Title: Share & Share Alike
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: NC-17
Table: 2
Prompt: 98, Sharing
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones, the Tenth Doctor, or Jack Harkness. Please do not sue.***
Ianto sighed as he leaned back in his chair and loosened his tie. It had been an uneventful day, at least by Torchwood standards. They'd only had to leave the office once, and that had been a false alarm -- they'd come back to the office with everyone in a disgruntled mood. But at the moment, everything appeared to be under control, which he was thankful for. He hated having to deal with tension that wasn't quickly resolved.
If that was so, then what did he call his "relationship" with Jack? His lips twisted in a wry grimace that might be interpreted as a smile. They'd agreed not to be exclusive -- which was more Jack's idea than his. He was beginning to feel as though Jack only looked at his body as an extension of his job, and that the immortal didn't see him as anything other than an opportunity to fuck when something else didn't present itself.
A slight noise from the direction of Jack's office drew his attention, and brought a frown to his face. "Something else," in this case, being the Doctor. Ianto didn't consider himself jealous of the Time Lord; no, it was the other way around. He was jealous of Jack for having someone like the Doctor, and treating the other man as though he was only good for one thing whenever he happened to show up at the Hub.
Ianto sighed again, leaning forward to rest his elbows on the desk. He shouldn't paint Jack in such a bad light. He was, after all, surprisingly kind -- when he wanted to be. And he'd been honest with Ianto from the start of their relationship, letting him know not to expect any kind of fidelity. It was enough that Jack cared about him; they'd already had that discussion, and Ianto knew that it was the best he was going to get.
Jack was with the Doctor now, he was sure. And he shouldn't be sitting here listening to them. Whatever noises they were making was something kept between them, not meant for others to share. Ianto wanted to put his hands to his ears when he heard a soft moan, sounding as though it was coming from right beside him. The Doctor, unmistakably. He didn't want to think about what Jack might be doing to the Time Lord.
And he didn't want to think about the fact that he desperately wanted to be in Jack's place. He wanted to be the one who was allowed to have free rein over the Doctor's body. Yes, he was jealous of Jack, all right. A jealousy that flared so high and bright, he might as well paint his face green and glower at Jack every day. Ianto was sure that his feelings didn't show, but they were there nonetheless, and harder to hold back with each passing day.
As if in response to some silent summons, the door to Jack's office opened, and the immortal poked his head out, looking in the direction of Ianto's desk. He waved a hand at the young Welshman, indicating that he wanted Ianto to come into his office -- the office where Ianto was absolutely sure he'd been shagging the Doctor.
"Ianto, can you come in here?" Jack didn't sound breathless; he didn't even look as though he had a hair out of place. Odd, for a man who'd more than likely been shagging himself silly for the last hour or so, Ianto thought sourly. How could he manage to look so perfectly in control all the time? It just wasn't fair.
Jack's next words startled him, so much so that it was hard for him to move -- or even to think -- for a few moments.
"I have something I want to share with you."
He couldn't mean .... no. It was impossible. For one wild second, Ianto's heart had lurched in his chest, visions of the two of them taking turns with the Doctor dancing through his mind. He dismissed them sternly, locking them down in the back of his mind and refusing to acknowledge them. That couldn't be the reason Jack was looking at him so insistently. No, it was probably some silly joke that had struck him as funny that he wanted to share. Nothing else.
He nodded, getting up slowly and crossing the room, going to the door of Jack's office. He couldn't help but hesitate before he crossed the threshold; he had no idea what he'd see, and there was no way that he wanted to walk in on irrefutable proof that Jack had been shagging the Doctor. Ianto wasn't sure he'd be able to keep his jealousy under control if he saw that.
Ianto stopped when he entered the office, eyes widening in surprise. He hadn't expected to be greeted by the spectacle of a half-naked Doctor, obviously in the first stages of getting undressed. His shirt was off, his trousers obviously soon heading in the same direction, his hair disheveled. The Gallifreyan looked up as Ianto entered the room, holding out his hand to the young man and smiling.
"Well, hello. I had my doubts as to whether Jack would be able to convince you that we aren't some variation of the big bad wolf who'll gobble you up in one bite, but it seems that he's somehow managed it." The Doctor's voice was soft, soothing, a slight teasing note in the timbre of it. Ianto thought he could easily curl himself up inside his voice and get lost; the Doctor could recite phone numbers in that voice and he'd listen all day.
Jack crossed the room to the Doctor's side, sliding an arm around the Time Lord's slender waist just as his trousers made their way over his narrow hips to land in a pile of fabric around his feet. The Doctor stepped out of them, standing bare in front of Ianto, apparently with no shame at his nudity. Ianto could feel his cheeks coloring; his face felt as if it was blazing with embarrassment.
Part of him didn't want to look at the man he considered to belong to Jack, for fear of offending either one of them; part of him wanted to feast his eyes on the Doctor's nude body, take in every inch of the Time Lord while he had the chance. Though he knew he should pay attention to the former, his mind had decided to go with the latter. He couldn't have stopped staring even if he'd wanted to -- and he most definitely didn't want to stop.
