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Title: Fill in the Blanks
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
Fandom: Hannibal
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: Sequel to "A Dream Within A Dream."
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Hannibal Lecter or Will Graham, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Will awakened slowly, not wanting to open his eyes.

He knew that he was in Hannibal's bed; that was obvious. It didn't feel like his own smaller bed, and there were no sounds of dogs aruond him.

So he had spent the night at Hannibal's home in Baltimore last night. That wasn't unusual, of course; and he had been planning on doing just that.

What bothered him was that he couldn't remember anything about what had happened last night. His last coherent memory was the two of them at the dinner table, having a conversation. After that, everything was a blank -- and that was terrifying.

He hated not being able to remember. He hated not knowing everything that he'd said and done in the past few hours. He hated feeling that he wasn't in control.

Blanking out like that only meant that he could have done and said things that he didn't mean, things that could reflect badly on him and his relationship.

There wasn't a single memory of last night in his mind.

Try as he might, he could remember nothing. It was obvious that he and Hannibal had made love, but he couldn't remember a single second of it.

His body told him that he'd been physically taken. That was obvious from the slight soreness, the little twinge that he always had after a night of vigorous sexual activity with his lover. That didn't surprise him. But it was scary to not remember it at all.

He hadn't been drunk. He knew that. He'd barely had anything to drink -- not even an entire glass of wine with dinner. So that wasn't why he couldn't remember.

So why were there no memories of what they'd done?

What could he have done and said? He didn't want to think about that. Will cringed away from some of the ideas that ran through his mind.

Could he have admitted the depth of his love for Hannibal? Was that why the man he loved wasn't here in bed with him, holding him close as they awakened?

Of course he wouldn't have made an utter fool of himself. And even if he had gotten a little out of it and said things that he didn't mean, Hannibal wouldn't take them seriously. The question was, what exactly had he done, and what had his lover thought of him?

Besides, Hannibal knew that he cared. Of course he did. He just might know the depths of the feelings that Will had for him, that was all.

Though WIll had the feeling that Hannibal was perfectly aware of those emotions.

Hannibal knew how thoroughly besotted Will was with him. Will knew that he was unable to hide how he felt -- his eyes truly were the mirror to his soul.

Hannibal could look into his eyes and know exactly how he felt. Though he couldn't do the same with his lover; Hannibal's eyes seemed to hold nothing but secrets.

No, that wasn't entirely true, Will told himself.

There were times when he could look into those dark eyes and see emotion written there; he was sure that Hannibal loved him, even though he rarely said the words.

That love was never front and center, but Will was sure it was there. Though there were times when Hannibal's eyes appeared blank, when he couldn't read anything there -- almost as though his lover felt no emotions at all, and they only manifested when he was in the throes of passion.

That bothered Will a little, but he wasn't going to let it affect his relationship with the man he loved. Hannibal just wasn't used to displaying his emotions openly.

A lot of people were like that. Just because his boyfriend was one of them, and he himself wore his heart on his sleeve, was no reason to doubt their relationship.

However, that wasn't his main concern at the moment.

Going blank like this was terrifying. It signified a lack of control, and for Will, not being in control of a situation was one of his worst nightmares.

For a moment, just a moment, he felt panic rush through him; he wanted to jump out of bed, pull on his clothes, and run downstairs to the kitchen, where he was sure Hannibal was at the moment, to demand of him just what had happened last night.

But no, he wasn't going to do that. It would look as though he was in a frenzy, and it would probably make his boyfriend question his sanity.

He was going to calm down, and try to figure out what had happened.

Hannibal might not be able to tell him, either. Maybe he had given Will some privacy, and hadn't been around all of the evening.

No, that didn't feel right, he thought with a frown. He was sure that Hannibal had been there with him all night, and had known just what was happening.

Yes, his boyfriend would be able to tell him what had happened last night, and fill in the blanks. Though he found it hard to believe that Hannibal would have sex with him while he was in such a state that he couldn't remember anything about their coupling.

Maybe he hadn't been like that while they'd made love, Will told himself. That had to be it. He had just been so exhausted that he'd fallen asleep right afterwards.

Hannibal wouldn't take advantage of him. He would never believe that of the man he loved. He had just been so tired that he had a hard time remembering anything.

Of course. That had to be the answer.

Whatever had happened between them last night had to be mutual. Hannibal wouldn't take advantage of him if he was incapacitated. That just wasn't possible.

A niggling doubt about that lingered in the back of his mind, but Will pushed it away firmly and slammed a door on it. He wasn't going to think like that. He didn't want to believe anything so unflattering about the man he loved; he was sure that Hannibal would clear things up for him.

He would just get dressed and go downstairs, and broach the subject of what had happened last night -- and why he couldn't remember any of it -- with his boyfriend.

Hannibal would tell him everything, and he'd feel better.

Will took a deep breath, swinging his long legs out of bed, and making his way across the room to grab his jeans and pull them on along with his t-shirt.

He left the room, heading downstairs towards the kitchen. He sincerely hoped that Hannibal could fill in the blanks for him -- and that he hadn't done anything too foolish.
