Title: Changes
Author: Jedi Princess Clarrisani
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Jack/Ianto/Owen/Tosh/Gwen, referenced Jack/Ianto, Tosh/Owen
Summary: A night of beer and pizza turns into something more.
Disclaimer: I do not own. If I did, this would have happened already.
Warnings: Pure smut, with some Season Two spoilers---
Ianto really couldn't be sure when things had changed. He knew that his own life had changed on that faithful day at Canary Warf with Ghost Watch. Before then everything had been routine, the only break being when Lisa would announce her girl friends from work were coming to visit and he should go out with his friends so not to complain about the coffee cups she would leave lying around.
They were all dead now. Lisa, her friends, his friends... his whole life had been at Canary Warf, and during the course of an hour or so it had all been destroyed. Hell, he still had issues with some robots. And of course there was the Lisa thing, or 'you know, that incident a while back' as his new colleagues called it when they couldn't avoid bringing it up.
Then there had been Jack. When he had been lost and alone, contemplating ending it all, Jack had walked into his life and given him purpose again. It had been just a job at first, then a friendship, then something so much more. Every day he made it a point to let Jack know how much he appreciated everything he had done for him.
But it wasn't just Jack. That's what was making him sit here now, thinking about everything. When he had first joined Torchwood Three he had been the mentally unstable and emotionally weak tea boy archivist with the cyber girlfriend in the basement (not that the others had known the last bit at the time). But over the last year things had changed so much.
He actually thought that it might have been Lisa that made things change. She had used him, he knew that now. The Lisa he had fallen in love with had died with Torchwood One. But the events of that faithful day when she had risen and begun killing had changed things for him. Suddenly he was no longer in the background. Suddenly all eyes were on him.
Tosh had been the first to reach out. It had been the occasional coffee she would leave on his desk, then they'd begun having chats, and soon it had become the odd drink after work. Gwen teased them about being 'gossip buddies', and now that he thought about it that really was what they were.
Jack had been the next one to make an effort. It had been awkward between them at first. After all, not only had Ianto nearly killed them all with his secret, but he'd also used, threatened and punched his boss. Jack had held a gun on him, made his own threats, and just to make things even more awkward he'd kissed him. Jack had since explained that kiss, but it had still been awkward.
They'd started sleeping together around the time Suzie had risen, Ianto finally getting up the confidence to make a move on Jack since it had become clear Jack was still unsure where he stood. It had been an on and off thing, but after Jack had returned from his adventures (so he called them), they'd officially started dating and things had been great since then. Hell, Jack had even introduced Ianto as his boyfriend at one stage.
Interestingly enough, the next person to reach out had been Owen. When Jack had disappeared they had floundered for a while, and things had been complicated between him and Owen for long before then. They'd always had some sort of unspoken rivalry that had really come to head during the Billis thing, but after Jack's disappearance it had all seemed so pointless.
It had been Owen that had plonked the bottle of beer down in front of him one long night at the Hub and then proceeded to pull up a chair beside him. They'd drunk in silence for a while before they'd started talking, and they'd never really stopped. They'd formed a truce of sorts, and Ianto would even go so far as to call them borderline friends.
Gwen had been the last. She had stepped into the role of leader when Jack had disappeared, and he had automatically shifted to become her helper as he knew the most about the Hub, Torchwood and Cardiff in general. Gwen had been the one to start bringing him on more missions, and while sitting out on a stakeout they'd started talking about Jack.
He knew Gwen was in love with Jack, just as Gwen knew he was in love with Jack. That set aside, Gwen had followed Tosh's lead and invited him out for drinks after work. Like Owen, Ianto considered her a borderline friend as it was clear she still considered him a rival, but they got along fairly well now.
He shifted slightly, glancing up toward the television and sighing. It had been a slow process, but they really were a team now. He supposed, thinking about it all, things had changed with Lisa. But still, things had changed an awful lot, more than he would have thought they would have.
He glanced down, smiling as Tosh shifted against him, her hand sliding against his bare chest as the blanket slid off her shoulders. She made a soft sound in her sleep, wriggling in her spot on the floor beside him. The couch was warm behind him where he sat on the blankets on the floor of Owen's new flat, tv mute and Tosh snoring slightly beside him.
Speaking of Owen... Ianto's gaze drifted down to where the other man's head was resting on his thigh. Like Tosh Owen was asleep, looking peaceful for once. The light of the tv cast soft shadows on his face, causing Ianto to smile and gently run his fingers through his hair.
