Title: Come Out To Play
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Owen Harper
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: PG-13
Table: 1, letter100
Prompt: 31, Kinky
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the Tenth Doctor or Owen Harper, unfortunately. Please do not sue.***
Dear Owen,
You never cease to amaze me. The longer we're together, the more facets of your personality I discover -- even though some of them are a surprise to me, I have to admit that I love them all. Especially the ones I don't expect to see.
I certainly didn't expect you to want to make love in a public place! I'll admit, that's not something I would do with just anyone -- and I've never done it with anyone before, other than Jack. But that's ancient history, and not something we need to focus on.
I'm not going to lie and say that I didn't enjoy it. It was exciting, forbidden. That's not a feeling that I usually get to have, so it was definitely out of the ordinary for me. And I didn't expect you to be so kinky! It was what you did that surprised me more than anything else.
I'm not going to go into specifics; we both know what happened there in the park. I was absolutely terrified that someone -- or more than one person! -- would come along and see us, but you were right about being protected where we were.
I have to admit that I loved what happened between us, Owen. I loved seeing that kinky side of you come out -- and I think it brought out a similar adventurous side in me, as well. I want to do more things like that now, thanks to you.
I've always had that side to me -- well, at least since I've been in this body. I don't think I'd ever have had sex in a public place in some of the bodies I've had before. But in this one, I feel young, carefree, and devil-may-care. I don't have nearly as many inhibitions as I used to.
Of course, there are times when I'm simply tired, or stressed, or just ot interested in sex. But I think you've discovered that those times are few and far between. I've never been as sensual with anyone as I am with you -- not even, surprisingly, with Jack.
I shouldn't talk about him, should I? It's not exactly acceptable to talk about one's ex-lover with the lover you're with now. I know that. But I want you to understand that there is no comparison between the two of you, Owen. You're everything that Jack could never be.
I know that you've always prided yourself on being the sort of man who could make conquests quickly, and then go on to the next one. You've always been like a butterfly, fluttering from one flower to the next and making an attempt to pollinate them all.
Jack was like that too, you know. I don't doubt that he still is. But I was never happy with him because of that. I want someone who's going to stay by my side, who's going to find all that they need in me. I want a relationship, not some fly-by-night fling.
I would never have thought, when we first met, that you could ever be the man to give me what I want in a relationship. But there are depths to you that I don't think even you give yourself credit for, Owen. You're a much more sensitive, loving man than you want to admit to being.
You sell yourself short when you try to cover up that side of yourself, Owen. I appreciate the fact that you can be kinky and sexual, but I also love that you're a sensitive, caring man. It's not a trait that I want to see you hide, or gloss over.
I know that you've felt you had to hide that side of yourself in the past, and I can understand why. You've been hurt so badly, and I understand that, too. You aren't the only one who's felt the pain of rejection -- or had someone you love taken from you.
That's happened to nearly everyone, at some point in their lives. It's happened to me, more times than I can count. Though I'll admit that I haven't had a lover snatched out of my life too soon, I know what it's like to have someone I care for taken away by death.
That isn't going to happen with me, you know. So you can let down your guard and be yourself, exactly who you are, when we're together. I know you've found that out already, but sometimes I still feel that you hold back parts of yourself that you're afraid to let me see.
That kinky side of your personality was one of those things that I think you'd managed to keep hidden until yesterday. I wish you hadn't kept it locked away, but I'm glad that you finally decided to let it out -- and in such a big way! I'm still reeling from that encounter.
I want more things like that to happen for us. It might be a little embarrassing for me to admit that I loved being taken like that, when there was such a risk of people seeing us, but I did. And I wouldn't say no to it happening again -- a lot more than once.
If it doesn't happen again, I'll be disappointed, but that wouldn't be enough to cause problems with our relationship. Still, I would wonder why you chose to keep that kinky side of yourself buried -- so I hope you won't do that any more.
I want you to let every side of who you are open up to me, Owen. I want us to have everything out in the open, and not to have any secrets from each other. Anything that you want to know about me, I'll tell you freely. I want to be an open book for you.
And I want you to be the same way for me, love. I hope that you will be -- even though I can understand why you might have some trouble doing that. But I think that since you've let that adventurous side come out to play once, it isn't going to go back into hiding again.
I'll never be able to look at a park in the same way now. Whenever I think about our time in that particular one, it's going to bring a smile to my face, and make my hearts thump faster. I hope that we'll be able to repeat that experience in the future -- and maybe even take a bigger risk of being caught.
Always your
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