Title: Arghhh! Me Maties!
Authour: Heather Exhume
Summary: Umm yeah if you haven't guessed—it's a pirate fic.
Pairing: gen
Rating: PG


Glancing around to see if anyone noticed his late entry his eyes fell on Reid. Or more accurately—Reid's hat. Reid's giant Pirate...hat. His step noticeably less bouncy Morgan wandered over and took in the stuffed parrot, eye patch and hook with a sort of shocked recognition of the items. Even as he watched Reid typed quickly with one hand and was ...pecking at the keyboard with his ...hook.

"Arrgh! Me matey! Ye Look to have gotten mighty luscious booty last night!"

"What?" Morgan started checking for any cameras that might be hidden.


"Would you stop with the arrghs? Seriously, man, it's way too late for April Fools, and Halloween is still a month away!"

"Arrgh tis true! But today be much greater than any mere All Hollow's Eve! Today tis be...International Talk Like a Pirate Day...Arrgh!"

"You rented a costume for International Talk Like a Pirate Day?"

"No. Tis be my own clothes!"

"C'mon, you can't be serious!"

"You Scurvy swine! Ye callin' me a lier?" Reid brandished his hook and Morgan smiled a bit at the teasing glint in Reid's eyes.

"Well, where'd you get the parrot then?"

Reid reached up an stroked the said parrot, "tis my one true friend, Petey."

"You mean Polly?"

"Polly be a wenches name! Petey tis all Pirate." Reid discretely pressed a wing, and a mechanical voice, tinny and thin goes, "Scurvy scum! Scrub the decks!"

Morgan shook his head, man Reid could certainly be a trip sometimes. He was about to wander off in search of Hotch just to see his face when he spotted Reid and then Prentis showed up. Sporting an eye patch and a puffy shirt.

"Nice to see a fellow Pastfariean." She said, catching sight of Reid.

"Arrgh. Tis true. When did ye first feel the touch of his Noodly appendage?"

"Tis been many years now."

"Today we shall feast and bask in the warmth of 'Tis sauce!"


Reid threw an arm over Prentis's shoulder, "Come me wench, Garcia has mighty grog for all ye who follow His Noodliness, the Flying Spaghetti Monster."

Morgan watched the two walking away and shook his head, no wonder all the other departments thought the BAU was weird.
