Title: Fulfilled
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Ianto Jones
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas/Torchwood
Rating: NC-17
Table: The Body, mission_insane
Prompt: 2, Neck
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Ianto Jones, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.***
Greg sighed softly as he sank into the softness of the couch in Ianto's living room. It still felt a little odd to be here; he hadn't quite gotten used to Cardiff yet, even though he'd been here for a few months now. He still felt a little like a stranger in a strange land.
But being with Ianto, having a man in his life, had made things a little easier. He hadn't come here looking for a relationship, but he hadn't been able to resist the young Welshman. Ianto had him under a spell, one that he never wanted to break free of.
He had never met anyone like Ianto before; the other man was a little secretive about his past, but Greg didn't blame him for that. Everyone had things in their pasts that they regretted; his was the affair with Nick, when he'd allowed himself to be treated like a piece of property.
Nick hadn't appreciated him at all; he had always put work before Greg, and if he had stayed with Nick, he knew that he would have ended up spending all of his life being unhappy. But he had finally had the courage to break away, to come here and start a new life for himself.
True, he hadn't been planning on a relationship when he'd started that new life -- but Ianto had come into his life with such force that he hadn't been able to hold himself back. This time, he was sure that he'd found the right man -- and that what they shared would last.
"What are you thinking about?" Ianto's soft voice broke into his thoughts; Greg rolled his head on the cushion to look over at his boyfriend, smiling at the curious expression on Ianto's handsome features. He had never seen anyone look so gorgeous -- and so utterly desirable.
Greg shrugged, unsure of how to answer his boyfriend. But in the end, all he could do was tell Ianto the truth. "I was thinking about us," he admitted, his dark gaze locked on Ianto's face. "About us. About how grateful I am that I found you when I did."
Ianto nodded, his luscious lips curving into the smile that Greg loved to see. Leaning over, he slid one arm around Greg, pulling him close. Greg closed his eyes and tilted his head back, sighing in pleasure as Ianto's soft lips moved down the slender column of his throat.
"I love it when you do that," he whispered as Ianto nibbled at his neck, his lips pressing against the tender hollow at the base of Greg's throat, nibbling and kissing until Greg's breath came in short gasps. "If you keep doing that, I'll be begging you to take me right here on the couch."
"And that would be a bad thing .... why?" Ianto inquired, lifting his head to smile wickedly at his boyfriend. "I think that wouldn't be too hard for me to do. It would just involve removing a few clothes -- and it seems like we could do that fairly easily, if I'm not mistaken."
Greg could only nod in acquiescence as his eyes closed again, giving himself over to the touch of Ianto's lips and hands on his body. Within moments, his shirt was off, and he lifted his hips so that Ianto could pull his jeans down and off, tossing them aside on the floor.
It only took a few seconds for Ianto to remove his clothes as well; Greg moaned softly when he felt his lover's body on top of his, without the barrier of clothes between them. Ianto's body set his own on fire; all he wanted was for them to be joined, as quickly as possible.
Ianto's lips were on his neck again; Greg tilted his head to the side to give his boyfriend better access, moaning Ianto's name softly as he did so. His throat was one of his most erogenous zones; Ianto kissing him there was guaranteed to drive him wild.
His lover was well aware of that fact, Greg thought as Ianto's teeth nipped gently at his neck. This was always one of the plaecs that Ianto went for whenever they made love; there were times when Ianto had been able to make him come just by kissing and nibbling at his neck.
His eyes flew open as he felt his hands being pinned to the pillows above his head; he stared up at Ianto, his gaze unfocused for a moment. But the sensual smile on his lover's face calmed him; Ianto didn't intend to do anything that he wasn't prepared for.
"I want to make you beg for it," Ianto whispered, his voice so soft it was almost inaudible. "I want to hear you moaning my name, and see you writhing under me. I want to drive you crazy, Greg. I want you to want that as much as I do. I want to see you respond to everything I do to you."
"Then do whatever you want to me," Greg answered in a whisper. "No matter what you do, I know I'll love it." Personally, he wished that Ianto would keep kissing and nibbling at his neck forever, but he would be happy with anything that his boyfriend chose to do to him.
"Got to admit, I love it when you kiss my neck," he said aloud, his gaze meeting Ianto's. "Of all the things you do do me, that's one that definitely drives me nuts. If you keep on just doing that, I'll probably come before you have a chance to get inside me."
Ianto smiled again, bowing his head to capture Greg's lips with his own. As he let himself sink into the kiss, Greg did exactly what Ianto had said that he wanted, moaning his boyfriend's name. However, the name was swallowed by their kiss, the sound nothing more than an incoherent moan.
Greg wrapped his arms around Ianto's shoulders, pulling him closer; he wanted his boyfriend's body pressed against his own, wanted to feel every inch of Ianto molded against him. But Ianto pulled away slightly, only to resume his teasing of Greg's neck.
Within seconds, Greg was writhing beneath Ianto, just as his lover had said he would be. He couldn't control himself; Ianto's touch did indeed drive him crazy, and the feel of those soft kisses moving up and down his throat only made the fire within him blaze higher.
He desperately needed Ianto inside him -- but he needed his boyfriend to keep up what he was doing, too. Greg was caught between two delicious alternatives; he didn't know which one he wanted more, but he was going to let Ianto decide what he wanted to do.
He would let his lover take the wheel, let him be in charge. He had always let Nick do that, he told himself before he pushed the thought of his former lover away firmly. He didn't need to think about Nick. That was the past, and Ianto was his future. A future that he wanted and needed.
Besides, Nick had very rarely listened to what Greg needed when it came to making love. He thought he knew everything that Greg wanted, and he refused to believe that there might be other things that his boyfriend had in mind other than the tried and true.
Ianto was very different, Greg thought with an inward smile. He was always willing to try new things, and to experiment -- and he was always willing to listen. Like now, when Greg had told him what he wanted and he had complied, sending them both to the heavens.
Those soft lips moved up the column of his throat again to nibble at his earlobe; Greg thought he would melt from the pleasure that coursed through his body. He wanted Ianto inside him; he wanted him now, not in a few minutes, not in one more second. Now.
As though he could sense what Greg wanted from him, Ianto lifted his head to gaze into his boyfriend's eyes with those clear, cool blue-grey eyes. But that gaze wasn't so cool and collected now; Greg could see the fire that burned behind those eyes.
He arched his back, indicating what he wanted without words. That was another thing that he loved about his relationship with Ianto; the two of them seemed to have such a mental and emotional connection that he didn't need to tell his lover exactly what he desired. Ianto simply knew.
Ianto reached for the table at the end of the couch, where Greg knew there was a small tube of lubricant hidden inside a convenient drawer. His body tightened, his breath coming faster. In just a few moments, he would have what he wanted. Only a few moments now ....
Within seconds, Ianto was sliding inside him, making him sigh with pleasure. His muscles tightened, his body responding to the feeling of being entered, being filled, taking his lover inside him. This was all he wanted, all he needed; it was his paradise.
Greg closed his eyes as Ianto's lips moved to his throat again as his lover began to move inside him. He was in heaven; he could die at this moment, and he would die happy. Nothing made him as happy and fulfilled as when he was with Ianto; nothing ever could.
He wrapped his legs around Ianto's waist, urging his lover own as those lips devoured his neck. If they kept on like this, Greg told himself, their lovemaking might not last for long -- but with the way that he felt right now, he was more than fulfilled, in every possible way.***
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