Title: 32 Flavors
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: NC-17
Table: 10
Prompt: 7, Whipped Cream
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones or the Tenth Doctor. Please do not sue.***
The Doctor sat up in bed, pulling the rumpled sheets closer around him and settling back against the pillows. He had no idea what Ianto was doing, but the sounds coming from the other rooms in the flat told him that his lover wasn't in the bathroom.
In fact, it sounded as though he was in .... the kitchen. What would he be doing there? the Doctor thought, a frown forming on his face. He couldn't think of any reason for Ianto to have gone into the kitchen -- unless he'd decided that he wanted a cup of tea.
Which would be ridiculous, considering that they'd just had tea before they'd tumbled into bed. The frown was replaced by a smile as he thought of how they'd spent the past couple of hours; it had been a pleasant way to spend the afternoon, that was certain.
But then, any time he spent with Ianto was always pleasant, wasn't it? Especially when they were here, in this little Cardiff flat that he'd come to think of as his home. He leaned back against the pillows, sighing in satisfaction.
Since the two of them had been together, he'd had a stability and a peace in his life that he hadn't thought he would ever be able to find. Of course, he was still a traveler, a wanderer -- but now, he felt as though he had a place to call home.
And he could also take Ianto with him when he went out into the galaxy. So really, he had the best of both worlds. Things couldn't be better.
Well, yes, they could, he told himself with a slight shudder. The Master being a shadowy, hovering part of their lives was always something that he could do without -- as was John Hart. Those were two threats he'd rather not have to deal with.
Still, he thought with a sigh, at least those two threats had stayed dormant as of late. Though he was sure that they would both pop up again in the future, for the time being he and Ianto had time to themselves, time to settle comfortably into their life together.
He raised an eyebrow as his young lover entered the bedroom again, carrying what looked like a bowl of .... what was that? "Ianto, what in the world do you plan on doing with whipped cream?" he asked, his tone incredulous.
The young man carefully set the bowl down on the table by the bed, slipping under the sheets and smiling at the Time Lord. "I thought I'd try something a little out of the norm," he whispered, leaning forward to brush his lips against the other man's mouth.
"I can think of several interesting things you might be able to do with that whipped cream," the Doctor replied, his hearts starting to beat faster in his chest. "But I'll let you decide just how you want to make use of it."
"Oh, I think I can come up with several ideas of my own," Ianto told him, grasping the sheets and throwing them back to reveal the Time Lord's nude body to his hungry gaze.
Ianto reached towards the table, opening a small drawer and fumbling in it for a moment. The Doctor's eyes widened when he saw that his lover had been looking for a pair of handcuffs, their shiny silver surface gleaming in the late afternoon sunlight.
He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get a word out, Ianto had grasped one slender wrist and pinned his hand to the bedpost, clicking the metal of the cuff around his wrist. He hadn't expected anything like this.
"Don't worry, Doctor." Ianto leaned down to brush their lips together as he cuffed the Time Lord's other wrist, pulling back slightly to look down at him. "I'm not going to do anything you won't like, I assure you of that. I'd never hurt you, or do anything you didn't want."
The Doctor nodded, taking a deep breath and trying to calm his racing hearts. Of course Ianto wasn't going to do anything that would hurt. There was no reason to be apprehensive. If he told his lover to stop, he knew that Ianto would do so.
Besides, this could prove to be very interesting indeed. He could only imagine what the young man intended to do with that whipped cream, but he had an idea of what areas of his body it would be on -- and the thought of that was very intriguing.
He watched Ianto as the young man reached for the whipped cream, picking up the bowl and looking back at the Doctor with a mischievous light in his eyes.
"Close your eyes," Ianto whispered, leaning over the Doctor and breathing the words into his ear. The TIme Lord complied, closing his eyes and waiting for whatever would come next, his breath catching in his throat.
It seemed as though every inch of his body was tingling in anticipation; after all, he was naked and helpless, and Ianto had carte blanche to do anything he wanted. The Doctor couldn't help but wonder just where that whipped cream would end up.
His eyes flew open when he felt something cold touch his chest; it only took him a second to realize that Ianto was swirling the whipped cream around his nipples, then making a trail down to his navel .... and lower.
The Doctor squirmed helplessly when Ianto began to cover his cock with the whipped cream; he was already painfully hard with anticipation, and he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to hold himself back for much longer if this teasing kept up.
Ianto sat back, looking down at him with an expression of satisfaction. The Doctor raised one eyebrow, trying to look as calm as he could, given the situation. "And what do you propose to do now? Lick the whipped cream off me?" he asked with a laugh.
His young lover nodded, a devilish smile spreading slowly over his face. "That's exactly what I intend to do," he said softly, his gaze locking with the Time Lord's.
The Doctor closed his eyes again, feeling the bed shift under him as Ianto moved down slightly. He gasped when he felt the other man's warm mouth between his legs, his hands curling into fists, bunching the sheets in his grasp.
Ianto's hand moved between his legs, sliding under his bottom and squeezing gently, making him gasp and thrust his hips upwards. Their moans mingled, Ianto's sounding a bit muffled, though the Doctor certainly wasn't surprised at that.
He couldn't hold out much longer, not with that hand cupping his bottom, Ianto's finger circling slowly around his entrance, teasing him. The Doctor moaned again, certain that he was heading for one of the most intense orgasms he'd ever had.
Close .... he was so close. Only a few more moments .... A shower of sparks seemed to explode in his mind, a sound almost like wind rushing in his ears drowning out his own moan. It took him a few seconds to get his breath back, his hearts slowly returning to a more steady rhythm.
Ianto's mouth was no longer on his cock; his young lover was sitting up, looking down at him with a smile curving those beautiful lips. The Doctor blinked, his vision slowly clearing, trying to focus on Ianto's face.
The Doctor raised one hand to Ianto's face, trailing his fingertips down the soft skin of his cheek, over his slightly swollen lips. He couldn't take his eyes off that mouth -- or forget what it had just been doing to him.
"That was absolutely wonderful," he whispered, unable to speak in a louder voice. "I think it may have been just what I needed."
Ianto raised an eyebrow, his smile growing wider. "I wasn't aware that you needed anything," he teased, his voice soft and loving. "But I know that I definitely needed that. Even though I do think you taste even better without the added whipped cream."
"So, do you intend to try different flavours to see if you can find one that you like better?" the Doctor asked, unable to keep from laughing. "I think the ice cream parlour around the block has thirty-two of them. I certainly wouldn't mind."
Ianto nodded, laughing along with the Time Lord. "Now, that's an idea I hadn't thought of," he said, leaning over the Doctor and unlocking the handcuffs with a small key. "But for now, I think I still have something to take care of."
The Doctor couldn't think of what Ianto meant -- until that warm mouth moved from his lips, down his throat, then to his chest. Another moan slipped from his lips as Ianto's tongue swirled around one whipped cream-covered, hardened nipple.
He arched his back, closing his eyes and threading his fingers through Ianto's dark hair. Somehow, he had a feeling that they were going to be in bed for the rest of the afternoon.***
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