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Teammates by ninefics
PAIRING: Jack/everyone
WARNINGS: Non-explicit sex, implied D/sDetchment by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack, et al.
SUMMARY: Written for 51stcenturyfox who wanted some Post-Exit Wounds fic.The Irony of Life by clockstopper
PAIRING: Jack/everyone
SUMMARY: So burningchaos asked for Captain Jack Harkness and anyone, (as did partofthequeue2 [although she asked for Jack/Owen] and tanisafan asked for something with Jack, preferably with Ianto). Well I took this and thought it meany Jack with everyone, which is what this kind of turned out to be. At first I was going to make it all Jack/Ianto-ish, but then I decided why not try out Jack POV (which was a bit harder than it sounds) and then this one just started going. And he'd not really with everyone and it has a bit of a Jack/Ianto slant to it so I guess that makes everyone happy. Right?The Sensual Captain by Tania-R
PAIRING: Jack/everyone
SUMMARY: Jack being Jack. Mostly from Tosh's point of view.Jack/other
Four Hypervodkas by Jessie Blackwood
PAIRING: Jack/other males
SUMMARY: What did happen after Jack was sentenced to death, had four hypervodka's for breakfast and woke up with his executioners?Intimate Encounters of the Third Kind by sqyd
PAIRING: Jack/other
SUMMARY: Captain Jack Harkness is being stalked.Doubles, Anyone? by ninefics
PAIRING: Jack/other
SUMMARY: Written for Kink Bingo: Double Penetration (one hole).Mother of Invention by karaokegal
SUMMARY: A tale from the Time Agent days.Jack/John
Job Description by nancy
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto, Jack/John, ref to Jack/Ten
FANDOMS: Torchwood/Dr Who
SUMMARY: The Doctor finds Earth's future hasn't evolved as planned and takes steps to fix things.To the Victor by Aeshna
PAIRING: Jack/John
SUMMARY: It had ever been like this with them....'Tis the Season by Aeshna
PAIRING: Jack/John
SUMMARY: "So, you buy into this whole outdated quasi-religious mumbo-jumbo thing or what?"Interruptus by Elizabeth Wilde
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto, Jack/John
SUMMARY: "He'd known right away."Beautiful by Lyra
PAIRING: Jack/John
SUMMARY: He was beautiful.The way he moved,the way he spoke,even the way he cried...Some of John's thoughts during KKBB.Remembering Why by Lyra
PAIRING: Jack/John & slight Jack/Ianto
SUMMARY: What if Jack had let Captain John join the team.Alternate ending for Kiss Kiss,Bang Bang.Captain by Ceefax
PAIRING: Jack/John
SUMMARY: It's one of those annoying ones where you can't really summarise it without negating the point of the story. Suffice to say, it's short, it consists almost entirely of sex, and the good guys come out on top at the end.Role Reversal by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Gwen, Jack/The Master, Jack/John, Gwen/Lucy
SUMMARY: Jack thinks he's out of the hero business. The Master has other ideas.External Fixation by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/John
SUMMARY: Written for k_haldane as a recovery gift. Prompt: Jack and John, during the 2-week/5-year time loop. Who's the wife?Your Mission, Should You Decide to Accept It by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/John
SUMMARY: After what they'd been through together and done to each other, he’d be lucky if his former partner didn't put a square hole in his head before saying hello.Tighter, Tighter by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/John
WARNINGS: Corset kink.
SUMMARY: Two years may be gone, but Jack will never forget this.The Share by karaokegal
PAIRING: John/other & Jack/John
WARNINGS: Crack, allusion to bestiality. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!
SUMMARY: John shares some strength, hope and experience.Meeting Across the River by karaokegal
PAIRING: past John/Jack, hints of others
SUMMARY: A return to form.Into The Fire by karaokegal
PAIRING: past Jack/Alonso & past Jack/John
SERIES: 1) Meeting Across The River, 2) Jungleland
SUMMARY: John makes an offer.The Fix by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Captain John Hart, Jack/Gwen (reference to Jack/Ianto)
SUMMARY: Don't believe everything you hear.The Hollow Men by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Captain John Hart
SUMMARY: He'd been pretending not to care.They'll Luster On by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/John & unrequited Jack/Doctor
SUMMARY: John has done unspeakable things. Jack understands completely.Been a Pleasure by Switch
PAIRING: Jack/John
SUMMARY: John's back in Cardiff after the events of Fragments. What's Jack going to do?Vera, huh? by Modwolf
PAIRING: Jack/John
SUMMARY: Jack and John are trapped in a time loop they can't escape. They're also quite into sex, I've heard. So what is there to do but envoke a long-term relationship built on sex and frustration and their at-the-time rather intensely vicious personalities?Jack/Owen
Part-Time Shag by ninefics
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto, Jack/Owen
SUMMARY: Owen is jealous.Hollow by Bitterfig
PAIRING: Jack/Owen
SUMMARY: How do you live with being dead?Lingering Ghosts by silverxcross
PAIRING: Jack/Owen
WARNINGS: mentions rape
SUMMARY: With one thing and another Jack had all but forgotten about Owen.Same Old Scene by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen
SUMMARY: Set pre-season 1. Owen still has a lot to learn about Torchwood, Jack and himself.Soical Obligations by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen, Jack/Ianto, references to others. NO SCHMOOP, NO FLUFF!