"You okay?"
Ianto glanced up, finding Jack watching him. He sat shoulder to shoulder with the other man, and allowing his gaze to shift Ianto spotted Gwen curled up against Jack's chest, one of Jack's arms wrapped around her waist, and looking further down Ianto spotted Owen's hand resting on Jack's knee.
Smiling, Ianto glanced back up to meet Jack's eye. "Best I've been in a long time."
Jack's smile widened, Ianto meeting him halfway in the soft kiss, feeling Jack's fingers move on his hip to pull him in closer. Ianto rested his head on Jack's shoulder and pulled Tosh in closer as Owen shifted. He smiled as he felt Jack place a kiss on his temple before resting his head against Ianto's, returning his attention to the screen.
Ianto couldn't really be sure when things had changed so much to allow them all to be here like this, to do what they had done, but in all honesty, he was glad that they had. And despite all the heartbreak and tears, the anger and passion, he would do it all again.
When he thought about it, it was seriously messed up. Even as he shifted to try and get more comfortable and cursing the hard floor, Owen knew that there had to be laws against things like this. Not that he'd ever been one to really abide by the law or to have any qualms about trying new things sexual, but this was still messed up.
It had taken him so long to realise Tosh's feelings for him. Owen had always prided himself on his ability to tell when a girl had a thing for him. It had taken him 0.2 seconds to catch onto the fact Gwen was giving him the eye, and even less time to get into her pants. It had been almost too easy, come to think of it.
When he hit the bars it was almost like he had a radar that zoned in on the girls that checked him out. And a year back he'd even had a go at the ones who weren't interested, just for a challenge. Of course, he had cheated a bit. But what's the point in a pheromone spray if not to use it.
But Tosh... he'd missed that one big time. And now, looking back and knowing what he knows, he realises how obvious it was. Maybe that was the problem – Gwen and those other women had tried to hide it, while Tosh had been more open. Maybe he just plain missed the obvious.
It had taken almost losing her for him to realise how much he needed her, and for her losing him for her to confess her true feelings. Everything had worked out all right in the end, and he'd surprised her by taking her out to dinner and a movie. Seems they might be a better match then he had thought.
But still, that didn't really explain this. Okay, so maybe he hadn't done Jack per se, not yet anyway. Who knew what would happen in the morning. In fact, he was curious as to what the captain could offer, especially given the tricks Ianto knew.
Ianto... well... talk about the quiet ones. He and Ianto had always had an odd relationship. Owen put it down to the fact that before Ianto had joined Torchwood Three, it had just been Owen, Jack and the ladies. Jack had never made it a habit to sleep with his team, at least until Ianto had come along as far as Owen knew, and Owen had prided himself on being the male centre of attention.
Suddenly there was another male there, and one who wasn't his boss. Owen had made it his personal mission to make sure Ianto had stayed in his place – the tea boy, back up, archivist... generally not really a threat for the ladies. Still, he'd heard Suzie comment about how hot Ianto was, and Jack spent a lot of time bringing it up too.
Then Jack had disappeared with Tosh into 1941 and Owen had realised that Ianto did actually have some leadership qualities, and thus the alpha male battle had really begun and continued since then. It was actually a good thing that Gwen had taken over as leader, as either he or Ianto would have ended up getting shot.
When Jack had really disappeared Ianto was no longer the tea boy, coming out with them on missions and generally proving himself. Making up his mind Owen had decided to call a truce and offered it in the form of a bottle of beer. Since then they'd been taking steps to an uneasy friendship, Owen even teaching Ianto how to fight, and Ianto teaching him how to actually navigate the archives without getting lost.
When Jack had returned things hadn't gone back to the way things were. Ianto still spent more time out in the field, more time even than Tosh did. In fact, Owen found that the Tea Boy was fairly good at field work and no longer cracked under pressure like he once did. He still needed more experience fighting, though.
Ianto and Jack were sleeping together again, Owen knew that. It was different to before, though. Back then it had just been shagging, but now they seemed to actually be in a relationship. Even now, when he cracked an eye open to glance at them, he could see the looks they exchanged. The gentle loving kisses, the soft words. It was almost sickening.
