Title: Back to Real Life
By: Rianick
Pairing: Jack/Rose/Doctor
Rating: AO
Warnings: very AU, contains an OC who is the Doctor's granddaughter
Summary: This is what happens when Rose decides to go back to her Doctor, in her Universe.***
3 Months.
Exactly 97 days and 4 hours since he had made love to Rose that first time. The alarm rang out.
He froze.
They were asleep in his bed, Jack on the outside curled around Rose, who was curled into his body as he watched them from a sitting position.
He closed his eyes. The word no screamed through his every fibre. And he mentally swore at the Tardis. He heard her say well you should have stopped the search. But he knew he couldn't have done that. Knew Rose would ask whether it was still working through the problem of getting her home.
Jack stirred. Stretching with smooth supple movements. The alarm was still sounding and Jack's eyes found his and saw his despair and pain.
"What is it?" He asked as he slowly sat up trying not to wake Rose.
"The Tardis is ready to take Rose home."
"You can't let her go Doc."
"I have no choice. It was her wish"
"How long?"
"An hour or so I would expect."
Jack looked away, the tears threatening to fall. "This isn't right."
"I know, but what can I do?"
Rose purred as she began to wake up. She frowned at the noise of the alarm. Sitting up quickly. The Doctor thought she had never looked more beautiful as she did now, hair messed up and her body happy from the night they had just shared together. "What's that?"
"The Tardis has found a way to get you home."
Rose froze. The alarm stopped. She closed her eyes. The word no screamed through her every fibre for a moment before she though, my Doctor, my soul mate, my partner. She felt herself smile for a moment. And then the realisation that she would have to leave Jack and this Doctor hit her like an express train. She couldn't speak her words were inadequate. She looked at Jack and saw the pain and tears in his eyes as he chose not to look at her. And the Doctor did the same refused to look her in the eye. "How long?"
"About an hour." The Doctor looked at her now, a guard up over his eyes now. One he hadn't used with her since she had initiated this domesticity with him and Jack.
She knelt up and faced him. She knew he was hiding behind his guard and she knew he was upset. She was as well. A tear at the corner of her eye ran down her cheek and the Doctors eyes were intensely watching it, he suddenly grabbed her into a massive hug, holding a hand out for Jack to join them. No words were said from then on, only holding each other as tears fell.
When the Tardis shuddered to a stop an hour later the three were stood in silence around the console room apart from each other. Rose had packed her rucksack, which was at her feet.
"Where are we?" Jack asked.
"Somewhere where the other Doctor's Tardis is." His finger hovered over the control for the doors. But he knew he couldn't hold off this moment any longer and allowed his fingers to press the button. He watched Rose pick up her rucksack and walk out of the door, without a backwards glance.
Jack and the Doctor raced after her. Outside seemed to be a dead planet. Rocks, pitted landscape that showed the passage of asteroids. But no one was looking at the landscape or the wonderful sky of bright stars. They all looked instead at the other Tardis.
The door opened and her Doctor walked out. Rose looked him over. He had on his pinstriped suit jacket but not his overcoat. His hair was as madly floppy as ever and the grin on his face as he held open his arms for her was amazing.
She smiled and ran to him. They hugged tightly. He lifted her off the ground and swung her round and a round and she squealed with excitement. Then they were still, looking each other over face to face. Then they were kissing. Deep sensual kisses of loss and rejoining.
Jack couldn't stop the tears filling his eyes. His heart ached at the site in front of him. She was theirs not the other Doctors. How dare he touch her like that? "You can't let this happen." He whispered to the Doctor.
"I have no choice." The Doctor took Jack hands and held it tight, Jack put his arms around him, needing his support and understanding the Doctor needed his as well. The Doctor watched his other self kiss and love his Rose. Then he reminded himself she was not his. She had never been his. No matter that he loved her totally. And he knew she loved him. She was not his. She was not Jack's. She was the other Doctors.
His hearts were breaking; there was nothing he could do. He held onto Jack tighter feeling the other man's tears and knowing as soon as this was over he would let his own fall.
Rose broke away from her Doctor and looked back at the Doctor and Jack. They were holding each other. And the love and despair the Doctor felt was bright in his tear filled eyes. She had to say goodbye.
Oh God she had to say goodbye!
She walked over to them. Jack let go of the Doctor and held her tight. She whispered in his ear "I love you Jack."
"I love you too sweetheart. I wouldn't have missed this time with you for anything." He whispered back to her. Then let her go. The tears were flowing down her face now, matching Jack's.
She moved over to the Doctor. He looked her in the eyes, his hand caressing her cheek wiping the tears away. Her tears just fell faster, as he leaned down and placed a simple kiss on her cheek.
"Doctor, I love you. " she whispered to him.
"I know, I've always know. I love you too Rose..... My Rose." His words were quiet, and he opened his arms to allow Jack to join them in one last family hug.
Then she was walking away from them, with her rucksack.
An alarm began in their Tardis and they knew they didn't have long before they had to go.
"Don't let this happen." Jack said as the Doctor pushed him towards the door of the Tardis.
Rose was almost at her Doctor now. He was smiling at her as she walked up to him and she smiled back. Then she stopped and looked back at them.
Their eyes connected for a moment. And he knew he couldn't loose her; at least not without one last try, because there would never be another chance.
"Rose." He shouted across to her.
Jack froze and looked quickly at the Doctor, wondering what he was going to say. Then looked at Rose to see her reaction. She was watching them with a smile in her eyes.
And he couldn't say a word. He just smiled.
"Will you tell my Mum?"
He nodded, and he and Jack watched her walk to her Doctor. Watched him stand back and let her walk into his Tardis. She looked back for a moment and smiled a sad smile of regret. Then she was gone. And her Doctor looked at the other Doctor and Jack. He noted the tears and distress and loss in both of them. He realised they loved her very much.
"I'm sorry." He said as he walked into his Tardis and closed the door. And in moments the Tardis is dematerialising. And Rose is held in a hug that could end all hugs as she goes home to her Doctor
The Doctor pushed Jack into their Tardis, and closed the door. Quickly dematerialising. And Jack is held in a hug that could end all hugs as they both let go their emotions at loosing Rose.***
She had said goodbye to them.
Rose stood in her bedroom, looking in the mirror as she brushed her hair. She didn't see her reflection. Instead she could see them, the other Doctor and Jack, smiling at her. She could see the pain, the hurt, the love they had held for her mirrored in their eyes as she had walked away from them and returned to her universe with her Doctor.
Tears welled up in her eyes when she realised what she had done to them, they must hate her so much. She hadn't thought of the consequences of her actions until now. She had lost her Mum, she had lost her new Dad, she had lost Mickey, and she had lost her little brothers. But what hurt most was loosing the Doctor and Jack.
It was too late to think about everything she had left behind, because there was nothing she could do about it now. Their love. Tears were raining down her cheeks. Too late to touch them ever again, to kiss them. It was too late to explain it to her mum.
Her hands were shaking now; she dropped the brush to the floor with a thump. She had said good-bye to them. The tears developed into massive convulsing sobs. Her legs felt wobbly and she let herself collapse to the floor, curling her legs into herself, holding them tight as the torrent of emotion and pain, at saying good-bye to them.
For a few moments she didn't even realise anyone was there. Then she is being gathered into arms, her head being pulled onto someone's shoulder. Her hands automatically grasping his shirt. She couldn't have stopped even if she had wanted too.
"Shhhhhhhh, it will be alright, Rose." He whispered as he held her, stroking her hair. He had been waiting for this to happen. He knew it would. He knew she would breakdown over the heart breaking decision she had had to make last week. He hadn't told her, and she hadn't discussed her relationship with the other Doctor and Jack, but he had guessed from the way they had been so very close. Had guessed it had developed beyond just friends.
He had been upset, but the fact she had chosen to come back to him, and not stay with them told him she still loved him. But she loved them as well in some intense way. He had to just support her through the pain of leaving them, and her family behind.
So here he was holding her as she sob great sobs of sadness and loss, and heartbreak. He loved her so much he knew he could forgive her anything.
Eventually the crying subsided, and she just lay in his arms, tired and withdrawn. And in pain. She hadn't noticed the pain before hand. But she had pain in her abdomen. She moved back from him and placed her hand over her abdomen and cried out as searing pain caught her there.
"Rose!" he was immediately concerned. He jumped up, lent down and picked her up and ran with her to the med lab. He laid her on the couch, reached fast for the medical scanner. It bleeped, and he looked at the read out, his face was pale and he didn't know what to do for many moments as his brain took in what the scanner was telling him.
