Title: Not a Weirdo
By: TheLovethief
Pairing: gen
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Rating: PG
A/N: This is my first fanfic. Just a Oneshot. Takes place immediately after the latest episode „3rd LIFE". Contains minor spoilers. Please consider that English isn't my mother tongue. I know that stupid mistakes can sometimes cause actual physical pain. I apologize in advance.
Disclaimer: Criminal Minds is not mine. (Is this really necessary? Does it save me from prison?)
Summary: This is what happens when Morgan tries to help a friend.


A frustrated sigh escaped Derek Morgan's lips. For hours he had tried to finish these reports and still there was no end in sight. The writing itself wasn't an overly difficult task, but Morgen's mind had stubbornly refused to stay focused.

Again and again his thoughts went back to the day before, when their latest case had taken its very unsatisfying end. A desperate father who killed the Unsub for his daughter's sake – despite of Reid's intervention. Spencer Reid had to watch helplessly how the kidnapper's blood had been splashed on the floor. Sometimes the profiler tricks just don't work.

Morgan remembered the moment when he'd arrived at the crime scene, followed by Hotch and Rossi. And he could remember vividly how lost the young doctor had stood there – still wondering what the hell went wrong only seconds ago. Derek hadn't talked to his friend since. He'd wanted to, but said paperwork had to be done first.

Speaking of paperwork... With tired eyes Morgan hesitantly looked at the remaining files on his desk. „Damn", he murmured and sighed again. The profiler suddenly noticed that the bullpen was nearly empty. Only JJ was still working in her office, probably considering which cases demand the attention of the BAU-Team.

Derek hadn't even noticed that his other colleagues were gone. In former times they used to leave the office together, chatting, getting a drink now and then. But that seemed long ago. Now everyone was focused on their own problems, almost oblivious to the things that happened around them.

With that thought in mind Morgan decided that he should let the reports be reports for tonight. Probably, he noted wryly, they won't walk away till tomorrow morning. If they do – well, I could live with that.

At the moment there was a much more important task at hand. He had to do something for his psyche. With determination clearly written on his face Derek grabbed his coat and went to the elevator, leaving his job behind for today.

About half an hour later he parked his car in front of an old house in a dark alley. It wasn't his place though. Decisively Morgan knocked on the wooden door and waited. And waited. He was already getting impatient when finally, after two very long minutes, the door swung open.

The agent was greeted by a rather confused looking Spencer Reid. It took the younger man another minute to process who was standing at his door in the middle of the night.

„Morgan", Reid stated, sounding not particularly happy. „Something wrong?"

Obviously, the guest thought. „No", he replied aloud. „Just wanted to say hello. Did I wake you up?"

„Uhm, no... not at all. I've been reading", Spencer said, wondering what had brought up this unexpected visit.

„May I come in then? It's kinda freezing." Morgan was definitely ready for the next logical step the situation required.

Reid however wasn't. Uncomfortably he glanced back over his shoulder into his living room, obviously weighing his options.

„I'm not sure. I, well, I didn't expect any guests. It's not really tidy in here", the young doctor tried.

„Oh, doesn't matter to me", Morgan countered, relieved that there seemed to be such a trivial reason for Reid's hesitation. Grinning the older man took a step into the flat, forcing his colleague to step back simultaneously. The smile on his face faded however when he noticed the state Spencer's apartment was in.

,Not really tidy' had been quite an understatement. This place was a mess. Every inch covered with books, clothes and those silly comics Reid adored for some unknown reason.

„What happened here?", Morgan couldn't help but ask, still trying to figure out where the couch was hidden. It was then that he saw the empty vodka bottles on the ground. Reid just stared with an embarrassed expression at his feet.

When the silence became almost unbearable he pronounced with a small voice: „I told you I didn't expect any guests." Derek could sense his colleague's discomfort. Surely he hadn't come here to make the younger man feel bad. So he tried to light up the mood a bit.

