Previous part of Back to Real Life.
Gwen decided after 10 minutes walking through the riot of colour that this was the best experience of her life. The colours were bright and clear, all shades of pinks, greens, purples, blues and other's she would have a hard time finding names for, the ranges of white where breathtaking when all on feather head dresses. Most of the people here were dressed brightly, most with masks or feathered head dresses. She wished she could have one. The music seemed to change every few yard to a different tempo, different instruments and different feeling in her. She found it hypnotic, the colours and the tempo.
Then as she began to actually look more closely she realised some of the people were not masked and that the feathers were actually part of them, and that sent shivers down her spine. She was fascinated as her eyes began to determine tens' of different peoples. She wanted to know who they were, what their names were. But they were going by so fast it was hard to know where to start.
Then she realised, suddenly, she could understand what they were saying, and that was disconcerting. She pulled on the Doctor's hand, and he brought his widely grinning head down to her, "Why can I understand what they are saying?"
He squeezed her hand to reassure her. "When you spend time in the Tardis it gets into your brain and translates for you."
"But I could understand you before I had been in the Tardis."
His grin got bigger, "Yes but I was speaking in English, right version for you to understand to. I have about 5 million languages; English is one of my most common, as I have spent a lot of time there. But I am not speaking English right now, and Rian hasn't spoken a single word of English to you and English is her native tongue."
Gwen gulped, looked round him to Rian, who was listening, and saw her grin. "This is all rather overwhelming at times, you know."
"Yes I know Gwen," he grinned, let go of her hand and dragged her closer so his arm was around her shoulder. She automatically slipped hers around his waist to stop herself falling. "But I'm not being a good host. Are you starting to distinguish the different peoples yet?"
Gwen nodded. He started talking then, as he adjusted his hand hold of Rian as well, so that his arm was around her waist, hers came round and hooked through the back of his trousers just below Gwen arm at his waist. She found herself asking questions and needing to learn as much as possible.
She felt Jack squeeze her hand, checking she was ok, and she looked back at him. He had his arm around Rose's waist, and was telling her similar things to what she was hearing from the Doctor. His eyes found hers, and she felt suddenly special in them as he smiled a smile of now you know what is out there. She smiled back; he winked and moved himself and Rose closer to her.
She looked back to what the Doctor was telling her about a particularly gorgeous cerulean people with small horns and feathers, and lilac eyes similar to Rian's. She felt Jack let go of her hand, his hand moving slowly across the base of her back, his fingers running in slow lazy circles, as he continued until he had her close to him. His hand on her waist lightly resting. She had never felt so safe as she did walking through this montage of alien life and colour and sound, with the four of them protecting her, and making sure she was enjoying it.
Rose leaned over to Jack, after he had moved them closer to Gwen, "You brought your blaster?" she patted his back to emphasise where it was.
"The Tardis left me and Rian one each as we got dressed. We took the hint." He said quietly so only she could hear. "I will not take chances when it comes to the protection of those I love. Anyway when have you even known me not to have one hidden somewhere!"
"Did you spend the rest of the night with her?"
"Rose Tyler I do believe your jealous." He teased her.
"No, it hurts to know she will be there for you, when the Doctor and I are dead." She shivered at the thought. "That is a very strange emotion I can't even name it. Hurt is the wrong word."
"You are not dying for a long time sweetheart, don't you ever think like that." But he knew what she meant. He looked along the line of arms to Rian on the end. She looked at him at that moment and smiled. A simple smile filled with reassurance and strength toward him. He welcomed it and smiled back.
"I'll try not to." Rose laughed, trying to shake her suddenly morbid mood. She noticed everyone seems to have moved closer to Gwen, and the Doctor is more than close to Rian. "Do we allow her in?"
He looked at her, knowing anything he said on this matter was going to be superfluous, he had no problems with Rian, or Gwen for that matter joining them, but Rose had to feel safe and secure in the knowledge that he, and the Doctor loved her. Even though they could both see, had both seen the way the Doctor and Rian are together. They love each other. And he also knows he is falling in love with Gwen as well. He swallows to fight down that realisation. No this was Rose's call. He was not going to be drawn on it.
Rose didn't look at him when he didn't reply; she was going over the possibilities in her head, she felt letting in Rian would be like allowing the Doctor to keep something that had been his long before her and Jack came along. But it also made her feel that odd emotion again the thought of her men making love to Rian, who would be there after she herself had gone. And part of her didn't want her there, because it would just keep reminding her that she was mortal. And she was going to leave them long before they left each other.
Then Gwen jumped into her mind. She knew Jack had feelings for her. The Doctor and Rian had both looked at her with curious interest as well. Was she going to be sharing her men with two other females. She had told Gwen they were partners, but not exclusive. She knew that was right. But there was playing away in a club and there was who you went home to. Gwen was sweet, sweet and pretty, Rose couldn't help wanting to see Jack kiss her, make love to her. Part of her wanted to know how to make love to her as well. Rian would know. Rian seemed to have been as flexible as Jack in dancing. Damn she thought, what do I want most? The men to myself or do I want learn to dance more with these two women?
The thoughts were pushed from her mind as they came to a junction along the road they had been traversing for the last hour. It seemed to be a main road and theirs seemed to be joining it. She looked up at the sky, and just as the Doctor had predicted it was the start of night. The noise here was loader and more infectious, and the crowds were heavier and moving around more. She wondered how they had managed to stay all in one group for so long. It looked like they would have to separate to traverse the rest of the way. She didn't like to say anything but she was tired, and hungry and thirsty. As she looked about she didn't notice the Doctor and Jack quickly speak, both nodded and then she was being pulled in the opposite direction of the flowing party.
The Doctor knew a place they could eat in safety, and privacy if they required. When he mentioned it to Jack, Jack knew it as well, and had frequented it when he had been here before. With speed, because with night a lot of people would decide to eat before the great Water spectacular at midnight, these places would fill up fast. They were led into an alley, and up to a dark door with no external features. The Doctor knocked four times. Gwen and Rose watched in amazement, as part of the door disappeared.
"Member?" A voice said from inside, which they couldn't see.
"Two members, 3 non-members." The Doctor said. A small screen was pushed out to him; he placed his thumb on it and waited till it beeped. Then Jack let go of Gwen and Rose and moved forward and put his thumb on as well. When it had beeped for Jack, the door was suddenly there again, being opened from the inside. The Doctor went in first to lead the way. Rose and Gwen followed, then Rian, followed with Jack at the rear, making sure no one got lost.
They walked down a dark corridor, at the end of a humanoid male stood and quickly spoke to the Doctor. He passed over some credit slips, and stated his requirements. They were led immediately up some stairs and too a private room over looking the party with a large one-way viewing wall.
Rose quickly sat herself on one of the soft looking seats. She hadn't realised how tired she was. The others spread out around the room looking out at the party in full swing below. The Doctor spoke to the humanoid again dismissing him with a list of food and drink requirements.
The Doctor came up to Jack, clapped him on the back. Laughing he said "Might have guessed you'd be a member here."
"It's the best place on Jarna for partaking in the party spirit. I've been here a few times"
"Your not here now are you, don't want any paradoxes, like you trying to touch yourself."
"Ha ha very funny," Jack laughed, grabbed the Time Lords wrist and checked the watch. "Nope was here 2 years ago, and will next be here 3 years time."
Gwen was listening to them. Trying to understand what they were saying. Jack saw her confusion.
"Being time travellers you have to remember where you have been so you don't walk in on yourself...very bad stuff happens if your not careful. Which is why not many worlds allow time travel. And humans limit it to the Time Agency only. But there are rogue travellers out there who will try and bugger things up for us."
Gwen just looked at him, thinking she might understand it all eventually. The humanoid knocked and came in with drinks. He came and put 5 bottles of wine and a bottle of water onto the side table along with glasses. Then he disappeared as quickly.
"Can they see us?" Gwen asked as she touched the one way-viewing wall.
"No," Rian said, "It's a one way view wall, means we can see them, they can't see us, Total privacy in this room." Then she turned to Jack and the Doctor who were opening the wine and pouring glasses for all. "Ok this is a Jarna Pleasure Club, you two are members of a Jarna Pleasure Club!"
Gwen and Rose looked round at Rian as she began to laugh. Jack laughed and the Doctor looked embarrassed. The Rose suddenly clicked, "It's a brothel! You've brought us to a brothel."
"It has the best wine and food in this district of the city." The Doctor said as if that made up for the fact. Rose grinned at how uncomfortable he had become. Jack just laughed more as he handed a glass of wine to everyone.
"You don't have to partake of the pleasures, you can just have a room like this one and have total privacy." Jack said as he looked at Gwen, and she paled. "Besides, he's right best wine and food in this district. It's also a convenient place for Rose to stop and put her feet up. I think we are all hungry and food will be about 10 minutes."
Rose laughed as she reached down to undo her boots. The Doctor dropped to the floor, batted her hands away and proceeded to take them off for her. "I can understand Jack being a member of a Pleasure Club, he's a slut, but Doctor when did you become a member?"
"I did, lets just leave it there Miss Tyler shall we!" He rubbed her socked feet for her, and was pleased when she let out a moan of pleasure.
"You're a slut?" Gwen giggled as Jack came to give her the glass of wine, he stood close to her; his eyes looked her over in a sweep of want and subtle seduction.
"Definitely," he whispered as his eyes came back to her face. Then he was gone to kneel at the floor by Rose, with the Doctor. He took one foot from him, and they both rubbed a foot each, Rose was leaning back into the chair, her eyes closed, moaning in enjoyment of what they were doing to her still socked feet, and longing for them to remove the socks and get on with it.