SUMMARY: Jack and Owen have some unfinished business.Repairs by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen
SUMMARY: A moment from Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang.
Rescue by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen
SUMMARY: Missing scene for Combat.
Orders by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen, references Jack/Ianto
SUMMARY: There'd never been anything easy about Owen Harper.Drinking Again by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen
SUMMARY: Post ep for Small Worlds. First Kiss fic for the Kiss Meme.Survivors by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen
SUMMARY: About 200 years down the line and assuming Owen and Tosh didn't die at the end of season 2.Take Me Home by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen
SUMMARY: Jack and Owen come to terms with the past.A Few Good Men by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen
WARNINGS: Mentions of rape.
SUMMARY: Owen comes looking for answers.Forgotten Words and Bonds by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen
SUMMARY: Torchwood takes care of its own. Except when it fails.A Place To Hide Away by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen
SERIES: 1) Forgotten Words and Bonds
SUMMARY: Jack knows who and what he wants.Midnight by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen (reference to Jack/Ianto)
SUMMARY: Jack shows up late.The Sound Of My Soul by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto & Jack/Owen
SUMMARY: What the butler heard.Voulez-Vous by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen
SUMMARY: Jack tries to help Owen get over Diane.Doctor-Patient Privilege by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen, Jack/Gwen, Owen/Gwen
SUMMARY: Some diseases have no cure.Exquisitely Bored by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen & Jack/Gwen & Gwen/Owen & Tosh/Owen
SUMMARY: Boredom is never a good thing, especially in the Hub.Punchline by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen
SUMMARY: Drabble. Story time with Captain Jack.Stitched Up Tight by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen
SUMMARY: The best perk of working for Torchwood.Bubble and Squeak by karaokegal
PAIRING: mild Jack/Owen
SUMMARY: It's hard to keep a secret at Torchwood.Employee Appreciation by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen
WARNINGS: Jack Owen hatesex with references to other pairings. Gets pretty raw, but also some snarky bits.
SUMMARY: What Jack wants, Jack gets.Cardiff Hold 'Em by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen
SUMMARY: Jack is playing, but it's never for keeps.Jack/(real)Jack Harkness
By Moonlight by Aeshna
PAIRING: Jack/(real)Jack Harkness
SUMMARY: Tomorrow can wait. This is about now.Dance Hall Blues by elfin
PAIRING: Jack/Jack, implied Jack/Ianto, Jack/Doctor (ten)He is Captain Jack Harkness by goetterdaemmerung
PAIRING: Jack/(real)Jack Harkness
SUMMARY: When the past meets one's future, what do you do?Jack & Jack by anamcara27
PAIRING: Jack/(real)Jack Harkness
SUMMARY: What happened during the Cardiff Blitz when Captain Jack met his namesake - a short reflection from the real Captain Jack Harkness' point of view.MIA by protoplasmica
PAIRING: Jack/Jack
SUMMARY: Written for tw_flashfic's alternate lives challenge.I'll See You In My Dreams by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/real Jack Harkness
WARNINGS: Internalized homophobia
SUMMARY: Jack knows it can't last, but he'll take what he can get.So Short A Time by ThetaSigma
PAIRING: Jack/real Jack Harkness
SUMMARY: Though their love lasted just a few hours, Jack would never be able to forget.A Truthful Man by lilithangel
PAIRING: Jack/real Jack Harkness
SUMMARY: Two men finding a truth about themselves in a dance.Sometimes everyone lives by lilithangel
PAIRING: Jack/real Jack Harkness
SUMMARY: Captain Jack Harkness was reported dead and missing. They were both true thanks to an intergalactic conman, but they could both be wrong as well.Coming Back again by lilithangel
PAIRING: Jack/real Jack Harkness
SUMMARY: “Every time I was born I remembered flying and your face,” Jack said. Through the years, through the centuries love will only grow stronger if you let it.Five Minutes by lilithangel
PAIRING: Jack/real Jack Harkness
SUMMARY: Five minutes can change a life.Remembrance by lilithangel
PAIRING: Jack/real Jack Harkness
WARNINGS: contains references to death.
