Previous part of Raising a Family.


"We have to wait three minutes," Lisa said, reading the back of the box. Nodding Garcia set her watch and they waited in silence. Sarah was pacing back and forth not looking at anyone and everyone else was sitting on the couch.

"Sit down, kiddo," Garcia urged. Nodding, the teen sank into a chair trying to breathe as normal as possible. Everyone jumped when Garcia's alarm went off signaling time was up. Slowly Sarah got to her feet and headed for the bathroom picking the three tests off the counter. Walking back into the living room she looked down at each stick in turn. A slow smile spread across her face and she blew out a relieved breath.

"They're all negative," she whispered. Everyone else blew out breaths of relief.

"I'm glad it's negative, but I think you should still talk to Jason. Let him know what could have been," Garcia said. "I'd like to tell you not to have sex at all, but I was a teenager once so I know how you feel, just, be careful."

"I will Aunt Pen, I've learned a lesson," Sara answered seriously.

"Maybe it's a good idea for you to get on birth control, just in case?" Garcia suggested.

"Hmm, maybe," Sarah mumbled.

"Talk to Emily, of course and see what she says," Garcia added.

"I will, but I'm scared, she'll be angry with me," the young girl answered.

"She'll understand she was your age once to," Garcia reminded her gently.

"I'm so glad you're not pregnant," Savanna said with a smile.

"Me, to," Sarah whispered.

"Okay, chicky's well now that's all over with what do you say we catch a movie?" DJ suggested.

"Thanks, but I think I want to get my car from the mall and head to Jason's to talk to him before I have to be home."

"Okay, that's fine," the girls responded in unison.

"I'll drop you off at the mall then the rest of us will head to the theatre," Savanna offered.

"Thanks I appreciate it," Sara said softly giving her first real smile of the afternoon. She was glad that everything had turned out okay, but she couldn't stop thinking about what could have been. ---------------------

"Knock, knock," she called as she knocked on the Reid-Morgan's screen door.

"Come on in," Derek called from the living room.

"Hey Uncle Derek," Sarah called as she opened the door and walked in.

"Hey there, kiddo. You okay, have you been crying?"

"I'm fine, is Jase home?"

"Yeah, he and Spence are playing chess in the kitchen. Go on in," Derek urged.

"Okay, thanks," answered the brunette as she made her way into the kitchen.

"Hey guys, how are two of my favorite guys?" Sarah teased. Tearing their glances from the chess board both guys zeroed in on the fact that the young girl had been crying. Immediately Jason jumped from his seat and hurried over to his girlfriend pulling her in for a hug.

"You okay, Sar?" he whispered in her ear. Wordlessly she nodded.

"Take a walk with me?" she requested.

"Dad, can I?" Jason asked addressing his father.

"Yeah, go ahead." Nodding Jason took her hand and they walked back through the house and out the front door. ---------------------------

"Where do you wanna go?"

"The park on the corner?"

"Sure, works for me. What's wrong, Sarah?"

"Let's talk at the park, please." Nodding Jason squeezed her smaller hand hoping to give her the support she so clearly needed. Reaching the park they headed for a picnic table and made themselves comfortable.

"You can start whenever you're ready," Jason said softly.

"I need to tell you something, but I need you to listen and not interrupt until I'm done, okay?" Sarah checked.

"I'm listening, sweetheart. I won't say anything until you're done."

"I'm late and I thought I might be pregnant so I told the girls when we were hanging out to day." She stopped and took a look at her boyfriend's face. His eyes were wide and he was staring at her in shock. "We went to Walgreens and had got the test when Aunt Pen came around the corner."

"My mom?" Jason choked out making a strangled noise of surprise. Sarah nodded. "Sorry, go on," he prompted.

"So I had to tell her because she saw it in Vanna's hands and I didn't want her to think it was Vanna's. We went back to her house and I took the three tests. They were all negative, but I thought you still needed to know. You needed to know what could have been. I'm going to talk to Mom about getting on birth control just in case we decide to have sex again. I'd like to think we won't, but…" she broke off.

"It's easy to get caught up in the moment," Jason finished for her. "Why didn't you tell me?" he questioned.

"I didn't figure there was any reason to worry you until I knew for sure," she admitted.

"I understand that, but anytime something that life changing happens again tell me, please. We're in this together, Sare-bear. I love you and you shouldn't have to go through something this scary alone," he chided gently. Tears of relief filled the young woman's eyes and slid down her cheeks.

"I love you Jason Reid-Morgan," she whispered leaning in for a kiss.

"I love you to, Sarah Hotchner," he replied returning the kiss and holding her until her sobbs ceased and she leant quietly against his chest.

"Well I guess I'd better go home and talk to Mom," she said slowly.

"Call me later?" Jason asked.

"I will," she answered as they stood up and walked hand-in-hand back to his house.


A/n, kids ages are as follows. Savanna 16, DJ and Nate 14, Jason 12. Henry 16, Lisa 14. Jack, 19, and Sarah 12. --------------------

Spencer was folding the weeks laundry and sorting it into piles on a warm September day. Derek was in the backyard watering their flowers. He finished folding a jacket of Savanna's when he noticed something that had fallen out of the pocket. Bending down he picked it up and brought it to his eye level to examine it. His breath caught in his throat when he realized what he was holding in his hand was a joint. Just then the sound of Savanna's Toyoda Carola that they'd bought used for her 16th birthday pulling into the driveway alerted him to the fact that his kids were home. Taking a deep breath Spencer prepared himself to have a very serious talk with his oldest daughter. He knew Derek should be there but he was too stunned to call for him.

"Hi, Dad," the teens greeted as they walked into the house.

"Hey guys, DJ, Nate, Jase, go onup to your rooms, please. I need to talk to your sister alone. Giving Savanna curious looks the three younger children did what they were told.

"What's up, Dad?" Savanna wondered.

"This is what's up," Spencer answered holding out the joint. He saw his daughter's eyes widened.

"W-w-where did you find it?" she stammered.

"In your jacket pocket. Your not even going to deny the fact that it's yours?" The 16-year-old shook her head. "What are you doing with pot, young lady?"

"What do you think I'm doing with it?" she responded sarcastically.

"Don't get smart with me, Savanna Grace! Now tell me where you got it," Spencer demanded.

"From a friend she answered.