Food arrived and was put on the dining table behind the seated area, no one moved until the door was closed and then the Doctor and Jack both stood and held out their hands to pull Rose up. They spent the next 40 minutes laughing and joking, Jack telling some of his adventures here, and eating, what Gwen and Rose very soon had to admit was the most delicious food they had ever tasted. Rian sat quietly through it all, watching everyone for a while. She wondered whether she should slip of and leave the four alone. She was in a Jarna Pleasure Club, there were things here she desperately wanted to try, alone.
+Oh no you don't.+ The Doctor looked at her across the table.
+Why? You've obviously partaken of it all.+ she met his eyes in a challenge.
+I came back here after the Time War. It suited the mood I was in. The pain, the almost death. You don't need that Rian. You're not that person anymore. You've moved on. Why do you need to go through that to prove you are alive.+ he paused +The Mantra's good though.+
+Yes I remember you doing it with me.+
+Better with more people.+
+Doctor your not suggesting the human's try the Mantra, you know they don't allow that here.+
+Nope was thinking of the Water Spectacular later, thought we'd join in with some like minded souls.+
+And what exactly do you think the human's are going to make of that.+
+I think Jack will have his hands full with Rose and Gwen by then.+
+Your wicked, and you planned this.+
+lolol Of course sweetone.+***
As the meal was finished, Rose and Gwen went to sit on the large sofa watching the party through the wall. Jack had noticed the Doctor and Rian have a telepathic talk over the meal. And as Rian went to lean on the wall looking out at the party, he sauntered over to the Doctor, and pushed him against a wall, his lips finding the Doctors, swiftly, finding them as wanting as his own. His hands dropped to take hold of the Doctor's gorgeously tight behind, squeezing him and pulling him and their erections tight together. He felt the Doctor moan into his mouth and he smiled. He moved his hand to start rubbing the Doctor's erection through his trousers. Then he pulled back from the kiss to begin to kiss and lick the Time Lords neck. "So," he whispered as he bit his ear lobe, "What were you and Rian discussing at Dinner?"
"Ahhhhh," the Doctor could hardly speak under the onslaught of Jack. "She wanted to go play in the Club," he breathed raggedly, "I said no, told her," he stopped as Jack's tongue licked his ear fro top to bottom and back up again in ones slow movement. "Told her we'd play up in the Water. Mantra."
Jack pulled back. He had tried to get in on some of the Mantra action last time he was here (in 3 years time). But he had been told no, Humans were not suitable Mantra players. "You and her, will we be allowed to watch?"
"It's the Water, Jack, everyone watches everyone." He pulled Jack back to him, his hand now stroking Jack's erection.
Jack moaned, but held back, "What about Rose and Gwen, bit scary for them, Rose will laugh and enjoy it, but she is pregnant and tiring easily and Gwen, I think we will overwhelm her."
"Was thinking a bit of acupuncture might help." The Doctor grinned as he licked Jack's ear.
The Doctor suddenly pushed Jack off and walked round to kneel in front of Gwen and Rose. "Right ladies," he said with his biggest and cheekiest grin full in place. "A few guidelines for when we get up to the Water."
"What is the Water?" Rose asked suddenly realising this was going to be something different. Rian laughed and came to sit on the arm of the sofa, and Jack moved to lean against the view-wall so he could see Gwen and Rose's reactions.
"Its an orgy." He said it fast, closed his eyes and waited to be slapped but no slap came. He opened his eyes to be greeted by a Rose giggling madly.
"Now I know why you both keep coming back here." Rose said through her slightly overwhelmed nervous giggles.
The Doctor looked at Gwen, she looked scared, swallowed, and didn't say anything. "We can give you a wrist tag that shows your non-participation members. Then everyone will leave you alone, and let you just watch, you don't even have to watch."
"Are you taking part?" Rose asked. The look on the Doctors and Jack's faces were concern over excitement. And Rian's was pure excitement. She knew the boys had played here before and that Rian would fit right in. "So you decide to bring me here when I am six month's pregnant and exhausted."
"Thought you'd probably want to watch to start with, and that we would bring you back after the baby is born." The Doctor said. "We can enjoy this end of the party till midnight and go back to the Tardis if you want. Or we can give you something to give you a shot of energy and get through the night, but you will probably sleep for 3 days after it."
"What sort of something?" Rose asked dubiously. His eyes grinned, knowing what she was thinking.
"No I didn't mean drugs. You can just leave those to the big boys around here." She understood something in that statement, but didn't quite get it as both Jack and Rian burst out laughing. "This goes for you too Gwen, if you want to come and watch it's a long night, starts after midnight their time and ends at sun up, which is about 10 earth hours.
Gwen frankly was scared, but her curiosity kicked in. She knew she could go home tomorrow, and she was determined to experience as much as possible before hand. "I'd like to go."
Everyone looked at her, Jack grinned a smile of well-done, then Rose said ok she was in as well.
Gwen suddenly thought of something, "What about disease, pregnancy?"
"TFP please." The Doctors eyes didn't even leave Gwen's when both hands grabbed the small packets that both Jack and Rian threw at him. "I knew those two were both going to have some." He grinned. Threw the packet that had come from Rian back to her. And opened the packet Jack had thrown him, shook out five tablets. "Jack, Rian down here now." Jack and Rian came and knelt on the floor next to him, Rian leaned on Rose's knees, Jack on Gwen's, "TFP is an all-round protector. Jack and I have immunity from most things, but by taking this you can party all night and have no nasty surprises after. Each tablet covers you for about 36 Earth hours."
With that he promptly put the first pill in his mouth, turned to Rian, she took hers, then Jack took his. Gwen opened her mouth and took hers. "Rose it will have no effect on the baby and will protect it as well." so Rose opened her mouth and took the small pill. The Doctor handed the packet back to Jack. He pocketed it swiftly.
"Now the next request might sound odd, strip, both of you now."
Rose and Gwen looked at him gone out. He was grinning like that proverbial cat again. He knew he had got both there attentions. "Jack strip, show them what we want them to do."
"What you're not letting me at the drugs?" Jack joked as he stripped. Rose watched with delight, and Gwen she just watched in the need to kiss and touch him. The Doctor stood, and went over to the lights, dimming them to a low level.
"No drugs, you're not doing Mantra. Only Mantra's are allowed to do the drugs, you know that Jack." He said as he came up to the now naked man, his hand automatically stroking his erection. A pure cheeky grin on his face he made Jack gasped. Gwen and Rose watched the Doctor quickly bringing Jack to almost coming point with his hand alone. Rian walked up behind Jack. She put her fingers over certain points in his back, and Jack shuddered, Rian let her mind into his to release the chemicals and adjust the power flows that would give him the energy to party for the next 24 hours with no problems. And as the Doctor brought him to climax she sat and rode it with him. As they came down she let go of his back and his mind.
Her eyes connected with the Doctors, he knew she loved piggy backing on someone else's orgasms. Grinning she said, "He could do Mantra, his mind can do telepathy. If we trained him."
"That's not an if... that's a certainty." Jack breathed as he came down, His arms around the Doctor. When he was sufficiently recovered Jack looked round at the Girls, grinning, "That's all you've got to do, stand relax and let them do everything. It's a form of telepathic acupuncture. And it works."
"Why do you have do it through Orgasm?" Gwen looked slightly dubiously at Jack.
"Cause that's the energy that's going to be playing the most in your body over the night. Rian primes it in, sweetly, a real pro." He grinned at Rian, who grinned and did a mock bow.
"You've had this before?" Rose asked intrigued.
"Yes, this place is renowned for it telepathic um excesses. Why do you think we both keep coming back here? They have some very sweet little telepaths here, but Rian has the edge on them."
"Why?" Gwen and Rose both asked together.
Jack laughed as he walked over to them, "Wait and find out. So who's first, or are you going to do it together." He held both hands out, and they, after looking at each for a moment, both put their hands in his at the same time. He pulled them both up, effortlessly, and walked back toward the Doctor and Rian.
Jack handed Rose over to the Doctor, who promptly pulled her into a full on kiss, his fingers swiftly pulling her tight against him.
Jack turned his attention to Gwen. He couldn't decide if this was too much for her or whether she was enjoying it. The look on her face seemed to be a mixture of both. He brought his fingers up to her cheek, stroking her gently, seeing her eyes dilate slightly, her licking her lips, chewing her bottom lip in a nervous manner. And he lowered his lips to hers, gently moving his lips against hers, as she began to respond, he could feel her hesitancy, then she moaned and let herself go. Her mouth opened and her tongue started to battle with his. It was delightfully na茯�ve and sweet, and Jack wondered whether he should back off now. But her hands slipped round his waist pulling him closer to her, and that was it, he was lost in kissing her.
Rian stood back and watched the first the Doctor then Jack kissing their respective partners, it was wonderful to watch. Both girls were responding well, neither of them had turned the proposition down, and she knew Doc was very pleased with himself for this little plan coming together so nicely. But there was no telling how they would react at the Water itself. She wasn't worried, she knew she and Doc would be playing, and Jack would be babysitting.
She watched as the Doctor slowly began to strip Rose, she looked out at the party outside, wanting to be in amongst all those bodies, Rose moaned and gasped as the Doctor released her mouth, to kiss her neck, his fingers swiftly bringing her nicely towards the point they needed. Rian walked over and knelt behind Rose, where the Doctor had her leaning against him. Her hands gently moved over Rose's back, finding the pressure points required, she slipped her mind into Rose's finding the Doctor with her all the way. As Rose began to shudder in climax Rian tweaked the chemicals and repositioned the flows, then she sat back and let herself fall with Rose into oblivion. She stayed for a few moments watching the Doctor holding Rose, talking to her, telling her how beautiful she is. She slips from Rose's mind, and removes her hands, she cuddles into her back and kisses the skin at the junction of her neck and shoulder, feels Rose shiver under her touch.
