Title: Thoughts From A CoffeeBoy
By: queenfluffernutter
Pairing: Ianto/everyone
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I, of course, do not own these characters, only playing with them for a bit.
Summary: A little thing I wrote to amuse myself and a friend one night.***
I've had them. I've had them all. I know them by heart -I know what they like.
Tosh. She's soft and shy. Let's me take the lead. Surprisingly, however, she knows what she wants. Knows what I like and is eager to please. We don't even look at each other in the Hub, afraid we are going to give ourselves away.
Gwen. Ahhh, Gwen. She takes the lead. Likes to be slammed against the wall - but will do the same to me if I ask nicely. I wonder if Rhys finds her as fun. The stolen looks at one another when we are all around the table are worth it.
Suzie. Yeah. That was a quick grudge in the archives. She never even looked at me. Hated to see her go, though. Might have been better the second time.
Owen? Well, to be fair, we were both fairly pissed. It was after the Christmas Party. Jack and the others had gone. It was nothing more than a quick fumble and grope that ended in Owen falling asleep. I still don't think he remembers. Or does he? I've caught him looking at me once or twice.
Which brings us to Jack. Not that it's any great secret that we have been together. But I bet it would shock you to know that he is the most kind and gentle person you would ever meet. He is giving - unless you want him to be otherwise. Fun fact? Jack wears socks to bed.
And me? I am merely the coffee boy. Oh, I see them looking, wondering if there will be a next time. None of them knowing that they are not unique. This is a wonderful secret. One that I serve with a smile - and piping hot coffee.
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