Title: Frothy
Author: sqyd
Characters/Pairings: Ianto/...
Rating: R (?)
Warnings: none
Spoilers: None
Word count: 100
Disclaimers: I don't own Torchwood or any of the characters. If I did, I'd take better care of them.
Summary: Ianto is making sweet, sweet love to...
Notes: My first drabble---------------------------------
Ianto’s fingers brushed along her sides, and her insides warmed in sweet anticipation. Those fingers were long and graceful, yet strong - better fit to dance over ivory keys, but they were caressing her instead. His lips curled to that intimate smile that she could never resist, pink tongue darting out, moistening them in concentration. The fingers again… they touched her, right there, just the right way, firm, deliberate, and excruciatingly tender. She couldn’t hold back any more; she shuddered, hissed and gurgled her rich, dark release.
“For you, Ianto.” She whispered, and knew he understood.
“Coffee’s ready!” Ianto announced.
A/N: It's all because of Frakkin_addict. This is the line that inspired me:
"8:00am – Distribute coffee that is the coffee machine’s orgasmic release as the result of you making sweet, sweet love to it."
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