SUMMARY: Jack wore a poppy for all those lost. Not for remembrance because he could never forget, but for love.
Jack/PC Andy
Sort of... Well Not Exactly by lollobrigida
SUMMARY: The tale of PC Andy and Captain Jack Harkness, and why he really chose Gwen.
Life is All, Part I: Allons-y Alonso by amuly
PAIRING: Jack/Alonso, mentions of past Jack/Ianto
WARNING: Ianto-death!angst
SUMMARY: Jack discovers that Alonso knew the Doctor, and begins to expect that things are afoot.Life is All Part II: Archival Revival by amuly
PAIRING: Jack/Alonso, Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Martha/Mickey, budding Alonso/Lois, Jack/John/Alonso, Jack/John, past Jack/Ianto, past Jack/John/Ianto, past Jack/John, past Jack/Alonso…you get the idea.
SERIES: 1) Life is All, Part I: Allons-y Alonso
SUMMARY: Jack possibly revives Ianto. (Okay, he does. I’m no M. Night Shyamalan.)Hope by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Alonso
SUMMARY: Drabble. One mission ends and another begins, or rather, resumes.Telling the Tale by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Alonso (reference to Jack/Doctor)
SUMMARY: They have to talk sometime.Jack/Rhys
Bad Habits by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Rhys (you read it right, folks.) Also includes Jack/Ianto and mentions of others.
SUMMARY: Jack knows his failings as a human being and gives into them every time.Jack/Tardis
Pump It Up by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Tardis
SUMMARY: Jack has some fun while saving the world.She Understands by el_evergreen
PAIRING: Jack/Tardis
SUMMARY: Jack has a little heart-to-heart with the TARDIS and a little more.Sentients & Sensuality by Rianick
PAIRING: Jack/Tardis
SUMMARY: Jack helps the Tardis with a bit of a personal problem!Jack/OMC
No Regrets by sqyd
SUMMARY: Captain Jack is a sexy beast, but what's new?Horseshoes by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/OMC & implied Jack/Gwen
SUMMARY: Nostalgia ain't what it used to be.High Time by karaokegal
SUMMARY: Drabble. Jack enjoys the 60's, but misses the old days.Calamity by kma
SUMMARY: The orgy at the temple of fertility might not have been a good idea after all... Jack Mpreg.The Master/Jack
Break to Harness by Aeshna
PAIRING: The Master/Jack Harkness, Lucy Saxon
WARNINGS: Character death (albeit of the non-stick variety); non-con; torture; hurt without comfort; general unpleasantness.
SUMMARY: ...but the hungry gleam in her eye is for him and him alone, not the monstrosity pinioned against the sheets.Role Reversal by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Gwen, Jack/The Master, Jack/John, Gwen/Lucy
SUMMARY: Jack thinks he's out of the hero business. The Master has other ideas.Bait and Bleed by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Master & Jack/Tosh
WARNINGS: Rape, noncon, angst, PTSD, possible triggers. Read at your own risk.
SUMMARY: Jack has a rough night and Tosh proves her worth.
Don't Know When by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Algy
SUMMARY: Algy never forgot Jack.
Thin Line by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Angelo (reference to Jack/un-named female character)
SUMMARY: Jack has plans for Angelo.In Your Mind by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Angelo
SUMMARY: Drabble. Angelo can't speak, but he can definitely hear.Fairytale of New York by Jessie Blackwood
PAIRING: Jack/Angelo
SUMMARY: Jack and Angelo's Christmas together, if they had one. No idea if this is canon or not, but the plot bunny snuffled at me and I had to write it. My contribution for the season.Fairytale of New York II by Jessie Blackwood
PAIRING: Jack/Angelo
SERIES: 1) Fairytale of New York
SUMMARY: Jack and Angelo enjoy Christmas morning.
I Started A Joke by karaokegal
SUMMARY: Drabble. It sounds like a joke, but nobody's laughing.
Dream Lover by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Brad
SUMMARY: Someone had a good night.
Try This For Sighs by karaokegal
PAIRING: Ianto/Rhys
SUMMARY: Bunny bit me this AM, had to write it. No Beta around. J/Iers and Gwen-haters, probably not your cuppa.Coffee by Loren-Mac
PAIRING: Ianto/Rhys
SUMMARY: An unusual pair meet in the supermarket.