Owen let his gaze shift, spotting Gwen curled against Jack. So she'd managed to jump at the opportunity. He really didn't blame her. She was a good shag if anything. Owen sometimes wondered who had been better for Torchwood out of Gwen and Suzie, but every time he came back to Gwen. Suzie had been good, but Gwen just had a human element that was sometimes a weakness, but was more often than not the thing that helped them win the battle.
Owen liked Gwen, he really did, but sometimes she just... well, pissed him off. He couldn't put his finger on it, but she knew how to push his buttons. Where Ianto was subtle and manipulative about it, Gwen was direct. She would more than happily get into a fight about whatever it was they were doing.
In all honesty, that was why they had been so great in bed. It was when they weren't shagging that things got complicated. In fact, Owen would put money on the fact Gwen would try and read more into this than there was.
He felt a movement and tilted his head slightly, grinning as he spotted Tosh. This was all her fault, really. If she hadn't egged him on he would have never had a go at Ianto, and Ianto would have never extended the invitation to her... god it had been great. Best sex he'd had since... well, since he could remember. He was definitely going to have to arrange some sort of repeat performance.
Feeling eyes on him he glanced up, finding Jack's grey watching him. Jack smiled faintly, Owen smiling back before shifting into a more comfortable position against Ianto, his smile widening further as Ianto's fingers smoothed through his hair.
Owen tightened his grip on Jack's leg, trailing his thumb over the bare skin and hearing Jack make a small happy noise at the back of his throat. So, the captain was interested in shagging him. Well, once he'd slept off what Ianto and Tosh had done to him, he'd more than happily give Jack a run for his money.
Owen let out a contented sigh and closed his eyes. As messed up as it all was, he could get used to this.
There was nothing more pleasing to Tosh than a plan gone well. Usually that plan involved computers and statistics and some form of alien tech, but this was far more rewarding and a great deal more satisfying.
It had been Owen's idea actually. Well, Owen and Jack's. They'd been driving home from collecting a piece of alien technology, and she'd been in the back seat studying it listening in on their conversation. What had caught her attention was when they'd started talking about who would sleep with who at the Hub, Jack saying that they would sleep with everyone, Owen saying he'd draw the line at Ianto.
Jack had laughed and said it was obvious that the tension between Owen and Ianto wasn't just that of a rivalry, but a sexual tension on a different level to the one between Jack and Gwen – a slightly more destructive tension even. Owen had been silent for a while but had then admitted that okay, maybe he wouldn't mind doing Ianto, but there was no way he'd make the first move.
Tosh had then spent the next few weeks dwelling over it, paying attention to her colleagues and realising Jack was right in the fact they probably would do each other. On different nights Tosh had fantasised over all of them. Admittedly Owen was the one she really wanted, but there was nothing wrong with dreaming.
She'd always had a thing for Jack – they all did. He was the strong, dashing leader who always had an answer for everything, and a smile that could make the strongest person crack. In fact, cracking her eyes open and looking at him, she still wouldn't mind doing him.
Gwen... well. Seeing her now Tosh carefully stored every detail into memory for future fantasies. Tosh had no issue whatsoever with sleeping with a woman. She'd been fantasising over her since she'd seen Gwen making out with Carys. In fact, Tosh had had Owen give her a copy of that tape for 'personal reasons'.
Tosh shifted, splaying her hand against Ianto's chest and feeling his heartbeat beneath her touch, and smiling she tucked her head in against his shoulder. She'd always watched Ianto from afar, but after the Lisa incident she'd built up the nerve to get to know him better. They were good friends now, and had, unbeknownst to the others, shared the occasional kiss.
Their relationship wasn't sexual. Well, it hadn't been until now. It was more built on gossip and laughter over coffee than anything. Tosh had known Ianto was clever, but after spending time with him she'd realised he was brilliant. He wasn't as adept as she was with computers but he was a quick study, although he reassured her that the computer genius title was hers, and he'd always be, as Owen called him, 'the emo Tea Boy in the archives.'
Owen had been her secret crush for so long, but recently, after some rough missions that had almost put a permanent end to their careers, let alone their lives, she'd final built up the courage to tell him how she really felt. He'd been a little surprised but in the end had asked her out on a date which had gone very well.
But this... wow.
It had been a game really. They'd all come to Owen's place for a night in with pizza, beer and a few movies. They'd spread blankets out in front of the tv, enjoying themselves. It had been Ianto's turn to fetch more beer, Jack teasing him about having a great arse as Ianto had headed for the fridge, Gwen and Tosh giving their agreement and laughing when Ianto had thrown them a wink.
