Title: The Proposition
Author: emeraldsage85
Pairing: Doctor/Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG-13
Author's Notes: This was *supposed* to be a drabble but I went overboard. 177 more words later I ended up with this.
Disclaimer: I don't make any money from this. Torchwood belongs to RTD and the BBC.
Summary: The Doctor and Jack invited Ianto to join them.***
Ianto was lying on the sofa in the TARDIS' library, reading a paperback, when he heard footsteps outside the door.
"Do you really think this is a good idea?" The Doctor was asking.
"Sure it is. I've seen how he looks at you when he thinks you're not looking. And I've seen how you look at him," Jack said.
Ianto put down his book and listened intently. The Doctor and Jack stopped just outside the door.
"Well, you know, 21st century humans and their morals," The Doctor said.
Jack chuckled.
"I don't think that'll be a problem," he said. "Ianto's fairly....flexible."
Ianto got up from the sofa and peered through the crack in the door.
"I don't doubt that," The Doctor was saying as he wrapped an arm around Jack's waist.
Jack leaned in and kissed The Doctor gently.
"So it's settled then?" he asked.
"Yep. We'll ask him tonight," The Doctor murmured before capturing Jack's lips again.
Ianto grinned and swung the door open.
"Why don't you just ask me now?" he said brazenly.
"You know it's not polite to eavesdrop. Can get you into a whole world of trouble and don't I know it. You know this one time-" The Doctor babbled before he was interrupted by Jack.
"You can tell your stories later," he said.
"Well?" Ianto said. "Are you two going to proposition me or what?"
The Doctor stepped forward and took Ianto's hand.
"Jack and I would be honoured if you would be a part of our relationship."
"Yeah, cause sex is always better in threesomes," Jack quipped.
"Hey, I was going for romance here!" The Doctor complained.
Ianto grinned.
"I accept."***
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