Title: Sometime in the Morning
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Ianto Jones
Fandom: CSI: Vegas/Torchwood
Rating: PG-13
Table: 5_prompts, Month of November challenge
Prompt: Day 8 - On the edge of morning
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Ianto Jones, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.***
Greg awakened with a start, blinking as he looked around him with bleary eyes. This wasn't his bedroom; for just a few moments, he couldn't remember where he'd spent last night, or who he was with. Then memory came rushing back, bringing a smile to his lips.
He had spent the night here at Ianto's apartment -- no, he had to remember to call it a flat now that he was living in Wales, he corrected himself. They had made love -- not just once, but twice -- and then he had fallen asleep in Ianto's arms, sated and content.
It still seemed like a dream, meeting Ianto and going home with him. He didn't know what kind of destiny had brought them together, but he was glad it had. He was already starting to get lonely in Cardiff, even though he was enjoying the city more than he'd expected to.
He had been wondering if he'd made the right decision to come here, as far away from the Vegas crime lab as he'd been able to get, feeling as though he might have a made a mistake. But meeting Ianto had turned that feeling into something else entirely.
Everything had changed in the short time since he'd met the other man; somehow, Cardiff felt more like home than Vegas ever had, even after he'd lived there for so long. This was where he belonged -- in this city, with this man by his side.
He could only hope that Ianto felt the same way, and that he would be glad to find Greg here in his bed when he woke up. He wondered how long he would lie here before Ianto was awake; at the moment, he felt far too comfortable to move. He didn't want the day to start quite yet.
Greg wanted to wake up like this every morning; he wished that he hadn't taken a lease on his own place so that he could stay here and feel that this was his home. If only he belonged here, next to Ianto, knowing that he had the safety and security of living with him.
What was he thinking? Greg admonished himself as he lay there, waiting for the rays of the sun to peek over the dawn horizon. He and Ianto had only just had their first night together. It was long way from that to living together, or even being seriously involved.
But somehow, he had a feeling that Ianto would feel the same way he did. Maybe not about living together, but definitely about being with each other. Sometime in the morning, he would awaken, and the two of them could talk about their feelings.
Greg sighed at the thought, turning over to look at the man sleeping beside him. That was the problem he'd had with Nick, he thought wryly. He had wanted to talk about their feelings, their future. Nick had wanted to avoid discussion about anything of the sort.
Nick would have been happy to simply keep going on as they were, hiding their relationship from their colleagues, both of them pretending to be straight. He was comfortable being closeted, living a lie. Greg had gotten to the point where he couldn't live like that any longer.
How many times had he told Nick that he would eventually leave if things didn't change? Nick had laughed at that idea, thinking that their relationship was never going to end just because they loved each other. But Greg had known differently. He'd known that they would eventually be over.
And now he was far away from Nick; he had put that relationship behind him. He had found a man who wanted to be as open and honest about their relationship as he did, a man who he was already sure he was falling hopelessly in love with.
Was he falling in love? After just one night? He didn't want to think that he could fall in love so easily; that made him far too vulnerable. But he'd always had the tendency to lose his heart quickly, and this time had been no exception. He would probably always be like that.
Ianto was so different from anyone else he'd ever been with. He was completely open, the most honest man Greg had ever met. Even though he was sure that Ianto did have secrets buried somewhere, when it came to their relationship, he was as transparent as glass.
That was the way Greg wanted things to be. He never wanted any barriers to go up between the two of them; there had been too many of those when he was with Nick, and that was a huge part of what had finally brought their castle in the air crashing to the ground.
That wouldn't happen with Ianto. They would be honest about their relationship, right from the start. They had no reason to hide; there were no rules here about colleagues not dating each other. He felt so much freer here in Cardiff, more so than he could ever have been in Vegas.
Greg smiled as he looked down at Ianto's peacefully sleeping form, wishing that the other man would wake up. He had discovered that the morning was always the best time to talk, the time when confidences came easily and dreams seemed ready to be built.
It was only the edge of morning now, the grey area between night and dawn; it was a time that he'd loved when he was in Vegas, because it meant the end of one day for him and the beginning ot a new one. The edge of morning had always signified hope, in his mind.
That was what it meant here, too. This was the dawn of a new day, the first day that he and Ianto would be together. Ianto had already told him that he was falling in love -- and Greg knew that he was, too. Sometime in the morning, he would say those words aloud.
When Ianto awoke, they would definitely talk. After what the other man had said to him last night, Greg was sure that his lover would want that talk just as much s he himself did. And he was sure that their words would be a declaration of all that they felt for each other.
He was already falling in love, more quickly than he would have thought he could after being involved with Nick for so long. This was a new, heady experience, like falling through clouds with no fear of crashing to the ground. He knew that Ianto would be there to catch him.
He wished that they could spend all day in bed, but of course they couldn't. They had to go to work, to put their personal feelings aside and concentrate on their jobs. But they would have tonight, and the next, and a multitude of nights stretching far into their future.
Greg leaned forward to press a gentle kiss to Ianto's lips, just as the first rays of the rising sun began to illuminate the room. They were past the edge of morning, moving forward into a new day. And Greg couldn't help feeling that it was going to be one of the best days of his entire life.***
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