Title: Wetware
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: NC-17
Table: 1
Prompt: 97, Water
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones, the Tenth Doctor, or Jack Harkness. Please do not sue.***
Ianto peeked into the hotel room, feeling distinctly out of place. It wasn't that he was shy to take his clothes off in front of Jack and the Doctor, he told himself, a blush spreading over his face. He didn't have anything to be ashamed of. But the idea of all three of them being in that jacuzzi .... well, anything could happen.
He'd been intimate with both men, Ianto argued with himself as he made his way cautiously into the room, looking around before he dropped the robe he was wearing and stepped into the jacuzzi. There was no reason for him to feel reluctant to be in this particular situation. Then why did he feel so uneasy about this?
Probably because Jack had set it up, he thought wryly, a small smile crossing his features. Jack seemed to have a knack for doing things that Ianto found more than a little avant-garde, ever since the beginning of their relationship. In the months that he'd known the immortal, Jack had been able to surprise him more than anyone else had ever done.
The Doctor was proving to be full of surprises, as well, Ianto told himself as he settled shoulder-deep into the warm water. He should have realized that the Time Lord would be unique, different from anyone he'd ever met -- but just how different he'd turned out to be was something that never failed to astonish the young Welshman.
Still, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing, Ianto thought, another smile on his lips as he contemplated the relationship that was developing between the two of them. Jack was included in that relationship, of course -- but, as he'd told Ianto privately, he'd had plenty of time to get to know the Doctor in many different ways. He was trying to back away a little to give Ianto his own chance to get better acquainted with the Time Lord.
That was something he definitely didn't mind, Ianto thought, closing his eyes and conjuring up a mental picture of the Doctor out of his clothes. It was a pity the Time Lord almost always wore a suit and a long coat, he thought dreamily, picturing the slender waist, the curving hips, the long legs; remembering how it had felt to touch that velvety skin. And all topped off by a face that took Ianto's breath away.
How could someone so beautiful hide behind clothes that covered him so completely? Ianto frowned, wondering if he could convince the Doctor to dress more casually, at least while they spent time together. It didn't seem overly polite to insinuate to the Time Lord that he didn't care for the way the other man dressed, but he didn't quite know how to address the subject.
"You look as though you're deep in thought. Do you mind if I interrupt for a while?"
Ianto's eyes flew open, and he gawked up at the man standing there. The Doctor let the robe he'd been wearing fall to the floor, showing no embarrassment at his nudity as he stepped into the jacuzzi and settled himself next to Ianto.
"You're terribly tense," he remarked in a soft voice, moving one hand down the young man's arm, his touch equal parts gentle and seductive. Ianto had a sudden urge to lunge for the Doctor, wrap his arms around that slender waist and pull the other man into his lap. But he didn't; he just sat there, his inner tension mounting with each second that passed.
The Time Lord looked puzzled for a moment, his head tilted to one side as though he was hearing something that was out of Ianto's range. He sat still for a few moments, his soft fingertips barely brushing through Ianto's hair, seemingly listening before he finally nodded and cleared his throat.
"If you wanted me in your lap, you only had to say so." The Time Lord shifted his position, moving to straddle Ianto's lap before the young man could say anything. Ianto could only look up at the other man, his mouth hanging open, eyes wide. He was beginning to realize that there were definite disadvantages to having a relationship with a telepath.
Ianto didn't quite know what to make of having the Time Lord in his lap; for one thing, his erection was already painfully obvious, and he had no doubt of where that was going to lead. He almost groaned inwardly; Jack probably wasn't going to be happy if he came into the room and discovered the two of them going at it.
The Doctor leaned forward, brushing soft lips against Ianto's mouth. "If Jack doesn't like it, then that's too bad," he whispered, a devilish gleam in his dark eyes. "He'll just have to wait his turn, that's all. He can just sit back and enjoy the view."