"Have you smoked it or did you just have the joint?"

"I've smoked it several times," Savanna admitted.

"What would make you want to smoke pot?" Spencer asked incredulously.

"I just wanted to try it. What's the big deal, Dad?"

"What's the big deal? What's the big deal, the big deal is that pot destroys your brain cells, and it impairs your judgement. It's dangerous and I thought you were smarter then to ever do it!" By this point he was shouting drawing Derek's attention. Quickly Derek made his way into the house and into the living room. Savanna and Spencer were standing face-to-face both of them looked angry.

"It's just pot it's not that harmful. It's not like I'm an addict, I can stop anytime I want," Savanna argued.

"That's what all addicts say. You shouldn't have started smoking it in the first place, damn it!" Spencer yelled slapping his hand against his thigh.

"Would someone tell me what's going on?" Derek requested.

"Our daughter is smoking pot, apparently. I found this in her jacket pocket," Spencer explained holding the joint out for his husband to see.

"I thought you were more responsible than that. Haven't your father and I taught you better?" Derek questioned.

"I don't know what the big deal is. Now can I have it back?" Savanna asked holding out her hand. "Absolutely not! Are you really that stupid? Do you think we'd give it back to you?" Spencer wondered. Derek saw the hurt flash across the young girls face when Spencer had called her stupid but it passed as quickly as it came. He knew that Spencer didn't really think Savanna was stupid, that he was just angry, but he knew he needed to try and stop this before either of them said something they'd regret.

"Spence, calm down," Derek tried, placing his hand on Spencer's arm.

"I can't calm down. Now it's pot, next week it might be cocaine, then something else. Where would it stop?" Spencer responded.

"I'd never do any of those things. I'd never get hooked on narcodics. Only junkies get hooked on narcodics. Those people are true addicts, right Dad?" she spat angrily. They'd told the kids about Reid's experience with Dilaudid in hopes that it would discourage any of them from experimenting with drugs. The room went completely silent at Savanna's words.

"Savanna Grace Reid-Morgan! You apologize this instant! You will not speak to your dad and I that way," Derek said sternley.

"I won't apologize for saying the truth. How does it feel to live with a recovering addict, Papa?" Morgan opened his mouth to speak but was stopped by Reid's quiet voice.

"That's enough. Your grounded for two months. The only time you'll leave the house is to go to school and to the drug and alcohol support group I work with where you will volunteer. Once the two months are up we'll discuss this again and see if we'll allow you out of our sight. No car for those two months either. You'll take the bus to school."

"But," she protested.

"No buts, now get upstairs this instant. I can't look at you right now. You've really disappointed me Savanna Grace," Reid finished in a tight voice. Glaring at her parents the 16-year-old stalked out of the room and stomped up the stairs slamming her door when she reached her room. -------------------------

Derek watched as Spencer absently rubbed along his elbow where he used to inject himself with the dilaudid. Spencer could feel the familiar ache that was always just below the surface. The dilaudid craving was making its presence known. It had been 18 years since his last shot of dilaudid but he could feel the need as strong today as he could that last time.

"Pretty Boy?" Derek called. Turning to Derek's voice Spencer stared unblinkingly at his husband.

"I uh, I," he stammered.

"You what?"

"I have to go. I'll be back soon," Spencer said searching for his keys.

"Where are you going?" Derek wondered.

"A meeting, I need to. Can you take care of things here?"

"Of course I can. You go. Are you going to be okay?" Derek asked reaching out and pulling his husband into his arms.

"Yeah I will be," Spencer gulped.

"You know I don't have any problems with the fact that you used to be an addict, don't you?" Derek assured. Spencer nodded as he moved away and after grabbing his keys made His way out of the house leaving Derek standing in the middle of their living room staring after him. --------------------

Stalking into the room she shared with her younger sister, Savanna flopped on to her bed and tried not to cry. She was so angry with her parents, but most of all she was angry with herself. She never wanted to disappoint her parents and she'd done just that. She couldn't get the disappointed look her dad had given her out of her head.

"What's with you? What did Dad want to talk to

you about?" DJ prodded.

"He found a joint of mine," she answered softly.

"You smoke pot?" DJ cried staring at her older sister. Savanna nodded silently.

"I can't believe you. How could you do such a thing? What kind of a role model are you for Nate and Jason and I? Your stupid and I can't believe you'd ever do something so irresponsible! I hate you, I wish you weren't my sister!" DJ yelled as she ran out of their room and down the stairs tears blinding her. DJ's harsh words ran on a continuous loop through Savanna's head as she curled up on her bed and cried. She cried until she drifted off to a fitful sleep.


"What's going on?" Nate asked as he and Jason walked down the stairs after their older sister.

"Why is Vanna crying? Where's Dad?" Jason added.

"I don't know where Dad is, and Savanna is a selfish pot head who doesn't give a damn about anyone accept herself," DJ snarled as she stood at the bottom of the stairs glowering at the newcomers.

"Language, Donna Joanne," Derek reprimanded from his spot on the couch.

"Sorry, Papa," she mumbled.

"Savanna smoked pot?" Nate asked in disbelief.

"Why would she do that?" Jason asked.

"I don't know, son. I don't know," Derek answered sadly.

"Where's Dad?" DJ wondered.

"He's at a meeting. We're on our own for dinner. What do you guys wanna do?"

"I'm not hungry," she mumbled. The boys nodded in agreement.

"We'll just order a pizza," Derek said reaching for the phone. The three teens settled in the living room silently thinking about what they'd just learned. ---------------------

"My name is Spencer and I'm a recovering addict."

"What were you addicted to?" the sponsor asked from the back of the room.

"Dilaudid," he answered.

"How long have you been clean?" asked one of the people in the audience.

"It's been 18 years since."

"Why are you here after so long?" the sponsor questioned.

"I caught my daughter with pot tonight. She brought up the fact that I'm a recovering addict and all the memories and the dilaudid cravings came back."

"How did it make you feel when you found the pot?"

"I can't help but wonder where her father and I went wrong," Spencer whispered.

"Kids will be kids and it's not your fault," someone said. Spencer nodded as he made his way back to his seat feeling slightly calmer. He wasn't confident that it wasn't their fault one way or another but he wasn't quite as shaken as he was when he left the house. The meeting ended a little while later. Walking into the warm September evening he climbed into his car and decided he wasn't ready to go home yet so he started driving aimlessly. ------------------------

"Someone please tell your sister the pizza's here," Derek instructed.

