as much more than a friend. The idea of settling down and actually starting a family seemed like an attainable goal rather than an abstract thought. But he wasn't sure what Derek thought about having kids. Derek loved kids, his natural charm and easy smile making even the shyest child feel comfortable around him, but he'd never actually said he wanted kids. Spencer had tried to broach the subject on several occasions, but he never could, unsure what his own reaction would be if Derek said he didn't want children. Even more frightening, he had no idea how he'd feel if Derek said he did.

Then Henry was born, and he was thrust into the role of Godfather to a newborn infant. Thankfully he had Garcia's help, because without her he knew he'd have been lost in those first few months in his new role. But as the months wore on, Reid felt more confident around Henry; he didn't even mind changing the occasional dirty diaper. And Henry adored him, reaching for him as soon as Spencer entered the room, whimpering whenever he left.

It wasn't until he found himself in the baby section of one of the many stores Derek had dragged him to that day, when Spencer asked the question he'd been putting off for months. And he didn't even realize he was going to ask it until it was too late.

"Do you ever think about having kids?" Reid looked over at his lover as soon as the words were out, wishing he could take them back, yet wanting to know Derek's answer all the same.

"Sometimes. When I was still dating, I thought about it on occasion. But once I knew that you were it for me, not really."

Frowning a bit, Reid asked, "Why?"

"Because I figured you didn't want kids. I know you're not exactly comfortable around them. And you never said anything about wanting kids."

"Oh." Reid didn't say much more than that for a while, absently picking through the colorful outfits, lost in thought. As he came upon a small, blue teddy bear, Reid picked it up. Looking down at it, he smiled slightly, "I'm not exactly opposed to the idea. Before Henry? Yeah, fatherhood was just an abstract idea. I didn't really give it much thought one way or another. But now, I don't know. I love being with Henry, love seeing his eyes light up with joy whenever he discovers something new. I wouldn't mind seeing that look on the face of my own child one day."

Derek turned towards Spencer, the look on his face indescribable. "One day?"

"Yeah, one day."

"One day soon?"


Taking the bear out of Reid's hand, Derek put it back on the shelf. Grabbing his lover by the hand, Derek pulled his lover towards the store's exit.

"Derek. Derek, what are you doing!?"

Smiling as he glanced back at his lover, Derek replied, "Well, if you want to have a baby, Pretty Boy, we need to get started."

Laughing as Morgan waggled his brows, Reid exclaimed, "Derek you do realize that I'm a man, right? I can't get pregnant!"

"But we can still have fun trying! We'll work the rest out later."

Shaking his head at his lover's antics, happy and relieved to know that Derek was not opposed to the idea of starting a family, Reid allowed his lover to pull him out of the store.