She cried out again. He grabbed her off of the couch and ran for the control room. He leaned her against the railing and quickly punched in the coordinates for a hospital many years in the future that would be able to help her quicker and faster than he could. As they arrived he lifted her in his arms and ran out screaming for help.
Later she came round. She felt groggy and she ached badly. She looked around the sterile white room. She shivered. She was in a hospital. She wondered what had happened. The last thing she could remember was her Doctor holding her as she sobbed. She lifted her head slightly and looked around. She didn't feel ill, just battered and bruised and achy. She sat up, and looked for him.
He was sat in a chair next to her, his face full of pain, and tears in his eyes. But as soon as he saw her awake he wiped them away and smiled. Only it didn't reach his eyes. He moved the chair closer to the bed, until he was as close to her as he could get. He took her hand and rubbed it slightly as he tried to find the words. Reminding himself he could and would forgive her anything. He looked up and saw her watching him expectantly.
"Your pregnant." He said quietly. He didn't meet her eyes. "About 8 weeks, they managed to stabilise you and save the baby."
She felt sick, she felt faint. Her voice when she spoke was a whisper, "A baby?"
"Time Lord or Human?"
She heard him take in a breath of pain, realising to late that it told him she had been unfaithful to him, with both the other Doctor and Jack. She didn't care for the briefest moment, and then, well then she realised she did care too much.
He already knew it was true, but to hear her ask if it was Time Lord or Human, so simply, hurt. But he didn't let go of her hand. "Human."
"Jack's then." She felt like curling up in a ball again and just holding onto this. She had something of theirs; something she knows could ruin her life here with her Doctor. This could end what she and the Doctor had. It was a baby. Jack's baby.
He kept her hand in his, letting his fingers massage her, as she took the news in. He hurt so much, knowing his Rose had taken something he had not allowed them before they had lost Jack, before he regenerated. And he hurt because he hated himself for not allowing. He loved them both so much, and it would have been so easy to let them over that final line he had kept between them. But he hadn't. And he regretted it so much now.
"When can we leave here?"
"They want to keep you in for a week. You have complications, but they will be able to help. And when we go I will have the knowledge and skills to help you as well."
She nodded, grateful that he was acting like he wasn't going to send her away at least. She looked at him then. This was hurting him so much, but he hadn't walked away. She realised how much she loved him. He looked up then, and she found his eyes, and put her hand on his cheek.
"I love you," she said quietly. His eyes smiled then,
"I love you too." He leaned forward to bring their lips together. They kissed slowly and parted with regret.
"When I am better and stronger, can we find Jack please?" she asked. He looked her in the eyes and knew she had to see him again. He nodded. So did he. There was too much regret in his life; he needed to have the two he loved back together. Maybe Jack would help them re-find their positions together. A baby. He would have loved to have children with Rose. But it had been taken out of his hands. For the time being at least. For the present he could forgive her everything.
Captain Jack Harkness slipped his gun back into its holster. He wouldn't need it tonight after all. The Grarrans, had landed, repaired their ship and were as, he watched, beginning to ascend the gangway back onto their small ship. His mind keep alert for any potential problems as his eyes watched them close the gangway. The ship was very quickly blasting straight up into the wide-open space above him. He let out a sad sigh, wondering when he would be out there again. He was trapped here, purposely, but trapped all the same. He almost envied the Grarrans their constant space travelling existence.
He heard a soft sigh behind him and turned slowly to watch Gwen follow the speck that the ship now was, across the skies until it faded from sight totally. He watched her own longing for something more, open and out on her face and in her eyes. He wondered how long he could hide his identity from her. She pestered him constantly, when there was no one else around. She lowered her eyes from the heavens and looked at him watching her. Her eyes smiling that smile that said you've been there haven't you.
He wanted to tell her everything. But knew he wouldn't. He was still too angry with the Doctor for leaving him behind. He smiled back at her a sad smile; his mouth opening to say lets go home. His eyes glaze over in shock instead as he hears a sound beginning behind him. He watches her look past his shoulder, amazement evident in her eyes as she watched the Tardis materialise close to them. He notes her gun is pulled and ready. Oh well he thinks, she's going to get her desire and learn what you are any minute now.
He turns round slowly; his anger flaring now as he stands perfectly still eyes looking the blue box over, checking it was undamaged. The Tardis stood still, and he waited for the Doctor to come to him. He was not going to give into the burning need to run in there and seek him out.
The door opened, he forgot to breath.
Rose's head peeked out round the door smiling at him and his anger fled, he breathed again.
"Rose." He said with a laugh of relief, absolute love for her running through his body, warming him to the soul at the sight of her smile. She was out of the Tardis, like a shot, and in his arms hugging him wildly. He kissed her on the lips and swung her round and round, and she was squealing in delight. "Oh my Rose, it's so good to see you."
"Jack, oh Jack I have missed you so very much." She kissed him back, a kiss on his lips that wanted so much more. He wonders at that for a moment realising she has changed, something has changed. He lets her stand back from him then so he can take her in, his eyes jumping to her expanding tummy in shock, a delighted soppy grin spread wide on his face.
"Your pregnant." He says it with such pleasure in his voice, his hand automatically going to touch her there, "Is it the Doctors?"
"No." she said putting her hand protectively over the bump and took another step back, he notices great sadness in her, but before he can ask her she says, "I'll explain after the Doctor.... Jack he's regenerated."
Jack's whole world died in those two words. "He died?" She nodded. He looked away at the floor, tears filling his eyes as he took in what she had told him. His Doctor was dead and gone. Was that the sadness in her, their Doctor, dead? He looked up at her needing to know, "Is that why he left me behind?"
At her nod he felt the tears begin to slip from his eyes. Their Doctor dead. His anger felt hollow and unnecessary. Somehow he couldn't bring himself to ask about the new one that would know everything the old one had, but would be a stranger to him. He was looking at Rose, noticing her eyes flick to the Tardis behind him. Knowing he was there. He suddenly didn't want to turn round.
"Jack." The accent was wrong, but there was passion and love in that one word.
Jack turned slowly, his eyes swiftly seeking out the Time Lords. They weren't blue, they were brown, a wonderful shade of soft brown. He could see that this was hard for him as well. Jack swallowed, closed his eyes for a brief flash to regain composure.
Opening them he looked the Doctor over, taking in the fact he wasn't as tall, his build was smaller as well, but he guessed he was still well toned under the brown pinstriped suit he seemed to be wearing. He was definitely more pretty boy; his old self would have cringed at this for sure. He smiled at that thought, as he took in the floppy longer brown hair and the face more open to smiling, where his old one had brooded.
He let his eyes go back to the Doctors' new ones, and he looked hard. He felt himself drown in them as the Doctor looked into him as well. And there he saw the old Doctor grinning and saying yes it is ok. And he smiled and said softly, "Very sexy regeneration Doc."
The Doctor laughed and opened his arms to Jack. Jack found himself moving towards him and into his arms without a thought for his anger. It was like coming home, being wrapped in his arms. He watched as the Doctor grinned mischievously and lowered his lips to Jack's. Jack's heart skipped a beat as he responded immediately. Lips pressed close, moving, tongues dancing, moans of need burning through them both.
When he stopped and pulled back and took a step away he felt shell-shocked, and ecstatic. He saw the Doctor grin and the waggle of his eyebrows at Rose, and Jack turned to grin at her as well, she was smiling with such delight that they had kissed. He knew everything was going to be ok.
Then he remembered Gwen. He turned to her swiftly, seeing her eyes wide in disbelief, gun pointing at the Doctor. "Gwen, put the gun away. They are friends. Safe."
Gwen flickered her eyes to Jack, seeing him telling her with them, and the fact he had moved in front of her gun with his hand up, that he felt it was safe. She could see he knew these two, where they humans or aliens? She trusted Jack's judgement. With her eyes on his, she lowered the gun, seeing his relief as she put it out of harms way. She took a deep breath and asked, "What the hell is going on Jack?"
"My life, which you've been so intrigued with." He said as he kept eye contact, smiling at her cheekily. Seeing her understand just a small amount, understand that he really had been out there. Then he broke eye contact with her and turned to the Doctor and Rose who had moved closer to him and Gwen. "Gwen, these are my dearest friends, The Doctor and Rose."
Rose reached out her hand and shook Gwen's quickly with a huge smile and a quick hello. And as Gwen took the Doctors hand, Jack continued, "Gwen is my colleague in Torchwood."
The Doctor squeezed Gwen's hand tighter as his face turning to Jack, his eyes angry and scared for him. "Torchwood, you're working for Torchwood?"