"Not me," DJ answered immediately. Derek sighed he knew that DJ had every right to be angry but he hated it when his kids were fighting with each other.

"I'll do it," Jason said heading for the stairs. ------------------

"It's time for dinner, we ordered pizza," Jason called as he opened his sister's bedroom door.

"Not hungry," Savanna said her face pressed into her pillow.

"Okay, I'll tell Papa to save you some," her brother answered closing the door and heading back down the stairs. --------------------

Glancing at his watch, Derek frowned. It was 11:00 and Spencer had yet to come home. Logically he knew Spencer needed time to work through things but it didn't stop him from worrying. Deciding he wouldn't accomplish anything by sitting in the living room he drug himself up the stairs looking in on the kids one last time before heading to bed. His frown deepened when he saw DJ sleeping in her sleeping bag on the floor next to Nate and Jason's beds. Moving to Savanna's room his heart broke when he saw the tear tracks on her face. The 16-year-old was tossing and turning fitfully. Please let us get through this, he thought as he backed out of his daughter's room and walked dejectedly to his and Spencer's. He went through his nightly routine on auto pilot climbing into bed and falling into a fitful sleep of his own.


Silence greeted Spencer as he walked into the house shortly after midnight. After locking up and making sure the coffee was set to brew tomorrow morning he headed to check on the ids then climb into bed with Derek hoping he wasn't already asleep because he desperately needed to talk . Reaching the boys room he took a moment to figure out what was different. A frown crossed his face when he saw DJ sleeping in her sleeping bag on the floor between her brother's beds. He wondered what had happened to cause her to sleep in here rather in her room. Glancing into his and Derek's home office he was happy to note that Derek had remembered to shut down their computers. Sometimes Derek forgot. Reaching Savanna's room which was across the hall from theirs he quietly opened the door and walked in. Noticing that the blanket had slipped down he walked over and pulled it back up covering the teen. That was when he saw the tear tracks on her face and his heart broke. 'I love you so much Savanna. Please god help us through this Spencer thought as he made his way slowly to his and Derek's bedroom. --------------------

Derek's eyes cracked open when he felt the bed dip.

"Spence?" he asked sleepily.

"Yeah, it's me."

"When'd you get home?"

"About 10 minutes ago. Why's DJ sleeping with the boys?" Spencer wondered.

"She's angry with Savanna. They got into a fight. All the kids know what's going on. I guess she decided she'd rather sleep with Jason and Nate then in her own room," Derek explained.

Drawing a shaky breath, Spencer asked, "Where did we go wrong, Der? Didn't we teach them that drugs are bad for you? Where did I go wrong?" he finished on a sob. Rolling over on his side so he was facing Spencer Derek reached out and pulled the other man into his arms.

"We didn't do anything wrong. We've tried to stress the fact that drugs are bad. She's just rebelling we didn't screw up."

"Having a recovering addict for a father doesn't help. I'm such a failure. I let our baby girl down," Spencer argued as his voice broke and he started to cry. Tightening his hold on his husband, Derek spoke.

"Oh Spencer, your not a failure. She's just testing us, pushing the boundaries. It's going to be okay. It's all going to be okay." Spencer didn't respond, just continued to cry. Derek held him rocking back and forth whispering soothing words in the other man's ear until he finally drifted to sleep. Derek stayed awake a little while longer, but finally, he to drifted off. -----------------------

Making her way back from the bathroom Savanna stopped as she heard what sounded like crying coming from her parent's bedroom. It took a minute but she was finally able to determine it was in fact her dad crying. Tears of shame and regret filled the young girls eyes as she listened to her father's broken speech. Unable to listen anymore she walked into her room breaking into harsh sobs the moment she collapsed on to her bed. Just before she drifted off to sleep she said a prayer. "Dear God, I know I screwed up and what I did and said was wrong. I never meant to hurt Daddy so much. I wanna apologize but I don't know how. Please help me, thank you. Ae men."


"We have a case, women in Ohio are being tortured and left in creeks to be found," JJ introduced pressing the button on the remote that would bring up the pictures. It had been a month since Spencer had found the pot. Both Savanna and he had tried to apologize but couldn't seem to do it. Needless to say they were only speaking to each other when it was necessary. DJ had finally moved back into her room at the end of the first week but she was still refusing to talk to her sister.

"Wheels up in an hour," Hotch informed his team. -----------------------

"Dad, I can stay with Sarah I'm 19-years-old," Jack protested as he talked to his dad on the phone. He was calling to tell him that Jessica was going to come stay with them because they had a case.

"It's dangerous, Jack," Hotch responded.

"Is Emily with you?" the teen asked.

"Yeah, just a second. Emily," Hotch called as he saw her walk by his office.


"Jack wants to talk to you." Nodding she made her way to the office and reached for the phone.

"What's up, Jack?"

"Will you tell Dad that Sar and I don't need Aunt Jessie to come stay with us? I can take care of us."

Turning to Hotch, Emily said, "He's got a point, Aaron. He's a responsible adult and Jess could come to the house when he has night classes or Sarah could hang out at Derek and Reid's until Jack finishes for the evening and then he could pick her up. He's only got night classes on Tuesday. Garcia will be at Derek and Spencers," she finished. Hotch sighed he knew his wife and son were right, but he couldn't help but worry. Reaching out he put the phone on speaker.

"Fine, you can stay with your sister. I'll see if it's okay for her to go hang out at Derek and Reid's after school on Tuesday until you get out of class. There are rules, though. Always lock the door and don't answer it unless you know who it is."

"I know Dad, I'm not five," Jack grumbled.

"Jack," Hotch warned.

"Sorry," the teen replied.

"Apology accepted. Now for the rest of the rules. No parties, no drinking, and no people over at the house that we don't know. Do I make myself clear?" Hotch asked.

"Yes, Dad, crystal clear."

"Good, well we have to go, bye I love you, son."

"I love you both to, be careful," the young man reminded.

"We will, bye, sweetie," Emily said hanging up the phone. Dropping his head into his hands, Hotch sighed.

"What's wrong, Aaron?"

"They're growing up too fast," he replied. Emily smiled sympathetically as she patted his hand.