Ianto/Captain John Hart
Don't Leave Me This Way by karaokegal
PAIRING: Ianto/Captain John Hart
SUMMARY: You want to put this bastard in charge of Torchwood?
Owen/Mark Lynch
A Business Meeting by JacobRyder
PAIRING: Owen/Mark Lynch
SUMMARY: Mark Lynch takes Owen back to his place after the fight in the bar in Combat, and Owen gets the wrong - or right - idea when Mark goes to change his shirt.
Revival by karaokegal
PAIRING: Owen/Doctor
SUMMARY: AU. 200 word fic based upon the pairing request of Owen/Doctor.Closer To Destiny by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 64: Destiny.Words Fall Down by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 25: Intimidated.Come Out To Play by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 31: Kinky.Spending My Time by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 16: Determined.Get the Balance Right by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 44: Balance.Back To Life by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
NOTE: Continuation of Get the Balance Right.
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 34: Future.A Whole New World by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
NOTE: Continuation of Back To Life.
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 25: Galaxy.Ball and Chain by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 10: Chained.Watching and Wanting by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 20: Afar.Want You To Want Me by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 28: Want.Spend My Life by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
NOTE: Continuation of A Whole New World.
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 1: London.Burning From the Inside by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 55: Thrust.Lights, Camera .... Action by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 6: Videotape.Danger Zone by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 88: Rope.Dirty Little Secret by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
NOTE: Continuation of Danger Zone.
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 42: Secret.Wait For An Answer by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 21: Wait.Weapons of Love by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 30: Weapon.Knife Edge by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
NOTE: Continuation of Spend My Life.
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 9: Sharp.Can't Go Back by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 2: Leave.Fever Dream by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 6: Fever.Main Course by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 39: Suckle.Journey of the Heart by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 48: Journey.Miracle Cure by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt Pepto-Bismol.Bring Me To Life by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 61: Chance.Third Time Lucky by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt That's a great looking bruise.Cherry on Top by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt Drink with a cherry in the glass.Wanting More by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 48: Massage.Painted Desert by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt Listen as the wind blows.A Little Bit Dangerous by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 19: Public Place.On Your Shore by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt If you were a sailboat I would sail you to the shore.I See Red by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Owen
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt Seeing red.
Front to Back by karaokegal
SUMMARY: One of Owen's favorite memories.Exit by erjika
PAIRING: Owen/OMC & Jack/Ianto
SUMMARY: Fandom cliche #26: gay bar.
Transported by Aeshna
PAIRING: Rhys/Daff
SUMMARY: The bunnies made me do it! Torchwood drabble, focusing on the only true slashy OTP in the series. Sorry. :DJack/Giles (Buffy)
The Rift Of Sunnydale by MyMidnight
PAIRING: Jack/Giles & Tosh/Willow
FANDOMS: Torchwood/Buffy
SUMMARY: The Rift brings part of the Torchwood team to Sunnydale. And the team find more than just Weevils.
Jack/Dr James Wilson (House)
Just the Two of Us by timber-z
PAIRING: Jack/Dr James Wilson (House, M.D.)
SUMMARY: Two lonely people, each upset by the Doctor in their lives, meet in a bar.
Jack/House (House)
People and Things by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/House (House, M.D.)
SUMMARY: What House really did on his vacation.
Dark!Jack/Chase (House)
Sunrise by _usakeh_
PAIRING: Dark!Jack/Chase (House, M.D.)
Jack/Oscar Wilde
Prompt: Oscar Wilde by cameragirl
PAIRING: Jack/Oscar Wilde
SUMMARY: Written for the crack!battle on livejournal: In which the Doctor & Jack visit 1894 London & Jack continues to surprise the Doctor.The Hell of It by Rosethorn
PAIRING: Jack/Oscar Wilde
SUMMARY: Jack Harkness and Oscar Wilde. Some people you don't forget.
