Title: Meeting Across The River
By: karaokegal
Fandom: Torchwood
Characters: Jack, John, Alonso
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Drabble-a-Day 2011 Day 55. Prompt from tw100. Challenge #187-X Factor. Beta'd by hllangel. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: A return to form.Jack doesn’t bother with introductions.
John gives Alonso a typical leer and Alonso comes right back with that look which translates as “Your place, or right here?”
"I like this one,” John smirks. “What brings you out here, Jack?”
“Searching for a lost commodity. Memories. Two year's worth.”
John nods.
"Always wondered when you’d come looking. That why the Agency sent me to check on you.”
“But you said the Agency…?"
“And you believed me.”
Jack feels slightly ill, but at least he’s back on the trail.
“So who’s got them now?”
“That, dear ex-partner of mine, would be me.”
Next story in series - Jungleland.
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- Amazon.com - Torchwood: Children of Earth
- Amazon.co.uk - Torchwood - Children of Earth [DVD] [2009]
- Amazon.ca link - Torchwood - The Complete First Season (7DVD)