Title: Survivors
By: karaokegal
Fandom: Torchwood AU
Pairing: Jack/Owen
Wordcount: 130
Written for hannahorlove in the Request A Drabble Meme.
Prompt: Jack/Owen. About 200 years down the line and assuming Owen and Tosh didn't die at the end of season 2.After a hundred years, Jack finally started to appreciate the great favour the Doctor had done him by flitting in and out of his life, painful as every goodbye had been.
Death changes a man, but Owen was still Owen and Jack was still Jack and rarely had a combination of affection and homicidal impulses dwelt at such close quarters for so long.
It had been better when Tosh was still there. She’d made it to 44, a record for mortal Torchwood employees. Today was the day of their annual toast and Jack still didn’t know if he was sorry or grateful it had ended up this way.
They raised glasses without a word, because all the words had been said and their embrace, as always was cold, cold comfort.
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- Amazon.com - Torchwood: Children of Earth
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- Amazon.ca link - Torchwood - The Complete First Season (7DVD)