Then she moves away, strips and sits waiting for Jack to bring the slightly more nervous Gwen to the same state, she is stripped, beautiful, dark hair and eyes, slim but curvy. Rian thinks they are lucky to have two such beautiful human females to have as friends and more. After doing this one she will have piggy backed on three orgasms and she will need to release some of her pent up energy especially if she is going to do Mantra later.
She refocuses on Gwen and Jack, his tongue is still very deeply in her mouth, his fingers are making quick work now and Gwen is responding so sweetly. Rian doesn't want to alarm her as this is her first foray into dancing, so she moves in slowly, letting her know by body heat that she is there, and then slowly she slips one hand onto her back, feeling her jump in nervousness. The touch of the second hand doesn't bring another jump, which Rian takes as a good sign, as she waited for Gwen to get to the point required, she let her fingers massage her on the back, small circles. Gwen got there fast; Rian positioned her hands and slipped into her mind. Does the required, and then gasps as she flows sweetly on the back of Gwen's mind-blowing orgasm. She sits still for a moment, before removing her mind and hands and sitting back. Finding it quiet lovely the way Jack held Gwen as she came down. He was a very attentive lover.
She felt hyper, so on edge now. Her eyes were glazed as she stood up and looked over at the Doctor. He had stripped at some point. And was bringing Rose to sit next to Gwen. She saw him lean down and say to Jack, "Want to play de-fry the telepath."
Jack stood suddenly his eyes predatory; the Doctor's were the same. And they were both looking at her; she felt she ought to move. She tried to go right but the Doctor was there, to the left was Jack. Then she was pinned to the wall by 2 sets of arms. She was held there while they discussed best way to de-fry. They were talking long and slow torturous and she was definitely not in the mood for that. In the end she whispered, "Just fuck me now."
And they did. She was dragged from the wall to the floor, where the Doctor lay down and pulled her swiftly onto his erection. She moaned as he moved in her and she ground into him. Jack stood, went to his jeans and grabbed a tube of lube and went back. Rose and Gwen sat, being turned on again nicely watching him lube himself up, before massaging some into her behind. Then the Doctor stilled her, as Jack drove deeply into Rian. And they moved together.
Gwen watched, it was all so new and the position looked so filling. Rose had been on the end of this, but she had never watched it done to someone else. It was beyond erotic.
Rose leaned into Gwen and moaned as she watched the three of them dance so heatedly and roughly and intensely in front of them. She wanted to touch herself and she wanted to touch Gwen. She moved so she was closer to Gwen, then as the other woman looked at her with worry for a moment, replaced by heat when she saw Rose lick her lips, their lips clashed, and they could here Rian begin to cry out in orgasm, and then they heard Jack and the Doctor swiftly behind them.
Rose and Gwen didn't realise they were now being watched, as they had watched the others. And when they did, they both pulled back in embarrassment, Gwen blushing brightly when she saw the hot looks coming from all three towards her. It was overwhelming. The Doctor laughed and went to grab more wine for everyone.
"Our outfits are here." He said as he handed the glasses around. The other's looked around, Rose and Gwen realised that whilst they had been playing someone had been in and cleared the table and there was now two piles of costumes.***
"What do you mean outfits?" Gwen asked feeling like this was getting weirder by the second. Which it was!
"This room is ours for the next day. It will be locked so only Jack and I have access to it. We will leave our things here. Even the blasters I know you two have. Don't look at me like that, you know you were never going to get anywhere near the Water with them. Even where you put yours Jack. Keep your keys round your necks." As he spoke the Doctor went and picked up the two piles of clothes and brought them round to the others still sat on the floor. He slipped to the floor, passed a set to Jack and put the other in that hand in front of himself. Then handed the other hands out to the 3 females around him. "We wear costumes that make it easy for other peoples to access us and us to access them quickly, it saves having to strip and redress all the time. As not everyone has Jack's natural ability to go anywhere naked."
Rose laughed, Rian grinned, and Gwen raised an eyebrow at him, he grinned trying to look coy, "Can't help it if I'm gorgeous."
"And modest?" Gwen laughed; shivering at the look he gave her that was pure want.
"Ok when Jack has finished preening," the Doctor started.
"Look who's talking, Mr I'm in front of the mirror more times doing my hair than any woman ever." Rose laughed.
"Hey, come on I'm trying to get the rules out here, you can assassinate my character later." The Doctor tried not to laugh as well. Then he stood quickly remembering something he had in his jacket pocket. He retrieved 3 silver bangles. He also grabbed Jack's jeans and pulled something out of the pocket. He sat down again, cross-legged in the middle of the others. Threw Jack his key, who promptly opened his wrist comp and slipped it into the inside pouch. "Sorry Jack, pinched them from your room"
"Fantastic idea, no worries, anything that's kinky is yours as well," Jack laughed. Gwen and Rose frowned at the 3 bangles in the Doctor's hands. "They're sex toys, you put them on the wrist of the person your having sex with and you can send electric shocks through them. But because we don't want you two straying far from me, we'll set them up so that if you are more than 5 metres from me then they will let off a charge and I can make sure your ok."
Jack took one from the Doctor, opened it and began fiddling with the controls on the inside. He then slipped it on the wrist his wrist comp wasn't on. He grabbed the other two and held out his hand, Gwen gave him her right arm first. She felt the bracelet lock swiftly and snugly to her wrist. Then he did Rose's. "These are programmed so only I can take them off, so there is no chance of someone slipping them off you."
Gwen and Rose were quite touched by the way they were being protected in this, even thought neither had any idea what they were actually letting themselves in for. Jack grinned at them, "Time to get dressed."
"Time for drugs, Big Boy." Rian said to the Doctor. Her grin was as big as his as they looked each other over.
"What is this Mantra that you two are going to do, that we can't?" Rose suddenly realised they had been discussing this all night but no one had actually said what it is. The Doctor stood and went to his jacket again and pulled out a small packet.
Jack stood and watched as the Doctor opened the packet and knelt back down by Rian. He was wished he could take part, it was one of the very few experiences he hadn't had. But if Rian was right and his latent telepathic tendencies were accessible then maybe soon it would be the three of them doing this. He watched as they both put a small pink pill on their tongues, and smiled secret smiles of delight. He was sure he felt the air discharge static around them. Ok, he thought, just admit you're jealous. He sighed and looked back at Rose and Gwen and started to explain, "Mantra is a dance for telepaths only. It's a game. They enter the game zone and they work through the other contestant, making them orgasm with their minds only. No body touching is allowed, instant dismissal. Goes until two are left, then it is a battle to see who comes out on top, so to speak."
"The drugs?" Gwen asked as they all watched The Doctor and Rian just sitting eyes closed and slight grin's on their faces.
"Some peoples can play without the drug. Rian probably could she's a talented telepath. But the drug allows them to work in the confines of the game zone and allows everyone to play on a level playing field and to be able to project they're themselves on others swiftly and without the physical contact that the Doctor normally needs. Difficult to tell you all, you have to watch it to understand it properly. And believe me it is a sight to watch." Jack sighed and turned to Rose and Gwen, "Right whilst they stabilise themselves lets get dressed."
Jack walked over and got Gwen to stand first, taking her outfit he slipped it around her neck, slipping her arms into the thread like arms, letting it fall so it covered her, just. It was the shortest and skimpiest outfit she had ever worn. As Gwen moved around feeling the outfit move with her in a delightful way, Rose got the same treatment. Then he stood behind her saying, "A lot of them will come up behind you and want access from behind. So the outfit is designed to be easily lifted," he lifted Rose's swiftly and let his hands play over her behind as he rubbed himself against her there. Then his hands left her behind and slipped in the sides of the costume to take hold of her breasts in a swift and easy movement from the sides, the back was naked apart from the skirt and the top was like two pieces of material that covered the breasts just. "See very easy access."
"Why have Rose and I got yellow one and the three of you have white?" Gwen asked.
"Denotes first timer's. It's a way of other's knowing you maybe nervous. Rian doesn't count as she's a telepath." Jack said as he slipped his outfit on. His was just the skirt part that they had. "Come on you two surely you're stabilized by now."
The Doctor and Rian laughed, and moved, swiftly dressing. As they lined up at the door. The Doctor turned to Gwen and Rose, "It is the rule that everyone has to ask permission before touching you, if you don't want something, all you have to do is say no." Then the door was opened, and they filed out, Jack locking it behind them. Once out in the street the music was intense and loud, and beat deep inside each of them, People were now dressed in similar outfits to the one's they had on. The pure dancing was erotic and hot. But it was only dancing to the music, nothing else.
Gwen found the music was all more alike now, not the different strains of earlier, it was all very like she would have expected to hear in any club on earth. Except it got right into her, she could hear and felt it pulsing in her muscles in her heart, the urge to dance was phenomenal. They were now on the edges of the party, and she watched the Doctor grab Rose and dancing with her, their bodies moving exactly how she wanted to. Rian was behind Jack, their bodies totally synchronised in the beat, her hands running over his body, up his arms when he raised them over his head. She watched amazed. She would never be able to dance like that. There was something so erotically dirty in it. Well she never thought she would allow herself to get into this situation either, and here she was.