"Yeah, and we have to let them," she answered. "Now, come on, we have an unsub to catch," she said picking up her go bag and heading for the bullpen. -------------------------

"I feel bad that I'm going to miss Lisa's dance recital," JJ said as she talked to Will on the phone.

"She understands that you have to do your job. I'll have her call you tonight and she can tell you all about it," her husband promised.

"Thank you, tell the kids I love them and I'll be home as soon as I can," JJ requested.

"Of course I will. Be careful, JJ," Will implored.

"I will, I have to go, I love you, Will."

"I love you to, JJ, talk to you later." --------------------------------------

"Savanna's grounded; she goes to school and home, no where else. I'll need you to take her to the drug and alcohol addicts support group to volunteer on Tuesday and Thursday. She's not allowed to use the computer accept for homework and her cell phone is in our top dresser drawer."

"What did she do to get grounded from all that and why is she volunteering at the support group?" Garcia questioned. She and Reid were sitting in her office.

"I found pot in her jacket about a month ago," Spencer answered. Garcia gasped she couldn't believe it.

"You found pot? What did she say? Why didn't I know about this before?"

"She admitted it was hers then threw some accusations in my face," he answered evasively. "The cases were in the Virginia area as of late so we haven't needed you to stay with the kids. Sorry for not telling you before now."

"It's okay," she assured him.

"Okay, if you say so," he replied. Garcia nodded.

"What kind of accusations?" Garcia asked out of curiosity. Reid's face clouded with pain.

"Talk to me, baby cakes."

"I said this week it was pot next week it could be cocaine, then next week something else. I asked where it would stop then she said that she would never do stuff like that. Only junkies did that stuff and then she said right Dad?"

"She didn't," Garcia cried. Spencer nodded sadly.

"Then she had the galls to ask Derek how it felt to be with a recovering addict," Reid finished dejectedly. Garcia gulped as Reid's words hit home.

"I'm so sorry, sweetie." Reaching out she drew him into a hug and rubbed his back.

"I'll talk to her and see what I can do if you want?"

"Thank you, I'd like that," he responded.

"Then considerate done."

"Oh, and one more thing, DJ and her aren't talking. The boys are angry but they're just dealing with it by not talking about it. DJ is venting to anyone who will listen but refuses to talk to Savanna."

"Have you tried apologizing for how you reacted and what you said?" Garcia asked.

"How'd you know I said something I didn't mean to?" Reid wondered.

"Everyone does in a fight," she explained.

"I've tried to apologize and so has Savanna, but neither of us seem to be able to. I just want that little girl back whose biggest worry was having a boy push her down and call her picture stupid," he lamented.

"Unfortunately, that can't happen, but you two will work this out, I promise. Just give it time." Just then someone knocked on the door.

"It's time to go, Spencer," Derek said entering Garcia's office.

"Okay, I'm ready," Reid said pulling out of the hug.

"I'll get in touch with you once I talk to her," Garcia promised.

"Thanks, Garcia," he said giving her a shaky smile as he turned and followed Derek down the hall. What have you gotten your self into Savanna, Garcia thought as she turned to her computer to prepare for whatever the team asked her to do. -----------------------------------

"Hey can we talk, Vanna?" Garcia asked as she joined the young woman on the couch.

"Sure, I guess."

"You finished your homework?"

"Yeah, almost. I need to look up and print an article about George Washington so I can read it and write a summary about it for school, but you have to watch me cause I'm grounded," she explained lowly.

"I'll help you then we can talk, how does that sound?" Savanna nodded and walked over to the computer in the living room that the kids were allowed to use. Fifteen minutes later the article was safely printed and the summary was written and tucked in Savanna's backpack.

"Okay, time to talk," Garcia said.

"Are you going to yell at me about the pot Dad found to?"

"I don't want to yell at you. I'll admit, I'm not happy to hear that you smoked pot but I'm not going to yell at you. I think your father's did enough of that and I think you've beaten yourself up about it enough. Just answer me one thing, have you smoked it since and do you ever plan to again?"

"No, I haven't and no I don't. I'm sorry I smoked it in the first place. I just wanted to be cool and a friend of mine offered it to me. I didn't want to look like a wimp or a goody two-shoes so I did it. I know it was wrong and I know what I said to Daddy and Papa was wrong but they made me so angry. Part of me wants to apologize but part of me is still really angry. Dad called me stupid. That really hurt," she admitted as tears filled her eyes.

"He didn't mean it, he was angry just like you," Garcia answered pulling her daughter into a hug.

"I know, but it still hurts," Savanna cried.

"Is that all that's bothering you?" Garcia prompted.

"DJ hates me. What kind of a sister am I? I'm supposed to set an example for my siblings; the only thing I'm teaching them is how to screw up. I'm such a screw up," Savanna declared.

"Hey, listen to me! Your. Not. A. screw. up. You made a mistake," Garcia argued.

"A big one," Savanna sniffled.

"Yes it was a big one, but you can fix this. Talk to your sister, then when your parents come home, talk to them. Talk to the boys as well. I'm sure they're just as hurt and confused even though they aren't showing it like DJ is."

"Your right, thanks, Mom. I love you," Savanna said hugging the tech tightly.

"I love you to, kiddo. Why don't you go on up and talk to your sister while I fix dinner."

"Okay, I will thanks again."

"You're welcome, now go."

"Yes, ma'am," Savanna said with the first smile she'd given in a month. --------------------------------------

"Hey Deej, can we talk, please?" Savanna asked as she settled on her bed. DJ glared at her sister as she turned her face to the wall from where she was sitting on her own bed.

"I have nothing to say to you," she spat.

"I do, so will you listen, please?"

"Fine, whatever."

"I'm sorry that I smoked the pot. I just wanted to be cool. If I'd known what it was going to do to the family I wouldn't have done it. I'll understand if you still hate me, but I'm sorry. I know I'm not the best role model but I've hoped you learned what a bad idea it is to smoke pot," her sister finished.

"I don't hate you, I was just really angry. I mean I look up to you Savanna, and then you go and do something stupid like that. What am I supposed to think?" DJ questioned.

"Yeah, I know, and I've got a lot of apologizing to do but I wanted to start with you."

"I'll accept your apology, but on one condition," the younger girl replied.

"What's that?"