"Jack you idiot." Rose said, her voice telling him she was scared for him, as she took a step toward him, "If they find out who you are... they will have you in one of their holding cells before you can say hey lets dance."
The Doctor, let go of Gwen's hand and turned to him, his eyes saying he needed an explanation.
"Well what else was I supposed to do, you left me behind. I got roped into helping them rebuild Earth. The Daleks don't do invasion in anything other than total wipe out. Then as soon as I could I hitched a lift back to a time and location I knew you would come back to at some point. And I got a job from where I could watch for you."
"How did you pay to get a lift from 200,100 Earth to 21st Century Earth Jack?" The Doctor asked him. Jack could see he knew very well what part of himself he had used as payment.
"Its not important now Doc," he says in a slightly sad tone as he tries not to remember the pain and anger that had made him do what he had done.
"It is Jack, I won't have you prostitute yourself for us." The Doctor goes silent as he looks at Rose. He sees her eyes are in pain and she is tired. She did similar to get back to him. Then he knows he left it too long to find Jack. "I should have come back for you before now."
"We can discuss whether it's a good idea or not another time Doc, " Jack's eyes flick from him to Rose, He sees her looking tired and pale. He moves swiftly to her side, offering her his arm to lean on. "So who's baby is it Rose?"
Her eyes find his and he sees immense loss and anguish. He sees her mouth open and close. Then she lowers her eyes in almost shame, "Yours."
"What..?" Jack looked at her intensely, then looked at the Doctor for confirmation of what she meant.
"Rose got trapped in an alternative dimension for a while. She met you and the old me there. They helped get her back to me. But she and they...well they became lovers." The Doctor voice was quite, and Jack could hear the regret at having lost her, but he also heard the acceptance of the situation, and his continued love for her in his words, in his tone.
Jack put his hand out to Rose, lifting her chin slightly so her eyes had to look at him. "You slept with me and him, together."
"Yes Jack," He saw a flash of deep love for them in her eyes, and an even deeper loss.
He laughed for a moment as he took in what was being said, damn she had changed, "Well done Sweetheart, at grabbing something we missed here." His other hand reached out to touch the bump gently. "Did he know?"
He could see her strength just completely dissolve in front of him as she slowly shook her head, the tears that she had been fighting back fell and Jack gathered her swiftly into his arms and held her tight, murmuring words of comfort. He closed his eyes. His head resting on hers, damn it had been a hard 10 minutes.
"Fancy a cup of tea Gwen?" The Doctor held out his hand to Gwen. Gwen looked at it for a moment, then looked at Jack and Rose. She knew they needed to be alone for a while, so she nodded and allowed the Doctor to take her hand. Trusting him because Jack did. He led her towards the small blue box and she allowed herself to be led inside.
When Rose had stopped crying, Jack looked up and saw the Doctor and Gwen had disappeared, and he thanked him for taking Gwen out of the way. He knew he need to talk to Rose, and stood out here wasn't the best of locations. And she looked like she needed to sit down. "Come on lets go to my room and talk."***
Jack grabbed her hand and pulled her gently through the Tardis control room, out into the corridor, past the kitchen where he could hear the Doctor chatting to Gwen. They walked quietly, past the door, a mischievous grin on his face as he looked back at Rose, and his finger on his mouth telling her to be quiet. She giggled back at his silliness. Then they came to his room, and he opened the door, allowing her to walk in first.
He shut the door behind them. Dropped her hand as he stripped off his long military coat and gun holster, hanging them from the coat rack that was just inside the door. His eyes flickered around the room. Nothing had been changed. Apart from a pile of clean washing that was sat on top of his dresser. He knew Rose would have put that there for him. He felt home. He closed his eyes, breathed in the smell and knew he was home.
When he opened them he saw her watching him, a lovely soft smile of pleasure at being with him, spread on her face and in her eyes. He was so happy to be back with her and the Doctor. But they needed to talk. He needed to know what had happened for her to be trapped in another dimension. He could see the changes in her. She was more confident and yet reserved at the same time. Like she was scared to come out with what she wanted to say.
He took her hand again and led her to the bed, Allowing her to sit and make herself comfy before he sat down close to her, his hands pulling hers into a gentle hold, fingers meshing together, he squeezed them as she sat with her head bowed. "Do you miss them?"
Rose looked up then, and her eyes had that pained and anguished look again and he knew she did, "Deeply."
Then his mischievous side had to know, "Were we, they as good as I always thought we would be?"
Her smile, her eyes misted remembering and he knows it was, "Beyond what I could have imagined."
He nodded; pleased she had taken what they had both been denied here. "He seems to have accepted it."
"He has been brilliant. But I have hurt him deeply by it. I never meant for him, or you to know about them."
"You could have always told me sweetheart, you know I would accept anything." He knew he would have accepted anything she had told him in confidence. She was his best friend, and one day he would like to make her so much more. He put his hand to the bump, suddenly sad that she had had to go through this alone apart from the Doctor, "How far along are you?"
"Six months. I had some complications early on, had to be in hospital for a while and he would not let me out of bed until a couple of weeks ago. But we are fine." She put her hand on top of his on the bump, to emphasise which we she was talking about. That just makes him feel worse.
"I should have been here with you." He said softly.
The baby chose that moment to kick out at the two hands pressed against it, and Jack gasped in pleasure, and she grinned. He has never felt a baby kick before. He hadn't really been around many pregnant humans. It is something he will never forget. Ever.
"What are you going to do? Stay here with him?" he raises his other hand to her chin, raising her face so she looked at him again. There is love there for the Doctor and something else, "You still love him."
"Always." She says confidently, and it shows in her eyes. "I left them and came back here to him."
"He has to know then, that was a statement and half to make, sweetheart." His thumb caresses her cheek; he hasn't noticed her eyes watching him with more than just love for the Doctor, his eyes and mind are marvelling at how soft her skin is. How much he wants to kiss those lips.
"I love you too."
His eyes suddenly find hers then, at her words softly spoken. He finds he has to ask, "Me, or the me who made you pregnant?"
He knows it is true. He knows he feels the same. He can see she needs to explain this so he stays silent and lets her continue, suddenly very aware that he is aroused, and her eyes, her flushed cheeks, say she is as well.
"I asked him to bring me to you. I had to see you. Had to tell you. Because being trapped there for so long, I realised how much I regretted not telling you, not making love to you and him, we had thought we had lots of time, that it would last forever. Only it didn't. Then I found the other him, and we found the other you. I felt that for the short time I was going to be with them I was going to damn well have what I had not had here. Then when I got back, I didn't tell him, but he guessed, and then I was pregnant, and I told him I needed to see you."
He thought about what she had said. He felt jealous for a moment that she had had what they had been denied. He laughed sadly, "You were with him. I never had that."
Rose feels his sadness and loss, but reassures him, "He is still here Jack, and he is still our Doctor. He's more open now. He knows regret too sweetheart. He regrets not letting us be together before we were pulled apart. He needs you, every bit as much as I do. It just took him a while to believe it and act on it."
Jack realises, suddenly, why the Doctor had kissed him outside. It becomes clear. He was making the first move to bring them, the three of them back together, not only as friends and companions, but also as lovers. He knows this is exactly where he wants to be. And his eyes find her lips again, and he knows exactly what to do to them now.
Her breath stops as he lowers his lips to hers, he loves the feel of them, so soft and pliant under his, so eager and in need, in their swift movement to have his lips and tongue captured. He laughs slightly pulling back, making her work for it. Then gives in and just lets their lips and tongues fight and love and learn each other.
He hears a moan, realises it is him, as his hands can't stay still any longer, and he lifts one to her neck, his fingers caressing her gently. They both know exactly where this is headed. His other slips down to her breast, softly rubbing her nipple through the fabric of her top and bra. He is delighted when she shivers and moves closer to him. He rubs slightly harder. He feels her hands come to his shirt, trying to undo the buttons swiftly, and failing. He leaves her breast, and undoes them himself her hands helping him pull the shirt from his trousers. He breaks the kiss as her fingers find his belt and snap it open, pulling the taught leather strap through quickly as she dived for the button and zip below. Her face is lowered, watching what she is doing, her tongue is stuck out in that delightful way she has when she is teasing or concentrating.
He takes off his shirt, letting it fall to the floor, just as her fingers enclose them selves around him, and then he moans at the light and teasing strokes she is using on him. He lets her play as his hand slips round and quickly divest her of her top, pulling her fingers from him. Then he is removing her bra before her fingers have time to reclaim him.