Jack/Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)
Desert Rose by _usakeh_
PAIRING: Jack/Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia)
Jack/Peter (Heroes)
Falling Away With You by _usakeh_
PAIRING: Jack/Peter (Heroes)
A Bit of a Problem by _usakeh_
PAIRING: Jack/Peter (Heroes)
Dark!Jack/Felix (Battlestar Galactica)
As the Daylight Falls by _usakeh_
PAIRING: Dark!Jack/Felix (Battlestar Galactica)
Through the Darkest Night by _usakeh_
PAIRING: Dark!Jack/Felix (Battlestar Galactica)
SERIES: As the Daylight FallsIn the Morning Sun by _usakeh_
PAIRING: Dark!Jack/Felix (Battlestar Galactica)
SERIES: As the Daylight Falls, Through the Darkest Night
Jack/Gene Hunt (Life On Mars)
Don't Look Now by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Gene Hunt (Life on Mars)
Jack/Greg Sumner (Knot's Landing)
Never Con a Con Man by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Greg Sumner (Knots Landing)
Jack/Dr John "JD" Dorian (Scrubs)
Vinegar Pistol by puritybrown
PAIRING: Dr John "JD" Dorian/Captain Jack Harkness
NOTE: Torchwood/Scrubscrossover
SUMMARY: Inspired by sarkastic's Captain Jack Harkness Sexes Everyone In Every Fandom Ever challenge.
Jack/Stephen (Master & Commander)
A Modern Age by druis
PAIRING: Jack/Stephen (Master and Commander)
SUMMARY: Purely for the fun of it.
Jack/Harry (Dresden Files)
Against the Dying of the Night by unithien_rerith
PAIRING: mild Jack/Harry
FANDOMS: Torchwood/The Dresden Files
SUMMARY: Harry Dresden, wizard for hire, gets called in on a job in Wales, where he runs afoul of Team Torchwood.
Jack/Mel (Firefly)
Sharing Equally Their Pleasures by marag
NOTE: Torchwood/Firefly
SUMMARY: Ianto sometimes forgets just how much Jack has traveled. But not for long.
Jack/Lestrade (Sherlock)
Nothing Human Is Alien to Me by marag
PAIRING: Jack/Lestrade
NOTE: Torchwood/Sherlockcrossover
SUMMARY: Jack Harkness needs the help of Sherlock Holmes, but when Sherlock turns him away, he ends up with a certain detective inspector.
Ianto/John Watson (Sherlock)
The Tea Boy and the Coffee King by Jessie Blackwood
PAIRING: Ianto/John Watson
NOTE: Torchwood/Sherlockcrossover
SUMMARY: A little AU which is almost crack, almost drabble. The Battle Butler and the Battlefield Medic find they have a lot in common.
Ianto/Sam (Supernatural)
Something Supernatural by Wereleopard
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto, Jack/Gwen, Ianto/Sam Supernatural
FANDOM: Torchwood & Supernatural
SERIES: 1) Private School (Jack/Ianto), 2) Everything Changes
SUMMARY: Ianto and Jack have split up but someone new has come into Ianto’s life and makes him wonder if staying in Cardiff is the right thing for him.Something Supernatural 2: Second Coming by Wereleopard
PAIRING: Ianto/Sam Supernatural
FANDOM: Torchwood & Supernatural
SERIES: 1) Private School (Jack/Ianto), 2) Everything Changes, 3) Something Supernatural
SUMMARY: Ianto's back with Sam (to get married), Dean and the other members of Torchwood America. Annaka is back to get revenge on Torchwood and the Winchester's.Torchwood 5 by Wereleopard58
PAIRING: Ianto/Sam
FANDOMS: Torchwood/Supernatural
WARNING: dubious consent
SERIES: 1) Private School (Jack/Ianto), 2) Everything Changes, 3) Something Supernatural, 4) Second Coming
SUMMARY: Torchwood 5 are dragged into the fight against Lucifer but what will Sam and Dean's futures mean to the rest of the group and to Ianto and Sam's marriage.Too Hot To Handle by Wereleopard
PAIRING: Ianto/Sam Winchester Supernatural
SUMMARY: PWP no plot, these two are just too hot.
Ianto/Captain Becker (Primeval)
A Normal Life by Wereleopard
PAIRING: Ianto/Captain Becker (Primeval)
SUMMARY: Jack left and Ianto couldn't deal with aliens anymore so he decided to get a new job, as an assistant at a place called the Anomaly Research Centre also called The ARC.
Ianto/Oliver Queen (Smallville)
Some Fetishes Work by Wereleopard
PAIRING: Ianto/Oliver Queen (Smallville)
SUMMARY: Oliver Queen has opened a new office in Cardiff but something strange happens and his life gets entangled with Torchwood and one Ianto Jones.Distant Lands by Wereleopard
PAIRING: Ianto/Oliver Queen (Smallville)
SERIES: 1) Some Fetishes Work
SUMMARY: Where was Oliver really when he was stuck on the island?