"That you promise me that you'll never smoke pot again."

"I promise, I'll never touch the stuff again," Savanna swore holding out her arms. Nodding in satisfaction DJ ran to her sister and the two hugged tightly.

"We'll forgive you as long as you make us the same promise," Jason said as he and Nate walked into the room.

"Eavesdropping again?" Savanna reprimanded them. The boys nodded guiltily as they stared at their feet.

"It's okay, I'll forgive you this time. And yes, I promise you as well."

"Then apology accepted," the boys answered in unison as they walked over and joined the group hug. Garcia smiled from the hallway. At least all the kids were okay again. Now if only Savanna and the guys could make up things would be back to normal, or what passed as normal in their crazy mixed-up family.


The nausea and the pounding headache drug Savanna from a sound sleep two weeks later. The team was still in Ohio trying to catch the unsub. They had had several leads, but they all ended in dead ends. Jumping from her bed she ran to the bathroom where she threw up into the toilet. Once she was done she flushed the toilet and tried to stand, but was too weak and dizzy to do so. Spots danced before her eyes and she let herself fall to the floor. Whimpering in pain she curled up on the floor next to the toilet. The feeling of the cool tile against her face provided a slight bit of relief from the migraine waging war in her head. -----------------------------

Yawning widely DJ reached over and slapped at the alarm on her bedside table silencing it. That was when she noticed that her sister's alarm was still going off. Savanna's alarm was set 10 minutes earlier then hers. It was a safety net the girls had established in case they managed to sleep through Savanna's alarm which happened a lot.

"Time to get up, Sav," DJ called sleepily. She frowned when she didn't hear any grumbling or movement from her older sister's bed. Climbing out of bed she flicked on the light and took in her sister's empty but slept in bed. Maybe she's downstairs already and forgot to turn off her alarm, she thought. Turning off the beeping device DJ walked into the hall and headed for the bathroom to grab a quick shower. Opening the door that was closed for some reason she flicked on the light. A whimper of pain from the floor caught her attention.

"Light off, please," Savanna whimpered as she lurched up and turned to the toilet just in time to throw up. Nodding DJ quickly turned off the light and joined her sister on the bathroom floor rubbing her back. When she was done throwing up the older girl curled back in on herself.

"Migraine?" DJ questioned softly.

"MMM," Savanna murmured.

"How long have you been in here?"

"Dunno, timesit?"

"Its 6:00," DJ answered.

"Bout an hour, then," Savanna answered in a whisper.

"I'll go get Mom and we'll get you back to bed," DJ said kindly as she got off the floor and headed to find her mom. -------------------

"What did you do with my football uniform, Nate?" Jason yelled as he tore his side of the room apart looking for it. Jason played on the JV football team for their middle school. It was a great source of amusement for the family that of the two boys, Jason, who was Spencer's biological son was more athletic then Nate who was Derek's considering that of the two of them, Derek was the athlete.

"I didn't take it, man. It's on the foot of your bed where it always is," his brother protested back. A knock on the door stopped their argument.

"What!" Jason yelled.

"Stop yelling, Savanna's got a migraine," DJ hissed glaring at her brothers.

"Oops, tell her we're sorry," Jason requested.

"I will any idea where Mom is? She's not in the living room.

"I'm right here, what do you need?" Garcia asked as she came out of the boy's home office. She'd brought her laptop and was playing a game. All three kids jumped and Garcia laughed.

"Sav's got a migraine. She's lying on the bathroom floor. From the looks of things, it looks like a bad one," DJ explained.

"Poor baby, will you help me get her back to bed before you get ready for school?"

"Sure, Mom." The two women made there way back into the bathroom to find the 16-year-old leaning against the wall her eyes tightly closed.

"Do you think you can stand?" Garcia whispered.

"Think so," Savanna whispered.

"Okay, we're each going to take a hand and help you up. Savanna nodded slightly after which she winced in pain.

"Bad idea," she said with a tiny smile as they helped her to her feet and walked her back to her bed. Grabbing their trash can, DJ placed it by the head of Savanna's bed.

"Just in case," she explained.

"I'll call the school then I'll call the guys to let them know your staying home today," Garcia said exiting the room.

"I have to get ready for school, do you need anything? Maybe some Excedrin?" DJ asked.

"Sure, maybe some toast and some juice along with the Excedrin? I tried taking it on an empty stomach before, not a good idea," Savanna answered with a grimace.

"I'll bring it up as soon as I can," DJ said as she left the room. Fifteen minutes later Savanna had eaten the toast and taken the meds. Now she just hoped they'd kick in soon so the migraine would go away. ---------------------

"Good morning, McKinley High School, this is Mara, how may I help you?"

"Um, yes, I'm calling to inform you that Savanna Reid-Morgan is sick and won't be at school today."

"Thank you for calling, I will be sure to inform Ms. Reid-Morgan's teachers, have a good day."

"You two, good bye." After calling the school she dialed Morgan's phone. She got his voicemail so she just left a message.

"Hey there, hot stuff. Vanna's got a migraine and had a pretty rough night from the looks of it so she's staying home today. Call me if you have questions. Talk to you later." Five minutes later her phone rang. She saw Derek, cell flash on the screen.

"Hey there, hot stuff."

"Hey there, baby girl, Savanna's sick?"

"Yeah, she's got a migraine. Deej found her on the bathroom floor when she woke up this morning. She's thrown up at least twice this morning. Do you want to talk to her?"

"Sure if she's up to it."

"Okay, hold on. Nate," Garcia called as she saw the young man walk through the living room.

"Yeah?" he asked walking over to her.

"It's your dad; will you take the phone up to your sister?" Nodding he reached for the phone and placed it to his ear.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Hey there, kiddo," Derek replied.

"Are you and Dad coming home soon, Papa?" Nate asked hopefully.

"I hope so, Nate, I hope so. How are things there?"

"They're going okay. Much better the last couple of weeks now that DJ and Vanna made up. Have her and Dad made up yet?"

"They've talked a bit, but they still have a lot of talking left to do."

"Mmm," Nate replied softly as he opened the door to his sister's bedroom.

"Savanna, it's Papa, he wants to talk to you."

"Mmm, kay," she whispered as she shifted and reached for the phone.

"Hi, Papa."

