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Title: That Single Brief Kiss
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Hannibal Lecter/Will Graham
Fandom: Hannibal
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: Sequel to "Part of His Life."
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Hannibal Lecter or Will Graham, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.


Hannibal had kissed him. He'd kissed him.

Will sat in his car outside Hannibal's house, his hands gripping the steering wheel until his knickles were white. For some reason, he couldn't force himself to let go.

He couldn't move, couldn't make himself get out of the car and go up those steps, knock on the door. He knew that he had to, if he wanted things to move forward, but he was rooted to the spot, as thuogh he was paralyzed. He couldn't unclench his hands, or move a muscle.

Why was he so nervous and tense? Will asked himself, his inner voice almost angry. He knew what he wanted. This shouldn't be so hard for him.

But it was. It was the hardest thing he'd ever done.

What if he had only imagined the fierceness, the longing, the need in Hannibal's kiss? What if he had built that brief contact up into something it wasn't?

That one brief kiss had changed his life forever. It had brought his desire for Hannibal out into the open -- and he was sure that desire had been communicated to Hannibal. The other man was too astute not to have read him like a book. Even if he denied the fact, Hannibal would know.

He wasn't going to deny the truth. He wanted Hannibal. He always had, ever since they had first met, though he'd struggled for far too long to tamp that desire down.

Well, now it was out there in the open, the elephant in the room. Which was why it was so hard for him to force himself to get out of the safety of his car.

As long as he stayed here, he had the option of driving away, without Hannibal ever knowing he'd been here. Though Will doubted that was the case; he was sure that by now, Hannibal had looked out of one of the numerous windows of his house and see the familiar car outside.

Why was this so hard for him? That single brief kiss should have opened doors wide, not made him feel as though some of those doors were rapidly slamming shut.

It was his own fear of what could happen between them in the future that was holding him back. He had to overcome that fear, had to put it behind him.

He had to crush that fear, grind it to powder beneath his heel.

Will felt unhinged, as though he was floating above the earth, not connected to anything. But he was moving, getting out of the car, closing and locking the door.

He was walking up the steps slowly, one at a time, his footsteps slowing as he stepped onto the porch. He was walking up to the door, raising his hand to knock -- then hesitating before he did so. Once, twice, three times. Then he dropped his hand to his side, waiting.

Will closed his eyes when he heard footsteps on the other side of the door, the memory of that single brief kiss in his mind again, filling his senses.

He knew that memory was in his eyes when Hannibal opened the door.

Will tensed, unsure of what would happen next. Would Hannibal kiss him again? Or would the other man simply stand back and invite him in?

Those dark eyes watched him, hooded, unreadable. Then Hannibal smiled and stepped back, gesturing for Will to enter the house. "Will, this is a surprise. I hadn't expected to see you for another day, until our session tomorrow night. What brings you here?"

Will took a deep breath, unsure of what to say. The memory of that kiss still hung between them, he was sure that Hannibal was thinking of it, too.

He walked into the house, unsure of what to say.

The door closed behind him, the sound of the lock clicking resounding in his mind.

He didn't know what to say. For a moment, just a moment, his mind was a swirl of white noise, and he was once again unable to move, or think clearly.

Then the mists cleared, and he knew what he wanted to say. What he had to say to make those doors that had seemed to slam shut swing open again.

"We need to talk," he said softly, knowing that Hannibal would understand exactly what he meant.
