Title: Home
By: patch_tank
Summary: Emily returns to her family.
Rating: G (or whatever we call that in the fic-world. It's okay for impressionable young minds, is what I'm saying.)
Archive: Ja :)
Notes: Spoilers up to season 7.
Disclaimer: No money. No talent. No own. No sue.
Warning: Okay, you guys, so fair warning on this one. It kind of sucks. I don't mean that in a self-deprecating, please-compliment-me kind of way, but in a it's-two-am-and-the-plotbunny-had-to-be-placated-at-all-costs kind of way. Basically, I'm sleep-deprived, and this is a lot schmoopier than anything I'd normally write, and I might just wake up tomorrow, read it, and go "OMG wtf did I just do to the world of fic, DELETE, DELETE, DELETE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE DELETE". But, in the event that I'm being a teensy bit overly dramatic, I hope you enjoy. Or something. Ahem.


JJ had been the one to call her, the one who assured her that they all desperately wanted to see her. Emily was reluctant - she'd missed them all so much, but she'd treated them horribly. She wouldn't have blamed her team if they never wanted to see her again, but she didn't think she could take a face-to-face rejection. She wouldn't go back, wouldn't force herself on any of them, unless they really wanted her.

"Don't be silly," JJ had admonished her gently. "You're family. We all want you back."

Emily breathed a sigh of relief. She wanted to be back - she was tired of having to settle for her memories of the family she'd left behind. She wanted the real thing. She gripped her phone as JJ spoke again.

"Em, we need you. Come home".


She'd never been so scared.

Emily clipped on a "visitor" badge as she passed through the security checkpoint at Quantico - it felt strange not having adequate credentials to enter the BAU headquarters. Everything looked the same as she remembered - though now that she thought about it, there weren't usually so many people pointing and whispering. Clearly it wasn't every day that a dead colleague turned up at the office.

They were going to wait for her in the conference room, JJ had told her, so they could have a real reunion. Emily made her way there feeling as though her heart was fluttering in her throat. She was excited beyond measure at the thought of seeing her team again, and terrified of what she'd done to them. JJ had said they wanted her back - but what if they didn't? What if the sight of her was enough to make them realise they hated her for her betrayal? After all, she'd endangered and abandoned them. She'd lied. It was stupid to expect to be welcomed back with open arms, whatever JJ had said. She reached for the door handle, preparing herself for the reaction she deserved - uncomfortable anger, awkward silence, and cold hurt.

Instead she was engulfed by a whirl of squealing fluroescence. Penelope Garcia, just as she remembered, all the love, colour and emotion, squeezing her in an almost painfully tight embrace.
"You are never, never leaving my sight ever again!" Garcia sobbed, her face against Emily's shoulder. 
Emily held her just as tightly, feeling her eyes welling up."Well, that's going to make showering interesting, but okay," Emily replied with a tearful smile. Garcia laughed, pulling back to face Emily. She held Emily's face gently in her hands, her eyes locking on to Emily's as if to make sure of what she was seeing.

"Hi," Emily whispered.
"You're back." Garcia breathed, pulling Emily into her arms again.

"Hey, my turn," said a familiar voice to her right. Rossi held her close, his strong hands massaging the tight knots in her back as he hugged her. Her mind effortlessly translated his Italian - my beautiful girl, I missed you so much, my precious angel - as he whispered against her temple and she clung to fistfuls of his shirt. Tears were running freely down her face now, but she didn't try to wipe them away, instead being relieved to finally feel.

She turned to Morgan, reaching for him, apologising with her eyes even before she formed the words.
"I'm so sorry-"
He cut her off by grabbing her up in a fierce hug, lifting her off her feet for a moment, then pressing her body against his, holding her head to his chest. She could feel his heart beating rapidly, his muscular body trembling with relief as he held her. She pulled away slightly as he kissed her cheek, her forehead, her temple. He didnt' speak, but she didn't need him to. After all, they were partners.

She looked to the others, feeling weak and overwhelmed, but exhilarated at the same time. They were here, they were real - Garcia, Rossi, Morgan, and -

"It's so good to see you," JJ said, her eyes shining.
"I don't know how I can ever thank you - or ever apologise-" she began, but JJ shook her head.
"No. You don't have to ... I would have ...oh god, come here," JJ's voice broke as she flung her arms around Emily. She knew she'd never be able to find the words to properly express either her remorse or her relief, and was grateful that JJ didn't seem to need them. Emily held her friend tightly, stepping back only when she caught Hotch's eye over JJ's shoulder.