"Hi, sweetheart. Your mom says you're not feeling well?" After the day when she was five and she told Garcia she wanted to call her mom, Derek and Spencer had started referring to Garcia as her mom as well.

"Yeah, I've got a migraine." Derek winced in sympathy. He got them and he knew how painful and debilitating they were.

"Did you take Excedrin?" She nodded before remembering he couldn't see her.

"Yeah and I ate some toast."

"Okay, well take it easy today and I hope you feel better. I have to go, Hotch needs me."

"Okay, I love you, Papa, oh and Papa?"

"What is it, Vanna?"

"Tell Dad I love him to, and be careful, okay?"

"I will, and we're always careful, sweetie."

"I know, but be extra careful today. I have a bad feeling," she admitted softly.

"I'm sure it's nothing, but I promise we'll be extra careful. Talk to you later, kiddo," Derek responded.

"Bye," Savanna said as she hung up the phone and placed it on her bed side table knowing her mom would come and get it before she left. Thirty minutes later the other kids had left for school and Garcia had left for the BAU, and the house was finally silent allowing her to finally drift back off to sleep. The pain in her head had lessoned slightly and she hoped it would continue to do so. ----------------------------

A few hours had gone by and the young woman was glad to note that the intense throbbing in her head had lessoned to a dull thud. She still had a headache, but she felt like she could move without causing herself pain. Slowly she got to her feet. Just then her stomach grumbled letting her know of its hunger. Smiling slightly she made her way to the kitchen. Deciding it would be a good idea to eat something bland she made some ramen and settled in the living room to watch some TV as she ate. Settling on some random talk show, Savanna made herself comfortable on the couch eating her ramen. She was only half paying attention to the show when a familiar voice grabbed her attention. Looking up she saw that her Aunt JJ was breaking in to do a press conference, scanning the surroundings she saw the rest of the team including her parents standing behind JJ. Reaching for the remote she turned up the volume, wanting to hear what JJ had to say. ------------------------------------

Meanwhile, in Ohio with the rest of the team.

"Garcia's sure she's going to be fine?" Reid confirmed as they settled in the conference room.

"Yeah, she's got a migraine, but she'll be fine," Derek assured him.

"Okay, let's go over what we've got one more time," Hotch said as he took his seat. They spent the next few hours going through the evidence as well as the profile they had constructed.

"I think it's time for another press conference," Rossi stated.

"I think Rossi's right. Maybe it'll draw the unsub out and we'll catch him so we can go home," Emily interjected.

"Em's right," Morgan agreed.

"Okay, JJ, get ready to give a press conference in half an hour," Hotch instructed.

"You got it, Hotch."

"Call Garcia to see if she's dug anything up regarding our profile," Rossi suggested. Nodding Reid pulled out his phone and called the computer tech putting it on speaker for everyone to hear. ----------------

"You've called the office of all knowing Penelope Garcia, how may I be of service to my super agents?"

"What have you got, Garcia?" Emily asked.

"After cross referencing the list you gave me with any known associates of the victims, I finally found one that is linked to all six victims," she announced.

"Who is it, and what's the connection?" Hotch asked.

"Well, Bossman, the one person all six victims have in common is…" Garcia paused for affect.

"Garcia," Morgan protested.

"The man is 34-year-old Luke Lawson, the minister of the New Hope Church."

"How does that time him with all six victims? None of them attended the same church," JJ wondered.

"No, but they all participated in an interfaith conference where Mr. Lawson was a speaker," she explained. "I have a picture of him; I'm sending it to your phones now." A few seconds later the team's phones beeped.

"Good work, Garcia. Okay, JJ, let's get this information out to the public," Hotch demanded. Nodding JJ stood and left the room to prepare for the press conference. Little did any of them know what was in store for them at that press conference. --------------------

Back in Virginia, Savanna watched as JJ spoke.

"We're looking for this man. Luke Lawson. He's 34-years-old, approximately 6'2" 165 Lbs." A picture of the man flashed across the screen. "He's to be considered armed and dangerous. If you see him, do not approach him. Either call your local police department or the FBI tip line. He's wanted in the deaths of six victims," she informed the reporters. "Does anyone have any questions?" JJ asked into the microphone. Everyone started talking at once. Reporters shouted their questions at JJ in quick succession. The media liaison had just opened her mouth to answer a question when Savanna caught a flash of something before two loud pops were heard and she saw everyone hit the ground taking cover. The teen watched in horror as Hotch, Rossi, and Emily rose to their feet and drew there weapons as they took off after the man fleeing the press conference. Her gaze zeroed in on JJ who was on her knees a terrified and distraught look on her face. She looked for her parent's and her heart sank when she saw them lying motionless next to the media liaison. Grabbing the phone on the table next to her she dialed Garcia's office needing to know anything she knew that instant. She couldn't help but think the worst but pray she was wrong.


"Garcia," came a shaky voice.

"What's going on, Mom? Are they okay?" Savanna cried shrilly.


"Yes, I saw the press conference are they okay?"

"I don't know, I'm trying to get a hold of someone. No one is answering their phones," Garcia answered. Both women flinched when they heard a gunshot off screen.

"Suspect apprehended, repeat the suspect is in custody. JJ, can you hear me?" came Hotch's voice over the radio. The cameras had left the conference so Savanna could no longer hear the dialogue.

"Copy that, Hotch."

"We're on our way back to you, how are the guys?" Emily asked.

"I wanna know to, I've got Vanna on the phone. She saw the press conference," Garcia added.

"Conference us all together including Savanna," Hotch instructed.

"Yes, sir," Garcia said. "I'm going to conference you with the team," she said addressing Savanna.

"O...kay," the young girl replied through her tears.

"We're all together now," Garcia announced a moment later.

"How are Daddy and Papa, Aunt JJ? Are they okay? Please tell me," Savanna begged. She was near hysterics and could hardly talk for her sobbing.

"Calm down, sweetie. They'll both be okay. Spencer was shot in the arm and Derek was shot in the shoulder."

"Medics are here," Rossi called.

"I s-s-saw the gun as he raised it," the teen stuttered. "I need to see them," she declared.

"I'll get us a flite to Ohio as soon as I can then I'llpick up the kids from school and you and we'll head out," Garcia promised.