Ianto/Clark (Smallville)
When One Door Closes Another Opens by Wereleopard
PAIRING: Ianto/Clark (Smallville), Tosh/Lex (Smallville
), Jack/Gwen
SUMMARY: Ianto's heart is broken but being the man he is he continues working.We're Having What? by Wereleopard
PAIRING: Ianto/Clark (Smallville), Tosh/Lex (Smallville
SERIES: 1) When One Door Closes Another Opens
SUMMARY: Ianto finds out he is pregnant but Clark, what is he going to do?Arrivals and Departures by Wereleopard
PAIRING: Ianto/Clark (Smallville)
SERIES: 1) When One Door Closes Another Opens, 2) We're Having What?
SUMMARY: It is getting close to the time that twins are coming. After the birth will things still run smoothly for the Kent-Jones Family?
Ianto/Jason (Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter)
The Legend of Ianto Jones by AshtakRa
PAIRING: Ianto/Jason (Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter)
SUMMARY: Ianto has a problem and only the master vampire of St Louis may have the answers. Jason the shape shifter is given the job of looking after Ianto but it proves a hazardous task - someone wants him and doesn't care who gets hurt in the process. It may take the Torchwood team and the vampires and shape-shifters to solve this one. Crossover with Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter.
Ianto/Zack Addy (Bones)
Soul Inside by karaokegal
PAIRING: Ianto/Zack Addy (Bones)
SUMMARY: Zack doesn't keep secrets anymore.
Ianto/Chris Halliwell (Charmed)
When Powers Are Unbound by Wereleopard58
PAIRING: Ianto/Chris Halliwell (Charmed)
SUMMARY: Ianto meets and unusual family and find out information about his. He also becomes attracted to a mysterious man from the future.
Ianto/Steve Rogers (Captain America)
Avengers Assistant by Wereleopard58
PAIRING: Ianto Jones/Steve Rogers (Captain America: The First Avenger/Torchwood Crossover)
SUMMARY: Nick Fury needs help on aliens. Ianto Jones is now the assistant to the Avengers and advisor to S.H.I.E.L.D. What happens when he gets to know the ultimate good guy Captain America himself Steve Rogers.
Ianto/Greg Sanders (CSI: Las Vegas)
Torrents of Desire by angstytimelord
PAIRING: Ianto/Greg Sanders (CSI: Las Vegas)All I Want by angstytimelord
PAIRING: Ianto/Greg Sanders (CSI: Las Vegas)Enchantment by angstytimelord
PAIRING: Ianto/Greg Sanders (CSI: Las Vegas)Sometime in the Morning by angstytimelord
PAIRING: Ianto/Greg Sanders (CSI: Las Vegas)
WARNING: on-going series
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt Day 8: On the edge of morning.So I Fall Again by angstytimelord
PAIRING: Ianto/Greg Sanders (CSI: Las Vegas)
WARNING: on-going seriesFulfilled by angstytimelord
PAIRING: Ianto/Greg Sanders (CSI: Las Vegas)
NOTE: CSI: Las Vegas/Torchwood
WARNING: on-going series
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 2: Neck.When It's Right by angstytimelord
PAIRING: Ianto/Greg Sanders (CSI: Las Vegas)
NOTE: CSI: Las Vegas/Torchwood
WARNING: on-going series
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 10: Weakness.A Perfect Fit by angstytimelord
PAIRING: Ianto/Greg Sanders (CSI: Las Vegas)
NOTE: CSI: Las Vegas/Torchwood
WARNING: on-going series
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 40: Alternate Universe.What Matters Is Now by angstytimelord
PAIRING: Ianto/Greg Sanders (CSI: Las Vegas)
NOTE: CSI: Las Vegas/Torchwood
WARNING: on-going series
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 32: Cherry.Meeting the Family by angstytimelord
PAIRING: Ianto/Greg Sanders (CSI: Las Vegas)
NOTE: CSI: Las Vegas/Torchwood
WARNING: on-going series
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 28: Family.A Difficult Meeting by angstytimelord
PAIRING: Ianto/Greg Sanders (CSI: Las Vegas)
NOTE: CSI: Las Vegas/Torchwood
WARNING: on-going series
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 20: Bittersweet.
Too Painful To Remeber by karaokegal
PAIRING: Adam/Ianto
WARNINGS: Rape, murder. Canon-subversion and possible AU.
SUMMARY: Not all the memories were lies.
Thoughts From A CoffeeBoy by queenfluffernutter
PAIRING: Ianto/everyone
SUMMARY: A little thing I wrote to amuse myself and a friend one night.