When she looked at Jack and Rian again his eyes were on her, his finger motioned for her to join them and she found herself walking toward him. He turned her round, grabbed her hips and moved her back into him and Rian dancing. "Relax and let the music in Gwen, forget everything except the music and the sensation of us."
And she did, the music pounded and she did, swiftly finding the same rhythm as Jack and Rian, her sensations were on overload as his fingers, slid over her body in sweeps of gentle caresses in time to the music.
Time disappeared; all that existed was the music and the dance. At some point Rian had moved to be the centrepiece of three stunning displays of feathers in shades of lilac that matched her eyes. Jack was just there with her the whole time. The Doctor and Rose next to them. Just dancing. It was delicious. It was hot, it was sexy and it felt so right that she just lost herself in it.
Then Jack's hands on her hips stilled her. The Doctor and Rose were next to them, and Rian was back, large grins on everyone's faces, as they re-linked hands, and the Doctor and Jack dragged them through the crowds at a slow running pace. The colour, the music, the dancing, they moved past it all. It was time to go to The Water.***
Coming out of the main throughput into the forum where the Water was being held was like walking into a different world again. The music tempo changed to something all together harder, faster, totally unlike anything Gwen had heard before. There were flashing lights everywhere, thousands of bodies of every conceivable shape and size. But she couldn't stop and look; the Doctor and Jack continued their swift run toward the middle of the forum. She guessed it must be an area that was as big as Cardiff Bay itself, and possibly a bit bigger. She gulped. As they got toward where the Water took place, the crowds got larger and more densely packed with voyeurs and non-participation members. They weaved their way through until they came to a blue laser fence at waist height. The Doctor waited for a few moments until a local came and opened the gate for them. They slipped through; the grins on Jacks, the Doctors and Rian's faces were now extremely wide. She found it catching as did Rose as they grinned at each other.
It was obviously after midnight, as they now walked through the slightly less densely packed crowds she could see couples and more dancing everywhere. They didn't stop, but kept moving closer and closer to the centre. She guessed that was where the Mantra was played. They seemed to get to a point where there was some room and the Doctor and Jack stopped and talked for a few moments. The music was intense. Rian and Rose both started to dance again, Gwen quickly joined in.
As they did a creature that looked like a 6 foot tall, 8 foot long millipede came up to them. The Doctor and Jack both grinned at him.
"Breen, my good fellow, so good to see you again," The Doctor said, shaking hands with the creatures small arms that were about waist height.
"Doctor, it's a couple of years since we've seen you here, you have a new body, very appealing, and with Jack Harkness in tow, I knew I should have introduced you two many years ago, and here you are together. Fabulous, fabulous."
"Hello Breen," Jack said in his absolutely best seduction voice. He shook his hand. "How's the report going?"
The three females came closer and Jack turned to them and said for their benefit, "Breen here is a Professor at the University, He's doing a long term report on the effects of taking part in the Water for the peoples he dances with."
Breen looked at the three females as he responded, "Brilliant, I almost have enough data to prove/disapprove my hypothesis." His eyes had been looking each girl over in turn. "Oh my, what a delicious looking set you all make, two Time Lords and three humans, and one with child."
The Doctor introduced the others quickly. Breen became quite excited, his hands flapped and his eyes were wide. "Five is the perfect set for me, would you consider allowing me to dance with you all? It would be an honour to have you Doctor and Jack again and at the same time."
The Doctor looked round at Rian she nodded, Rose and Gwen both looked nervous. Jack turned to them, "Believe me Breen as your first experience will blow your minds."
"Rose and Gwen are very new to this Breen," Breen nodded, the Doctor looked at them and grinned. "Its beyond brilliant." His eyebrows waggled and they both nodded their heads.
"Ohh well done little humans, I do hope I can perform well for you all." Jack walked forward and took Rose in his arms, the Doctor took Gwen, and Rian stood between the two pairs, and they all watched, Gwen and Rose in amazement as Breen elongated his body. It was beautiful to watch, he was so long as he wrapped himself around the five with no trouble. His body was a mass of different shades of green, mainly mossy coloured with the odd patch of lime. He settled into a comfortable zone around them, and then he turned his body on its side from just behind his head area to the end.
Gwen and Rose both saw at the same time five identical sections, each with a multitude of feather like feelers. Gwen looked terrified for a moment before the Doctor turned her to face him, smiling to her, reassuring her, saying, "this is worth everything believe me" then he made her take a step back into the middle of the section behind her. And she felt herself immediately and surprisingly gently lifted into place, the feelers all moved over her body at the same time. The feelers slipped everywhere on and in her body. She moaned, her eyes glazed and closed.
Jack quickly had Rose in position and moaning as well. Then he winked at Rian and the Doctor as they allowed Breen to add them to his sections. A perfect set for him. Each small featherlike feeler caressed and loved a small section of skin of all five members' of the set. Feelers slipped inside, feelers learned their sensitive places played them sweetly and long until all five were moaning.
The Doctor moved his hand slightly and could see Jack mirroring his movement. They both knew how to make Breen enjoy this as well. Their fingers wrapped around the hard projection to their right to caress and play with it how they both already knew he liked. Rian was doing the same, having danced this way before, she had quickly figured out how to make Breen enjoy it as well.
Rose had no idea how long she has been in this heaven of soft subtle moving feelers. But she felt so pampered, so loved; they were even caressing the baby, which responded by stretching and moving too. And slowly the feeling built; up into a crescendo she knew would just wipe her out when it eventually broke. Her body started to shudder and move with the breaking, the feelers staying with her and holding her gently. Tightly caressing her down and back up again, and again, and again. She lost all thought apart from the next touch, the next caress, and the next ride.
As Gwen was brought down from the umpteenth crescendo she began to feel another shuddering apart from her own. And on some level she understood that Breen was being brought towards his own release. She had no idea how to help him, and he didn't slow down his caressing and priming of her body, in fact it seemed to move into a slightly faster and more urgent movement, and she could feel herself rising again. Her eyes tight shut as she rode the pleasurable sensations.
Knowing somehow this would be the last. She could feel him shuddering and convulsing around her. Then she knew he was there, every feeler, every touch swiftly convulsed and she broke with it. She could hear herself cry out. Every nerve ending exploded.
The movement changed to soft, gentle caresses that brought her down and back to her own mind. She couldn't open her eyes as he slowly lowered her to the ground to stand on her own two feet. But the touch of the ground beneath her jolted her, and she suddenly felt strong arms around her holding her as she reoriented herself. She opened her eyes slowly and found Jack there. He grinned. And all she could say was "Wow."
Jack laughed, "That's what I said the first time with Breen." He kissed her cheek, "Are you ok?"
She nodded, and noticed Rose feeling just as disorientated in the Doctor's arms. She then noticed Breen had retracted himself down into the smaller person he was. She smiled at him. He smiled back; his small eyes bright, his hands still flapping in excitement.
As they recovered and moved back to speak to him, he said, "Oh very delicious to have two Time Lords, Rian you are very sweet. The three grinned at him. "A delight too that I felt Rose and Gwen enjoyed that, and I am delighted." Then his eyes fell on Jack, serious now, "Jack, old friend, your change is saddening. I am sorry."
Jack let go of Gwen and moved to hug Breen tightly, "I'll cope."
"You always do." Breen smiled, "Your son is a delight as well. I hope to see him here in years to come."
Jack walked to Rose, and put his hand on the bump and kissed Rose on the forehead. "I am blessed."
"Jack, if anyone can work out a way to stop it, it will be the Doctor. Stay with him, he will help you." Breen said with conviction.
Jack put a hand to the Doctors cheek, caressed him with his thumb. "I have no intention of leaving him ever again."
"Good, as it should be," Then he looked at Rian, "Rian you have the same problem as Jack, also sad, and not fixable. But they're maybe a choice in the future. But beware the choicest offerings." Rian nodded, Breen looked at the Doctor. "You and I should talk."
"I'll come soon. I promise." The Doctor grinned. He walked up to Breen and hugged him, "Thank you." Rian did the same, then Gwen and Rose, and finally Jack.
"Enjoy the Water." Breen said as he turned and disappeared in the crowd.
"What does he mean you and him should talk?" Rose asked what they were all wondering. The Doctor shrugged refused to meet anyone's eyes, instead grinned at Rian.
Rose wondered what could be so important that Breen had asked to see the Doctor, and for the Doctor to agree so quickly. He seemed to have a look of worry in his eyes as he had spoken to Breen. She decided not to press the matter now, but to talk to him about it later. She watched as he and Rian grinned at each other once more, before he came over to Jack and hugged him tightly, saying, "Keep them safe."
"Course I will Doc," Jack responded, they're lips meeting quickly. Then the Doctor moved to her, and kissed and held her tightly for a few moments.
She closed her eyes feeling slightly nervous of him leaving them, it wasn't that she didn't feel totally safe and secure with Jack, but she knew she always missed the Doctor when he wasn't close by. She sighed into his shoulder and he squeezed harder, kissing her shoulder before he stood back.
Gwen watched as the Doctor came to her, and gathered her into his arms in a big hug as well, and when his lips briefly found hers she responded and held him tight. This was they're first kiss and she found it strange, his lips and mouth were cool, but they moved with deep skill and finesse and she enjoyed it and wanted more. When he pulled away he whispered the word, "Later."
Rian kissed and hugged Jack, and moved on to kiss both Rose and Gwen quickly. Gwen found her lips and mouth were as cool as the Doctors. It was quiet intoxicating. Then they all watched the Doctor take Rian's hand and they began to run, and were quickly lost in the crowds around them.
