Title: A Little Bit Dangerous
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Owen Harper
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: NC-17
Table: 50_smutlets
Prompt: 19, Public Place
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor or Owen Harper, unfortunately. Please do not sue.***
"Owen, what are you doing?" the Doctor gasped as he felt his lover's hand sliding down his inner thigh. "We can't do anything here. We're in a public place! We don't want anyone to see us -- and we definitely don't want to get arrested."
"Oh, come on," Owen urged, glancing towards the grove of trees at one end of the park they were walking in. "We can go over there under cover of the trees. Nobody's heading in that direction. They won't even guess why we're going there."
The Doctor followed his lover's glance, his hearts starting to thump rapidly in his chest. It was true, the grove of trees looked deserted, and the trees seemed to grow thickly enough to deter most people from exploring that area or even going near it ....
Making up his mind in a split second, he took Owen's hand and headed for the trees without a backward glance. They were going to do this, public place or not. He wanted Owen too badly to wait until they got back to the Tardis.
They'd never done anything like this in the time that they'd been together -- and what could it hurt? It wasn't as though they would come to this planet often, and even if anyone saw them, they could make it back to the Tardis quickly and be gone.
This wasn't Earth, the Doctor reminded himself as they entered the grove of shady, closely-growing trees. They might not even be noticed. For all he knew, the people here did things like this all the time. And anyway, the risk of it was exciting.
They hadn't gone far into the grove of trees when Owen seemed to lose patience with making sure they were hidden, pushing the Doctor against a tree trunk and kissing him almost roughly. The Doctor couldn't help but respond, twining his arms around Owen's neck and pulling him closer.
His hands were fumbling with the zipper of the Time Lord's trousers, almost yanking them down, his long fingers curling around the other man's cock. The Doctor moaned softly as his hips pushed forward, his body already begging for Owen's touch.
"Turn around," Owen whispered into his ear, his voice soft but commanding. The Doctor obeyed without thinking about it; he turned around and leaned against the tree trunk, dimly hearing the sound of Owen's zipper being lowered.
He gasped when he felt his lover's fingers spreading his cheeks; then there was warm breath against his bare skin only seconds before the warmth of Owen's tongue began to stroke him. The Time Lord had to bite down on his lower lip to keep from crying out with pleasure.
He'd expected Owen to have lube with him, but apparently he didn't. Still, they'd already started this; he wasn't going to protest or back out now. It was too late for that; they were both already too aroused for either of them to turn back.
Owen's tongue was inside him, that warm hand back on his cock, stroking him, teasing the tender tip. If Owen didn't stop this soon and take him, he was going to come before his boyfriend was even inside him, the Time Lord thought, feeling dizzy with desire.
All too abruptly, that warmth was gone; he could feel Owen standing up, the other man's body pressing against his own from behind, Owen's breath warm against his cheek, ruffling his hair. "Sorry, Doctor, I didn't have any lube. I'll try not to hurt you."
"Just take me," the Time Lord panted, his fingers curling against the rough bark of the tree. "I need you, Owen. It'll only hurt for a second -- I can get past that. But I need you. Now." His voice was rushed, breathless; he could hardly get the words out.
"Your wish is my command," Owen breathed into his ear. The Doctor braced himself for the thrust, for the feeling of being entered and filled; it might be a little painful at first, but he knew that the pain would melt into pleasure in a matter of seconds.
When the thrust came, he almost cried out, but he managed to keep the sound to a soft whimper. Owen was buried inside him, their bodies joined in a silent, furtive heat that had never seemed so intense before. Maybe that was because they'd never had sex in a public place --
The Doctor's thoughts were interrupted by another hard thrust, this one taking him by surprise. Owen was doing as he'd asked, taking him swiftly and almost furiously, that hand still stroking his cock, his lover's other hand twined in his hair.
He couldn't cry out, the Doctor reminded himself as Owen thrust into him again. He couldn't make any sound that might make anyone who happened to be nearby curious; he didn't want them to be seen, even though the risk of discovery heightened the arousal for them both.
How could he keep himself from making a sound when he came? He would just have to clamp his own hand over his mouth, he thought, feeling his muscles tighten as Owen thrust deep inside him once again. It would only be a matter of a few seconds now; he was close to the edge.
He could hear Owen gasping for breath, those soft sounds joining his own. The two of them were racing to fling themselves over a precipice, to grasp hands and jump off a cliff together, each knowing that they would land safely in the other's arms.
One more thrust, then another, and he was falling through space, trying to hold back his cry of pleasure. Owen's hand was over his mouth, stifling that cry, keeping him from being heard any anyone who might be near even as he struggled to make a sound.
The Doctor let himself lean back against his lover's body, his knees weak, his body spent. Owen simply stood there, breathing hard, his hand moving from the Doctor's mouth and both arms wrapping around his waist to hold onto him tightly, as though the other man never wanted to let him go.
"Th-that was .... incredible," Owen finally murmured, sounding breathless and a little shaky. "I've made love in public places before -- but it was never like that. I just felt his overwhelming urge to have you, Doctor. I hope I didn't hurt you by not using lube."
The Doctor shook his head, surprised at the fact that there had only been a quicksilver instant of pain before the pleasure had begun to build inside him. "No, it didn't hurt at all. I think it's because I wanted you so badly," he added, his voice soft and husky.
Owen reluctantly released his grip on the Doctor and stepped back to pull up his jeans and refasten them, then helped the Time Lord do the same. He smiled as he brushed the Doctor's hair back from his face, brushing a gentle kiss across his lover's cheek.
"When we get back to the Tardis, how about a nice relaxing bath?" he whispered, his dark eyes riveted on the Time Lord's face. "That can always lead up to something else, you know." The expression on his face left the Doctor in no doubt as to what he meant.
"Are you trying to tell me something?" he asked with a laugh, trying to get back some semblance of normalcy. He wondered if anyone would be able to tell what they'd just been doing; he hoped not, even though it would be funny if people guessed.
"Of course!" Owen said with a laugh, taking his hand and twining their fingers together. "You know I can't get enough of you, Doctor. Why do you think I was so hot to have sex with you in a public place? Next we'll have to try something more than a little bit dangerous."
The Doctor rolled his eyes, laughing at Owen's words. "Owen! I think that's dangerous enough for the time being," he protested, though he had to admit that their encounter in the woods had been exciting. "Let's take things down a notch, shall we?"
"Whatever you say, Doctor," his lover told him, obviously trying to keep his voice calm and sedate. But he could hear the devilish laughter lurking just underneath the surface, and he couldn't help wondering just what sort of naughty ideas his lover would come up with next.***
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