He stands swiftly, pulling off his boots, and socks and losing his trousers. Then he stands for a moment, as her eyes look him over from head to foot, her eyes and tongue happy and eager to have him. He kneels in front of her, his hands running down each leg to her boots, quickly disposing of them and her socks, his hand running back up her legs slowly to undo her jeans, and pull them and her knickers swiftly off. She is everything he has always dreamed, curvy, and soft, and smiling a smile of pure delight as she moves herself further onto the bed, her hand out for him to join her there.
He takes her hand and lies down next to her, their lips swiftly finding each other again as her free hand encloses him. He moans and she breaks the kiss, pushing him onto his back as her hands find him, moving gently but purposely on him, and as he looks at her through clenched teeth and hooded eyes he sees her smile as she lowers her mouth to him. Her tongue moves sweetly and teasingly over him, her mouth swallowing him almost all the way down. It's delightful. Then a little flick of her tongue and he is moaning and grasping the covers of his bed. How the hell did she know about that spot?
He recovers himself enough not to let her give him all the pleasure, lifting his hand to her back, and running his fingers in small circles down it, and onto her behind, and pulling her slightly closer so he could slip his fingers into her. She is hotter and wetter than he would have believed. His fingers swiftly fill her up, with one, then two, then three, and finally four. Moving in her, feeling her moving her body back against them as they thrust into her. His thumb found her clit, rubbing against it as his hand moved in her. Then she is moaning around his cock and it is delicious, but he doesn't want either of them to come yet. Wants to be in her. Needs to feel her come around him.
"Rose," he says her name, getting her attention and grinning at her, as she lifts her head and lips from him, licks her lips, then she is winking at him as she moves to straddle him. His hands automatically reaching for her hips to guide her down, his breath catches as he watches her impale herself on him, in one long slow sensuous movement. He holds her still for a moment not trusting himself not to come immediately. When she starts to move herself in small delicious circles, he matches her speed, matches her movements, eyes held fast together, every move choreographed and smooth.
They move together, as if they have been dancing for years, smoothly and sexy, pure simple love. He feels his breath becoming ragged as his hands are still on her hips, the movements building hard and faster. His eyes still caught totally in hers. Together they build up until he feels her muscles begin to pulse around him, and he sees her shivering her eyes wide, her mouth open. And he knows he can't last much longer and brings a finger round to her clit and watches her explode above him and around him in wave after wave of pure pleasure. And as she comes she murmurs his name, slow and long in a purr of pureness and he is arching into her filling her as he too comes.
He murmurs her name as he comes down, as he watches her still, her eyes closed for a few moment. He helps her move off of him, turning on his side and pulling her close. Her head against his chest, he could stay like this forever.
"How did you get trapped in the other dimension?" he asks later when they are both relaxed. She doesn't move, but keeps her head against his chest. Tells him about the battle for Canary Wharf from the viewpoint of someone who was there. Tells him about being caught by Pete Tyler. Tells him about her dream and driving to Norway to say good-bye to the Doctor on the beach. Living in a daze of not wanting to be there for 3 years. Finding the other Doctor, finding the other Jack. Three months of love before she came back to her Doctor. To Jack here and now.
He listens silently, holding here tight as she cries over leaving them, over leaving her mum, and Pete and the boys, Mickey. Then she asks him a question, "What do we do now?"
He was silent as he worked over some possibilities in his mind. "We have 2 options. One we leave the Tardis, you come and live with me in Cardiff, and I raise the child as my own."
He feels her hold her breath knowing his words are not what she had imagined he would say. "Two we stay here, we make it work with him as three, and I still raise the child as my own."
She sits up and looks down at him then, her hair all ruffled, tears streaking her cheeks, her eyes red. "I can't leave him."
"Then option two seems best." He sighed and grins, sitting up to bring her into his arms again.
"Thank you, you don't have to do this. The baby I mean." He can hear her uneasiness at his wanting to acknowledge the child as his own.
"Sweetheart, I love you. The baby is part of you I will love it totally. It will end up having two fantastic Dads' and a stunningly gorgeous and sexy Mom. What kid could ask for more?"
He holds her tightly letting her know with his arms and lips' kissing her shoulder how much he loves her. Then he lets her go, "Lets go and let him know I'm staying."***
The Doctor was making a second pot of tea. He had also made toast, and just spent the last hour talking to Gwen, about anything that came up. He had explained what the Tardis was, and yes he was an alien called a Time Lord. How they had met Jack, how they had lost him. And she had filled him in what she knew of him from Torchwood. He had noticed at one point Gwen was about to say something about Jack, and then she had thought better of it. He wondered at that as he watched her sat at the table her fingers fiddling with themselves, showing her nervousness of being here without Jack. He had come to the conclusion she was a sweet girl, nervous of aliens and things she didn't understand, but she had the confidence to stand up and not run away. He liked her, could see why Jack had her as a partner. She reminded him of Rose when he had first met her.
He was grateful when the door opened and Jack and Rose wondered in. Then he noticed Jack was in his shirtsleeves, and Rose's hair was ruffled. He saw their hands gripped strongly together and the smiles on their lips and for a moment he thought he should be jealous, but he wasn't. It was actually beautiful to see them together again, and happy with each other. And if they had just been doing what he desperately wanted to do with both of them very soon, well he knew they wouldn't turn him away. He watched as Jack held out a chair for Rose, and pushed it in so she was comfortable. They always had had such an easy friendship that seemed to have morphed into easy lovers as well. He grinned.
Jack was walking round to him, grinning mischievously at the Doctor. The Doctor watched the other man look him up and down. And then his breath caught as he saw the heat in Jack's eyes. He had nowhere to go, trapped against the kitchen unit as he was. He saw Jack's lips descend to him. This time the kiss was more heated on both sides, Jack's arms slipping around his waist, pulling their arousals closer together. The Doctor's hands were around his neck, trying to keep Jack's lips from ever leaving his again. Yep it was definitely going to be the three of them very soon now or he knew he was going to explode from need.
Rose poured herself a cup of tea and turned to Gwen, who was watching the two males kissing, "Hi sorry to drag Jack off. Has he been looking after you?"
"That's ok. Yes he's been a perfect gentleman. " Gwen turned to Rose, she wasn't sure if the two men kissing was making her hot or shocked, but she was definitely affected by it, "Do they do this a lot."
Rose grinned, and said "That's Captain Jack Harkness, 51st Century ex-Time Agent, intergalactic playboy, master at seduction, criminal extraordinaire, flexible in more ways than you can imagine, with the Doctor, Time Lord, an alien with over 900 years experience on him. Yep they should be doing this on a regular basis from now on. We aren't going to lose him again."
"Oh." Gwen looked at her, "But I thought he was your boyfriend. I mean with the baby?"
Rose laughed again. "No there are three of us in this relationship, but we are not exclusive either. Life is too short to be exclusive."
Gwen's face was a picture of typical 21st Century taboos'. Rose laughed remembering the first time she had heard about Jack's flexibility when it came to dancing. So many years had past and her mind was more open to anything and she was happy with what ever they would have, whether it would be a week, or years. Everything ended, so the idea was to live without regret. Then she realised Jack had not been showing his true colours to this young woman.
"You mean he hasn't tried to seduce you?" Rose watched Gwen's face, blushed with embarrassment. No he had definitely been on best behaviour, why? She looked over at the Doctor and Jack, seeing they had come up for air. "Jack, are you loosing your touch? You haven't danced with her?"
Jack turned round, didn't respond immediately, finding the right words to explain to Gwen and Rose. He lent into the Doctor next to him as he thought, and could see the Time Lords wide grin, "Gwen is a gorgeous and sexy person. How would I not want her? But the mission was to get back here to you two, and being your 21st Century Rose, I knew they would not appreciate me at my normal level of flirtation and seduction. Do you know how hard and frustrating that is to me?"
"I know Jack." Rose smiled at him, hoping he could see that she understood. She watched as his eyes found Gwen's.
Gwen was blushing deeply to know that he had wanted her. She had always felt that there was something between them. It wasn't like she had ignored the looks he had given her, the small touches, the handholding. With Jack you couldn't ignore them they were him. As was his teasing Owen and eyeing up Ianto, that he thought she hadn't noticed. Now she knew there was so much more to him, he had hidden from her, from the team. But she understood his position. Rose had been right earlier if the other's knew he was a time traveller from the future, then yes he would be in one of the holding cells. Gwen knew she didn't want that at all. But she wished she had had time to know the real Jack. She allowed Jack to hold her eyes seeing in them everything he had wanted to do to her but had not. Then her mind told her, maybe she had seen a side of Jack that his partners hadn't, the committed and focused, and there had definitely been anger in him, right up until Rose had poked her head out of the Tardis. Maybe she had seen the Jack underneath the man they knew.
