Title: Main Course
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Owen Harper
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: NC-17
Table: smut_69
Prompt: 39, Suckle
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor or Owen Harper, unfortunately. Please do not sue.***
"Do you know what I want to do to you?" Owen asked softly, looking down at the Doctor. The other man was lying on his back in their bed, looking relaxed and sated, smiling up at his human lover. "Can you read my mind and find out?"
"I could," the Time Lord told him, laughing softly. "But you know me well enough to know that I don't delve into anyone's mind unless I'm invited -- or unless it's absolutely necessary. If I were to take a guess, I'd say that you want to make love to me. Again."
"Well .... that's part of it," Owen conceded with a soft laugh of his own. "But that's not all. Or should I say, it's not the usual kind of lovemaking that I was thinking of." He raised an eyebrow, looking down at his lover with a speculative expression.
"Oh? And what would you consider unusual?" The Doctor looked surprised at Owen's words; they hadn't done anything that either of them would call exotic, but he'd been more than satisfied with the other mans prowess in bed since they'd become lovers.
Owen's dark eyes almost sparkled; the Doctor couldn't remember ever having seen his lover in a mood like this. "Why don't I just let you find out, instead of telling you?" he said, his voice soft and sensual, almost a purr.
The Doctor wasn't going to argue with that; he nodded in agreement, stretching his slender body out under Owen and reaching up to run his fingers through the other man's hair. "I think you should start showing me right now," he answered, his own tone husky with desire.
He was surprised when Owen caught his hands, then leaned over to reach for something on the floor. When Owen straightened up again, he held the sash of his dressing gown; the Doctor wasn't sure just what it was intended to be used for, but he had an idea.
That idea was confirmed when Owen began to wrap the fabric around his wrists, securing them to the wooden railing at the head of the bed. The Doctor looked doubtful, a slight frown settling onto his features as he looked up at his lover.
"I'm not all that comfortable with being tied up, you know," he said, tugging at the restraints to see how tightly he was bound. He couldn't loosen the bonds; for a moment, his hearts seemed to speed up, and he had to take a deep breath to keep himself calm.
"Does that hurt?" Owen's eyes moved to the Doctor's bound wrists, then back to the Time Lord's face. "I didn't tie you too tightly, did I?" He placed a hand on the Doctor's cheek, stroking gentle fingertips over his skin. "I'm not going to hurt you."
The Time Lord nodded, taking another deep breath and forcing himself to lie still. "I know you won't," he whispered, shaking his head in answer to Owen's question. "No, love, it doesn't hurt. I'm just .... a little wary about being tied up, that's all."
"I just don't want you to squirm too much or push me away," Owen told him, leaning closer so that his lips almost brushed against the Time Lord's mouth as he spoke. "I don't think you'll want to push me away -- but you'll enjoy it more if you can't move freely."
"I will?" The Doctor's curiosity about what his lover intended to do to him was piqued; whatever it was, he trusted Owen not to do anything that would hurt, and to stop if he was uncomfortable with anything that happened. "Then you should get started."
"Oh, I intend to," Owen breathed, his warm breath sending a shiver down the Time Lord's spine. His mouth moved along the Doctor's jaw, trailing fiery kisses down his throat; his warm lips pressed against the hollow at the base of the Doctor's throat, drawing a gasp from the Gallifreyan.
The Doctor closed his eyes, letting himself enjoy the sensation of Owen's warm lips on his skin. He loved being kissed like this; his entire body was tense, taut, sensitized, waiting to see just where his lover's lips would move next.
Those soft lips moved down his chest, Owen's sharp teeth nipping at first one taut nipple, then the other. The Doctor expected that to only last for a few seconds; in his experience, lovers didn't spend much time with one's nipples, which was a pity.
But Owen's mouth didn't move downward; instead, his lips and tongue moved back to the first nipple he'd pleasured, his tongue laving the tender bud before beginning to suckle gently, nipping occasionally with his teeth, but not hard enough to hurt.
The Doctor cried out Owen's name; pleasure was coursing through him in a steady stream, pressure starting to build inside him. His cock was hard and throbbing against his belly; he wanted, no, he needed for that warm mouth to move downward between his legs.
He strained his muscles against the bonds, but he couldn't free his hands; and Owen's mouth wasn't moving any lower. His lover concentrating on his nipples, suckling at each one in turn until the Doctor's senses were reeling.
Owen raised his head, giving the Doctor a devilish smile. "I'm going to make you come without touching any part of your body other than your nipples," he murmured, before lowering his head and wrapping his lips around one nipple again, sucking harder this time.
The Doctor couldn't make any sound but a surprised gasp; the feel of Owen's warm, wet mouth on his nipple had sapped his powers of speech, even of thought. All he could do writhe under his boyfriend, tugging against the restraints that held his hands captive.
He dimly heard a soft moan filling the air; it took him a few moments to realize that it was coming from his own throat. The sensations that Owen was causing were moving in a direct line down his body, from his nipples to his almost painfully hard cock.
The feeling of that wet warmth enveloping first one nipple, then the other, was doing things to his body that he couldn't put into words. His hips arched upwards, desperately seeking some kind of friction, but finding none. He was going to go insane if Owen kept this up, he was sure of it.
But of course, Owen had no intention of stopping, the Doctor thought hazily, another moan leaving his lips as that warm tongue circled around one nipple, Owen's teeth nipping at the erect bud only seconds later. His lover would keep going until he came.
"Owen," he groaned, his head turning from side to side, tugging at the cuffs again. "You know what that does to me ...." Yes, Owen knew just what this was doing to him. He'd never made any secret of just how sensitive his nipples were -- or how much he enjoyed having them stimulated.
Owen was going to achieve his objective; the Time Lord had no doubt of that whatsoever. He could already feel his orgasm starting to build in the pit of his belly; within moments, that tingling sensation would spread over his body until it reached a fever pitch.
That tingling sensation was building, reaching a crescendo; the Doctor cried out his lover's name as the wave that had been building to gigantic proportions crested within him, coursing through him until he was shuddering with the aftershocks of his climax.
He opened his eyes slowly, his gaze focusing on Owen sitting back on his heels with a satisfied expression on his face. He blinked, watching as his boyfriend leaned over him to pull at the fabric that bound his wrists, freeing them in a few seconds.
Owen lay back down beside the Doctor, wrapping his arms around the slender Time Lord and pulling the other man close against his body. "Was that what you expected?" he whispered into the Doctor's ear, his voice husky, sensuous.
"I didn't expect you to do that, no," the Doctor murmured, sliding his arms around Owen's waist. "It was wonderful," he added, wanting his lover to know that he'd enjoyed what Owen had done to him. "But you couldn't have gotten much satisfaction out of it."
"I wanted to do something for you that I thought you'd like," Owen said softly, pressing a gentle kiss to the Doctor's mouth. "As kind of an entreƩ before the main course, as it were." There was a hint of laughter in his tone that made the Doctor raise a questioning brow.
"And what exactly would the main course be?" he asked, knowing full well what Owen intended, but deciding to let his boyfriend explain it himself. "I'm sure that's something I'll enjoy too -- and I hope it's something you're going to like just as much."
"I think you can figure that out for yourself," Owen told him, smirking as he rolled the Doctor over onto his back. The Time Lord's eyes widened as his boyfriend straddled him, looking down at him with a smirk on his face.
He could feel the answering grin spreading across his own features, a laugh bubbling up in his throat as he wrapped his arms around Owen's shoulders and pulled him down for a kiss. If that had only been the entreƩ, then the main course was sure to be incredible.***
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