"Hotch ..." she trailed off. Her mind was chaotic, her knees felt weak, and her throat was tight. Hotch stood across from her, his face impassive, his posture controlled and authorative. Emily didn't move, didn't speak, didn't even breathe - suddenly she didn't know how to. But then he smiled one of those rare smiles Emily had never forgotten.
"Welcome home," Hotch said, and as he held out his arms Emily felt a dam break somewhere inside her, and she cried into his shoulder for all the pain, grief and loss that had surrounded her for almost a year. Hotch held her as the cathartic sobs wrenched their way out of her, wracking her body but freeing something inside her. She was with her family now. She was home.

Reid was last. He hadn't spoken, hadn't moved from where he was standing, hadn't looked up from his knotted fingers gripping the hem of his vest. Emily stepped back from Hotch, wiping a hand across her eyes as she moved to Reid. He still didn't look up.

He continued to stare at his hands. Emily took a step towards him, her arms outstretched as if to embrace him, but Reid recoiled. Emily dropped her arms, stung. She'd expected this, but it still felt like she'd been kicked. She didn't know what to do, so she waited.

"You were gone."
Emily swallowed hard and nodded. "Yeah. I was, and I know I hurt you, but-"
"You died. Or at least, I thought you did, because we buried you, and ... you were gone. But really, you just lied to us and left us. I don't think I really want to be around you right now," Reid said. He glanced up, meeting her eyes for the first time. She'd expected anger, but his wounded expression was a hundred times worse.
"I think ... I think maybe I'd prefer it if you were still gone. I don't know," he whispered, casting his eyes downward again. "I'm glad you're okay, but ... I can't do this yet."

Emily nodded, tears stinging her eyes. She knew she deserved this, and despised herself for hurting him so badly. All she could do was hope that one day he'd hate her less than she hated herself.

"I'm going to wait, okay?"

Reid nodded. "Okay."


"So listen, we're going to need to find somewhere for you to stay," JJ said, handing Emily a cup of coffee. "It would have looked too suspicious if we'd kept your lease, but I'm sure we can find something in the same neighbourhood." JJ handed another mug to Morgan and sat down across from Emily. Emily grinned.

"That's okay, I'll figure something out. I'm fine at the hotel in the meantime," she replied, sipping her coffee. JJ had added cinnamon to it to try to disguise the bitter taste of the office instant. The small gesture was strangely touching, and she gave JJ a grateful smile.

"Hotel? Oh, hells to the no," Garcia protested, hugging Emily's arm a little more firmly. "You are staying with me Pussycat, and don't even think about arguing," she said, smiling happily. "Besides, all your clothes and stuff are at my place anyway, so it makes sense."

"My clothes?"

"Yeah. After you ... you know ... left, we had to do something with all your stuff. I was meant to sort through your clothes, donate them, and so on. But, I kind of didn't want to," Garcia explained, taking Emily's hand. "I mean, they were yours. It felt wrong, like I'd be getting rid of part of you. So ... they're still at my place, if you want them."

Emily squeezed Garcia's hand. "I don't know how I coped without you, PG. You take such good care of me."

Garcia winked at her.  "Well, I took good care of those adorable burgundy pumps too, so I think you should come and stay with me so you can be reuinited with them. The shoes have missed you," she said, her tone serious.
Emily chuckled.  "Well, far be it from me to disappoint Mr Louboutin. But only if you're sure it's no trouble," she said. Garcia rolled her eyes.

"Don't make me tie you up and carry you there. Because you know I'll do it."

Emily laughed again and settled back against the sofa, feeling safe and comfortable next to Garcia. On her other side, Rossi squeezed her knee affectionately.

"I've got your CD collection. I'll bring it round to you," he promised. "Along with one or two essentials that I noticed were missing from your jazz section - Ella Fitzgerald, but no Miles Davis? What were you thinking?" he asked, nudging her playfully.

Emily nudged him back. "I guess it's a good thing I've got you to educate me," she quipped.

