Title: Better Than Chocolate
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: NC-17
Table: 3
Prompt: 57, Spanking
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones, the Tenth Doctor, or Jack Harkness. Please do not sue.***
Ianto cleared his throat nervously as Owen exited the Hub, feeling more than a little bereft with the last of his teammates having left for the evening. He was here with Jack -- and the Doctor. And he had no doubt of what could be going on behind the closed door of Jack's office. There were no telltale sounds -- but still, there was always the possibility.
After all, Jack and the Doctor had been lovers when they were hurtling through time and space together, hadn't they? There was no reason for Jack not to help himself to whatever he might want when the Doctor showed up at Torchwood. And Ianto couldn't fault him for doing that, actually. The Doctor was an eminently desirable man. Anyone would want him.
Including me, Ianto thought to himself, bitterness seeping into his mental voice. Not that I'd stand a chance against Jack.
He didn't want to compete with Jack for anyone's affections. And it wasn't as though he'd be able to. He was plain and insignificant compared to the charismatic immortal -- at least in his own eyes. Jack had spent a considerable amount of time trying to convince him otherwise, but no matter what was said, Ianto couldn't see himself any differently.
It would take more than a few well-chosen, pretty compliments to erase a lifetime of feeling invisible, Ianto thought, fixing his gaze on the closed door that hid whatever might be going on in Jack's office. Even if Jack meant them, they hadn't quite managed to sink in yet.
Should he knock on the door? Or should he just open it and walk in? He frowned, considering the options. If he stumbled in on anything, Jack would probably be annoyed. Or worse, the Doctor would be annoyed. He could cope with Jack's displeasure, but he didn't want to offend the Time Lord by doing something stupid.
Sighing, Ianto got up and walked slowly to the door of his office, leaning against the door frame as he contemplated what he should do. Would it really be so bad to walk in on something? It wasn't as if he didn't have the same body parts as the two people in question. And other people had walked in on him and Jack before ....
But that was other people. This was him. And he wasn't sure that he wanted to see Jack fucking the Doctor, if that was indeed what was happening behind that door.
Ianto scowled, a thought looming large in his mind. Was it that he didn't want to see Jack having sex with someone else -- or more that he didn't like the thought of Jack being with the Doctor because he wanted the Time Lord so badly himself?
The scowl disappeared a moment later when the door to Jack's office opened and the immortal poked his head out, eyes focusing on Ianto.
"What are you doing standing out here by yourself, Ianto? Come in here. I think the three of us have a lot to talk about." Jack held out a hand, smiling, the gleam in his eyes making Ianto feel a little uneasy. What did Jack have up his sleeve this time?
Ianto complied, entering Jack's office and hearing the immortal close the door behind him. The Doctor was sprawled on the couch near the window; he raised a thin hand as Ianto entered the room, smiling and patting the couch beside him with his other hand.
"We were hoping you'd come in and join us," he said, his voice soft and slightly husky. Ianto could have almost sworn that the Doctor sounded .... seductive. But no. That had to be his own wild imagination. Why in the world would the Doctor want to seduce him?
No, it wasn't his imagination. The Doctor had reached over to ruffle his hair when he sat down, those long, elegant fingers almost massaging his scalp. Ianto had to clench his fists in his lap to keep from closing his eyes and leaning into the Doctor's touch.
"I won't touch you if you don't want me to." The Time Lord's voice was soft in his ear, warm breath sending a shiver down his spine. "But something tells me that you don't want me to stop."
"Don't stop," Ianto whispered, abandoning himself to the pleasure of that touch. He let himself lean into it, not surprised when the Doctor moved closer and he felt soft, gentle lips on his. His own lips parted, one hand moving up to twine through the Doctor's tawny hair. If the Time Lord did indeed want to seduce him, then he wasn't going to put up any resistance.
He had no idea where Jack had disappeared to -- and at this point, he didn't care. All he could think of was the Doctor, that slender body under his hands, warm and pliant and willing. For once, he was going to take what he wanted. It seemed as though the Doctor wanted it, too, which just made his own desires that much easier to fulfill.
The Doctor was tugging at his shirt, his fingers undoing the buttons. "I think you should get rid of that tie," he whispered in Ianto's ear as his hands moved down the young Welshman's body. "It's getting in my way."