"What the..?" Gwen jumped as a loud clanging noise echoed through the Tardis. The Doctor ran through the door with such speed, with Jack fast on his heals.
"We're picking up a distress beacon." Rose explained to her as she stood. Gwen jumped up and opened the door for her, and walked slowly along the corridor with the other female. By the time they reached the control room the noise had stopped. When they entered the Doctor and Jack were pouring over the distress call.
"Damn and blast it!" the Doctor stated in part annoyance and part concern. He punched in the coordinates, and got the Tardis dematerialising. He looked at Gwen then with a look of excitement, which she found catching, "Sorry Gwen, need to take a quick trip before we drop you off." He turned to Jack and said more seriously, "Jack go to the armoury and get yourself a blaster, we may need it."
Jack ran from the room, without a second thought. Gwen saw the ease with which the Doctor took control of situations, and how easy it was for Jack do as he was told, a side she hadn't seen before. Jack was usually the one in control, all the way. Rose indicated for Gwen to come and sit on the seat next to the console. Then when she was comfy Rose asked the Doctor "What is it?"
"Its ..." then he paused wondering exactly how to explain the current situation to one of his lovers. He looked at her said instead, "Oh you'll see in a few minutes."
There was silence until Jack came back in with a blaster in each hand. Gwen went pale at the sight of them, but suddenly realised this was his real life, and he looked more at ease with those than he had been with their guns in Torchwood. The Tardis began to materialise.
The Doctor quickly flicked the screen on so he could see the conditions outside his eyes taking in everything in seconds as normal. Jack had put one blaster in the back of his trousers. He liked backup in a fight. He wondered what sort of trouble the Doctor could guess from the beacon itself. He held the other blaster in his hand, pointed at the floor away from the consol. He moved so he could look at the screen as well, his eyes taking in the down and obviously well attacked ship. "What do you see Captain?"
"It looks like an older Time Agent ship Doc, do you think its one of them in trouble?"
"No." The Doctor knew who it was, continued viewing the screen for a moment. There was no movement from the ship, which either meant they were injured. Or it was a trap. He could see that someone had used the crashed ship as target practise. "Right, Rose, you and Gwen stay put."
Rose didn't even try and argue, knowing this was beyond her at the moment. So she motioned to Gwen to come and watch at the screen as first Jack then the Doctor slipped out of the Tardis and crossed the space to the crashed ship. They watched them reach the ship, and Jack kept watch for trouble whilst the Doctor disappeared inside.
The Doctor came out of the empty crashed time ship and started looking around, worry written all over his face. Not there which meant it was most probably a trap. Well lets spring it and see what we get he thought. He was beyond worried now. Scared that something had happened to them. He took out the sonic screwdriver and switched it to a tracing function, tracing the Tardis key he knew they wore. Then walked in a circle until he found the direction of the signal.***
He and Jack walked that way, Jack still with blaster held ready. Then the signal stopped and moved. They stopped next to a rocky outcrop. A figure slipped round from behind it and yanked the blaster out of the back of Jack's trousers and pointed it past them and fired at the platoon of soldiers that suddenly appeared from that direction. Jack had a second to realise what the figure was doing was not attaching him and the Doctor but trying to protect them. He started firing too, at the platoon, quickly killing 2, and watching more stream over the hill.
"Run." The new arrival yelled at them. The Doctor ran, and Jack and the figure, which Jack belatedly realised was female, held off the soldiers as they retreated backwards towards the Tardis. Jack let the female run in first, fired off a couple more shots at the soldiers before slamming the door. That was exhilarating. It had been along time since he had been in a blaster fight. He grinned as he noted the Doctor swiftly getting the Tardis dematerialising.
The female was breathing deeply, next to him, and as he tried to catch his own breath their eyes connected and he was swallowed in a deep lilac abyss. She moved towards him, her lips finding his, and he responded immediately, a deep intense tongue filled kiss of delight at having escaped, unscathed. Her hand wound its way around his neck and he felt her mould her body hard against his.
He didn't hear Rose laugh in delight, or see Gwen's shocked look. They had sat back on the console chair and were both now watching, Rose in delight, and Gwen in a concern state, where she knew she just had to accept him as him. It was going to be hard. And she also felt jealous at having not been on the end of one of his kisses that looked knee wobblingly good from here.
The Doctor looked annoyed at the scene, not because Jack was kissing someone else, but because he knew who the someone was. And damn these two were so alike they were bound to enjoy each other. This also looked very much like what had happened the last time she had called for help. So he was going to stop her.
"Rian, how come every time you crash your Time Ship, and I rescue you, you end up snogging my companions?" He said loudly. And was delighted to see it still had the same effect of stopping her in her tracks. He also noted Rose's and Gwen's eyes swiftly turn to him in amazement to know that he knew this female. He found he liked surprising them. Turned quickly to them both, winked and waggled his eyebrows, before his attention was back on Jack and Rian.
Rian stood back from Jack, but left her lips on his as long as possible. He was good and she wanted more. Lots more. Breaking the kiss with regret she turned to the Doctor, grinning. "Technically last time you didn't rescue me, Turlough did, so he deserved the snog. This time I didn't crash I was shot down by hostile fire."
The Doctor laughed, "You still called for help."
She ignored him, looked round at the Tardis and said "Good to see you Tardis."
Then she walked over to the Doctor slowly taking in his appearance, he stood and turned round slowly for her. "Very sexy regeneration Doc."
He laughed and held open his arms to her and she melted into them, her lips quickly finding his and kissing him as deeply as she had just kissed Jack. Everyone watched as the Doctor responded and played her kiss completely. Like he had kissed her many times before. His hands found the small of her back pulling her against him, and hers roamed his head, learnt his new ears. Found and felt his shoulders and down his back. Then he smiled in the kiss, and before her hands could go any further he broke the kiss and stood back.
She stood with her back against the console looking him over, suddenly very serious. "If you keep going through regenerations like this Gramps, I'm going to have to tie you up somewhere to stop you getting into trouble. What happened to nine? I liked nine. Those big ears, brooding looks and leather jacket were unbelievably hot."
"What am I not good enough now I'm ten? Why does everyone have a complex about me not being nine anymore?"
"I'm not saying that Gramps, but nine. Hell nine was special. I only had him for 4 weeks before you went back to them." She suddenly looked around at the people in the control room other than herself and the Doctor, taking in the human male she had just snogged, and 2 human females, both very cute, and one pregnant. She realised belatedly that he had to be Jack, and one of them was Rose, and he had said she was blonde, so the pregnant one.
"Well I wasn't going to mention that when I dropped them in New York in 2018 to go shopping and disappeared for 4 hours I had really been gone 4 weeks!" the Doctor laughed and looked guilty.
Jack came up and stood against the railing next to him. "We already knew you had been somewhere that had hurt, cause you were more brooding when you came back. Didn't we Rose?"
Rose nodded, "Yes we guess something big had come up that you didn't want us to know about. We decided if you wanted to tell us you would. So we left it to you. You said nothing so we didn't pry."
"Besides we were busy trying to seduce you with the tight and revealing clothing we had bought." Jack laughed.
"Don't think I didn't notice, or appreciated it, cause I did, I was just scared to take what we had that step further. I didn't want to loose either of you." The Doctor looked scared, and lost for a moment. "And then I lost you both anyway."
Rose reached out a hand to his arm and squeezed it, and Jack moved closer to do the same with his other arm. "We're back now though, and we aren't going anywhere but here with you."
"Does this mean your both staying?" he asked, first looking at Rose with such love in his eyes, and then at Jack, the same love more than evident. For an answer Rose stood and came over and kissed him on the lips, her tongue telling him exactly what she wanted to do to him and soon. She let him go as Jack moved in and took her place, his tongue harder and more insistent that soon would not come soon enough. Then when they separated Jack leaned forward and kissed Rose. And she responded with passion and need.
When they separated they all stepped back, Jack smiling, Rose blushing and the Doctor grinning, and Rian laughed. "You told me you loved them Doc, didn't believe it until now. Fantastic." The three laughed then.
Jack spoke up then as he and Rose leaned back on the railings next to the Doctor, "Well are you going to introduce us to this woman we seem to have been sharing you with."
The Doctor looked slightly embarrassed. Rian laughed again. "Jack, Rose, Gwen this is my good friend, Rian."