Dave raised a rueful eyebrow and blew on his coffee to cool it. "It certainly is - philistine," he teased, as Emily elbowed him.

"And I've got all your pictures and letters - no way I was throwing them away," Derek said, his eyes filled with warmth. "I was going to send them to your mother, but," he shook his head, "you're not easy to let go of, you know that?"

Emily smiled at him. "Back at you," she said with a wink.

Hotch set his coffee cup down. "All your important papers - your real passport, Beureau documents and so on - are at my place. Witness Protection have copies, but I figured you'd want the originals kept safe."

Emily started to thank him, but JJ was already speaking.

"And your furniture - most of it anyway - is in a storage unit in Spokane. I'll make arrangements to have it sent as soon as we find you a place."

Emily couldn't help but marvel at JJ's organisational skills, not to mention her incredible thoughtfulness. "You are amazing. Seriously," she remarked, "I have no idea how you do it."

"Oh, and I have your cat!" Garcia exclaimed, bouncing excitedly beside her.

"Oh my god, really?" Emily was ecstatic - it had been a wrench to send Sergio to a shelter, and she'd resigned herself to the fact that she'd never see her sweet little rascal again.

"Yeah! He's such a cutie, you should see him when there are pigeons at the window, he-"

"I have your books," Reid interrupted quietly, speaking for the first time. He hadn't walked out, as Emily feared he might, but he hadn't spoken to her up until now either.

She glanced up at him. "You do?"

He nodded. "Yeah. I was supposed to get rid of them, but ... I couldn't. At night, if I had headaches and couldn't sleep, I'd go and get one of your books.  I'd lie in bed and pretend you were there, reading with me."

His voice sounded so small, Emily's heart broke for him. She disentagled herself from Rossi and Garcia and went to Reid. She squeezed onto the other couch next to him and took both his hands in hers. Her voice shook as she spoke.

"Promise me we'll do that for real," she whispered, gripping his hands.

Reid nodded and leaned into her embrace. Emily could feel his body shaking with silent sobs as her own tears soaked his shirt. "It's okay," she whispered. "I'm here now. I'm here." And finally, she was.


"What we need is a pyjama party at my house," Garcia said decisively. "We can order pizza, and I'll rent a movie that has bunnies, or rainbows, or Cameron Diaz-"

"Uh, Garcia, I think Emily might need some rest," JJ interrupted, glancing at Emily as if to save her from Garcia's well-intentioned smothering. Emily smiled and held tight to Garcia's hand - at that moment there was no way she could possibly love Penelope Garcia more. She didn't want to be away from her - from any of them.

"PG, that sounds amazing".

"Schmexcellent! In that case, I will expect everyone at mine by six, in their flannelly, cartoony best. Okay?"

Everyone agreed, Rossi rolling his eyes good naturedly. Emily doubted that Dave's pyjamas would be up to Garcia's party standards, but the willingness of all of them to stay close to her was just what she needed. Her mind whirled with emotion as Garcia drove the two of them back to her apartment, and she tried her hardest to keep up with Penelope's chatter through the haze of confusion and relief. Her team were still her team. They were still her family. And they still loved her, just as much as she loved them.

Emily had no idea what she'd done to get so lucky.


"Usually I'd do the polite thing and crash on the couch so you could have the bed - but that would be the leaving my sight that I mentioned, and if you recall correctly, you'll remember that we're not doing that," Penelope said, as she unlocked the door of her colourful apartment and ushered Emily inside. She grasped Emily's hand suddenly, her voice anxious. "So is it okay if we share tonight? Fall asleep curled up together like baby kittens?"

Emily smiled and pushed a lock of Garcia's hair behind her ear before gathering her into a hug. "Meow," she said softly, placing a kiss on Garcia's shoulder, and looking forward to the first good night's sleep she'd had in months.


Emily leaned against Garcia, her focus only half on "Charlie's Angels" - Garcia had come through with her promise for Cameron Diaz. JJ was on her other side, her head on Emily's thigh. Emily played with her hair, gently stroking her temple and the back of her neck. JJ probably couldn't even see the tv, but she didnt' seem to mind. Reid squeezed onto the far side of the bed, leaning on a stack of pillows. Morgan, Hotch and Rossi had pulled chairs in from the living room. Sergio - a much fatter Sergio since Emily had last seen him, as Garcia had obviously been spoiling him with treats - mewled unhappily as he tried to find a comfortable spot between the tangle of bodies on the bed. "What's wrong, baby?" Garcia cooed, scratching his chin. "You've missed your mama, huh?"

