Title: All I Want
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Ianto Jones
Fandom: CSI: Vegas/Torchwood
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Ianto Jones, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.***
"Nice place you have here," Greg commented as he sat down on the couch in Ianto's living room, looking around him. The apartment -- no, flat, he had to remember to call them flats -- wasn't large, but it was neat and comfortable.
He could get used to being in a place like this, he thought as he curled his long legs up under him, turning his head to look towards the kitchen. Ianto had said that he'd make them tea; that seemed to Greg to be as good a way as any of breaking the ice.
Only there was no ice, was there? He and Ianto had seemed to fit together from the moment they'd first met; he had never been so attracted to anyone as he was to this man. Except for Nick, he thought sadly, before he determinedly pushed that thought from his mind.
He didn't need to focus on Nick. Not here. Not now. That was over; it was in the past, and he could never get that relationship back again. He had made up his mind to leave, and he had a whole new life now. He couldn't keep looking back at the past.
He had a future here, in Cardiff. And for all he knew, that future might be with Ianto. He could see himself falling for this man; Ianto was charming, handsome, and obviously intelligent. It wouldn't be hard to fall in love with him. He was interested already.
No matter what, he wasn't going to compare Ianto to Nick, Greg told himself firmly. They were two different men, and there was no point in trying to find similarities. He had to move on with his life, and if he kept thinking about his past relationship, he'd never be able to do that.
Besides, that wouldn't be fair to Ianto. He had to go into this relationship with an open mind and without having any expectations, Greg told himself. He had to accept Ianto as he was -- exactly as the other man had to accept him.
Within a few moments, Ianto was coming into the living room with a teapot and two mugs on a tray. He set it down on the coffee table, then went back into the kitchen, returning with milk and sugar. Finally, he sat down on the couch next to Greg, turning to him with a smile.
"I don't know how you take your tea, but I'll remember," he said softly, handing over a mug and picking up the teapot. Carefully, he poured Greg's tea, giving Greg a chance to observe him. His movements were deft, precise, as though he'd done this a lot.
Picking up the milk, Greg poured it into his tea, then stirred in sugar. He glanced at Ianto over the rim of the mug; the other man appeared to be watching him surreptitiously, though his gaze darted away when he realized that Greg was looking at him.
"It's kind of hard to watch somebody without being obvious about it, isn't it?" he asked, leaning back on the soft cushions of the couch and sipping his tea. "What do you want to know? Just ask, and I'll tell. I'm an open book. Fire away."
Ianto settled back against the cushions, turning to look at Greg, his blue-grey eyes searching the other man's face. Greg almost felt uncomfortable under such scrutiny; it was as though Ianto was looking past the surface, that penetrating gaze reaching into his very soul.
"Were you very much in love with the man you had to leave behind when you came here?" Ianto asked softly, titling his head to the side as he regarded Greg. "There's a lot of sadness in you. I can feel it. I'm guessing it's mostly because of him."
Greg swallowed hard, putting down the mug and closing his eyes. "Yeah, I was," he whispered, letting the memories of Nick come back to him. "But it couldn't have lasted. I wanted it to, and I think he did, too -- but because of the rules where we worked together, it was impossible."
"The rules should never come between two people who love each other," Ianto murmured, shaking his head. "I know how you feel, Greg. I was dating a man I worked with, too. And he decided that running off to America was more important than our relationship was."
"The guy I was with always put his job before us," Greg said, bitterness obvious in his tone. "He never wanted to be with me if he could do something to get ahead at work. In the end, I couldn't stay with him because I was never going to come first."
Ianto nodded, his throat tightening. "It was the same way with Jack," he said sadly. "He didn't think I was good enough to be a part of his elite team -- I was never more than the secretary and coffee boy, even when he let me go out on missions with them."
"He should have thought more of you," Greg said softly, reaching out to trail gentle fingertips down Ianto's cheek. "You're not the kind of guy anybody could say no to. He's a fool if he did. But then, if you'd gone with him, then I'd never have met you."
"And your boyfriend was a fool to have ever put his job before you," Ianto whispered, moving closer to Greg on the couch. "If you were mine, you would undoubtedly be first with me. Anyone who would put their job before you doesn't deserve to have you."
Greg swallowed hard, feeling tears rise behind his eyes. He hadn't thought that Ianto would say something like that; after all, they'd just met, and he had assumed that this wouldn't be anything but a quick sexual encounter. But maybe it could be more.
He didn't want to be with Ianto for just one night. He already cared about this man; Ianto had reached out to him in a way that nobody else ever had. There was a connection between them that he'd never felt with anyone, male or female, who he'd ever been with.
Ianto could be someone special in his life -- even more so than Nick had been. He'd thought that he was never going to find anyone else who he could love the way that he'd loved Nick. But now, he was starting to think that he'd been wrong in that assumption.
"I don't want this to just be a one-night stand," he blurted out, astonished at his own words. "I want you to be somebody special in my life, Ianto. I don't want to just sleep with you and forget about you. I'm not that kind of person. If that's all you want, then tell me now."
Ianto sat back, shaking his head. "No, that isn't all I want. I want much, much more than that. I think I've wanted that from the moment I saw you." He reached out to cup Greg's chin in his hand, their gazes meeting and holding. "I want you, Greg. For much more than one night."
He moved forward to wrap his arms around Greg's waist and pull him close; Greg wasn't prepared for the sudden movement, gasping as his body was molded against Ianto's. His own arms slid around the other man's waist, bringing their bodies even closer together.
Greg closed his eyes when he felt Ianto's lips on his; Nick had never kissed him like this, so slowly, so gently, so sensuously. It was as though Ianto was exploring his mouth, wanting to know him completely, more intimately than anyone else ever had before.
Ianto's hand was under his chin, tilting his head back, his mouth covering Greg's. It was almost as though the other man was drinking from his mouth, Greg thought dazedly; no one had ever kissed him like this before, with such passion and desire.
Ianto's hand was moving under his shirt, those warm fingers stroking over his skin; first his stomach, then up to his chest to tease each taut nipple in turn. Greg felt as if he would melt under the onslaught of both mouth and fingers; all he wanted was for Ianto to take him to bed.
When Ianto broke the kiss, his eyes were on Greg, his gaze not faltering. "I don't know just where the future might take us, Greg," he said softly, his thumb caressing Greg's lower lip. "But all I want right now is to be with you. I hope we might be able to make a future together."
Greg nodded, swallowing hard and trying to marshal his whirling thoughts into words. "So do I," he managed to murmur, his voice low and husky. "I'm not going to hold you to any promises, Ianto. But I'd like to think that tonight is the start of something great."
"If you want me as much as I want you, I can't help but think the same thing," Ianto murmured against his mouth. Greg could almost feel himself melting into the other man's arms; oh, yes, he wanted Ianto. He couldn't remember when he'd wanted anyone more.
Ianto got to his feet, pulling Greg up with him. As he was led down the hallway towards Ianto's bedroom, Greg pushed all thoughts of anything else aside other than the coming night. This was his future, and he had to learn to reach for what he wanted in the present and let the past go.***
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