Tosh had asked Owen his opinion, to which Owen had made a point of skirting the issue and trying to change the subject. Tosh had grinned, claiming he couldn't admit that he had a thing for Ianto, to which she'd received a stare. Then Gwen and Jack had gotten in on it.
What had done it was Ianto, who had set the beers down on the table and turned, smirking. "He just doesn't want me to learn how bad he is in bed. In fact, I'm probably better at many things, be it in bed or kissing."
"All right, that's it!"
Before they could blink Owen was up, vaulting over the back of the couch and crossing the kitchen in two steps, slamming the fridge door closed and pinning Ianto against it. Tosh, Gwen and Jack had cheered as Owen had kissed Ianto hard, Ianto not pushing him away but rather, after a moment, spinning Owen and proceeding to pin him to the fridge.
After a long while Jack had cleared his throat, breaking them apart. Jack had reminded them about the forgotten drinks and Owen had helped Ianto carry them back over to the others. They'd gone back to the movie, Ianto and Owen muttering the occasional challenge or rebuttal until Owen had grabbed the front of Ianto's jeans, causing the younger man to straighten sharply.
Owen had leaned in and growled something in Ianto's ear, the glimmer in Owen's eyes telling Tosh it was some sort of challenge. Ianto had stared at him before that up-to-something smirk had flickered across his lips. Ianto had then proceeded to shove his hand down the front of Owen's pants, causing him to yelp.
That had been all it took, Owen and Ianto's lips crushing together as they tugged at clothing, Ianto shooting a quick amused look toward Jack and receiving one in return when Owen started begging.
Tosh had sat back, feeling lust build up within her as she watched as they yanked clothing free, hands exploring every inch of exposed skin. Tosh had glanced toward the others, chuckling as she realised Gwen had clambered into Jack's lap and the two were finally doing something about all that sexual tension.
Tosh's hand had moved on its own accord, creeping down between her legs and unconsciously stroking and caressing as she watched Owen and Ianto remove the lasts of their clothing. Somehow Ianto had managed to turn Owen into a quivering begging mess, Owen bucking against Ianto and whimpering as Ianto nipped at his collarbone, Tosh watching in fascination as she realised Ianto had slid two fingers inside the other man and was gently thrusting them in and out.
Owen had fumbled under the couch, dragging out a box of condoms and pushing them toward Ianto. Ianto had flipped one over his shoulder toward Jack before taking one himself. Finding it unbearably hot and realising she was now the most overdressed in the room, Tosh had begun peeling off her clothing.
Hearing a choked gasp she looked up again, eyes widening as she realised that while she'd been preoccupied Ianto had manoeuvred Owen so they were both lying on their sides, Owen's back to Ianto, Ianto now buried deep within the other man.
Ianto glanced up at her, eyes sparkling as he smiled and extended a hand toward her. She smiled, stripping the last of her clothing and tossing it aside before knitting her fingers with his, allowing him to pull her close. She kissed him, tasting Owen on his lips and sighing with contentment as she felt fingers slide over her bare flesh.
She pulled back, moving her attention to Owen even as he pulled her close. She saw Ianto shift and begin fiddling with something, quickly realising he was rolling a condom onto Owen. She caught on, shifting until she was stretched out beside them and wriggling until they were in the right position and Owen was buried deep within her.
Owen gasped her name as his eyes fell closed, Tosh and Ianto meeting each other's eye in silent communication before the three of them sort out and found a rhythm. Tosh lost herself in the sensation of Owen filling her, feeling him twitch and buck every time Ianto brushed his prostate.
Owen lasted surprising longer than she thought he would, and as he neared his own climax his hand slid between her legs and began stroking her clit. Tosh gasped, feeling the heat building up within her and overtaking her, the sensation overwhelming her and she allowed herself to be lost in it.
Her body was still buzzing as she regained full coherency, eyes blinking open to find Owen gasping, clinging to her. Ianto had his head resting against Owen's, fighting to regain his breath and gently trailing a hand down Owen's side to his hip, then circling it back up in soothing motions as the other man trembled in his arms.
They had carefully shifted, Owen barely able to move as they had removed the condoms and set them aside, Ianto shifting so he was leaning back against the couch, Owen settling into his lap. Tosh had curled against Ianto's side, closing her eyes and smiling as he placed a soft kiss on her forehead as she fell asleep.