Emily laughed.  "I think he's probably loved staying with his Auntie Penelope - he'll probably sulk if I take him away from here," she mused, tapping her fingers together in Sergio's direction to call him to her. "We may have to look into some kind of joint custody arrangement". Sergio bumped his head affectionately against her hand, then lept off the bed onto Rossi's lap.

"Oh, really?" Dave said wryly as the cat settled on his knee. "You just make friends wherever you go, don't you?"

"He didn't win Reid over though!" JJ giggled. Emily raised her eyebrow at Reid. "Spence was the one who rescued Sergio from the shelter, he took him in for a week, but it didn't last." JJ said.

"He made me sneeze", Reid said as Hotch chuckled.

Emily reached over and took Spencer's hand. "Thankyou for doing that," she said quietly. Reid said nothing, but squeezed her hand in return.


It was nearly 1am when "Eurotrip" ended, and Emily struggled to keep her eyes open as the credits rolled up the screen. "Probably time to get some sleep," Hotch said, stretching. He stood up and glanced down at Emily, leaning over Reid to hug her. "Get some rest, okay?"

"I will," Emily promised, "and thanks. For everything."

Hotch gave her a smile. "Thankyou - for coming back. I'll see you in the morning."

Rossi grasped her hand - "We missed you, kid" - and placed a kiss on her knuckles. JJ reluctantly crawled out of her cozy hollow between Emily and Reid - she had to get home to Henry. "Coffee tomorrow before work, okay?" she reminded Emily. Emily nodded and smiled gratefully at JJ, who gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. Reid got up and followed them out into the hallway so he could lock Garcia's front door behind them. He couldn't stifle a yawn as he came back into the room, earning a mocking reprieve from Morgan.

"Awww, pretty boy's ready for a nap!" he teased.

Reid made a face and threw a cushion at him. "Like you can talk - I heard you snoring during the Vatican scene."

Emily laughed, so grateful to be here, to be with them, to hear their familiar banter and savour the company of these people she cared for so deeply. She yawned as Garcia pulled Emily in against her. Morgan's long arm stretched easily across Garcia's body, and he placed a warm hand on Emily's arm. Reid lay down behind her, pulling the covers up to their shoulders to ward off the chill.

As Emily closed her eyes, she relished how real they were to her now. Her senses were overwhelmed with love for her team - she could smell Rossi's expensive Italian cologne, the aged leather of Reid's satchel, the fresh, green tea scent of JJ's conditioner, the soft vanilla-lavender of Garcia's moisturiser. And she could feel them - Reid's warm breath on the back of her neck, Morgan's strong fingers curled around her wrist, the gentle rise and fall of Garcia's breast beneath Emily's head. She drifted off to sleep, safe and loved.


"Reid? Are you okay?" She twisted around slowly, not wanting to wake Garcia and Morgan. Garcia sighed sleepily, reacting to the loss of contact by leaning back against Morgan's chest. Without waking up, he wrapped a muscular arm around her. Emily reached up and ran her fingers through Reid's hair, massaging his head softly. "Do you have a headache?"

Reid shook his head. "No. I just can't seem to go back to sleep. I missed you so much, Em ..." he trailed off. Emily put her hand on his cheek.

"Hey. Why don't we read? You've always got a book with you, right?"

Reid nodded. "Huckleberry Finn, your copy. It's in my bag though," he murmured.

"That's okay - you're Doctor Reid, you have an eidetic memory," she told him. "You don't need pages in front of you." She wrapped her arms around him, snuggling close to his body. "Read to me."

He recited the story from the beginning, word perfect, the familiar phrases combining with the sound of the voice she loved so much to lull her closer and closer to sleep. Eventually his speech slowed with tiredness, so she took over, telling the story as best she could remember, feeling him squeeze her gently as he noticed her stumbling over the occasional line. When at last his breathing was slow, deep and even, she stopped, knowing that she too would soon drift off.

Finally, back with the ones she loved, Emily Prentiss slept.
