Title: Lights, Camera .... Action
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Owen Harper
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: NC-17
Table: 50_smutlets
Prompt: 6, Videotape
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor or Owen Harper, unfortunately. Please do not sue.***
"Owen, are you sure this is such a good idea?" the Doctor whispered as his young lover moved behind him, those strong arms wrapping around his waist. He closed his eyes, leaning back against Owen, a shiver racing through his lean body.
The other man gave him a devilish smile, his hands moving down the Doctor's body to begin undoing the button and zipper on his trousers. "Why wouldn't it be? There's no one else here -- even Jack took off somewhere to do his thing. We have the Hub to ourselves."
"But ...." The Doctor's protest was cut off by a sharp gasp as Owen's hand slid into his trousers, those long, cool fingers wrapping around his cock and taking his breath away as Owen began to stroke him.
"Shhhh." Owen's voice was soft and husky in his ear. "Don't think about anything but how good this feels." His trousers were around his ankles; Owen's hand was moving faster now, driving away any protests that the Time Lord might have voiced.
A lubed finger worked its way inside him, quickly followed by a second. The Doctor leaned forward against Owen's desk, pushing his ass back against the intrusion, breathless with desire.
He had no idea when Owen had managed to find some kind of lubricant, but he wasn't surprised. His lover seemed to have ways of surprising him when he least expected it; he was as wily as a fox, exciting and unpredictable.
Owen had been sure to turn the surveillance cameras off, hadn't he? He hadn't noticed the young man doing so, but he was positive that Owen wouldn't leave them running. After all, he wouldn't want Jack to know what they were getting up to.
At the moment, he didn't care if the entire Torchwood team got to see this, and if they would give criticism or applause. He was lost in the sensations that Owen's hands were creating in his body, giving himself over to the onrush of pure pleasure.
Those fingers were removed, to be replaced by the head of Owen's thick cock, pushing inside him quickly and easily. His muscles tightened, his body automatically reacting to the intrusion before he relaxed and accepted it.
Nothing had ever felt this good, the Doctor thought as he leaned back against Owen, his lover's hand still working between his thighs. It didn't matter where they were; all that mattered was that they were together, joined, becoming one.
He was going to come, even though they'd only just started. It had been too long since he'd been taken like this, quickly, almost furtively.
The excitement of it was driving him to the edge, and he was sure that Owen was feeling the same way. The other man was gasping, panting, his thrusts already starting to become erratic, a sign that Owen was as close to completion as he himself was.
Within moments, the Doctor came with a sharp, short cry of Owen's name. He collapsed forward, catching the edge of the desk and holding on to it as though it as the only thing keeping him on his feet -- which, he thought as his knees weakened, it very well could be.
It only took a few moments for him to regain his equilibrium as Owen pulled out of him; the other man pulled up his trousers and refastened them, leaving his arms around the Doctor for longer than they needed to be as he brushed his lips against the back of the Time Lord's neck.
"That was amazing," he whispered into the Doctor's ear. He could hear the edge of laughter in Owen's voice; well, he wasn't surprised the the young doctor was amused. This wasn't something that happened in the Hub every day.
Unless it was Jack doing this, he thought wryly. He was absolutely positive that the immortal did things here that none of them wanted to know about -- and more than likely kept the video cameras running so he'd be able to watch the show for himself later.
He ran a hand through his hair as Owen went to his desk, looking happy and satisfied with himself. The Doctor couldn't help smiling; he knew that look well. It meant that Owen had gotten away with something, the look of a contented cat who'd just finished lapping up a bowl of cream.
They both straightened up as Jack's voice came to them over the comm link to the headset at Owen's desk, their eyes widening as they stared at each other.
"Nice, you two. Couldn't have done better myself. But it was a little quick, wasn't it?" It was almost as though Jack was there in the room with them, the Doctor thought as he suppressed a cough. Maybe he was; he was sneaky that way.
"You don't think I'd give you access to all the cameras in the place, do you?" Jack's tone sounded satisfied, as much as Owen's had a few moments ago. "This'll give me something to watch and look back fondly on when you two are out in space."
Owen looked over at the Doctor and shrugged helplessly; the Time Lord could only frown up at Jack's office. "Jack, you wouldn't let anyone else see that videotape, would you? I don't think our private life needs to be broadcast to the rest of the team."
"Don't worry, Doctor, I'll keep it to myself." Jack chuckled, sounding more self-satisfied than ever. If he'd been there, the Doctor would have given him a look that had buried him at least ten feet under the ground -- alive or not.
"Hey, don't frown like that, Doc." The voice sounded as though it was on the edge of breaking into uncontrollable laughter. "You're a lot prettier when you smile. I don't want that video to have a bad ending. Let's keep it happy, shall we?"
He couldn't hold back a small, reluctant smile at Jack's words. All right, so maybe they'd been beaten at their own game -- but the next time, they'd be more careful, and they'd be the ones to turn the tables. He would be willing to bet on that.***
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