"Aren't we watching them?" Gwen asked. Her body language more frightened now it was the three of them. Jack came over and hugged her tight, his hand slipping into hers to reassure her all was well.
"Later, it takes a couple of hours to warm up." Jack held his hand out to Rose, who quickly joined them; he smiled at them both, "Come on let's dance."
He led the girls through the crowds to a densely packed area of dancing to the music. He came up behind Gwen and started her dancing feeling the beat and when she was happy he came to Rose and did the same to her, his hands on her hips. His hips matching her movements as he stayed behind her, worshipping her with his hands and movements.
Rose closed her eyes and felt the music. She was amazed how much energy she had. She didn't know how long it was going to last but she was going to enjoy herself as long as possible. She closed her eyes and flicked her hips back and forth. Loving the feel of the music in her, the beat, the rhythm, and the power, and the feeling of Jack just there constantly. Jack slipped his hand down between her legs and began to massage her there, quickly and easily making her ready. She opened her eyes and looked over at Gwen.
Gwen noticed Rose out of the corner of her eye and grined at her; she turned and saw her gasp in pleasure it was beautiful to watch for a moment before she turned back to watch the two cerulean creatures, called Faphyn earlier by the Doctor, who were dancing with her, one behind one in front. She looked at Jack. His eyes opened and he smiled at her, bright and lustful. Then he noticed whom she was dancing with, and he nodded smiling in encouragement. She kept eyes contact with him for a moment. Then one of the creatures bent in and asked her if they could touch her. And she said yes.
The Faphyn in front of her raised its hand and stroked her skin, bringing its slightly paler blue lips to hers. And she stilled in the dance and let it happen, fascinated by the totally hard feeling of the lips, no plumpness like Humans and Time Lords had. But it still felt delicious, and she found herself letting it deepen, a hard tongue flicked into her mouth, and she used her suppler one around it as if it was a hard cock there. The Faphyn's hands moved over her, obviously liking what she was doing.
Then she felt the other move in behind her. She let it happen, let it rub against her, as the one in front allowed its hand to slip between her legs, checked she was wet and ready. Then she was being man handled and lifted onto a large erection. She sighed into the mouth she was attached to.
Later, Jack pulled Gwen over to him, and pulled her into a massive hug. Gwen was quite stunned at the number of times she had been asked and had said yes. Jack grinned widely and said to them both, "Enjoying?"
They both nodded and laughed. "Shall we rest and see how the Doctor and Rian are getting on?"
He grabbed one girl's hand in each of his and led the way through the crowds. Not to fast, so that they could stop and watch at something he would point out as being very good, or an interesting combination. He would explain to them both what was going on. Then they came to the area where the game zones were, and the girls both found their mouths dropping as they began to watch the Mantra, with Jack's running commentary.
In silence after a while they watched, their eyes did not move from the spectacle in front of them. They held each other's hands, delighting in what they watched Neither noticed Jack behind them turn to someone who had asked him a question, and suddenly a hand slipped over his mouth and he was knocked unconscious by someone using telepathy, two large humanoids carried him away as a third smaller humanoid followed. They were swallowed in the crowds long before either girl noticed he wasn't commenting or touching them anymore.***
The Doctor and Rian managed to get in separate games of Mantra, which meant, that if they were not knocked out, at some point they would come up against each other. The Mantra was split into two evenly matched games, running simultaneously. About 12 contestants in each Zero G game zone. They would work through each other until only one was left. Then the game zones would merge and the two finalists would come together.
In their individual games they played with calm and almost detachment. The Doctor swiftly bringing three of his opponents to those flashes of pale lilac as they came for him. He hardly needed to move around them. Then he had to work harder through the remaining opponents. He moved smoothly and flowed freely, eyes closed, as he stroked them, licked them, massaged them, taunted them and teased them into coming via telepathy alone. The more he won the more he grew confident and relaxed in his pursuit of that elusive pale lilac light. The longer the game the long each opponent took to get to the stage where they came, the more he had to work subtly to get them there and not allow himself to fall to their own ministration on him.
Rian was not quite so detached and calm, she gave herself totally over to the task in hand making every single win a work of art. Playing them intensely sweetly, until they came for her in delighted waves of pleasure and lilac flashes. As the game progressed she let the stronger opponents tease and play with her as well, enjoying the fact she could play them to the point where they thought they had her finished and she would flick a nuance in their minds and they would instead. She hadn't enjoyed herself for many, many years, and wondered why she hadn't done this long before now
It was about six hours later when they both finished their individual games. Both laughing and hugging each other as they realised they would be up against each other in the final. As was dictated in the rules they took a short refreshment break before the final. It gave the organisers time to let of the fireworks to let the rest of the Water know it was final time.
Very soon it was time, and the view crowds had grown around the now merged game zone. The Doctor grinned wide at Rian before they started. He knew this was going to be more than just fun. It didn't really matter to either of them who won. For them it was the taking part. But the fact they had both come through and now in the final they were together was not lost on them.
The steward gave the command to start and both of them lifted into the air of the game zone. Both the Doctor and Rian closed their eyes and rose into the middle of the game zone. And soon the crowds were ohhhing and ahhhhhing as the two wound around each other is subtle ballet in the air, never touching both trying to take the other out by a swift change in direction, as well as with the telepathic teasing and full blown assault on each other that the flashes of other coloured lights were now showing the crowds.
Both of the them forgot completely that they were in the middle of the game zone as the contest became more and more personal, both using their hundreds of years experience of dancing together to try and out do the other. It was a battle between two of the most exquisite dancers ever. The battle ragged for and hour. For almost two, and the crowds were engrossed and delighted at the spectacle they were presented with.
"How long will the final take?" Rose asked Jack, as they stood just outside watching in awe. "Jack?" Rose shouted as she spun round and realised he was gone. Her face became wide and tearful. Gwen quickly gathered her in her arms and held her as she cried, "The idiot made it safe for us, and forgot to make sure we would know if anything happened to him."
"What do we do?" Gwen was becoming worried now. "We don't know who's got him and there are so many direction he could have been taken in."
Rose grabbed the bracelet on her wrist, and tried to take it off to see if it had any controls in it, but it refused to move for her. Jack had set it so only he would be able to get it off. She put her hands to her forehead in frustrated anger for a moment. "We need the sonic screwdriver to trace his Tardis key."
"Where is it?" Gwen asked sounding hopeful.
"The Doctor has it in a small pocket on his outfit, I noticed him slip it there before we left the room." She turned to watch the Doctor and Rian as they continued to move around each other in now graceful and leisurely movements, The telepathic energy around them sparking blue's and purples as one made a move on the other, and the other countered it. She guessed they were going to play this one out as long as they could. She couldn't blame them it looked amazingly erotic and sensual. But that didn't help them locate Jack.
"If you're looking for the young man who was with you?" A small humanoid, with pale yellow skin, deep yellow eyes and hair, who had been watching the Mantra next to them said in a high-pitched voice, "They took him over towards the Gasrward District."
"Which is where? This is our first time here," Rose quickly asked, her eyes showing how grateful she was to this person for helping.
He turned and pointed to two high black towers that weren't lit up with lights like the rest were. "Keep those dark towers insight and you will be there. But it is a bad area to go into dressed as you are. It is where a lot of the underclass and criminals live. You need to be careful if you go in there, very careful."
"Thank you." Rose looked back at the Doctor and Rian and knew she couldn't wait for them. "Would you be able to pass a message onto that man and woman when they finish the game?"
"I can send him a telepathic message now if it helps, what would you like me to get through to him?" Rose moved forward and hugged the little humanoid swiftly. His smile flashed wide and bright in his surprise at her impulsive act.
"Thank you so much." She thought for a moment, "His name is the Doctor, can you tell him Jack has been kidnapped and Rose and Gwen are following trying to locate him. And tell him into which district we are headed."
She stood back and watched as the little humanoid closed his eyes and sent the message to the Doctor. Rose waited for a moment. "He says don't move an inch they will be there immediately. He was adamant that you shouldn't leave without him."
"Tell him too late we have gone, we have our keys, follow us, quickly." She kissed the humanoids cheek seeing him blush a deeper yellow, grabbed Gwen's hand and run, as he shouted good luck to them.
The humanoid watched them disappear before he sent the reply to the Doctor and listen to the expletives he got back about stupid apes, being so damned jeopardy friendly. He watched as the Doctor allowed Rian to win, from the woman's face as they descended to the floor he had filled her in during the mantra.
He kept a connection to the Doctor as the pair went through the prize giving quickly, a lovely crystal of telepathic power for the winner, which Rian slipped into the small pocket on her outfit. Then they were in front of him.
"Well which way did the stupid apes go?" The Doctor was fuming as he pulled the sonic screwdriver from his outfit. The humanoid pointed and the Doctor held up the sonic screwdriver in that way and quickly located the two signals together, which were the girls, still moving away from him and Rian. He moved round until he found the single signal that had to be Jack. It was still, and not far from where the girls where. He leaned in and kissed the humanoid. "Thank you my friend I owe you for this. What's your name?"
"Verual. Just bring your family back together, I hate to see people taken advantage at this event." Verual smiled, "And let me know when you have them safe so I can stop worrying."
The Doctor nodded, grabbed Rian's hand and led the way at a swift run toward the girls first. He knew Jack could take care of himself better than the two girls could. He didn't want to admit being worried, and he knew Rian knew him too well to have to ask.
In silence they proceeded fast through the crowds, until they came to the laser fence, and waited patiently for the local to let them out. Every now and then the Doctor would stop them and he would recheck where they were.
