Title: Rescue
By: karaokegal
Wordcount: 200
Rating PG-just a bit slashy if you squint.
First series only-US safe!
Summary: Missing scene for Combat.
Schmoopy by my usual standards. That's what this show does to me.I didn’t want to be saved.
There were so many things Jack wanted to tell Owen about death. It was never beautiful or glorious or heroic and it certainly never proved anything.
He said nothing, but he couldn't just walk away. He stayed in the room with Owen and his pain, both the wounds left by the Weevil and the deeper scars left on his psyche when Diane made her decision to go and shattered Owen’s short lived illusion of happiness.
Some boss he was. The team suffered under his nose and he barely noticed until it was too late, and people nearly died, because he was so wrapped up in his own betrayal and abandonment even after all this time.
It was time to start reaching out again.
Owen’s eyes narrowed with suspicion as Jack approached the bed and then widened as Jack took his hand and held it. Owen didn’t pull his hand away, but didn’t squeeze back either. He just lay there, letting Jack feel his anger and resentment and eventually sorrow, until the drugs and exhaustion conspired to pull him into sleep.
“It’ll be OK,” Jack whispered, knowing he was lying, but wanting to believe it.
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- Amazon.ca link - Torchwood - The Complete First Season (7DVD)