Title: You're Beautiful
By: Rianick
Pairing: Jack/Rose/Doctor
Rating: AO
Summary: Rose and Jack, on his first night on the Tardis, get an unexpected visitor. PWP!***
"You're Beautiful"
Rose almost faltered in the up down movement she was participating in with Jack. His cock was so deep in her as she rode him she felt beyond full, as her eyes focused on him she knew he hadn't spoken.
Jack had been rescued only a few hours ago from his doomed spaceship. And they had all danced for hours. The Doctor spinning her around the control room, in time to various types of music, and letting Jack have every other tune with her. She had seen the Doctor smile so secretly while watching her and Jack. Had noticed him actually watching Jack more as time had passed. Then he had looked her right in the eye and she had seen possession for a moment before they had stopped.
And then he had said it was time to sleep. She had shown Jack to a room, not far from hers. She had hesitated for a small amount of time when Jack had asked her to join him. She had come to the fast realisation the Doctor was not going to step over the barrier that held him back from her. And she was definitely not a nun. She needed to feel wanted, desired even, and Jack had wooed her over last few hours. She wanted him, and he definitely wanted her.
And here she is riding him, she can't remember the last time someone made her feel like a goddess during sex, made sure she was well satisfied before taking their own rewards.
"You're both so beautiful"
The voice was there again but she kept moving. In her head she had realised it was the Doctor. He had told her he was telepathic, and the Tardis got in her head, so why hadn't he before now?
She closed her eyes and concentrated on Jack. She knew he couldn't be far off now. He was breathing in such ragged breaths now, as she was. His hands gripping her hips, as she kept the rhythm going.
She felt a fine pinprick of air being breathed at the base of her spine, and begin to move up to the base of her neck, her eyes flew open to see Jack below his eyes and face grinning as he looked past her shoulder. She didn't want to look round not right now. She knew who was there, knew and knew she was too far-gone to care at this present moment.
She was too close, she couldn't stop, couldn't stop moving. The Doctor leaned in closer and continued to blow a steady stream of air softly onto the junction of her throat and shoulder, and she began to shudder uncontrollably. His eyes caught Jack's and he held them for a time as Rose's shudder became more pronounced.
"Cum." He didn't say the word aloud; they both heard it in their heads. Jack kept his eyes glued to the Doctors unblinking darkly aroused alien eyes as he let go and cried out and Rose came in a torrent of sharp pleasure and intense pain. She cried out and her finger nails broke skin on Jack's chest as she clung to him.
Jack closed his eyes for a moment to regain some control, opened them and watched Rose, eye's closed still shuddering against his cock in the most delicious of movements.
He looked round for the Doctor, but he was no longer close. He was sat in a chair across the room, just watching them.
Rose calmed herself; her heart was beginning to slow its amazing ride. She was still shuddering deep inside, and it was so wonderfully. She had never cum like that in her life. She slowly gradually lifted off of Jack, who moaned slightly at loosing her. She lent down and kissed him, their tongues playing for a long time until she was ready to face the Doctor.
She didn't look at him as she slipped off the bed and walked bare foot across the room to where he was sat. She noticed for once he had left the jacket off. He was in a lightweight dark blue jumper over his standard black jeans and boots. She didn't smile at him. She didn't look in his face as she stood in front of him. He moved slightly, sitting more upright and letting his legs and arms open for her to come closer.
She looked him in his eyes then, and saw his arousal, saw the way his eyes had gone so much darker that normal, how alien they were. She shuddered. Then she lifted her hand and slapped him hard across the cheek.
She saw his eyes normalise in microseconds. He hadn't expected her to do that.
"What was that for?" he asked bewildered.
"Because" she said, standing boldly in front him, her body naked and still hot and flushed from her and Jack. "You assumed you were invited to. You didn't ask"
She watched his face flick between expressions of pure anger, and frustration, and then it slipped into understanding. His eyes became darker again.
"May I?"
She looked back at Jack, who nodded his head immediately. She turned back to the Doctor. Letting her eyes find his, on a fully equal footing with his, desire flowing through her again.
She didn't say anything for a long while, as his arms slipped around her and brought her breast to his mouth and teeth and tongue, she just moaned. Hearing his voice in hers and Jack's heads, telling them how beautiful they both are.***
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