„Well, if you help me find the couch we could chat, drink a beer together... I brought some", Morgan proposed. He had indeed bought two bottles, assuming that Reid would probably have no beer at home. Now he began to reconsider this theory.

Suspiciously Spencer eyed the older profiler. When had they started to become buddies who drink beer together after work?

„Is there anything in particular you wanna talk about? Because I'm really tired, you know." Which wasn't exactly a lie, though Spencer doubted that sleep would come easily tonight. Any night.

Now it was Morgan's turn to look suspiciously. His friend tried too hard to get rid of him. „I just thought you might want to talk about what happened yesterday", the older man said cautiously. „You seemed a bit distracted today. I know you used to discuss such things with Gideon, but..."

At that Reid's eyes finally met Derek's. „Gideon's gone", he shot back immediately.

A little too fast. A little too loud.

Derek was taken aback. He thought the kid had dealt with the departure of his mentor. Had he been wrong? Was this still about Gideon?

„Is this still about Gideon?", Morgan asked after a few seconds, realizing that there would have been more subtle ways to approach the topic.

„What are you talking about? Did I do something wrong? I am doing my job!" Reid was very agitated by now. Apparently he didn't like the direction this conversation took.

„Why are you so defensive, kid? I'm here to help", Morgan explained in a calm voice, hoping that Spencer would follow his example. At least he's talking at all, the profiler thought. Maybe he will open up at last...

„I'm fine", Reid said curtly. Morgan groaned. There it was again. His favorite phrase of all times. Coming from Reid's mouth, Derek knew that those words meant exactly the opposite.

„No, you're not", he answered. „You're jumpy and defensive. Your apartment is all messed up and obviously you've been drinking some pretty rough stuff."

Reid snorted. „Funny to hear that from the guy with the beer." Sarcasm. Another unmistakable sign that the genius was not ,fine'. Morgan decided that he had to go a step further if he wanted his friend to confide in him.

„Yeah, really funny, kid. You know, if you don't stop acting like a complete weirdo, you'll sooner or later end up sharing a room with your mom!" It was a mean, but calculated statement. Morgan knew how to provoke and how to push the right buttons. Reid's button was his mom. Nonetheless he regretted his words, when he saw the shocked expression on the younger man's face.

Seconds of deadly silence passed. Morgan expected Spencer to either run away or stutter some confusing facts. Those were the typical reactions of a distressed Reid. But neither happened.

Instead Spencer did something very unusual.

Before Derek realized what was happening he felt Reid's fist make contact with his face. And it actually hurt a bit. Of course, Reid didn't have the physical strength to cause much damage, but the act itself – a violent attack from Reid of all people... Well, that came unexpected.

Another few moments of silence followed. Reid stood absolutely still, watching with wide eyes how his colleague – his much stronger colleague – would react. Almost frightened.

„What? Do you think I am going to tackle you now?", Morgan asked slightly amused, touching his cheek carefully.

The horrified look on Reid's face remained. Suddenly he became aware of the reality of this situation and started to apologize. „Oh God. Morgan. I... I didn't mean to... Oh my God. I am so sorry. I hit you..."

And while Reid continued his apologetic monologue, a very new idea struck Derek Morgan. Maybe Spencer's behavior wasn't weird at all. The kid's been through a lot in the last months. The kidnapping, his hopefully solved drug-issue, Gideon leaving and now this. If he was in Reid's shoes he'd probably react in a very similar way, especially if some guy made nasty comments about his mom.

„It's OK Reid. I'll survive", the older man finally stated. „Still want a beer?"

A genuine smile crossed Spencer's face. A relieved smile. Derek wasn't mad at him. „I'd love that. But let me get some ice first", he said.

„It's really not that bad. Just stings a bit", Morgan assured, touching again the assaulted cheek.

Slightly embarrassed Reid glanced back at his friend. „Actually I need some ice for my hand. Your skull is harder than it looks."

Grinning Morgan continued to search for the couch.