Originally Gwen had had every intention of talking her way out of the 'slumber party/booze up' that the others had arranged at Owen's place, but her curiosity to see the new place had won out. She'd been thinking of spending the night home with Rhys, but a voice message on her phone had changed her mind. Seems Dav wanted another night out. Sometimes she wondered about Rhys and Dav.
Tosh had been the one to talk her into it, saying it would be a night she would never forget. It had turned out that Tosh had been right, and now Gwen was questioning if this had been Tosh's plan all along. She wouldn't put it past her.
It wasn't the first time the team had had a night of pizza, movies and beer. They'd started having them a month or so after Jack had left, just as something to let them bond and keep their minds off their missing boss. They'd continued even after Jack had come back, since they were fun.
The only issue she had with these nights had to be the flirting. She felt so out of place now. Back when Jack had been away, all the flirting had been mutual. A free for all if you will. But now... Tosh and Owen had started dating – Tosh had told her about it. And Jack and Ianto had been seeing each other for a while now.
That was the main problem, right there. Gwen had always had a thing for Jack, right from the moment she met him. Things were still a little hazy from that time, but the attraction had been one of the things that had made her remember Torchwood.
When Jack had been away there hadn't been that distraction. She could work, play and relax with the team without incident. She and Ianto, another she knew had always had a liking for Jack (in all honesty, they all did), had been on the same page, mutual. They could enjoy themselves as they were.
Now, every time the team went out Gwen couldn't help but feel a little resentment toward Ianto. Tosh and Owen Gwen could still enjoy herself with, even if she did feel a little left out these days. Jack... he was an ongoing distraction. But Ianto... sure Gwen still flirted, but at the back of her mind she could hear a voice saying 'he's shagging the one you want'.
It was like one of Rhys' bad soapies, really. She kept it all in check, but Ianto knew. He always knew. God, that man knew everything. He never said a word of it to her and he never rubbed it in her face, she'd give him that. If it had been the other way around she would have been broadcasting it.
But... he still had the one she wanted. It was bad enough watching them at the Hub, with all those meaningful glances and innuendo, their easy going ability to know what each other was thinking. It was ten times worse when they went out and they didn't have to be professional.
So maybe they didn't hold each others hand all the time or live out of each others back pocket, but they might as well be doing so. Even when they were across the room from each other they would be undressing each other or worse with their eyes. They had the silent communication routine down to an art form.
She should know. She had the same thing with Rhys. Her head always told her that the perfect man for her was Rhys, and that she should just forget these attractive men she worked with and marry the man. But her heart kept telling her Jack, she had to be with Jack.
And suddenly she'd had her chance. The thing that intrigued her about it all was that, glancing through slitted eyes toward the others, nobody seemed to be upset. In fact, judging from Owen's reaction, some of them wouldn't mind giving it another go and switch partners while they're at it.
Tosh seemed rather comfortable as well, curled in beside Ianto. In fact, they all seemed rather comfortable. And Gwen couldn't really say that she wasn't comfortable. Especially with the way Jack's thumb was idly playing over her skin, his arm wrapped around her, holding her close to him.
Plus, she couldn't really say she was innocent. She had made the move on Jack. And she goaded Owen and Ianto into that kiss. God that kiss had been hot. She knew Owen had it in him, but Ianto? And then Tosh had joined in with them... oh that had looked like fun.
It should be wrong, thinking these things about her colleagues, but it just wasn't. In fact, she liked the way Owen was thinking about doing it again and switching partners. Nothing against Jack, but it had always intrigued her to know just what it was about Ianto that kept Jack so enthralled. As for Tosh... well, okay, maybe Gwen was a little reluctant in regards to that side of things, but she was always open to new things. It wasn't like she had never flirted with the other woman. Owen was forever teasing them about that.
Smiling faintly, Gwen pressed herself closer against Jack, a feeling of satisfaction spreading through her. She'd finally gotten what she wanted, and given the way things were, she was sure she'd be able to do it again.
She just wished Ianto and Jack would stop whispering and kissing each other. Everything would be perfect if it wasn't for that. And the image of Rhys kept nagging at the back of her mind. Oh well, she couldn't have everything. And what Rhys didn't know couldn't hurt him.