"I've been wanting to share with you for a while, Ianto." Jack's voice was soft, as soft as the Doctor's had been only seconds ago. "I've wanted to do this for a long time now -- I just didn't know how you would react to it."
"So I convinced him that there was no time like the present to find out just what you think of the idea," the Doctor added, glancing at Jack and raising an eyebrow. "I hope it doesn't come as too much of a shock to you."
Ianto could only stand there, his mouth open, before finally snapping it shut and nodding. "I .... You .... We ...." He couldn't seem to force his tongue to make the words come out right; they are all jumbled up in his mind, tumbling over each other in their haste to get out, to the point where he was incapable of coherent speech.
"Ianto." The teasing note was in Jack's voice, the smile on his face widening. "It's not that shocking, is it? You're a gorgeous man. You can't blame us for wanting you."
"You want to .... to share ....?" He still couldn't quite find his voice, swallowing hard and trying again. "I'm .... not entirely sure this is actually happening."
"It's happening," the Doctor said softly, moving from Jack's embrace and coming to stand in front of Ianto, putting both hands on the young Welshman's shoulders. "Jack wants to share me with you. Is it really so hard to fathom?"
"Yes," Ianto whispered, his eyes meeting the Doctor's frank, open gaze. "I can't believe that he wants to share you with me. He has the most beautiful man I've ever seen -- and he wants to share? It doesn't make sense." He turned to Jack, his hands clenching into fists. "Have you asked him what he thinks of being shared? It seems cruel to me, to just give him to someone else, like he's your .... your slave."
"Ianto." The Doctor's hand was on his shoulder, turning him to face the Time Lord again. "I'm not bothered by the prospect at all. In fact, it was partially my idea. Please don't feel that Jack is doing anything I don't want. You should know him well enough by now to know that he wouldn't deliberately hurt anyone he cares for."
Jack moved to stand behind the Doctor, sliding gentle arms around the Time Lord's waist and letting the thin man lean back against him. "Ianto, you don't honestly think I'd hurt him like that, do you?" A hurt look crossed his features, a look of pain that Ianto had never seen there before. "I wouldn't do anything against his will. Or yours, for that matter."
"I know you wouldn't." Ianto felt ashamed of himself for the thoughts he'd been having. Of course Jack wouldn't do anything against the Doctor's will. He'd always known that Jack loved the Time Lord, and truth be told, Ianto could hardly fault him for that, considering that his own feelings for the Doctor had been growing each time they met.
"Well, then." The Doctor placed a hand under Ianto's chin, tilting the young man's face up to his. "Ianto .... you don't have to do this if you don't want to, you know." His voice was gentle, his touch like a waterfall cascading against Ianto's cheek. "I'd be disappointed, of course, but I'd understand. Neither of us would force you into anything you didn't want, so please don't feel that you have to say yes just to please us."
"But I do want to." Suddenly the words were pouring out, the long-bottled-up emotions finally freed. "I've wanted to for so long. I've wanted to be with you ever since the first time we met. I just .... I never said anything because I didn't want to offend you. Or Jack."
"You wouldn't have offended me, Ianto." Jack's hand was in his hair, the immortal's soft voice washing over his senses. "How could you not want him? And how could he not want you? The two of you mean more to me than anybody else ever has. Being with both of you .... that would be a dream come true for me."
"Now that we've got that all straightened out --" The Doctor's hands were on either side of his face, soft fingertips stroking over his skin; the Doctor's lips were on his, the slow, gentle kiss the culimination of a thousand dreams. But so much better than any dream he'd ever had, better because it was real. Not a dream any longer. A reality. His reality.
"You're both wearing far too many clothes," the Doctor murmured, his words sounding breathless and a bit strained. "I do take offense to being the only naked man in this room."
"That can be easily remedied," Ianto whispered, starting to unbutton his shirt. The Doctor's eyes were following the motions of his hands, the Time Lord's lips slightly parted, his chest rising and falling more rapidly as his breath came faster. Ianto leaned forward to capture his lips again, savoring the sweetness of the Doctor's mouth under his own.
Jack was leading the Doctor backwards across the room, to the couch by the window. He sat down on teh couch, settling back and pulling the Doctor down on top of him, giving Ianto a wonderful view of the Time Lord's backside. Ianto realized with a shock that Jack had managed to quietly strip out of his clothes while the Doctor had been calming his fears; his pulse jumped when it dawned on him that all three of them were now naked.
It was going to happen. All the dreams he'd had about the Doctor were going to come true. Now, here, tonight, in this room. No more wondering what it would be like to be with the Time Lord. Now, he would know.
Jack leaned back against the smooth leather of the couch, reaching behind him for something on the table. Ianto knew what he was looking for; the tube of lubricant that he always kept there, something they'd made use of many times before. He held it out to Ianto, a small smile curving his lips, his other hand stroking down the Doctor's back to rest just above the curve of that luscious ass.