As if to underscore his words, the Time Lord pressed his hips forward against Ianto's crotch, making the young man squirm and gasp under him. "I've never made love in a jacuzzi before," the Doctor whispered into his ear, his breath warm against Ianto's skin. "I think you should take advantage of that fact, don't you?"
"What, in over 900 years there's something you haven't done?" Ianto said softly, wrapping one arm around the Time Lord's waist and pulling the Gallifreyan against him. Both hands slid down the Doctor's slender back to cup his ass, one finger trailing down the cleft, making the Time Lord squirm and moan just as Ianto had only a few moments earlier. "I'm finding that a little hard to believe."
"Oh, there are quite a few things I haven't done," the Doctor answered, his eyes meeting Ianto's, promises written in their dark depths. "And quite a few that I have. You'll find out that I can be full of surprises."
"I'm sure you can," Ianto murmured, gasping again as the Doctor's fingers trailed down his chest, teasing and tweaking his nipples. "You surprise me every day that I'm around you. In more ways than I can count."
"That's reassuring to know," the Time Lord whispered, closing his eyes as Ianto's mouth covered his. He moaned into the young man's mouth as those gentle fingers parted his cheeks, two of them slipping inside him to tease him with promises of what was to come. The Doctor squirmed under that touch, pushing his ass back against Ianto's fingers.
Ianto moved those two fingers in and out of the Doctor, watching the Time Lord's face, utterly fascinated by the play of expressions across those handsome features. He'd never seen anyone give themselves up so completely to the pleasure they were feeling; the Doctor was the most responsive partner he'd ever been with.
"Now," the Doctor gasped, the single syllable sounding strained and breathy. "I need you now, Ianto. Don't tease me."
Not only the most responsive, the young man told himself, another small smile curving his lips. But possibly the most demanding -- even more so than Jack when he wanted something. Well, maybe not more so. The two of them seemed to be equal when it came to demanding what they wanted. It was a trait that Ianto could appreciate in both men.
He complied with the Doctor's plea, sliding his fingers out of the tight heat they'd been buried in and lifting the Doctor's hips. The tip of his cock pressed between the Doctor's firm cheeks, nudging against the Time Lord's puckered hole. Ianto could feel the initial resistance as the Doctor slid down onto his cock, then his entire world was pulsing heat as the other man settled onto him.
The Doctor's head fell back, a pink flush spreading up from his chest, up into his throat, over his face. Ianto leaned forward to press his lips against the exposed column of that slender throat, feeling the pounding pulse in the small hollow at the base. He licked over that tender skin, dimly hearing the Time Lord groan. His hands tightened on the Doctor's ass, squeezing gently, feeling the Time Lord's muscles flex with his every movement.
"This is nice to walk in on. Mind if I join you?"
Ianto's eyes snapped open, his gaze flying to the door. Jack was standing there, just inside the room, leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed, grinning over at the two of them. He could feel a blush rising in his cheeks, but he was too far gone to be able to answer. All he could do was nod helplessly, not knowing what else to do.
Jack tossed aside his robe, climbing into the jacuzzi and sinking into the water. Ianto watched him, admiring the muscular body, the sense of controlled power that Jack seemed to exude. He was a man who could make anyone feel protected, safe and cherished. Not the perfect man as far as fidelity was concerned, but Ianto could forgive him his little indiscretions. After all, he knew who held the main places in Jack's heart.
The immortal moved close to the two joined men, placing his hands on the Doctor's hips and leaning in to whisper into the Time Lord's ear. The words were loud enough for Ianto to hear; his eyes widened in surprise when he heard what Jack was proposing.
"Do you think you can handle both of us?" His voice was silky, seductive, almost a purr in the Doctor's ear. His tongue flickered against the Time Lord's sensitive earlobe, eliciting a soft moan from the Gallifreyan.