Frothy by sqyd
PAIRING: Ianto/... (het despite the other being genderless)
SUMMARY: Ianto is making sweet, sweet love to...Ianto/OMC
These Parts Won't Break by clockstopper
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto, Tosh/Owen with a little Ianto/OMC
SUMMARY: An accident with alien technology makes Ianto and Owen switch bodies. And, of course, the wackiness ensues.Baby Moon's Gift by Bry-Jack
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto & Ianto/OMC
SUMMARY: Baby Moon Changed Everything.Capt. John Hart/PC Andy
Disorderly Conduct by karaokegal
PAIRING: Capt. John Hart/PC Andy
SUMMARY: Fic based upon the pairing request of Capt. John Hart/PC Andy.
Nine/Real Jack Hackness
Warriors by karaokegal
PAIRING: Nine/Real Jack HacknessOMC/OMC
Heat and Steam by Craig
SUMMARY: New Torchwood staffer Cameron Grant has just met Rex Benton, son to a former UNIT Sargeant, at a showdown with an errant Cardiff Cyberman. Courtesy of the Hub's new mens ablution block, things are about to get rather steamy...Hate Time by Craig
PAIRING: OMC/OMC, this story mostly gen
SERIES: 1) Heat and Steam
SUMMARY: Who is killing the offspring of human/alien relationships in early twenty first century Cardiff, and why?Jack/Ianto/Owen
Ass Up by Thunder
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto/Owen
SUMMARY: I only own my ideas, Jack, Ianto, any one else I might put in bed together, or in the kitchen, or... you get the idea, that is a canon character, I don't own.Happy Birthday to Me by Thunder
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto/Owen
SUMMARY: pwp.Aces and Eights by dietpoison
PAIRING: mild Jack/Ianto/Owen
SUMMARY: The boys play strip poker.
Just Us by Jedi Princess Clarrisani
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto/Gwen
SUMMARY: Gwen Cooper really couldn't believe this was happening.Bungle in the Jungle by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto/Gwen
SUMMARY: Jack always wins.Take These Lies and Make Them True by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto/Gwen
SUMMARY: Jack and Gwen teach Ianto a lesson in love.Caught In The Act by kateg123
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto/Gwen
SUMMARY: Gwen thinks she's alone in the Hub left to do paperwork but when she hears noises coming from Jack's office she goes to investigate resulting in much more than she bargained for. Unashamedly smutty, Jack/Ianto/Gwen.Hi-Jinx with Jack by Michele
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto/Gwen
SUMMARY: Torchwood hi-jinx, along with a little Jack/Ianto/Gwen snogging.
What Are You Doing New Year's Eve? by druis
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto/Tosh
SERIES: 1) Blame It on the Mistletoe
SUMMARY: Ianto has a proposal for Tosh. Jack thinks it’s an excellent idea.
Just Another Day by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Owen/Susie
SUMMARY: The weirdness has nothing to do with the calendar.Mistletoe and Wine by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Alice/Emily & Jack/Owen/Suzie
SUMMARY: A Tale of Two Christmases.
Fantasy Fever by TheRg
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto/Doctor & Jack/Ianto
SUMMARY: Jack finds a device that makes his wildest dreams come to life...Going Travelling by elfin
PAIRING: Jack/Doctor, Jack/Doctor/Ianto
SUMMARY: Follows on from Homecoming.Haunted by Bry-Jack
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto/10
SUMMARY: What happens when your ideal relationship is bombarded by doubt and past mistakes? Ianto's memories come streaked in blood and the woman who won't let go even after death. All in all... it's a haunting experience.Nothing Better Then Strawberries by Bry-Jack
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto/10
SUMMARY: There is nothing better then strawberries....The Proposition by emeraldsage85
PAIRING: Doctor/Jack/Ianto
SUMMARY: The Doctor and Jack invited Ianto to join them.Better Than Chocolate by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Jack/Ianto
WARNING: on-going series
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 57: Spanking.Share & Share Alike by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Jack/Ianto
WARNING: on-going series
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 98: Sharing.Wetware by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Jack/Ianto
WARNING: on-going series
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 97: Water.Expect the Unexpected by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Jack/Ianto
WARNING: on-going series
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 48: Sex Toys.The Heat Is On by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Jack/Ianto
WARNING: on-going series
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 53: Aroused.Double Your Pleasure by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Jack/Ianto
WARNING: on-going series
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 58: Penetration.
Something Borrowed by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Jack/Master
WARNING: non-con
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 82: Voyeur.Moral Kiosk by angstytimelord
PAIRING: 10/Jack/Master
WARNING: non-con
SUMMARY: Based upon prompt 97: Slut.