"Do you want to take the lead, Ianto?" he said softly, looking expectantly up at the younger man. "Just be gentle with him. He needs gentle."
Ianto nodded, lowering himself to the couch on suddenly shaking legs. He hadn't expected this, hadn't even dared to dream of it; now it was actually happening, and part of him still wanted to run from it. He wasn't used to having his desires fulfilled like this, and it still seemed like part of a dream. A very vivid, very real dream.
But it wasn't a dream. The way the Doctor's skin felt under his fingertips was real, the curve of his ass, the softness of his thighs, the strangled moan that came from his throat when Ianto's fingers parted his cheeks and brushed against the tight ring of muscle hidden there. That impossible heat that engulfed his fingers when he slid them inside the Time Lord was real, as was the pounding of his own heart against his ribs.
It only took him a few seconds to grasp his own cock and prepare himself; but the Doctor deserved more foreplay than that. Ianto took his time, curling his fingers against the Time Lord's prostate, stretching and preparing the Doctor's body for what was to come. He smiled to himself when he felt the shudder of pleasure that coursed through the Gallifreyan's body; this was far, far better than any dream he could possibly have.
Jack moaned, his head falling back against the couch arm, his hands twining through the Doctor's tawny hair. It took Ianto a moment to realize that the Doctor's head was between Jack's legs, and it definitely didn't take much imagination to know exactly what the Time Lord's mouth was doing. Ianto had enough experience in that direction himself to know just what was going on, and he couldn't help but wonder if the Doctor was better at it than he was.
He couldn't wait any longer. Positioning himself behind the Doctor, he slid his lubed fingers out of the other man, lifting that delectable ass and pressing the large, blunt head of his cock against the tight, miniscule hole. Snapping his hips forward, he thrust deeply inside the Time Lord, eliciting a muffled moan from the Doctor and echoing that moan with his own gasp.
He'd never been inside any man other than Jack before, and that had only happened a few times. The immortal wasn't the type to bottom for anyone, but he'd wanted Ianto to have the experience of being the dominant partner once in a while. Ianto was grateful for that experience; he wanted to give the Doctor as much pleasure as possible, and he doubted that he'd have been able to if he didn't know something about what he was doing.
Ianto gasped again, his hands tightening on the Doctor's hips. It was so different to being inside of Jack. The Doctor was tight, impossibly tight; if Ianto hadn't known better, he'd have sworn the Time Lord was as virginal as he himself had been the first time he and Jack had sex. The heat that engulfed him felt as though it was searing him from the inside out, seeming to pull him deeper inside the Time Lord as if he belonged there.
He settled into a rhythm, his hips flexing against the Doctor's firm, rounded ass with each movement of the Time Lord's head between Jack's legs. His eyes met the immortal's, their gazes locking, no words spoken. They didn't need words, Ianto thought to himself. This was a much more primal communication; it went far beyond speech.
Jack was near the edge; Ianto had no problem knowing just when the immortal was close to coming, only a step away from the point of no return. How many times had he been under that body, his own muscles tensing, knowing that at any second Jack was going to moan his name and release into him? But this time, it was different. This time, he was the one in control.
His own orgasm was close, closer than he knew. He thrust into the Doctor one last time, his own cry mingling with Jack's as they both poured themselves into the slender body between them, the body that was even now spasming with the Doctor's orgasmic shudders. Three of them coming at almost the same moment, Ianto thought dazedly. That had to be some sort of record ....
Ianto barely kept himself from collapsing on top of the Doctor, propping himself up on his elbows and moving his hands slowly down the Time Lord's heaving sides. He laid his head on the Doctor's shoulder, closing his eyes when he felt Jack's hand stroke through his hair. He was completely drained, exhausted, worn down; yet it was the most incredible feeling he'd ever had. He wouldn't exchange it for anything else in the world.
The Doctor's voice, when he spoke, was a thin thread of sound, the words coming out between soft gasps. "That was, beyond a doubt, the most amazing sexual experience I've ever had. You two are the most .... oh, I can't think of a word .... sublime men I've managed to come across in over 900 years."
"You're rather amazing yourself, you know," Ianto murmured, pressing a kiss to the Time Lord's bare shoulder. He didn't have any words; to him, the Doctor was every beautiful thing he'd ever experienced in his life, all rolled together and multiplied.
"So, I take it this means you like being filled at both ends?" Jack raised his head, flashing his cheeky, devil-may-care grin at the Doctor.
"I never said I didn't," the Doctor shot back, winking at the other man. "I wouldn't be averse to doing that again sometime. Preferably sometime soon. Very soon."
Ianto closed his eyes again, a smile curving his lips. He wasn't sure that he was up to that again, but if it was what the Doctor wanted, he'd certainly try his best. Or maybe they could try something else .... there were endless possibilities. And he had the definite feeling that the three of them were going to explore all of those possibilities to the fullest.***
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