"It's been a while .... but yes," the Doctor gasped, nodding, his muscles tightening around Ianto as he spoke. The young man gasped, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment. The Doctor had gone so tight around him that he'd been driven almost to the edge. As if he sensed Ianto's dilemna, Jack reached out to stroke a hand down the side of his face.
"Hold back, Ianto," he whispered, leaning forward to tangle his mouth with the younger man's. Breaking away from that rough kiss, Jack took the Doctor's face between his hands, his mouth covering the Time Lord's. Watching them kiss took Ianto's breath away; he'd never seen anything so sensual in his life.
Jack moved behind the Doctor, pressing his hips against the rounded curves of the Time Lord's ass, his cock slipping between the Gallifreyan's spread thighs. Ianto moaned at the feel of Jack's cock pressing insistently against the Doctor's entrance, wondering just how they were both going to fit inside the Time Lord. After all, he was small and tight, and they were both rather well-endowed men.
"Don't worry," the Doctor gasped, as if Ianto had voiced his concerns aloud. "It may be a bit uncomfortable at first, but I'll be all right." He turned his head slightly, breath hissing in between his teeth and stopping his next words before they were out.
Jack stopped pushing forward, an expression of concern crossing his face. One hand moved to the Doctor's shoulder, sliding down his arm to twine their fingers together. Jack's other arm was around the Doctor's waist, holding the Doctor still. "Are you all right?" he whispered, lips brushing against the back of the Time Lord's neck.
The Doctor gulped, nodding after a moment's hesitation. "It burns," he whispered, making an obvious effort to speak. "But don't stop. It's only going to hurt for a few moments. There's no reason to stop."
Ianto wasn't so sure that continuing was a good idea, but he didn't voice his opinion. The Doctor had done this before; he knew what he could endure and what would be too much. His hands tightened on the Time Lord's hips; he could feel the taut muscles flex again when Jack entered the other man, the feel of another cock sliding into the Doctor alongside his own making him gasp and squirm, the feeling unlike anything he'd ever experienced before.
Jack reached out to grasp Ianto's shoulder with one hand, his other arm still firmly around the Doctor's waist. Ianto could feel every movement both men made; Jack's slow, deep thrusts, the Doctor's rocking motion as he raised his hips off Ianto's cock and then slowly lowered himself again. He was driven past words, helpless to do anything but gasp in deep breaths.
He couldn't take his eyes from the two men in front of him. The Doctor looked transported, his eyes closed, face flushed, lips parted, head thrown back against Jack's shoulder. Jack bent his head to nibble at the Doctor's throat, his hips flexing against the Time Lord's ass, murmuring soft words into the sensitive shell of the Gallifreyan's ear.
Ianto reached out a hand to tweak at one small pink nipple, fascinated at the way the rivulets of water left by his fingers made patterns down the pale skin of the Time Lord's chest. If he were to die here and now, Ianto thought dazedly, transfixed by the sight presented to his eyes, he'd die a happy man.
There was no way he could hold out, not with the dual movements of both men driving him to the peak more quickly than he'd ever achieved it before. Ianto's hands groped for the Doctor's hips again, fingers tightening instead around the Time Lord's thighs as he spilled into the Doctor with a soft cry, leaning his head back against the side of the jacuzzi and squeezing his eyes closed as his body spasmed.
He could feel Jack thrusting harder into the Doctor, hear the Time Lord's deep indrawn gasps for air as he was pressed forward with each movement of the immortal's hips. Jack's hand was on the Doctor's cock, stroking him roughly in time with his rhythm, the Gallifreyan gasping aloud with each deep thrust into his body.
The Doctor reached for Ianto, his fingers gripping the young man's shoulders and almost making him wince. With an inarticulate, wordless cry, the Doctor came, falling forward against Ianto's chest and lying there, face pressed against the Welshman's throat. Ianto threaded his fingers through the Time Lord's soft hair, feeling those dual heartbeats pressed against his own, the warmth of the Doctor's gasping breaths on his skin.