Rose led the way through the crowds towards the two dark towers. In her head she was saying she was not going to be separated from Jack ever again. She knew he couldn't die, but that didn't stop someone hurting him very badly.
She turned to Gwen, saw the concern and love for Jack on her face, when she didn't realise Rose was watching her. Rose stopped for a moment and pulled the other woman into a big hug, "Don't worry we'll get him back, the stupid lump." Gwen held her back for a few moments, determined not to cry, Rose whispered in her ear, "He has enough love for all of us sweetheart, we all do."
Before Gwen could respond, or think too much Rose had grabbed her hand again and they were moving. Soon they were passing from the light and noisy forum into a darker and less noisy section of the city. Rose slowed then, and Gwen's police skills kicked in. She pulled Rose back so that they walked side by side slowly.
"This is going to be like looking for a needle in a haystack." Gwen said looking around the dark buildings, and the lack of people to ask information from. "Any suggestions on how to start?"
"I think we need the Doctor with the sonic screwdriver," Rose admitted suddenly realising how difficult this was actually going to be. "Lets walk on and see what we can find, the Doctor and Rian won't be far behind."
They walked on, still holding hands tightly. And as they walked silently they heard sounds of someone being beaten up coming from a window close by. Gwen moved forward, indicating to Rose to stay still. Gwen leaned against the wall then looked into the window.
The window was filthy, but Gwen could just make out an almost naked man tied up, hanging from the ceiling and 2 big humanoids beating him hard. She recognised Jack immediately. She paled; he was covered in bleeding cuts and bruises. He was being pounded like a lump of meat. She moved back and pulled Rose away from the window so she could talk to her.
"He's in there. They are beating him badly. We need to create a diversion to draw them out whilst we wait for the Doctor to arrive." Gwen whispered in Roses' ear.
"How are we going to do that?" Rose whispered back. She watched as Gwen looked around, they had no weapons, and nothing to help them. She watched her go over to a pile of rubbish and pull out a piece of wood about two feet long out from it. Gwen smiled. "What am I going to use?"
Gwen looked her hard in the eyes and said softly but with command to show Rose she would do as she was told. "You will wait here for the Doctor and Rian."
"You are pregnant, I won't allow it Rose, please, it will be easier alone." Gwen leaned in and kissed Rose on the lips, their mouths opened and tongues danced, before Gwen pulled away moaning slightly, "Please Sweetheart, stay here, I would not forgive myself if anything happened to you."
Rose nodded, understanding that again she was being overprotected because of the baby. She stood back into the shadows, hidden. With one last smile at Rose, Gwen turned away and walked towards the door of the building Jack was being held in. She held the piece of wood behind her back, as she quietly opened the door and walked through as silently as she could.
She listened to the sounds of the beating, knowing which door she needed to take, and with a deep breath she walked through it loudly. Every one in the room turned to her. She found herself at the top of a very small flight of stairs, and she proceeded to walk down them and into the dirty basement storage room. Her hand still on the piece of wood, now hung loosely at her side for all to see.
There were three occupants as well as Jack, the two large brown haired and brown eyed humanoids who were beating him up, both had stopped to look her over, grinning with want and the knowledge they could pull her apart in seconds. The third was a smaller humanoid. He was sat on a chair watching the beating. His eyes were lime green and his hair was a similar colour, and he was slight in build, Gwen guessed he would be shorter than her when stood up. His eyes though looked at her with disgust, as if she wasn't worth his time or effort.
Gwen refused to look at Jack, deliberately not letting herself become emotional over his wounds until this had been dealt with. She walked around towards the third humanoid, deliberately swayed her hips as she went so that the other two watched her closely and left Jack alone for a few vital minutes, to recover as much as he could.
"If you think coming in here, offering yourself to us will make me release Jack, your mistaken young human." The third humanoid stood; yes he was shorter than her. "I have waited too long to pay him back for conning me."
"He cons everyone," Gwen said, in disgust, "He conned me, I'm not here to offer myself to you, I'm here to join in the revenge."
The third humanoid looked her up and down, taking in the piece of wood she still held loosely and downwards in her hand. "And what did he do to you that could be called classed as a con?"
Gwen was pleased, the longer she could keep him talking, the better chances of help arriving in the form of the Doctor and Rian. "Credits of course, seduced me, told me he would bind his life with mine for eternity. Took the credits and ran." She watched the third humanoids face as his eyes flicked to the still silent Jack, and then his eyes were back on her. "What did he do to you?"
"Similar. Jack was always very good at seducing, but instead of credits, he made of with a shipment of weapons. I want them back." The humanoid almost had a wistful look in his eyes when he mentioned the seduction. Gwen understood Jack made everyone feel special, even when he was conning. She wondered how she would ever know the difference between the Jack that conned and the Jack that loved. But she pushed that thought out of her head immediately and got back to the situation at hand.
"Well, may I join in?" she asked as she fluttered her eyes slightly at the third humanoid.***
The third humanoid looked Gwen up and down again, took in her near naked form and wondered if he could have her as well, whilst Jack watched. Now that would be a sweet revenge, because he could see she wasn't there for revenge on Jack but to try and rescue him.
He smiled broadly at Gwen, and for a moment Gwen thought he had fallen for the ruse. But his eyes changed to something else, something angrier and wanting. Gwen almost took a step back, but held herself still instead. "Well my dear young human I think I can find something far better for you to do than join in the revenge against our dearest Jack."
Gwen tried then to move back but something stopped her, she heard the third humanoid laugh, "I'm sorry my dear, but you won't be going anywhere. I have telepathically tied you up."
Gwen closed her eyes and shivered as he began to walk slowly around her, his fingers trailed across all her erogenous zones in a slow deliberate torment. Well she reasoned, they had not hit Jack again, and they were delaying things, so she just grit her teeth and let him have his fun. She vaguely registered a moan from Jack as he tried to stop this from happening, and now when she desperately needed to see his eyes, she couldn't turn her head at all. She fought and fought what ever was holding her still, but she couldn't turn to him.
The humanoids hands slipped over her breasts again, she kept her eyes closed. One hand dipped lower and circled her intimately before two fingers dipped into her. She breathed and tried to ignore it.
Jack watched from behind his beaten eyes, the longer Gwen kept their minds else where his body was repairing itself; he tried hard not to allow his anger at what Julesran was doing to Gwen to explode just yet. A few more minutes and his strength will be back but he doubted he could get out of these cuffs unaided. Damn they needed the Doctor quickly.
As he thought it the door open and in walked the Doctor followed by Rian. He breathed a big sigh of relief for both him and Gwen. He watched the Doctor stand at the top of the steps and turn his attention straight to Julesran, Rian's eyes followed the other two closely.
In a voice that was pure command the Doctor said, "You will release Jack and Gwen immediately."
Julesran turned to the Doctor and laughed, he found it funny that this man and woman wanted to take away his playthings. "No, now go away or you will become my play things as well." Jack thought ruefully that Julesran's over confidence had always been his downfall.
"They are not your play things, they are my family and you will release them now or the consequences will be your own doing." Jack heard the edge of anger and pure danger in the Doctor's voice. He knew beyond all doubt the Doctor alone would take out all three of these thugs at the moment, and with Rian there as well, Julesran didn't stand a chance, he let out a deep breath and relaxed, feeling his body mending around him. Soon very soon he would be fixed.
Julesran laughed again, and with a quick nod of his head the two larger humanoids attacked. Jack watched the Doctor sidestep the one coming towards him, and quickly run to Gwen's side. Julesran hadn't even bothered to remove his hands and fingers from her. He watched as Julesran tried to use his telepathy on the Doctor, and the look of horror and understanding as he realised he wasn't going to win this one. The Doctor knocked his telepathy sideways and moved him swiftly away from Gwen with one quick and decisive throw. The drugs the Doctor had taken to participate in the Mantra still burning in his veins allowing him into Julesran's mind to make his body do what he wanted, so very easily, without touching.
Julesrans hold on Gwen broke and she sagged, the Doctor grabbed her immediately hugging her tight as he held her and told her it was over now.
Jack swivelled his head to where Rian was playing catch with other two humanoids, who didn't seem to have a brain between them. They thought they had cornered her, working her backwards into the dark corner, which just happened to have a chain above it that even Jack could see she could use to escape easily. And as he watched they both pounced on her and she jumped smoothly up to grab the chain, swung herself outwards and let go so she came to the floor on the other side of them.
Then Jack held his breath as he watched her hold her hand out towards a pile of chains, pilled neatly on the other side of the room. Both the humanoids also looked in disbelief as the chain lifted itself and moved towards them. It swiftly wrapped them up, tightly pulling them close together and forcing them to their knees. Jack grinned at the dumfounded look the two held now they were very securely tied up. He watched as Rian grinned and walked over to the Doctor and held her hand out. The Doctor passed her the sonic screwdriver but kept his other arm around Gwen who was gently sobbing on his shoulder.
Rian smiled at Jack as she stood in front of him for a moment, looking him up and down in the frame that had him spread eagled in front of her. He saw the mischievousness in her eyes and wondered if she was going to play first or release him. He shook his head at her and she nodded slightly, curbing her reaction to seeing him like this. Her hands moved swiftly to release him. He tried to stand and she was there to catch him as his legs buckled beneath him. "Relax for a moment Jack." And he did, he felt her slip into his mind and in a few moments his muscles felt less locked and unused and he was standing up strongly.
"Thanks." He said quietly, she smiled and stood back as she saw Jack's anger build swiftly as he looked over at Gwen and at Julesran. The latter tied up still telepathically by the Doctor. He looked at the Doctor, their eyes connected, with a nod of his head he told them to take Gwen out of there and he would finish this.