She wondered if she could convince Rhys to get in on this…
Now this was what he called a party. He had honestly thought that his team would never get around their own personal beliefs and issues with each other to do something like this, but it would seem that he was pleasantly wrong about them. It had been so hot that he knew that he would have to talk them into doing it again. Something told him it wouldn't take much convincing, given the reactions he had already seen.
He smiled, resting his head against Ianto's, breathing in the other man's scent and closing his eyes. He and Ianto had discussed this a few times. Okay, maybe more than a few, but enough for Jack to realise that Ianto had no problem with it and that they both highly doubted that it would ever happen. As it turned out they'd both gotten what they wanted: Ianto had had his three-way with Tosh and Owen, and Jack had gotten to do Gwen.
Not that there were any problems with his and Ianto's relationship. Despite the rocky start to their relationship (hell, Jack had threatened to run Ianto over the third time their paths had crossed), the attraction had always been there. That was why Jack has felt so betrayed over the Lisa incident. Ianto had played him, used him, to get what he wanted. Jack had been so pissed off for so long until one day it had dawned on him that Ianto was just like he was.
Ianto had been the real reason Jack had been so eager to come back. Despite everything, Jack was the first man Ianto had ever been with, and Jack had to admire Ianto for managing to hold up his con despite the fact he had firstly become attracted to Jack, then fallen for him. Not that Jack was any better – as much as he liked to deny it, he'd fallen for Ianto a long time ago. It had just taken a year of being away from him to realise it.
Of course, neither of them had ever spoken their feelings out loud. It was almost like an unspoken agreement. They knew, of course. Jack could read it in the looks Ianto gave him, and Jack made sure to tell Ianto without words when he made love to him, worshipping every inch of the beautiful man.
But they did still like to play. Flirting with the rest of the team was a great game, and they would compare notes about the others reactions later. Ianto knew that Jack was attracted to Gwen, just as Jack knew that Ianto secretly wouldn't mind giving Owen a run for his money in the sack. Tosh... well, Tosh and Ianto had a thing, even if they didn't realise it.
Jack himself admired each and every member of the team, and wouldn't mind doing all of them. Ianto topped his list, of course, with Gwen a close second. There were two reasons as to why Jack had never slept with Gwen up until now 1) Ianto would be pissed, and 2) Rhys. The second one was the key reason. As jealous as he was of Rhys, Jack did have a soft spot for that bumbling yet brave fool. He hated to see him get hurt by Gwen. He'd love to see how Gwen explained this one if Rhys ever found out.
Jack had more a father/son relationship with Owen, much like he had a father/daughter relationship with Toshiko. That didn't stop him from fantasising about what they'd be like in bed, however. From what he'd heard Gwen and Suzie say, Owen wasn't that bad in bed. Hadn't stopped Ianto from turning him into a begging mess, though.
Toshiko Jack knew had to have a few tricks up her sleeve. While her love life was disastrous (most of her lovers wound up dead), there was just an edge to her that told Jack she would be creative in bed, and he wouldn't mind finding out just how creative.
So this little incident here tonight pleased Jack to no end. First and foremost, that kiss between Ianto and Owen had been hot, then when they'd started getting it on right beside him... damn. Then Ianto, the crafty devil, had invited Tosh to play and... well. If Jack hadn't been so distracted himself, he would have come just watching them.
Not that he hadn't minded his distraction. He'd been sitting there, watching the antics beside him when a weight had landed in his lap, and spinning he'd found Gwen there, the look on her face speaking louder than words about what her intentions were.
"You just going to sit and watch," she had said, tugging at his shirt as she leaned forward, lips brushing against his, "or do you want to join in?"
Jack had nodded to the side, deciding to play with her for just a bit. "Don't think they need me."
Gwen had growled, shifting so that her groin rubbed against his, Jack's breath catching in his throat as he fought to keep from moaning. "Jack.... you know what I mean. Or do I have to find some way to spell it out to you?"
Jack had smirked. "You could always try speaking whale."
Gwen had opened her mouth to reply, Jack closing the distance and kissing her hard, using her parted lips to his advantage and ravaging her. Gwen's arms had wrapped around him as she kissed him back just as hot and hard, rubbing herself against him, sending jolts through him.
Jack had broken the kiss to yank her shirt over her head, Gwen stripping him equally. Between kisses the rest of their clothing had disappeared, Jack dipping his head to trail kisses over Gwen's neck, her fingers tightening in his hair as he shifted lower, catching one breast in one hand while teasing the other with his lips and tongue.