Ianto's eyes met Jack's over the top of the Doctor's head; their gazes locked as Jack reached out one hand to grasp Ianto's, clasping the young man's hand so hard his knuckles went white.
Jack groaned, thrusting into the Doctor one last time. Ianto could tell exactly when Jack was going to come; how many times had he seen that look on the immortal's face when Jack had been on top of him in bed? His features were transformed; he was a handsome man, but never more so than when he abandoned himself to his own pleasure as he did now.
Ianto was the first of them to stir, shifting slightly under the weight of both men pressing against him. "We're all going to look like prunes when we finally get out of here," he said softly, stroking the Doctor's hair as he spoke and reaching out to twine gentle fingers through the silken strands of Jack's hair as well.
The immortal laughed softly, pulling back slightly and letting himself slip out of the Doctor's body. "You're right -- and I think he's had enough for one day," he said, leaning forward to press a kiss against the Doctor's bare shoulder.
"You're usually the first to cry 'enough,'" the Doctor protested, lifting his head from Ianto's shoulder and fixing Jack with a mock glare. "I've always had much more staying power than you do, even though you would never admit to it, proud human that you are."
"Oh?" Jack's brows rose, a saucy grin spreading across his face. "I think I can prove otherwise. I'm going to take you up on that one, Doctor. A little contest. We'll see just which one of us cries 'enough' first. It won't be me, I can assure you of that."
"Do I get to be the referee?" Ianto laughed, finding himself very reluctant to pull out of the Doctor, now that he'd broken the magical silence that had held the three of them together after their lovemaking. "That's going to be a rather interesting contest."
"Damn right." Jack laughed, standing up and stretching his lean body before getting out of the jacuzzi, giving the other two men a wonderful view of his backside as he did so. "You're going to be the one holding the video camera."
The Doctor rolled his eyes, carefully shifting his position on Ianto's cock and sighing softly when their intimate contact was broken. He stood up and held out a hand to the young man, helping Ianto get to his feet in the water. "It always comes down to voyeurism with him, doesn't it? I'm afraid he's going to give you all of his bad habits."
"I'd like to watch," Ianto said softly, leaning forward to press a kiss to the Doctor's parted lips. He watched admiringly as the Time Lord made his way out of the jacuzzi, loving the way the other man's body moved with almost feline grace.
"Oh, dear," the Doctor laughed, reaching for a towel to dry himself off with. "Jack, you've created a monster."
Jack only laughed, shaking his head and winking at Ianto. "I'd say you could start calling me Doctor Frankenstein, but that would be one too many Doctors around here for my taste. Besides, I didn't create him. I just brought out some hidden aspects. You'll both thank me for that later, I guarantee you."
The Doctor gave a mock sigh, trying hard not to smile. "I think I've fallen into a den of decadence. I should probably be running for my life."
Ianto only rolled his eyes, laughing along with Jack. Stepping over to the Doctor, he wrapped his arms around the Time Lord's waist from behind, resting his chin on the other man's shoulder. "No running," he said softly. "You're staying right here, where you belong."
The Time Lord leaned back against him, raising a hand to rest it against Ianto's cheek. "Don't worry. I don't intend to go anywhere for a long while yet." He turned his head to flash the yougn man a cheeky grin. "After all, who's going to keep the two of you in line if I'm not around?"
Ianto's eyes met Jack's, the immortal striding forward to wrap a strong arm around each of his lovers. "You'll just have to think of a way," he murmured, kissing each of the two men in turn, drawing the three of them together in an embrace that none of them wanted to break.
"I'm sure I will," whispered the Doctor, leaning back against Ianto and letting his body relax as Jack's hands began to roam over his body.
"I've no doubt of that," Ianto said softly, his own hands beginning to explore the slender body in his arms. He wasn't sure if he was up for another go -- but then again, he was discovering that he never knew quite what to expect with these two -- and also that the unknown held far more interest for him than he'd ever thought it would.***
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