At Home in the Universe by Bitterfig
PAIRING: Jack/Rose/the 9th Doctor
SUMMARY: It was written for drabble_a_trois Open Challenge #2, Challenge #8: Home.Taken For Granted by nancy
PAIRING: Jack/Rose/the 9th Doctor
SUMMARY: Nine will never take Rose and Jack for granted.So Very Different by mythverdandi
PAIRING: Implied Jack/9/Rose
SUMMARY: Mild spoilers for 'Bad Wolf'. Lynda with a 'Y' ponders on her rescuer and his companions.Days of Wine and Rose by soo
PAIRING: 9/Jack/Rose
SUMMARY: Jack has a surprise up his sleeve.Starts with a Kiss by Jinni
PAIRING: Ten/Rose/Jack
SUMMARY: It starts with a kiss as they're coming back inside the Tardis, Rose sandwiched between them.The Necessity of Pillows by Shotsy
PAIRING: Doctor/Rose/Jack
SUMMARY: Just some good ot3 fluffy goodness that includes the Doctor getting beat with pillows.As Time Passed by Michelle K
PAIRING: Doctor/Jack/Rose
SUMMARY: Three. (Nine/Rose/Jack ficlet with sex and het/slash.)You're Beautiful by Rianick
PAIRING: Doctor/Jack/Rose
SUMMARY: Rose and Jack, on his first night on the Tardis, get an unexpected visitor. PWP!Back to Real Life by Rianick
PAIRING: Jack/Rose/Doctor
WARNINGS: very AU, contains an OC who is the Doctor's granddaughter
SUMMARY: This is what happens when Rose decides to go back to her Doctor, in her Universe.Slightly Psychic Confessions by Casira
PAIRING: Rose/Doctor/Jack
SUMMARY: Getting caught with slightly psychic paper in one's hands can be a dangerous thing indeed.
Old Friends by Sun
PAIRING: Jack/Rose/Ianto & implied Ten/Rose
SUMMARY: He scooped her up into a hug, pulling her off her feet. "Oh, I've missed you," he exclaimed.
A Friend in Need by Captains Cariad
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto/Martha
SUMMARY: Martha is exhausted. Jack feels responsible. Ianto brings the wine and Jack helps them to relax in true Captain Harkness style.
Whose The Naughty Little Slut? by Thunder
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto/surprise
SUMMARY: Someone in the Hub's been naughty, and it has been noted with much displeasure.
Stranded by Ceefax
SUMMARY: AU. It's Ianto's first time. For a threesome with Jack and an alien, that is.
Jack/Owen/Ziva David (NCIS)
Nephilim by karaokegal
PAIRING: implied Jack/Owen/Ziva David (NCIS)
SUMMARY: What does Mossad want with Torchwood?
Jack/Ianto/James (James Bond)
Do M16 and Torchwood Mix? by Jessie Blackwood
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto/James (James Bond)
SUMMARY: AU Bond/Torchwood crossover. What happens when MI6 collides with alien tech? Don't forget, if its alien, its ours...
Jack/Capt. John/The Doctor
Violation by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Capt. John/The Doctor
WARNING: non-con (rape fantasy)
Jack/Ianto/Owen/Tosh/Gwen, referenced Jack/Ianto, Tosh/Owen
Changes by Jedi Princess Clarrisani
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto/Owen/Tosh/Gwen, referenced Jack/Ianto, Tosh/Owen
SUMMARY: A night of beer and pizza turns into something more.Jack/Ianto/John
John Joins In by amuly
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto/John
WARNINGS: DP, threesome (duh), rimming, rough!play, frottage
NOTE: Also, reference to A Night With Jack's Webley, but you don't have to read it beforehand.
SUMMARY: Ianto wants a threesome with John, Jack agrees.iTunes Drabble Challenge by amuly
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto, Jack/Ianto/John
WARNINGS: Threesome, DP (double penetration), phone sex (sorta), fluff.
SUMMARY: 10 drabbles written while listening to 10 random iTunes songs.
Jungleland by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/John/Alonso
SERIES: 1) Meeting Across the River
SUMMARY: Pleasure, then business.The Fuse by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Alonso/John
SERIES: 1) Meeting Across the River, 2) Jungleland, 3) Into The Fire
SUMMARY: Alonso takes the next step.
Three's A Party by karaokegal
PAIRING: Jack/Ianto/?
SUMMARY: Visual prompt posted at the end of story.
Jack's coat/other(s)
Coat Tale by sqyd
PAIRING: Greatcoat/others
SUMMARY: Coat Sex.