Title: Wanting More
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Owen Harper
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: NC-17
Table: C, lover100
Prompt: 48, Massage
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor or Owen Harper, unfortunately. Please do not sue.***
"This is a good idea, Owen," the Doctor told his boyfriend as he stretched out on their bed, pillowing his head on his hands. "It's been a long time since I had a massage. I think the last one was on a pleasure planet, oh, about .... I don't know, ten years ago?"
"It's been that long?" Owen was genuinely surprised that the Doctor hadn't had an all-over body massage in so long; he would have thought that the Time Lord would go out of his way to take advantage of all the pleasure planets that offered amenities like that.
The Doctor shrugged, turning his head to the side to glance up at his lover. "It's not something that's ever been very high on my list of priorities," he said, unaware that his tone sounded a bit wistful. "There always seemed to be more important things to do."
Owen nodded, wanting to change the subject. He didn't want the Doctor to feel that he'd been inadequate in any way, including the things that he chose to do, the way he prioritized his life. Of course this man wouldn't think that having a massage was important.
He wouldn't put his own physical pleasures in front of what he had to do to keep the world safe, Owen told himself, feeling a little guilty when he thought of all the times that he'd ignored things he should be doing to focus on his own personal desires.
But he was getting better about that, he thought, reaching for the bottle of massage oil on the table by the bed. Thanks to the Doctor, he was being much less self-centered, and learning to reach out more to the rest of the world, putting them before himself.
He'd begun that odyssey with Torchwood -- especially after he'd died and had been brought back. And now that the Doctor had given him a third chance at life, and the two of them had fallen in love, he was more committed than ever to trying to be more like the Time Lord.
Owen looked down at the man stretched out in front of him, feeling his heart lurch in his chest. He loved this man so much; he still couldn't believe his good fortune at being the person who the Doctor had chosen to take as a lover and companion, to share his life with.
That wasn't what he wanted to concentrate on at the moment, though. Rubbing the massage oil on his hands, he placed his palms on the Doctor's shoulders, stroking the warm oil over the other man's skin and feeling a shudder go through the Time Lord's body.
"All right, love?" he asked softly, wondering if he'd done something to cause that movement. But the Doctor quickly shook his head, and Owen realized that it had been a shudder of pleasure, indicating that his lover was enjoying the touch.
"Don't stop," the Doctor whispered, his voice hoarse. "You don't know how good it feels to be touched, Owen. This is so different from having a massage on a pleasure planet. There, the person doing the massage doesn't know me. It's different with you. It's so much better."
Owen nodded, bending down to press a gentle kiss to the small of the Doctor's back. He loved moving his hands over this man's beautiful body, loved reveling in the fact that the Doctor was his to love, his to touch, his to surrender his heart and soul to.
He let his hands move slowly down the Doctor's smooth back, enjoying the feel of that velvety, firm flesh under his fingertips. There was nothing like touching the person you loved, Owen told himself, closing his eyes and sinking into the sensation of touch.
His hands moved slowly downwards, making circular motions on the Doctor's back, until they reached the firm roundness of the Time Lord's ass. Owen couldn't keep himself from cupping and squeezing the other man's buttocks, eliciting a groan from the Doctor.
"Owen, if you keep doing that, I'm going to beg you to forget about the massage and just make love to me," he murmured, his voice hoarse with desire. "Or I might just turn over and grab you and pull you on top of me. If you're ready for that, then go ahead."
"Oh, I think I could handle that," Owen answered, keeping his tone light and almost teasing. "But I"m going to finish this massage first, Doctor, because it's been so long since you've had one. And you deserve this kind of pleasure before I give you another kind."
"That sounds absolutely marvelous," the Doctor said, sighing contentedly. "I'd almost forgotten how good it feels to have a massage from the hands of someone who knows my body intimately. It's so much better than the impersonal ones."
"I'm no professional masseuse, but I think I do a good job," Owen told him, his hands cupping and massaging the Time Lord's ass as he spoke. "Especially when I'm giving a massage to someone I love. That's what makes it so good -- the emotional and the physical melding together."
"I couldn't agree more," sighed the Doctor, almost sounding sleepy. Owen smiled to himself; he knew that tone of voice. The sleepy tone meant that the Doctor was relaxed and sliding into the first stages of desire; he knew that sound very well indeed.
He loved hearing that tone in the Doctor's voice; he loved everything about touching this man, loved being with him, waking up in the morning next to him, falling asleep with the Time Lord in his arms. He loved everything about the life they'd created for themselves.
He'd never get enough of touching the Doctor, of being near him, of holding him and kissing him. He loved going to all of the new planets that the Doctor took him to, seeing places he'd never even dreamed of, all of the adventures they'd had.
But most of all, he loved being with this man, knowing that the Doctor loved him. And Owen returned that love, fiercely and completely, in a way that he'd never loved anyone else. He hadn't even known that it was possible to love someone as deeply as he loved the Time Lord.
He continued the massage, his hands moving up the Doctor's back again, then down the Time Lord's arms. But his own breath was starting to come faster; he knew that he couldn't do this for much longer without wanting to take their physical contact further.
Owen wanted much more than just this slight physical contact of his hands on the Doctor's skin. He wanted to be inside the Time Lord, joined with the other man, locked in a fervent embrace. And he was sure that his lover wanted more, as well.
This was a kind of wanting he'd never known with anyone else; his desire for the Doctor overrode every other consideration he could possibly have when he was touching this man. He knew better than to question that desire; he simply gave in to it.
As his hands continued to move down the Doctor's sides and over the smooth skin of his back, Owen was sure that he'd never take the massage to the front of the other man's body. He simply couldn't hold out that long -- and he was that the Doctor couldn't, either.
"What do you say to getting out of those clothes and finishing the massage later?" the Doctor asked him, turning his head slightly to glance up at Owen again, a smile starting to spread over his features. "I think we've both had enough of this teasing.."
"I certainly have," Owen told him, sitting up and starting to pull his shirt off. The Doctor knew exactly what he wanted -- what they both wanted, Owen corrected himself as he bent down to press a kiss to the Time Lord's shoulder. And it was most definitely more than a massage.***
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