"Okay, see you soon, Mom," Savanna said hanging up the phone jumping off the couch and hurrying to get dressed and pack bags for her and her siblings. Normally her brothers threw a fit when she was in their room but this was an emergency and she knew they'd understand. -------------------------------------

Three hours later found Garcia and the four children running through the hospital halls searching for someone they knew. Catching sight of JJ's blonde hair they backtracked and ran into the ER waiting room.

"What's going on how are they?" Garcia panted out of breath.

"Reid's fine, the bullet just grazed him. Morgan's getting stitches but the wound isn't too bad. He'll be out of work for a week or so," Rossi answered.

"Where's Dad?" Nate asked.

"Sitting with Morgan," JJ responded.

"He wanted one of us to tell him when you guys got here," Hotch said.

"I'll do it," Emily offered standing up. -----------------------

"Pen and the kids are here," Emily informed the two men entering the room where Morgan was being stitched up in.

"Savanna okay?" Reid questioned.

"Huh? You mean her migraine?" Morgan asked in confusion. The female agent shook her head. She'd forgotten that Reid had regained consciousness just as Garcia was hanging up and she'd said that Savanna had seen what happened. Morgan didn't regain consciousness until they reached the hospital.

"She's shaken but okay," Emily answered Reid's question.

Turning to Morgan, she said, "Vanna saw the press confrence."

"Can they come in?" Morgan addressed the doctor at the head of his bed.

"If you ly still and let me work," he insisted. Morgan nodded his head.

"I'll bring them in," Emily said walking out and calling for the four kids.

"Come with us, Mom," Jason said grabbing Garcia's hand.

"Right behind you," Garcia said with a soft smile. -------------------

Both men smiled when they saw the group of people walking in. Simultaneously they took note of the fact that Savanna was hanging back.

"Savanna?" Reid questioned softly.

"D-d-daddy?" she responded shakily. Spencer held out his arms in a silent invitation. Rushing across the room she hugged him careful of the bandage on his left arm. Turning she leaned over and placed a kiss on Morgan's cheek making sure to stay out of the doctor's way.

"I'm finished, I'll fill out a script for pain killers then I'll release you," the doctor said.

"When can we go home? We'll be riding on the team jet," Morgan said.

"Stay at the hotel tonight then you can go home tomorrow morning assuming your feeling fine," the doctor replied.

"Thank you," Spencer said with a smile.

"Your quite welcome, I'll be back with your script and your discharge papers in just a bit," the doctor informed the small group. Both men nodded as they stared at their children glad to know they still had time with them.


"After talking to Garcia your dad and I talked and we think it would be okay to lift your sentencing by a week. How would you feel about being ungrounded today instead of a week from now?" Spencer asked as the three of them sat in their living room. A week had gone by since the guys had been shot and they were both healing nicely.

"Yeah, I'd like that," she answered softly.

"Okay, then it's settled you're no longer grounded," Derek said reaching in his pocket and pulling out her cell phone and car keys. Savanna reached out and took them.

"Any plans on where you're going first now that you're off restriction?" Spencer wondered.

"The support group. I'm picking up a shift," Savanna answered.

"You don't have to go there anymore if you don't want to," he reminded her.

"I know I don't, Dad, but I want to. Volunteering there has taught me something."

"What has it taught you, sweetie?" Derek asked.

"How much drugs can tear a family apart," she answered as she started to cry. Wrapping their arms around their crying daughter the two men began to rock back and forth while exchanging worried looks.

"What is it, Vanna?" Reid wondered softly.

"You were right Papa, I am stupid," she hiccupped.

"What?" Spencer responded confused. He wasn't sure what she was talking about.

"That night, you called me stupid, I am stupid. Only someone stupid would do drugs," the teenager explained brokenly. Derek saw the pain flash across Spencer's face when he remembered the part of the fight Savanna was talking about.

"Oh, honey, I never meant that. You're not stupid; you're just a kid testing the limits. I'm so sorry I called you stupid. You're not stupid, you're very smart," Spencer said soothingly. At that Savanna began to cry harder causing her parents to become alarmed.

"What's really bothering you, Savanna?" Derek questioned.

"I want you two to trust me again," she sniffled.

"You've proven that we can trust you again, and we do," her father assured her. Giving Reid a look he frowned, they both knew that wasn't all, but they also knew they needed to give the 16-year-old a chance to get it out at her own pace.

"I'm glad you trust me, but do you know what I want most of all?" Both guys shook their heads. Lifting her head from where she had it resting on Derek's chest she stared into Spencer's brown eyes. Spencer wanted to pull away due to the raw pain he saw in his baby girl's eyes, but he didn't. "What I want most of all is to be your 'Vanna Bug again and I want you to love me," she answered just above a whisper before bursting into harsh sobs that shook her slender frame. Tears filled both guys' eyes and started to run down their faces.

"Oh, Vanna Bug, c'mere," Spencer whispered pulling her into his arms and on to his lap. He hadn't held her like this since she was nine or so. "Of course you're still my Vanna Bug and of course I still love you. What made you think that you weren't and I didn't love you?"

"You've only called me Savanna since that night. Not even just Vanna, I thought you didn't love me anymore," she explained. Spencer thought back and he realized she was right that he'd only called her Savanna. It wasn't a conscious thought and he had no idea what his daughter had been thinking and feeling as a result of that.

"I'll admit I was disappointed in you, but I could never stop loving you, you hear me?" Spencer asked tilting her chin so they were looking into each others eyes.

"Yes, Daddy, I love you," she cried throwing her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly.

"I love you to' Vanna Bug, I love you to."


A/n. Here are the children's ages for this chapter. Savanna Reid-Morgan 11, DJ Reid-Morgan 9, Nate Reid-Morgan 9, and Jason Reid-Morgan 7.

Henry Jareau, 11, and Lisa Jareau 9.

Jack Hotchner, 14, and Sarah Hotchner 7. -------------------

The team was in Tulsa Oklahoma on a case. They'd been chasing this unsub for nearly a week and they were all getting tired. They were all staring at the board trying to figure out where to go next when the detective working the case ran in.