Ianto complied, quickly removing the tie and fumbling with the buttons on the Doctor's shirt. By the time he had the Time Lord naked from the waist up, the Doctor was already pushing his trousers down his legs, lifting his own hips so Ianto could unzip his pants and push them down.
"Clothes are such a bother," the Gallifreyan murmured when they were both finally divested of every scrap of fabric. "It would be so much easier if we could simply go out into the world without worrying about covering ourselves up. It's strange how puritanical so many races are about nudity. I'm not bothered by it, myself."
"I couldn't agree more," Ianto rasped, his eyes wide as they roamed over the Time Lord's slim body. "I certainly wouldn't mind seeing you like this all the time -- but that would bring out my more base instincts, so you wouldn't be safe around me if you were a nudist."
"To hell with safe." The Doctor sounded breathless, his voice husky with desire. "I'm more than willing to take a few risks."
Ianto slid one arm around the Doctor's waist, turning to the side and pushing the other man down against the couch cushions. His other hand moved between those slender thighs, spreading the Doctor's legs, fingers slipping between his cheeks. The Time Lord moaned, raising his hips and closing his eyes, hands clutching at Ianto's shoulders.
For a few moments, they were a tangle of fingers and tongues, each searching out the warm, intimate places on the other's body.
Ianto reached to the table on one side of the couch, pulling the drawer open by touch and finding the bottle of lube that Jack always kept there. They'd used it often enough, but Ianto had never thought that he would be having this kind of an opportunity to be the more dominant partner. It was an exhilirating feeling, one that he meant to savor as long as he could.
He slid one lubed finger inside the Doctor, waiting a few moments before carefully inserting a second digit. The Time Lord was impossibly tight around his fingers, his hips thrusting up against Ianto's hand, his breathing harsh and ragged.
"I need you." The words were strangled, barely audible, the Doctor's voice sounding cracked and harsh in the quiet of the room. "You don't have to be gentle. Just .... just take me."
Not be gentle? Those words brought Ianto back to a semblance of reality, shocking him out of the sensual world he'd been lost in for the last several minutes. How could he not be gentle with this beautiful man who was so willingly giving of himself? "I won't hurt you," he murmured, one hand stroking down the side of the Doctor's face. "I couldn't."
The Doctor nodded, unexpected tears welling in his eyes. "I .... just do it," he begged, his hands clutching at Ianto's shoulders again. "I need this, Ianto. Please."
Ianto's mouth covered the Doctor's as he lifted the Time Lord's slim hips, positioning himself against the tight, miniscule entrance and pressing his hips forward. He was engulfed by a heat so overwhelming that he almost wanted to scream; he'd never imagined that being inside someone could feel like this, searing him from the inside out.
He pulled back, almost all the way out, before thrusting hard and deep into the Doctor again, feeling the Time Lord's muscles clench around him, still impossibly tight and almost unyielding. He couldn't be a virgin, Ianto thought in amazement, pulling back and thrusting into that blistering heat again. But if he wasn't .... then how the hell could he be this tight?
He didn't really want answers; it was enough for him that the Time Lord wanted this as much as he did. Ianto continued to thrust in and out of the slender body beneath him, one hand moving between the Doctor's legs to grasp his cock and stroke with the same rhythm of his thrusts. The Doctor was writhing and panting under him, head thrown back, cheeks flushed, lips parted. Ianto could swear he'd never seen such a beautiful sight in his life.
The Doctor's long legs wrapped around Ianto's waist, thighs squeezing against the young man's sides. Ianto thrust into him again and again, feeling his orgasm begin to uncoil deep within him. Judging from the Doctor's soft moans, he was also approaching orgasm far more quickly than Ianto had expected he would.
"Well, well. You're being a naughty boy, Ianto. Playing with my toys while my back is turned."
Ianto froze, the short hairs on the back of his neck rising. Jack's voice.
"Oh, don't stop on my account," Jack said softly, his lips at Ianto's ear. "I like to watch, you know. And I wouldn't want to see him end up with a bad case of blue balls."
Jack moved his hand between the Doctor's legs, removing Ianto's hand and curling his own fingers around the Time Lord's shaft, his thumb rubbing slowly over the tender tip. "I think between the two of us, we can make him come harder than he ever has, don't you?" he said softly, a smile curving his lips.