Rian held her hand out first to Jack, who shook, and gave her an appreciative wink of the eye. And then Rose, who grinned widely at her; she wondered whose baby she was carrying. And then she moved round to Gwen, and found her shy and nervous. Her eyes were gorgeous, and she held onto her hand for longer than was needed, and heard Jack laugh behind her, "Gwen is a newbie to time travel, and she hasn't danced."
"Shame," Rian said squeezing Gwen's hand a little longer, "Would like to be around when she does."
"Rian you're as bad as Jack." The Doctor laughed. "I had forgotten how much you two like to dance."
"Well it's never stopped you before." Rian responded.
"When he was with you as nine, did you have him then?" Rose asked grinning as she remembered her own time with nine in a different dimension.
"Oh yes, will miss that. He was, special." Rian grinned at Rose, knowing she had had him as well.
"You've known each other a very long time?" Rose asked suddenly getting something in her head and wanting it confirmed.
"Since he was in his first regeneration. He, his son Maran, and my Father, Tomas, kidnapped me from my Mother when I was few days old. Maran and Tomas were killed in the attempt, Doc barely got away. He took me to Earth, and left me with foster parents. When my foster-parents were killed in a car crash he came and rescued me again." Rose and Jack both noticed as she talked her eyes were glued to the Doctors, as they shared painful and old memories. "I lived with him and his granddaughter Susan here on the Tardis for a while, learning that I wasn't human and that I was different even to them. Learning all I could about life out in the universe. Then I left at 17, stole a Time Agent ship and went exploring. That was about 600 years ago now."
"She's a bad pilot, keeps crashing her ships, I keep having to rescue her." The Doctor said, his eyes still on Rian's, pure respect and love in his voice.
"Have you been dancing all that time?" Jack asked, intrigued at this insight into the Doctor's past. He saw Rian laugh the Doctor blushed. They broke eye contact and Rian looked at Jack.
"No way. There's a reason I call him Gramps. When he took me away from Earth he had aged to look about 80 of your earth years, Susan called him Grandfather and I just started calling him Gramps as a wind up. It's stuck and I still call him it. Two, three and four were odd people, older and given to long speeches on how badly I was living my life."
"They weren't that bad!"
"No, what about the lecture from three when I came to rescue you from Earth when the Counsel exiled you there. It went on for 2 hours!"
"I deserved my punishment. I was not going to leave to piss them off anymore. A few years punishment is nothing in my life span, the only thing that made me stay was the fact they would leave me alone afterwards to travel in peace."
"And did they?"
"Precisely and they were hounding me as well for trying to get you to break the exile ruling."
"I didn't know that Rian, I'm sorry."
"Its ok, any way Jack's question. I crashed during five and yes he came to rescue me, and yes I snogged Turlough and then I looked round at him, all blonde hair, young, amazing blue eyes and sexy. And we started dancing then. And we have danced through every one since. Even nine."
"Will you dance with him now?" Rose wondered aloud.
Rian and the Doctor locked eyes again. And they both looked sad for a few moments before she said, "Not unless invited in by the extended family."
Jack and Rose both laughed, understanding she meant them. Rose looked at Jack, and spoke for them both, "Well we'll get back to you on that one."
"Excuse me, but have you forgotten me in your little reunion?" Gwen asked. She felt very out of her depth, with what was happening around her. Jack pushed himself off of the railing and past the others, and stood in front of her. He couldn't believe he had forgotten her for the second time in as many hours.
"I'm sorry Gwen." He said as he took her in his arms and held her, he knew if she was strong enough to cope with the job they did then this should be ok for her too. But he expected some explanations and time to adjust would be necessary. "What do you want to do? Stay and explore a bit or go home?"
"Its all a bit much Jack. I would like to explore, but what about Rhys?"
"We can get you back within minutes of you leaving. Why don't you stay for a few days see how you feel, or sleep on it at least."
"Ok I'll sleep on it."***
Rian clapped her hands, "Right well in that case I'll cook. You have got some real food on board haven't you Gramps?"
"Yes, Rose doesn't allow me not to." The Doctor looked at Jack and Rose and knew he couldn't wait for them any longer, "Can you find Gwen a room and keep her company, I need some time alone with Jack and Rose."
"Yep no problems Gramps." Rian and Gwen watched as the Doctor dragged Rose and Jack from the console room, both laughing at his haste.
Gwen looked Rian over properly for the first time, taking her almost human looks, that only failed to be human when you saw her lilac eyes and the silvery gold her hair was. "You're an alien like the Doctor?"
Rian laughed, "I'm part Time Lord, yes, " She moved herself off of the consol; and started to walk towards the door the others had just left through. "Come on lets get you a room, don't know about you but a shower and a change of clothing is definitely called for."
Gwen followed her in silence for a moment down the corridor. "Is the other half Human?"
"Because I, we, look humanoid in shape you assume we must be part human?" Gwen didn't really know what to think, and Rian could see that, so she continued softly, "Gwen sweetheart, there are billions of life forms out their, aliens to you. So the chances of their being other humanoid ones are quite high. Time Lords were roaming this universe in time and space before the Earth even had life. Time Lords have always had a humanoid shape. My other half is a race called Kershann are also humanoid. The have been around as long as the Time Lords, but they don't tend to venture far from their Galaxies. Which makes me quiet unique." Rian laughed at something that was obviously cruel and hurtful, but she didn't fill Gwen in on the joke.
They had come to a door with a purple star on it. And Gwen knew it was Rian, from the way Rian looked at the star with fondness and sadness. Then Rian looked round at her and pointed to the door opposite. Gwen turned and opened it she breathed in a sigh as she walked into the most beautiful room she had ever seen. A large four-poster bed, clothed in a riot of browns and greens. There was a large wardrobe and a chest of drawers, bookcases with lots of books, and a dressing table.
"Its beautiful, what I have always dreamed of. How?"
"The Tardis is telepathic, she knows your thoughts and likes and dislikes and will try and please you with making you comfortable." Rian smiled as she followed Gwen into the room. "There will be suitable clothing in the wardrobe and the chest, and through that door is your own private bathroom with large soft towels and everything you need. When your finished, come to my room, no need to knock just come in and get me and we'll go and cook a meal whilst they finish dancing."
Rian went to leave Gwen to herself for a few minutes. "Is dancing an analogy for having sex?"
Rian laughed and nodded at her, "It's a term that is well known out in the universe. You humans are not the only ones who love to have sex."
"That means the Doctor and you have a more than human body makeup for you to be able to have sex with us humans." Gwen reasoned very quickly.
"Yes we do, subtle differences, like we use telepathy during sex which makes it a totally different experience to how you do it." She thought and then added, "Two weeks ago I was on the planet of ViiRalla. They are not humanoid in any way shape or form. They are well reptile like; I'm trying to paint a picture you would understand." Gwen nodded her head saying she understands, "Having sex with them is amazing. So different and sensual. That's one of the reasons' we travel is to experience other cultures, other races, see events happening before our eyes. The Doctor, Jack and I have probably danced with our fair share of species in the past. I doubt Rose has, she's quite content with her Time Lord and Human."
She looked at Gwen's eyes, seeing she needed to take in what she had seen and heard, so she went to the door and opened it to leave. "If you want some music on to relax to just ask the Tardis she has a very extensive human back catalogue thanks to me. See you in a short while Gwen."
Rian closed the door and walked slowly to her own, pushing it open to be greeted by the room she had been coming back to for so many years. She closed the door, went straight to the laptop still on her desk and chose a play list that suited her mood. The music was sad and slow. She went to stand in front of her long mirror and looked herself over as she stripped. She still looked 20. No other marks however severe ever left a scar. She hated it. She hated being what she was. Not a Time Lord, and not a full Kershann, despised by both over the years. And now the Time Lords were only left in one person, and he at least had never seen her for anything except herself. She was very grateful for that.
She stood still and listed to the words of the song as the human singer sang about loosing a love. She let her fingers swiftly undo the long rope of hair, teasing it out with her fingers until all the tangles were gone. She had loved so many times. Niall had loved her. They had had 3 children. All dead now. A tear slid down her face. She had fallen in love with the Doctor in his previous regeneration, as nine. But she wasn't going to tell him that now. She had been desperate to see him again. Pressing the emergency beacon this time on her Tardis key hadn't been a hard thing to do. Because she thought he would still be nine. But he wasn't. Four weeks that was all she had had with him. Four weeks. She turned to the wall with the door in, her photo wall, suddenly realising some one had put three new photos there. She walked over looking at them closely, and tears fell.