"We've got him. Someone called the tip line. He's at a warehouse on 95th street." Jumping up everyone ran out after the detective eager to catch this guy and head home. -------------------

"Dobson freeze FBI!" Morgan shouted as he caught sight of their unsub. He was running trying to escape. They continued to chase the unsub. Hotch was gaining on him until he reached the fire escape outside. That was when the unsub took a flying leap and grabbed on to the rungs of the ladder as he went. Throwing caution to the wind Hotch launched himself onto the fire escape then flew after the unsub. Eventually he caught up to him and grabbed him. Reacting on instinct Dobson swung his fist knocking Hotch back into the fire escape. They continued fighting for control. All of a sudden there was a sickening screech and the ladder gave way both men still on it. They could hear the cries of Emily and JJ as they fell. Thankfully they were only a few feet from the ground so there were no major injuries when the two of them impacted the ground. Managing to land on top of the unsub Hotch yanked his hands behind his back and slapped the cuffs on him. Morgan and the police were there in an instant dragging the man to his feet and checking on Hotch. The rest of the team was right behind them.

"You okay, Hotch?" Morgan checked. The unit chief nodded his head still trying to catch his breath.

"I'm fine, just a bit winded," he responded wincing as the pain in his back from being thrown back into the fire escape made itself known. Glancing at Emily he could see the thin line her lips were pulled into. That was never a good sign. Hotch gulped he knew Emily was pissed. He would surely hear it when they got home. The other guys gave him sympathetic looks when they noticed the daggers that Emily was shooting her husband.

"We'll debrief on the plane," Hotch instructed walking off trying not to wince in pain as he did so. --------------------------

Arriving home Aaron and Emily were civil to each other but Emily only spoke to him when it was necessary.

"I'm going to bed," she said as they met in the hall outside their daughter's bedroom.

"I'll be in in a minute. I'm going to tell the kids goodnight." Nodding stiffly Emily walked into their bedroom closing the door behind her. ----------------

A smile crossed Hotch's face when he walked into Sarah's room. She was curled up under the covers which were pulled up to her chin.

"Mama tuck you in?"

"Yep, will you read me a bedtime story, Daddy?" she begged. Looking at his watch he noted the time.

"Not tonight, kiddo. It's past your bedtime. I'll read you two tomorrow night how does that sound?"

"Okay, night I love you, Daddy."

"I love you to, Sarah. Sleep well," Aaron responded leaning down and hugging the little girl who was a carbon copy of her mother. Releasing her he pulled the covers back up and walked out shutting off the light then closing the door almost all the way. Next he walked to Jack's door and knocked.

"Come in," Jack called.

"Hey, it's late, one more chapter then lights out, okay?"

"Sure Dad," the teen answered. "Hey Dad?"


"What did you do to piss Emily off?"

"What makes you think Emily's mad at me?" Hotch wondered.

"Besides the fact that she only spoke to you when it was necessary? The daggers she was shooting you all through dinner," his son explained.

"I kind of went after an unsub today and the fire escape we were on gave way."

"Are you okay?" Jack asked immediately worry creasing his face.

"Sore but okay," his father was quick to reasure.

"That's good, well I guess you'd better go face Em, night, Dad."

"Night, son, sleep well," Hotch responded hugging his son quickly before taking a deep breath and heading into their bedroom to face Emily's wrath. ------------------------

He went through his nightly routine on auto pilot. Drying his hands on the towel in the bathroom he took one last look in the mirror before opening the door and heading for his side of the bed. Emily waited until he was settled in bed to speak.

"What the hell were you thinking Aaron Hotchner?"

"I was doing my job."

"Your job includes throwing yourself down a fire escape?" she responded incredulously.

"My job, our job, is to catch the unsub by any means possible. Maybe I shouldn't have rushed down the fire escape, but what choice did I have?"

"I know we needed to catch Dobson, but you just threw caution to the wind. You could have been killed. You have a family Aaron, remember your children?"

"Of course I remember my family. That's why I do this job. That's why we both do this job." Hotch sighed as he stared at his wife and the tears he saw shimmering in her eyes. He opened his mouth starting to speak but stopped.

"What?" she asked.

"I'm not the only one who risks my life. We all do, it's part of the job. The compound in Colorado?" he prompted.

"You didn't just throw that in my face! I did that to protect Reid! I can't believe your bringing that up," Emily yelled as she swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up.

"Where are you going?" Aaron asked.

"I'm sleeping in the guestroom," she replied yanking open the door.

"Emily, c'mon, calm down. Let's talk about this," Aaron begged.

"Calm down? Calm down? Are you kidding me? I can't talk to you right now," she exclaimed before stalking out slamming their door behind them. She winced as she heard the sound bounce off the walls. Stalking to the guestroom she made sure to close that door a bit more quietly. Sinking on to the bed she let the tears fall down her cheeks. Curling up under the covers she cried herself to sleep unaware of the small brown haired girl padding down the hall clearly scared. --------------------

Opening her big brother's bedroom door, Sarah tiptoed across the carpet until she reached Jack's bed. Reaching out she shook his shoulder.

"J-j-jack?" she stammered through her tears. The sound of his little sister's scared and tearful voice drug Jack from the sleep he'd fallen into.

"What is it Sar?"

"Mommy and Daddy was yelling at each other," she explained.

"They were yelling," Jack corrected sleepily.

"They were yelling at each other. Then Mommy said she was gonna sleep in the guestroom and slammed the door to their bedroom. It was scarey," she explained as her bottom lip quivered and tears started to spill over. Nothing broke Jack's heart more then to see his baby sister cry. Sitting up he held out his arms.

"Hey c'mere, Sarah," he said softly. Sniffling the little girl threw herself into Jack's arms and continued crying.

"Can I s-s-sleep with you, please?" Sarah whispered against her brother's shoulder.

"Sure you can," Jack answered scooting over making room for his sister. Snuggling down against him Sarah let her eyes close but they popped open when a question ran through her mind.

"Hey Jack?"


"Are Mommy and Daddy gonna get a divorce?" she asked anxiously.

"No, of course not. They just had a fight. You and I fight sometimes but we're still brother and sister, aren't we?"

"Yeah, but Katie's mommy and daddy fight to and she told me they're getting a divorce. I don't want them to get a divorce. Then Daddy will go away."

"Listen to me, Sarah. Emily and Dad aren't going to get a divorce. I promise you. Now let's go to sleep."

"Okay, night Jack, I love you."

"I love you to Sar," Jack responded as he wrapped his arms around his little sister trying to help ease her fears.


Next part of Raising a Family.