Title: Meeting the Family
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Ianto Jones
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas/Torchwood
Rating: PG-13
Table: Holiday Non-Bingo, tv_universe
Prompt: 28, Family
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Ianto Jones, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.***
This was it. He was finally going to meet Ianto's family.
Greg swallowed hard, wishing that he could swallow back the nervousness and trepidation he felt. He shouldn't be this nervous. Not really.
Ianto had told him a lot about his family, and he didn't know if he was looking forward to meeting them, or dreading it. He just wanted to get it over with, at this point.
There weren't many to meet, really; just Ianto's mother, his sister, and her husband. He knew that his boyfriend's father had died long ago, and that Ianto didn't talk about him much. Greg was sure that they hadn't had an easy relationship, but he wasn't going to ask questions about it.
After all, the past was the past, he told himself. And if talking about his father brought up bad memories for Ianto, then he wasn't going to push the subject.
He only had to meet two people who Ianto was close to, he reminded himself. That shouldn't be hard. He could be his charming self, and he'd have to hope that they liked him.
Though it wouldn't really matter if they didn't would it? he asked himself.
Ianto loved him and wanted to be with him, and tht was the only important thing, really. He didn't have to get along with his boyfriend's family.
But still, it would be nice if he did, Greg thought with a sigh. He hadn't really gotten along with Nick's family when they'd been dating. He had never fit in with them.
Nick's family had thought that he was a "sissy boy," because he was into art and music and didn't like things like football and spending most of his time getting drunk and making passes at women. And the fact that he was gay only seemed to make them disparage him all the more.
Never mind the fact that their own son/brother was gay, and that Nick was his boyfriend. They didn't seem to mind that Nick was gay, but any other gay man was fair game.
It was one of the reasons that he'd eventually left Nick. He'd known that Nick was close to his family, and Greg had also known that the Stokes brood would never accept him.
Ianto's family might be different, though. From what his lover had told him, Greg didn't think that he'd have any problem winning over his mother. She sounded like a very nice lady, who loved her son and accepted him being gay. It was the sister and her husband that he had his doubts about.
Rhiannon sounded like she could be a nice person, but he wasn't so sure about her husband. And he knew that Ianto's brother-in-law didn't think much of his sexual preference.
But that didn't matter, Greg told himself firmly. All that mattered was that he and Ianto were happy together. If his family didn't share in their happiness, that was just too bad.
Greg sighed again at the thought. He really did want to be accepted by Ianto's family.
He smiled as Ianto came into the room, moving behind him and sliding his arms around Greg's waist. Their gazes met in the mirror, and Ianto smiled at him.
All it took was that one smile to make Greg feel that this evening would go well, and that his first meeting with Ianto's family would be a success.
That smile made him feel that he could do anything, that he could leap tall buildings in a single bound, just like Superman. It made him feel that he was on top of the world, and nothing could touch him as long as he had his Ianto, his love, right there by his side.
"Ready to go?" Ianto asked, his voice very soft. He bowed his head to brush a gentle kiss just below Greg's ear, making the other man shiver with pleasure.
"As ready as I'll ever be," Greg answered, smiling and turning his head to look at his lover. "How about another kiss for good luck, just in case we need it?"
The eagerness with which Ianto's lips met his almost made Greg want to spend the evening at home.***
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