She stood for a few minutes remembering then walked away from the wall and took her Tardis key on its silver chain from around her neck, dropping it on the bed. It was no good dwelling on it now. Time had past and she would miss he desperately. But there was a new one to get to know now. She went over to the laptop and chose a different, livelier set of dance music from early 21st century Earth. She began to sing and sway her hips in time to the music and let it play loud as she went to have her shower.
Gwen explored the wardrobe and chest of drawers, pulling out clean clothes that she could change into. Then went into the bathroom, everything she needed, just as Rian had said. She stripped and turned on the shower.
Soon she was dressed, and feeling hungry. She left her room and closed the door. Took the two small steps over to Rian's door. She was about to knock, and then she remembered what Rian had said. She opened the door and walked in to be confronted by dance music that she would expect to hear in any club in Cardiff. Rian wasn't in the main bedroom, but she could hear her in the bathroom singing.
Gwen stepped into the room further and closed the door. Rian came out of the bathroom then, her hair loose and wet, and naked. Gwen felt her cheeks go red, and found she couldn't tear her eyes away from the other woman's body.
Rian grinned at her as she walked to the bed and started to pull on very brief knickers, a multicoloured skirt in a very hippy style in lilacs, greens and browns, and simple vest t-shirt in pale green. Then she came over to Gwen, her eyes watching the humans closely. "Are you hungry Gwen?"
Gwen knew this alien didn't just mean for food, and she felt herself gulp slightly. Then Rian's eyes changed, softened and smiled, and she slipped her hand into Gwen's and pulled her to the door.
Gwen allowed herself to be taken back to the kitchen, Rian only letting go of her hand when they were in there and Rian began to potter, getting out vegetables and meat and herbs and beginning to prepare a roast.
"Make some tea Gwen, a big pot, as soon as they smell food cooking I think they will be finished quickly." And as Gwen did as she had been asked Rian explained that the stove would cook the meat in just over an hour and the rest of the food in a quicker manner as well.
As the tea sat on the table Gwen asked if she could help and Rian quickly got her cutting up the carrots and putting them in a saucepan of water.
As the smell of the cooking meat filled the room sure enough Rose came back, slipped into a chair and poured tea for herself, Gwen and Rian.
"Feel better?" Rian asked her.
"Oh yes."
"Where are they?"
"Boys will be boys!" Rose said after sipping her tea.
"What are they fighting over now?"
"Who's the biggest?" Rose laughed hard, "The first time it was who had the biggest sonic device."
"Don't tell me Doc lost, the screwdriver is rather pathetic."
"But Jack's blaster's battery ran out and the screwdriver saved us."
"Brilliant. Now I see why he loves him so much."
Rose laughed as she drank her tea. Rian finished what she was doing and left Gwen to continue with the carrots. She sat in the chair around from Rose so she could talk to her. "Do you mind me asking about whose baby it is, and about nine?"
Rose's eyes went very sad. "The baby is Jack's, but not this Jack. I was trapped in a different dimension for a while. The Doctor there was nine, and he and Jack helped me get back here. I spent just under three months with them, and took what I had been denied here."
Rian put her hand out to Rose's, squeezing it hard as she felt the young human's distress and hurt. "He can sometimes be very stupid. Not letting you and Jack closer. I told him he needed to relax."
"He did, after that trip he did, but that was four days before Jack was killed."
At that point the Doctor and Jack walked in and quickly spread them selves around the table, Jack pouring tea. And Gwen came to sit as well and listen.
Jack looked at Rose as he heard her words about him being killed. He sighed and asked sadly, "I need to know what happened Doctor. I was dead, then I wasn't?"
"Jack is this the right kind of Doctor who can explain why you can't die?" Gwen suddenly put two and two together and got four.
All eyes turned to Jack. He even blushed slightly.
"You can't die?" The Doctor asked softly, his face calm, but his eyes showing panic and alarm.
"Nope." Jack looked him straight in the eyes, determined to stay calm and not let his anger flare, "What happened? I know up to the point where we talked, and you had sent Rose safely home in the Tardis."
Rian felt Rose grip her hand harder, and noticed tears running down her face as she took in what Jack had said and remembered what ever had happened. It had been bad Rian could see that. She watched the Doctor look at his tea for a moment, before putting it back on the table and looking Jack straight in the eyes.
"I heard you die. I had sent Rose home in the Tardis. She was safe. I finished the Delta Wave just as the Daleks came onto Floor 500." Rian took in a breath; she thought the Daleks were all gone. "The Emperor tormented me and I began to push the lever of the weapon down. And then I realised I couldn't do it. Couldn't commit genocide again, Couldn't kill all the innocents that would be caught up in the destructive capacity of the weapon. Rose was gone and I had heard you die. There was nothing left, so I stood ready for the Daleks' to kill me." Rose had tears flowing down her face now. "Then I heard the Tardis. It had come back. Rose had broken into the Time Vortex and taken it into herself, and she came out and saved me. Wiped out all the Daleks in one swift move. Then she brought you back to life. Only we didn't realise immediately. The Time Vortex was killing her, so I took it from her and sent it back into the Tardis. And I managed to get the unconscious Rose and myself back into the Tardis before I died. No one should hold the Time Vortex, not even a Time Lord."
Jack looked at Rose. She was trying not to cry. "You brought me back to life?"
Rose nodded, and Jack just stood for a moment taking in what had been said. He had held his anger focused at the Doctor for so long, it had never occurred to him that someone else did this too him.
The Doctor stood, and in a voice that allowed no disagreement said, "Med Lab Jack, Now."
Jack walked out, still trying to accept this truth. The Doctor, placed a hand on Rose's shoulder and squeezed as he went with Jack.
When the door was shut, Rose turned to Gwen, her eyes asking her to explain. "Before he offered me the job to work with him I saw him shot in the head with a gun, and a few moments later he stood up and the wound healed itself over before my eyes. Do you understand it?"
Rose shook her head. Rian shook her head as well. She understood this could cause a problem between Jack and Rose. But she hoped Jack would work it through quickly.
No more words were spoken, as Gwen and Rose looked into nowhere, and Rian continued to cook the meal. And as she cut the meat, Rose stood and started to lay the table, Gwen stood and started putting the dishes of vegetables on the table. And as Rian put the meat there as well the Doctor walked back in, with Jack in tow.
They all looked at Jack, he was pale and went straight to Rose and pulled her into a hug and said he was sorry and would she forgive him. She nodded and held him tightly for a few moments. As they all sat down silence was loud, so Rian started teasing the Doctor over an incident during his fifth regeneration. And soon everyone was laughing, even if it was stilted to begin with. When Jack joined in and started on one of his outrageous stories Rian noticed Rose and the Doctor relax and everything was ok then until the food had been cleared away and everyone had a bowl of ice-cream.
Jack went quiet again as soon as the bowls were empty. Rian decided to break the ice, "Is it permanent?"
The Doctor nodded. Jack went paler, his eyes elsewhere. Then Jack pushed his chair back in the need to be away from everyone. He ran from the room. Rose stood to follow, but the Doctor got to her and told her to stay, told her he would go. But before he did he turned to Rian, his hand coming up to her cheek, his eyes looking deep into her lilac eyes he said "I told him when he is ready he should talk to you about this. You don't mind do you?"
Rian loved the feel of his hand on her cheek; it was cool and spoke of his continued love for her. She shook her head, and then he was gone, after Jack.
Rose turned to her immediately, her eyes asking what he had meant by that. She made Rose sit down at the table, no use getting her more wound up. "Its simple, being half Time Lords, half Kershann, my DNA is buggered up, I don't regenerate like the Doctor does, I just live in this body forever."
"You can't die"?
"That's crap."
"Tell me about it."
"You'll out live the Doctor." Rose said it in a quiet voice, calm and suddenly very understanding of Rian's and Jack's position.
"I will stop breathing when he dies." Rian said just as softly. And this time it was Rose squeezing her hand in reassurance. "Right lets get these pots in the dishwasher. Don't know about you but I'm tired."
Hours later Rian is fast asleep, until someone slips into her room, closing the door silently behind them. She doesn't move as she feels a naked body slip into her bed, and cuddle close into her own naked form. An arm slipped under her head, and the other wraps around her and pulls her back even closer. A mouth kissed her neck sweetly at the junction of her shoulder. Licked and kissed in delicious small and intense circles, until she was purring.
"Jack go to sleep." She murmured and heard him laugh slightly. Then he did as he was told, and she felt him very swiftly slip into sleep. Keeping herself calm and not moving she contacted the Doctor telepathically. +Gramps, he's with me.+
+Good, Rose is with me. She is asleep at last. Did he say anything?+
+No, I just told him to sleep.+ Rian paused thinking about the problem, +Did they talk?+
+Yes, then he made love to her so sensitively and passionately, and then he left. He forgave her, but he has to learn to cope with this fast+.