Rian turned and waited at the door for the Doctor as he led Gwen away. Rian closed the door, her eyes on Jack's as she did so, she knew exactly what he was about to do, and supported him. Jack watched the closed door for a moment. Sighed and let his anger have full reign. His anger at what Julesran and had done to Gwen and his anger at being kidnapped. He turned, his eyes bright in that anger as he walked slowly to the two humanoids. Rian had tied them up so they were easy to grab around the neck. Which he did to the first one and twisted it swiftly until the bones snapped.
The remaining humanoid's eyes glazed in fear for a moment before he suffered the same quick fate. He looked at the two bodies decided they hadn't stood a chance and he didn't care in the slightest. He turned slowly to Julesran, saw him still tied, Jack smiled sweetly at him as he walk slowly over.
He lifted a hand to the face of the man he had taken as a lover as part of a Time Agent con, so many years ago for him now. He had enjoyed him, for a while. Julesran had gone to far in revenge by touching Gwen. "I liked you Julesran, you were a giving lover and I respected your motives for the jobs you did. The con was nothing personal it was against your masters."
"Yeap well it destroyed my reputation, and I was not allowed to work for them any more. You ruined my life Jack." Julesran hissed in anger.
"I think you were lucky to get out alive, you have had many years to live since then, and what do you do, let your anger at me simmer and miss the enjoyment of the wonderful universe around you."
"Why are you talking to me Jack, I know you too well." He laughed nervously as Jack's fingers caressed his cheek, "You're going to kill me anyway."
"I wasn't, whilst it was you and your thugs against me I would have walked away and left you to live out of respect for what we enjoyed once." Jack paused. His eyes became darker, "The moment you put your hand on someone I love, in the manner you did, then that changed."
Julesran shivered even more as Jack's other hand came to hold his other cheek, his fingers caressing him smoothly and deeply. Jack's face lowered so that their lips almost met. Julesran closed his eyes and moaned with need. Then he knew no more, as Jack dropped his lifeless twisted body to the floor. The telepathic hold the Doctor held on him gone in death.
Jack looked down at the body; he calmed his anger down, breathed deeply. He had just killed someone he had respected and liked. He closed his eyes and thought to himself, its not like you haven't done it before. But he still felt a tear of pain at his passing that he knew he would not have felt in his previous life as a Time Agent, as a conman. Was this what having people to love and be loved by did to you, made you more sentimental and more protective of them than he would have believed possible.
He turned away and left the building swiftly. Out into the fresh air where he took another deep breath and released his anger completely. He looked around quickly found Rose with her arms tightly around Gwen. The Doctor and Rian were watching him, the anger in their faces evident.
He walked swiftly to them, kissed Rian on the cheek whispering thanks to her. He went on the Doctor and kissed him hard and true, whispering thank you, I love you. Then turning to Gwen he pulled her out of Roses' arms and held her tightly. "Ohh sweetheart thank you so much for saving me."
"I knew if I could keep them from hitting you again until the Doctor and Rian arrived all would be well." Gwen said into his chest, tears still falling, her voice cracking slightly.
"It is all finished with now Gwen. All finished."
Gwen looked up at him and frowned. "Don't we need to hand them over to the authorities?"
Jack's face became hard for a moment. "No, they will not do that to anyone ever again."
"You killed them?" Jack nodded; she shivered in fear, "Why?"
"Because they hurt someone I love." He said simply. "No one does that and lives."
Her eyes looked at him hard for a moment as what he said sunk in. "I love you too, but I don't know if I can cope with this way of life."
"Its alright, were going to go back to the club now, get changed, have a good meal." His eyes connected with the Doctors, and he nodded his agreement, "then we will go back to the Tardis, sleep this thing off. And then go somewhere less eventful."
Again the Doctor nodded. Jack smiled at him and turned to walk with his arms still around Gwen, The Doctor gathered Rose in one arm and Rian in the other and they walked silently back to the club. No one spoke until they were in the room and Jack sat down with Gwen on his knee, curled up against him.
The Doctor ordered drinks and food, and then shut the door.
Rose laughed suddenly, and looked at Jack, "Right Mr all about safety, next time you try and keep us safe, remember your as much a target with those pretty boy looks and the way you seduce and flirt with anything, as we are. OK?"
Jack looked at her his mouth open for a moment in shock, Gwen began to laugh as well, "Well you are an idiot sometime Jack, this has just proven that even you aren't perfect."
He grinned, at them both, "Well at least it got you two laughing. And I never claimed to be perfect, only the Doctor does that."
Rose and Gwen laughed harder and Rian joined in as the Doctor's face dropped in annoyance, "I do not!" he said in defence of himself with just a hint of childishness at the corners.
"Course you do Gramps!" Rian moved round to sit on the arm of the sofa next to Rose.
"Not fair Rian, I can't be held responsible for what some of my previous selves have claimed in madness." He whined slightly angrily.
"Course you are, as you are quick to point out you are still the same person underneath, its just the nuances on top that are different." She said in a voice of shear seduction as she stood and walked to stand in front of him, her fingers on his cheek. His eyes watch her with caution realising she was up to something.
"Rian what are you up to?" he asked nervously, knowing she could best him easily in some ways, and she rarely showed it and now he felt the stirrings that she was about to do something showy.
"Nothing Gramps," she smiled, kissed him on the cheek and walked away to look out of the view wall over the still dancing street below. Behind her the Doctor breathed out a sigh of relief until he felt his body being lifted in to the air, he screeched at her as Jack, Rose and Gwen all fell into hysterics. He was turned upside down and moved over to one of the walls where he stayed. He silenced himself knowing the longer he complained the longer he would be there.
"Ok that definitely wasn't a telepathic power Rian, you used it in the basement as well, what is it?" Jack asked determined to find out.
"I'm part Kershann Jack, think about it." Rian laughed as she turned round and watched the Doctor as he sulked.
Jacks face laughed as well, "Of course, they are godlike, perfect in every detail."
"Up themselves as much as the dusty old Time Lords were. They were good bedfellows for each other. They hated one another."
"Do you have all their legendary powers?" Jack asked in awe suddenly remembering his mythology from the Time Academy.
"Nah," she laughed, "I wouldn't want them anyway. I can do some of psychokinesis and I can fold space. But I am only part so I have well defined limitations. Telepathy is the one I inherited from both, and it's the strongest"
The Doctor moaned as he was moved off of the wall and lowered back to stand on his feet. He walked over to her as she grinned at him. "You are a bitch sometimes Rian."
"You wouldn't have me any other way Doc." She laughed. He joined in.
They all looked around as their food and drink was brought in. Rian and the Doctor moved it all to the floor in front of the view wall so that they could picnic and watch the still dancing hordes below.
They chatted about anything and everything, and enjoyed being together and safe. When the food was done the Doctor said they should get dressed and make their way through the crowds towards the Tardis. He said although they he knew the humans would be all right with their telepathic acupuncture for a few hours yet, he wanted to give Rose especially a quick medical check up before she started to sleep for three days.***
They danced in the crowds as they walked slowly back down the street towards the Tardis, and drank in the closing hours of the intense party around them.
As they walked into the Tardis Jack remembered something he wanted to show Rose and Gwen. "Rian can we go to your room?" She nodded and Jack took hold of Rose and Gwen's hands in his as he led the way, Rian followed slowly behind, knowing what he wanted to show them. The Doctor lagged behind and popped into the med bay to pick up the portable med scanner.
Jack dragged the girls into Rian's room and immediately over to the three photos of the Doctor in his glorious previous form.
"Ohh, its him," Rose started, her voice cracking as tears filled her eyes.
"Who?" Gwen asked as she saw similar tears in Jack's eyes.
"The Doctor we fell in love with, hey Rian." Jack looked over at Rian as she hovered away from the other three.
"Yes Jack." She admitted quietly. She turned as the Doctor was suddenly next to her; he frowned, but thankfully didn't say anything.
"Its me Gwen, in my previous body." The Doctor chuckled, he looked at the photos and sighed, he knew they had all loved him as that man more than this. Hell even he felt the stirrings of want when he looked at himself. "I've decided it was the brooding you all fell for."
Jack laughed, "The smile, the stunning and caustic humour and that arse."
Rose giggled and joined in, "The smile, the person underneath, the eyes and that arse."
Rian laughed got into the spirit and adding, "The smile and the eyes, the long talks into the evening, the romance, ohh and that arse."
The Doctor grinned widely then suddenly realised that they really had all fallen in love with him, he looked around at his current arse, "Are you telling me that I am no longer as good looking, sexy, romantic, and that my arse is not as gorgeous as before?"
They all laughed out loud, and Jack came up behind him and slapped the said arse saying, "That's not an arse, that's a play thing."
"You wish." The Doctor retorted.
"Played with and enjoyed, and want lots more of." Jack quipped back, a yawn breaking through his grin.
"OK on the bed the three of you, strip down to what you want to sleep in, and let me run the med scanner over each of you before you pass out." He watched as they all did, Rose and Gwen both down to knickers and t-shirts and Jack naked, of course. The Doctor ran the med scanner over Gwen and Jack and assured both they were fine. Rose's was a bit off but nothing that couldn't be monitored and fixed easily whilst she slept. They were all yawning now, and the Doctor leaned in and kissed them all quickly, telling them to sleep well, and before he had walked over to speak to Rian all three were sound asleep. Rose cuddled into Jack from one side, Gwen from the other.
The Doctor watched them, sighing in relief that all was well. He turned to Rian and gave her the med scanner, "Keep an eye on Rose, you may need to give her some glucose, she seems slightly low."