She'd breathed his name, her fingers closing around him and caressing him, causing him to shudder and move back to her lips, kissing her hard as he brought his own fingers to tease her clit, two fingers disappearing into her and causing her to buck against him.
Feeling something hit his arm, he had glanced down and spotted the condom Ianto had flicked at him. He'd grinned, running his fingers through Ianto's hair and receiving a quick smile before Ianto had returned his attention back to Tosh and Owen, Jack scooping up the condom and focussing on opening it as Gwen latched herself onto his neck, nails dragging down his chest just hard enough to almost make him lose it.
Jack had closed his eyes, letting out a long breath to regain control before rolling the condom on, Gwen kissing him hard before sitting back, a grin on her lips as she had lowered herself onto him. Then Jack had allowed himself to lose it, focussing on the woman he'd wanted for so long, kissing her hard as they found a rhythm and pace that suited them.
As the end had approached hard and fast, Jack let one hand fall from Gwen and fumble to the side as Ianto had reached back, their fingers entwining and gripping hard, Jack had closed his eyes, hearing Gwen's cry as she came and beside him the sounds of the other three coming. Just hearing it had been the end of him, Jack meeting Ianto's crushing grip with his own as he had thrust up into Gwen one last time.
When he'd blinked back into awareness, he'd noted with some satisfaction had well it had all worked out. He'd brushed his thumb over the back of Ianto's hand, Ianto squeezing his hand in reply and letting Jack know he was back with it too, before the two of them had let go.
Jack had gently eased Gwen off him, Gwen making a soft sound of protest and curling against him even as Jack had disposed of the condom. He'd smiled, kissing her gently on the forehead and shifting so he was more comfortable, glancing to the side and watching as the other three had done the same, Ianto propping himself up beside him. Jack and Ianto had exchanged a quick kiss as the others settled into sleep in their various positions.
They'd been in this position for a while now, and Jack had to say he had well and truly lost any feeling to his arse. He had contemplated shifting once or twice, but Gwen looked so comfortable he couldn't bring himself to move. Jack had watched the others, noting with some amusement how Owen's hand had slowly been creeping further and further up Jack's leg.
Jack glanced quickly at Ianto, noting how the other man had his eyes closed. He wasn't asleep though. One round never sent Ianto to sleep these days. They could go all night if they wanted too, him and Ianto, whereas the others had pretty much passed out. Ianto's eyes cracked open, meeting his gaze and smiling faintly before they closed again, Ianto's fingers playing idly in Owen's hair as Ianto shifted his head against Jack's shoulder.
Remember something he'd seen earlier, Jack let his arm drop from Ianto's waist, hand feeling around behind them. He smirked as he found the tube of lube, the smirk widening as he realised Ianto hadn't capped it during the moment. Fumbling with the tube, Jack managed to hold it so that he could press down on it with his thumb, squeezing lube onto his fingers.
Dropping the tube back down he spread the lube over his fingers evenly before bringing his hand back to Ianto, teasing the man's opening and causing Ianto's eyes to snap open.
"Jack..." he warned, shooting him a look.
"Shh." Jack kissed him, distracting him while pressing one finger inside.
Ianto broke the kiss. "Stop it. Not here."
"Why not?" Jack grinned, kissing him again. "I don't think they'd mind."
Ianto sucked in a sharp breath as Jack added a second finger. "Jack, you still shouldn-"
Jack frowned as Ianto let out a harsh gasp, eyes darting downward. Jack followed his gaze, amused as he met Owen's mischievous gaze. Owen winked at him as he took the head between his lips, dragging them down to where his hand was closed around the rest of the younger man’s growing erection.
Ianto went to protest again, only to be cut off as Tosh grabbed his face with her hands and kissed him hard, silencing him. Jack grinned, twisting his hand and thrusting his fingers up to hit Ianto's prostate. Ianto let out a choked, muffled gasp as he bucked, Owen holding him down.
"How loud do you think we can get him to scream?"
Jack turned his head from the show to find Gwen watching him, eyes sparkling much like Owen's were.
Jack grinned, kissing her gently. "What say we find out?"
Ianto let out a long moan at those words, Gwen laughing as she shifted to kiss the side of Ianto's neck, her fingers playing over his nipple. Jack laughed at the 'save me' look Ianto shot him. Really, four against one wasn't that fair, but it was going to be fun to make Ianto lose that self-control he kept himself under.
Round two was going to be good.
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