+He does, good night Gramps."+
+Good night Rian. Rian?+
+Glad you're here.+
+Me too.+
She pushed back a touch more into the sleeping form of Jack, and let her mind go quiet and sleep claims her again.***
He woke.
He stayed perfectly still. He didn't do what he would normally do waking in someone's bed, which would be to wake them and make them squirm until they came. He just lay still. His thoughts going over the previous day's happenings. He was back with the Doctor and Rose. Rose was pregnant by another Jack. The Doctor had regenerated. It didn't matter he loved them so much being with them was all that mattered. The rest was workable.
Then he thought about the tests the Doctor had done on him. The look of pain in his eyes when he understood what had happened to Jack, the pain that said he couldn't fix it. And Jack hadn't realised how much he had been praying the Doctor, with a brain as big as his, would be able to fix it. He felt hollow, and empty, alone and scared.
"Its your path sweetheart, you have to find a way of coping with it," Rian turned in his arms, so she could talk quietly to him, He lent up so he was looking down at her, and her fingers moved to gently caress his temple, pushing through his hair, her eyes remembering this moment. "If you don't control it now, you will have lost Rose."
"I can't loose either of them, I've only just got them back."
"Then you need to learn to act in front of her, let her know you love her, and learn to accept it." She paused, "He won't be so easily fooled, but he can help you a lot, if you let him."
"And you?"
"I'll always be around."
Jack's eyes glazed as he thought over what she had said, she was right if he allowed his destructive emotions free range it could be years before he came back to calmness, and he would have lost Rose. And they had already lost so many years. He needed to accept it now, and rant and rage when they had gone.
"I'll loose him again won't I?"
"Yes Hun, we both will."
"How long have you loved him?"
"500 years."
"You manage, how?"
"I don't, with other's I can learn to cope, the thought of his dying terrifies me. I don't know if I will be able to cope when anything happens to him. He had been my rock since I was 15."
Jack's fingers moved a strand of the silvery gold hair out of the way. There were so many things fighting in his head. He couldn't even voice some of them, but he knew when he did she would be there to listen.
The Tardis lurched, they had dematerialised somewhere. Rian grinned in excitement and jumped out of bed and hunted clothes, Jack looked round and saw the Tardis had brought some for him as well, and he swiftly dressed. Then his eyes fell on her photo wall. His mouth opened in amazement at the hundreds of picture, faces. Hers was there. And at one end three photos all alone. He went to look closely. Two picture of Rian with the Doctor in his previous sad-eyed glory, and one of him alone, leaning against the Tardis, body drooped in deep sorrow, head turning to the camera his face brooding and alone. "Can I show Rose this later?" His fingers touching the man he had fallen in love with in reverence.
Rian nodded. He turned from the wall and walked to her, held her in a tight and needed hug. Rian whispered in his ear. "Time to be you, Captain." They stood apart and both took deep breaths.
As they left the room, Gwen was standing in the doorway of her room wondering what to do. Jack grinned at her, and held his hand out to her, to get her to join them. Jack looked her up and down taking in the snug fitting jeans, the black top under a soft green jacket. She looked lovely. He lent in and kissed her good morning on the cheek. Then laughed as Gwen blushed slightly. He yanked her hand and started walking after Rian.
"Did I say something wrong yesterday Jack?" Gwen asked quietly. As she took him in as well, she hadn't often seen him in anything other than the trousers and military clothes, and here he was in stunning black boots, such tight blue jeans, and a white t-shirt under a black leather jacket.
"It had to be said, you helped me get it over and done with fast. Thank you." He squeezed her hand. A grin wide across his face.
"Didn't you spend the night with Rose and the Doctor?"
"I did, but needed some time away, ended up talking to Rian. It helped. A lot."
They arrived at the control room; the Doctor and Rose were already there. They both looked up as the others entered. And they both immediately grinned, eyes bright, both laughed, Rose clapping her hands as she said, "The Captain is well and truly back."
Jack squeezed Gwen's hand again before letting it go. Then he put his hands out and did a turn around for them. Rose laughed, the Doctor wolf whistled, Rian and Gwen laughed as well, and Jack lapped up the attention, "You'd better believe I'm back," He walked over to Rose, swung her into his arms and leaned her over, his mouth finding hers in one of his totally knee wobbling full on snogs. That had the rest of the room looking on in envy. When he let Rose up, he laughed and let her sit on the seat and catch her breath. Before moving to the Doctor and doing exactly the same to him, caught him in his arms, leant him over and snogged him. Then he let him back up and the Doctor looked flustered but with a huge grin. He looked at the Doctor and winked. "Well where are we?"
"Somewhere I thought Gwen would like," The Doctor grinned widely at Gwen, and Gwen felt herself blush. He came round the Consol and wiggled his fingers at her; she took his hand slowly, allowing him to pull her towards the doors. "Go on Gwen, it's perfectly safe. Go step foot on your first world."
Gwen shivered in excitement, and took a step outside the door. She gasped as she saw the whirlwind of colour and laughter and different aliens that were streaming around her. It seemed to be a party of some sort. She could hear music, wow strange but wonderful music, and the smell was warm and intimate, and pleasurable. She took a step away from the Tardis; wanted to touch the colour and life passing her.
The Doctor let Jack slip out with Rose in tow, then he grinned at Rian, before she left, and he came last, locking the Tardis securely.
Rian was smiling so excitedly, her eyes taking in the same new experiences Gwen was. She had heard of this, but never visited. She grinned at the Doctor to let him know this was perfect for her.
Jack laughed as he watched Rose taking a deep breath, her reaction exactly the same as Rian and Gwen. He had been here before. "Well chosen Doc, Jarna during the Sun Festival. What year?"
The Doctor looked at his watch. "About 50003."
"Fantastic, brilliant few years of pure hedonistic delight." Jack was just as excited as the girls now. His hand was still holding Rose's tightly.
"Right Rules of engagement, Gwen. GWEN" The Doctor had to almost shout to get Gwen's attention away from what she so desperately wanted to loose herself in. "Right everyone got their key?"
Jack let go of Rose's hand and pulled his out of his pocket. Rose and Rian both pulled chains from around their necks. All three grinned at him and waggled their keys. The Doctor looked at Gwen stood frowning and took another out of his pocket, on a chain and walked forward, putting it around her neck. She picked it up and looked at it amazed, it had a soft glow to it.
"It's a key to the Tardis, I can also track them if you get lost. Just don't loose it. Jack is she on your wrist comp, in case the sonic screwdriver, or me is not with you?"
Jack put his key back in his pocket. Opened his wrist comp, and took hold of Gwen's hand, bringing her finger to rest on the screen. "Recognise DNA profile of Gwen Cooper, 21st Century Human."
The wrist comp processed for a minute then a light went green and Jack released her finger. Jack said. "Sorted." Then he reached out for Rian's hand and put her finger to the screen as well. "Recognise DNA profile of Rian...." He found he didn't know what to call her. So he just left it at that short name. Releasing her finger when the green light came on again. He snapped the cover closed.
"Now Jack, you and I have been here before, I suggest we start slowly for Gwen's sake walk up the sides and hit the main throughput in about an hours time just as night falls, stop somewhere for dinner then work towards the Water for midnight."
"Sounds a good plan. Gwen in the centre pleased, keep hands held tightly at all time." Jack grabbed Gwen's hand in his, and took Rose in his other. The Doctor slipped his hand into Gwen's other, and his free one found Rian.
"OK one last thing Gwen, don't eat or drink anything unless Jack or I say it is ok to. There are lots of delicacies around for the festival and some of them will kill you. There shouldn't be any poisonous beings around; they tend to stay in a restricted area and party away from the masses. Just keep you hand with one of us all the time and you should be fine."
"Yes Dad," Gwen said, her excitement to be off looking was now very high, and she felt she was being treated like a child here. She heard Rian laugh and Rose giggle. But didn't looked at the Doctor when he hmmfphed. Jack had very quickly got the rule about no eating or drinking anything you found around aliens through to her. But the thought there were aliens here that could kill her made her a little nervous. She trusted Jack to keep her safe, and she definitely trusted the Doctor as well.
She squeezed his hand, telling him it was time to go, and they started into the mass of bodies that were streaming past them. "Rose if your tired, shout."
"I'm not missing this for anything," Rose shouted back over the sound that engulfed them.***
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