Rian nodded, looking at the scanner, then dropping it on the lilac armchair she had intended to curl up in with a good book. "Where are you going?"
"To see Breen. When I get back I'll take us some where quiet for a few days, and you and I can talk."
"The fact you loved him. You never mentioned it Sweetone."
"There was no reason to." She sighed. "I love all of you, you know that."
"But as you said when we rescued you, he was special, I should have seen it then." He shook his head in sadness.
"Seen what?" she asked quietly avoiding his eyes.
"The child you carry." He said simply. "The one you have been trying to hide from me since you got here."
"Ahh." She said understanding. "I wasn't ready to tell you. You had been through so much recently. Finding them again, living for them for once rather than brooding."
"I have already guessed how far along you are, but just humour me by telling me yourself." He said quietly trying to keep his face from betraying how hurt he felt.
"4 Months, still to soon to be visible in a Time Lord pregnancy of 15 months." She said quietly, "For me it's only been three and a half months since you left me behind and went back to them."
"Oh Sweetone," he said gathering her into his arms, "And I regenerated before you saw him again. I am so sorry. When was it that you fell?"
"The night in London."
"The Led Zeppelin gig you dragged me to?" he laughed slightly remembering his horror at her request to be taken out for an evening and then his relaxing into the music of the band totally to the point of now being a huge secret fan.
She nodded and laughed slightly nervously, "You loved it."
"Oh yes would definitely like to do a few more of their gigs, especially with you around." He paused, and then sang quietly to her, "Heed the path that led me to that place, yellow desert stream. My shangri-la beneath the summer moon, I will return again."
He kissed her on the forehead, and turned away, "I'll be as quick as I can with Breen." He said as he disappeared out of the door.
Rian didn't watch him go she moved over to three photo's the Doctor had put up here for her, after those 4 weeks together, tears streaming down her face. No one else had noticed the simple writing on each one, in Gallifreyian. The first stating Always. The second, And Forever. The third, My Sweetone.
It was the closest he had come to saying how he felt about her ever. Well time to move on, she took a book from the pile on her desk, she sat to read it as the three humans slept silently in her bed. She wondered if she could leave now before he got back, and knew that wasn't an option. But she couldn't stay here. This was his family now, Jack and Rose. With Gwen an honorary member as long as she decided to stay. She had never seen herself as part of his life in that way. Old and dear friends was closer to the point, until nine that was. Until she fell in love totally.
Breen looked up from the cup of water he was drinking as the Doctor slipped into his office in the University. He smiled, having known his old friend would be here soon.
The Doctor said nothing, just threw himself down into an old fashioned leather armchair that Breen kept there for him. He put his hand to his head as he went over what he had gained and learnt in the last few days. It was all life changing. And mainly towards proper family rather than travelling. He wondered how long Rose and Rian would cope constantly travelling in the Tardis with babies. Then he knew Rian would never stay and probably Rose would go with her. Just as he got them back they would all leave him again.
Breen came over and placed a fresh cup of tea in front of him on the small table and sat back on his own chair, watching the thoughts and feelings play over the Doctor's face.
"Jack, Rose and Rian will never willingly leave you. But you may have to change everything to stop yourself leaving them." Breen said quietly pausing to allowing his words to sink into the Time Lords brain. "Gwen will stay a while but will miss her home and her partner and wish to return."
The Doctor looked at him. "I like Gwen. But I could see she won't stay, her home is too large in her soul for her to walk away for any length of time." He paused, sighed sadly and continued. "You saw of course that Rian was with child. My child."
"Yes Doctor." He sighed as well, it was a difficult situation. "She was not deceiving you in any way, I felt her heartbreaking anguish that you had regenerated again. She was just trying to find the right time to tell you with so many others around who would be hurt by the knowledge she bore your child. They cope with you all having sex, and in time Rose and Jack will accept her as one of your family, but you have to give them and her time."
The Doctor nodded.
"Look at it from her point of view Doctor. You went to her for four weeks, made her fall in love with you and then walked away, like you two have done to each other for hundreds of years, only this time you were returning to two humans you loved more than life and you left her with child. She is hurting enormously. She doesn't know what to do for the best. And if you let her run away again you will run the risk of not knowing you son until he is much older. You adore children, make her and Rose stay by changing. I won't say it will be easy, it doesn't stop you doing what you have always done, it just means maybe its time to settle somewhere. Probably somewhere where Rian already feels safe and secure."
"The Valley?" The Doctor asked, thinking of Rian's home on Galpeter, "My shangri-la!" He had always seen himself there, he had this urge to live out his final years there with her. He had never thought they would have a child. A Time Lord to follow on from him. Someone he could teach the secrets of Time and Space to. The ones that he always kept hidden from anyone else. He smiled suddenly, "A child of my own."
Brenn laughed slightly at the Doctor's delight as the news finally sunk into the Time Lords brain. "Yes a child of your own. You were always a good father and nothing will change that."
"Will I live long enough to nurture and keep him safe until he is ready to take my place?" the Doctor looked at Breen knowing that this was one of the things Breen's kind could see with ease.
"If you make the changes then I can see you still being here in over a thousand years, and possibly more children being born to you and Rian and Jack." Breen said openly, he never held back on what he saw to the Doctor, "If you don't and you loose Jack, Rose and Rian then I can only see you here for a hundred years."
The Doctor paled, he knew he had been going through his regenerations to fast but the difference was enormous. Then he thought of another question, "How long would we have Rose for?"
Breen shivered. He had known the Doctor would ask that one, and suddenly he wish didn't have to answer. "Too short a time."
"More detail please Breen, I need more detail." The Doctor urged as he sat forward and placed his head in his hands, his eyes wet from the tears he was crying.
"I don't want to tell you Doctor." Breen said softely. His small hand fluttering out to touch the Time Lords arm in an attempt to sooth him.
"I need to know, I will have plans to make, for her, and the child, and for Jack and Rian as well." He didn't raise his head, just let the tears flow.
"Less than ten years." Breen said almost in a whisper.
"Can I stop it?"
"Only by killing yourself completely."
"I would for her." He said softly, "I have for her."
"But would you again Doctor, your son would be eight by then. That is too early for him to loose you." Breen stated simply.
The Doctor knew he would not be able to save Rose this time. He sobbed quietly. Ten years was nothing. His brain started looking for a way to stop her dying that wouldn't involve him dying. Her son would loose his mother at too young an age and to stop that happeneing he would die and leave his son fatherless. That was too awful a situation to consider. "If I find a way to make her immortal like Jack will that stop this from happening?"
"Do you think she would want to be, do you think she would cope with watching you wither and die in front of her Doctor, how do you think Rian will cope, and Jack?" Breen questioned his ideas, and made him think more carefully. "Go back to them Doctor. Go and come back soon. There is more but you don't need it now."
The Doctor wiped his tears looked down at the cooling cup of tea, picked the cup up and drank it quickly. He stood and walked over to Breen hugging his old friend tightly. "Thank you Breen. Your Oracle wisdom is as always gratefully received. Is there anything I can do for you?"
"Not this time Doctor, go be with your family. Rian is waiting for you. She is scared, make her feel special." Breen said, "Good bye until next time Doctor."
"Good bye Breen." The Doctor walked swiftly from the room, the door shut behind him and Breen sat quietly contemplating what he hadn't told the Doctor. It was years away yet, so he knew he would see his oldest friend again before that, he had the tingling that said soon two adorable little babies would be brought for him to meet. He smiled sadly.
The Doctor slipped into the Tardis quietly. He had had a good slow walk back, thinking about what Breen had said to him. He had to change. Well he would. Right now. He set the cooridinates for the Valley.
He walked to Rian's room, opening the door quietly in case she had fallen asleep as well. Instead he saw her look up from where she was curled up with her feet under her in the armchair. Her eyes were red and puffy, and he suspected his were as well. His eyes flickered to Rose asleep next to Jack. His hearts cried out with the knowledge that he had to save her. He promised her he would do eveyrthing he could to work that one out. But he would never tell her, or Jack what Breen had said, it was too unfair on them.
His eyes came back to Rian, and he smiled happily at her as he walked over swiftly and knelt in front of her chair, his fingers seeking out her lower abdomen his mind reaching out to touch the small life hidden with in. Touching the mind of his son. He smiled broadly, "I'm going to be a father."
Rian smiled too, it wasn't what she expected him to say, "Yes you are."
"I've set course for the Valley, I thought we should look over the Farmhouse and see what work we need to do to put in a couple of nurserys and play rooms for the children. And we will have to acquire at least two other Time Ships for you and Jack, for the times you don't want to be with me." Rian listened to his excitement grow in his voice. She smiled bigger and then he was quiet, looking her in the eyes, his lips came to hers and they kissed, very slowly and gently and lovingly before he pulled back, "Always and forever My Sweetone."
The tears filled her eyes and she allowed him to wrap her in his arms.
The Doctor looked over at his sleeping family and knew he had done the right thing for once in his long life, Rose he would work on. But for as long as he could he would keep his family together. That meant change and he would do anything for them. Anything for Rose and Jack, and for Rian, and of course the two children they would soon have. And for Gwen, as long as she chose to stay with them.
"Shall we curl up with them and get some sleep whilst the Tardis takes us there?" he asked. Rian nodded and stood up, stripping as quickly as he did, he held the covers up on Rose's side of the bed, and Rian slipped in and cuddled in to Rose's back, and the Doctor cuddled in to hers, her hand on Roses' sleeping child, the Doctor's on hers. And they slept.***
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