Title: Heat and Steam
By: Craig
Pairing: OMC/OMC
Rating: R-17
Disclaimer: Torchwood was created by Russell T Davies and is a BBC production, as is Dr Who. This is nonprofit fanfic.
Summary: New Torchwood staffer Cameron Grant has just met Rex Benton, son to a former UNIT Sargeant, at a showdown with an errant Cardiff Cyberman. Courtesy of the Hub's new mens ablution block, things are about to get rather steamy...--------------------------------------------------------------------
"Oh, absolutely wicked!" Rex Benton said, as Cameron Grant entered the shower and ablutions block with him.
"Okay. The clothes go in here, and the nanocleansers get rid of the dirt, grime, blood and assorted other possible xentoxins. Looks like we're all alone in here. Martha and Mickey disappeared rather quickly, didn't they?"
"Can't blame Ianto for headin' off wi' Jack, though. He's changed since I knew him, Johnno and Rhi as a lad, though." Rex started unlacing his boots as Cam pulled off his shirt, revealing cut abs and sharp angular pecs. The showers started to make a satisfying sussuration in the background as Cam doffed his trousers and Rex pulled off his own splattered and somewhat malodourous security guard shirt, leading Cam to observe: "Body art."
"What, they don't have tattoos where yez from?"
Cam shook his head: "A lot of things didn't survive what happens later this century. So, do they actually mean anything, or are they just for decoration? That's an old UNIT insignia. That's probably a regimental sign. Who's Pavlik?"
Rex swallowed: "No one. Just a mate."
As Cam turned, Rex caught sight of the taller man's lacerated and scarred back. He dropped his trousers and he didn't care whether the other man would flinch back or not. He put his trembling hand out and touched the other's back: "C-Cam? Mate...I know what that means. Y'were tortured, man. An' it looks fearful heavy..." He moved impulsively to hug Cam. To Cam's own surprise, he even felt tears. He turned and gathered the shorter man into his arms: "Hey. It's okay."
"Like hell it is. I saw that sort of shit in Bosnia too many times. And I know what it means. There's not just scars on yez body. Tell me I'm an interferin' poof, but-"
"Hang on. You're samesexer?"
"Yeh. An' Pavlik were...more than a mate. A lot more."
Cam leant down and kissed him: "Look, where I come from, they don't do casual... too many people died back in 21C for us to take human relationships that lightly.""Good. Because I don't want casual. I want you, Cam. I want to take yez back home to my gaff. I want to make mad passionate love to yez and I want us to be together for the rest of our natural. Because I want to take some of that pain away..."
Cam's eyes twinkled: "What say we get nice, steamy and wet first? And who needs one shower, anyway?"
"An' can I also say you're awesome hung?"
"Yeah. Probably bigger than Jack, too..." The banter shaded into silence as, each holding one another as if the world would shatter around them, the two formerly lost men climbed together into a shower cubicle, which softly slid shut, occluding them from view...
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