Title: Garbled
Author: E K Hopper
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Emily/JJ
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don't own them...


"There's been a mistake"

I know I must have blinked a million times.  The disbelief rippled through me echoing in my head.  How is this possible? No, it can't be.

"I don't think so, sir."

"There's definitely been a mistake."

I can't believe I'm hearing this.  I swear the room is shrinking as I feel the panic creeping up from my stomach and into my throat.  I was so sure it was finally my time - it has to be my time.  No, I won't give this up.  I won't.

"Oh, excuse me.  We're getting started."

Oh my god, the world is definitely spinning.  Breathe. 

"Thank you, I'll be right there."

There?  There, where?  Where's my voice?  Who was that? What's happening?  I must remain calm.  Keep it together, stay focused.  Job.  Right... new job with the BAU. 

"I didn't approve this transfer, Agent Prentiss.  I'm sorry for the confusion, but you've been misinformed."

I don't want this back.  What do you mean misinformed?  I know this is right, I've earned this.  This has got to be some kind of sick joke.

"excuse me. It's very good to see you again"

 Where's he going.  No, wait! 


Emily could still remember that first day.  The office that closed in around her, threatening to sniffle all her dreams.  She could still feel the way her heart raced during that brief moment when the door opened and air and light washed over her.  A shining hope, a glimmering smile.  All the noises in her head stopped and she could feel her tongue catch in the back of her throat.  So many things happened that day.  She couldn't remember the last time she'd experienced so many emotions all at once.  Her heart was still racing as she fell into her pillow that night, and though she was positive it was just coming down off the adrenaline rush from finally getting the job she's always longed for, the dreams that held her through the night were determined to prove otherwise. 
