Title: Beautiful
By: Lyra
Pairing: Jack/John
Rating: PG-13
Summary: He was beautiful.The way he moved,the way he spoke,even the way he cried... Some of John's thoughts during KKBB.***
He's beautiful.
The way he moves, the way he speaks, even the way he cries. I only ever saw him cry once, but the pure despair and passion radiating from him were enough to drive me wild.
He's calling himself 'Captain Jack Harkness' now, and I have to say, the name suits him. He's so commanding now, with his little team hanging on his every word, especially Eye-Candy. Not that he wasn't always commanding but its different now. He's different now.
I tried to keep things light, have a laugh, just like old times. But he went and spoiled it all.
We could have been great. We were great. Then everything fell apart. He stranded me on some dead-end planet and ran off with the Chula med ship we'd just stolen. I really hate to admit it
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