Ianto could only nod, his face flushing at Jack's words. Of all the compromising positions he'd ever imagined he'd be caught in, this most definitely hadn't been one of them. He felt like a child who'd been discovered with his hand in the cookie jar.
Or in this case, with his cock in the Doctor's ass.
"Maybe you need a little persuasion to keep going," Jack whispered, eyes gleaming, his gaze meeting and holding Ianto's. "I think you both might like it."
Without warning, his hand came down on Ianto's ass, eliciting a yelp from the young Welshman. Ianto's hips jerked forward, the movement burying him deeper inside the Doctor, bringing a low moan to the Time Lord's lips.
Jack didn't stop with one slap of Ianto's ass; he kept on, his hand connecting again and again, Ianto's hips bucking forward each time with an irregular rhythm. The Doctor squirmed under him, letting out a small mewling sound.
"If you're going to give us some inspiration, then do it properly," he gasped, opening his eyes and looking up at Jack with a slight frown. "That's hardly going to get us anything but extremely frustrated. And I'll hold you to blame for that state of affairs, Jack Harkness. We were doing quite well before you came into the picture."
Ianto shook his head, gasping out his words. "I don't think I can last much longer, at any rate," he managed to say before Jack's hand came down on his bare ass again, this time making a louder sound of skin hitting skin than it had previously. His hips jerked forward again, making the Doctor groan and tighten his fingers on Ianto's shoulders.
That was all the impetus that Ianto needed. With a low moan, he let himself go, releasing inside the Doctor and collapsing on top of the slender body in his arms. Dimly, he realized that Jack's stroking fingers combined with his thrusts had brought the Doctor to his own climax at almost the same time; the Time Lord's body was shaking with orgasmic shudders.
Jack sat back on his heels, looking with satisfaction at the two men on the couch. "That was beautiful," he said softly. "Something to keep me entertained on those cold nights that I have to spend alone."
The Doctor's brows rose in question, a small smile quirking the corner of his mouth. "Jack, you didn't. That's a bit on the risqué side, even for you."
"I most certainly did." Jack turned and pointed to the security camera, the blinking red light indicating that it was on. "I can't wait to replay that tape. It's better than renting porn. It might even be better than chocolate. But not --" Jack's eyes took on their familiar laughing glint. "--Not better than porn and chocolate."
Ianto groaned, burying his face in the Doctor's shoulder. "Just don't show it to the others," he pleaded, already seeing his good reputation among his teammates ripped to shreds. Well, they already knew that Jack was fucking him; what harm could it do for them to know that he was also fucking the Doctor?
"Don't worry, Ianto." Jack's voice still held that slightly teasing note, but Ianto knew him well enough to tell when he was sincere. "Nobody's going to see that tape but me. And you .... because I think you might want to have it to watch when you're in need of remembering."
The Doctor raised his head, his eyes meeting Jack's. "That won't happen for a while, you know. I'm planning on being here for a while this time."
"That's good to hear," Jack said softly, reaching out to ruffle the Doctor's hair and then Ianto's. "I think we'd both miss you if you had to leave unexpectedly."
"Yes," Ianto whispered, tightening his arms around the Doctor's slender waist. "We'd miss you more than you know."
"Then I'll be staying for quite a while," the Doctor said softly, reaching up to cup Ianto's cheek. "There's nothing urgent calling me away, so you'll have me here for as long as you want me. Though I don't want to overstay my welcome."
"Forever." Ianto couldn't stop the word from slipping out. "You can stay forever."
Jack looked from one of them to the other, a small smile on his lips. "Forever may not be possible .... but we'll try to keep him here as long as we can."
Ianto nodded, his eyes meeting Jack's. Did his lover have any idea of what he felt for the Doctor? From the look in Jack's eyes, Ianto was sure that he did. And maybe even felt the same way himself. He wouldn't be the least bit surprised; the Doctor was amazingly easy to love. Both physically and in other ways, he thought, a small smile crossing his features.
"We certainly will," he replied, the smile on his face growing. If all their days went the way this one had, he hoped the Doctor would be around for a long time to come. Possibly even forever, if they could manage it. And with these two men in his life, Ianto was very sure that he was never going to feel invisible again.***
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