Title: Avengers Assistant
Author: Wereleopard58
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Steve Rogers
Rating: FRAO
Spoilers: All of Torchwood, Captain America: The First Avengerand Avengers Assemble (I am in the UK)
Summary: Nick Fury needs help on aliens. Ianto Jones is now the assistant to the Avengers and advisor to S.H.I.E.L.D. What happens when he gets to know the ultimate good guy Captain America himself Steve Rogers.
Disclaimer. I own nothing to do with Torchwood, Captain America or Avengers Assemble.***
Ever since Jack had come back and Ianto had seen the interaction between him and Gwen he could no longer pretend. As soon as they were alone together and Jack had asked him on that date, it took everything Ianto had in him to say no and explain why. Jack had tried to explain that what Ianto saw wasn't meant in that way.
Ianto didn't, couldn't believe him. There had always been something between the Gwen and Jack. It hurt but it had to be this way.
"Ianto." Tosh said as she came up beside him. "I'm sorry that this had to happen to you. I know how much you love Jack." She laid her head on his arm.
"I know you are and I'm glad that I have you." Ianto said sending a sad smile her way.
"So dinner tonight, my treat." Tosh grinned brightly at him.
"How could I say no to that." Ianto laughed and hugged her tightly. He had no idea what he would have done without Tosh. She had been his lifeline. Owen had been quiet and nice, that was as far as he would push things.
A mobile phone started to ring. Ianto looked down and pulled it out of his pocket. He frowned as he looked at the display. Clicking the button to answer he put it to his ear.
His face paled. "Yes sir it's Ianto Jones. Yes, you want me to what exactly? Oh and your sure it's me? No, sir of course not I didn't mean to second guess you. Yes, I would be honoured when do I have to leave. Ok, what about my job here and what will I tell Captain Harkness. Very well. Goodbye sir and thank you." Ianto stared at his phone a little longer before he placed it back into his pocket.
"Ianto what is it?" Tosh asked.
"I have to leave, I need to pack." Ianto mumbled trying to get everything sorted in his mind what he needed to do before he left.
"Ianto what the hell are you talking about, go where?" Jack demanded he didn't want Ianto to go. "You belong here with Torchwood, it is your job after."
"Jack, you'll be getting a phone call explaining everything. I am not at liberty to tell you where I have been assigned." Ianto turned to Tosh and hugged her. "We'll talk as soon as I can."
Gwen walked over and put her arm around Jack's waste and smiled at him. "It'll be ok Jack, you still have me," she paused for a moment, "and the rest of us."
Jack turned and smiled at her. Tosh looked back towards Ianto and shook her head.
"Maybe this is for the best." She whispered making sure no one else heard her.
Ianto followed Director Fury onto the 'bridge' and was being shown around why waiting for 'The Avengers' to arrive. He didn't know what to expect but this was bigger than anything he could have dreamed off. To be honest Jack was the real alien expert and Ianto had no idea why he was picked instead, they could have had Tosh and her computer skills or Owen and his medical degree. But, they had picked him.
"You said to come and meet someone sir," A voice said from behind them.
Ianto turned around and lucky he managed to not drop his jaw at the man in front of him, a very, very fine specimen of a man. Ianto had only ever been attracted to Jack, he had only thought it was just the immortal but obviously he was wrong.
"Captain Steve Rogers, I would like you to meet our new liaison, and the avengers new assistant Ianto Jones." Nick introduced them.
"It's very nice to meet you Captain Rogers." Ianto said politely and held out his hand.
"You to Mr Jones." The two men stood their shaking hands and staring at each other.
"Please call me Ianto."
"Then you must call me Steve."
The two men just smiled at each other. Nick shook his head and turned away. Agent Maria Hill grinned this should be very interesting to watch.
Six months had passed and still no one new what Ianto was doing. The only thing that they could find out was that he was in America. He did miss him very much and somehow he ended up dating Gwen. It just seemed to have happened. She split up from Rhys. So now the two of them were trying a relationship but it didn't stop him thinking about is Welshman and how he was getting on.
It wasn't just him they all wanted to know more and make sure he was safe.
Ianto grinned across at the woman sitting across from him.
"No, Tasha there is nothing going on." He shook his head.
Natasha Romanov stared at him. "I've seen the way you look at each other. Why don't you ask him out? I mean who wouldn't want to date Captain America."
"I've told you why, I think we must be nearing the million now."
"I know, apart from Steve, you have only ever been interested in one man. This Jack Harkness person. Of course, Steve is probably still a virgin who was interested in only one woman before he went to sleep for 70 years."
"He needs to find his own way Tasha."
"I think he still sees himself as a geeky kid and needs someone to ask him out." She paused for a moment. "Or maybe someone else can arrange a date."
"Don't you dare do anything Tasha, I mean it." Ianto glared at her. He liked Steve a lot but he was still dealing with everything that happened to him and Ianto didn't want to be an experiment like that.
Natasha saw the sadness in his eyes, reaching over she held his hand. "Ok, I promise. For now. I want you to be happy that's all."
"I know you do. So you and Clint?" Ianto replied with a grin.
"You know we are just friends." Tasha chuckled.
"That's what they all say you know that. Come on we'd better get back. Thor should be here by now. Fury wanted to speak to you all and..."
"They'll want your coffee." Tasha replied. "Why do we go out instead of you making it?"
"Because if I started to make it I wouldn't get any rest or coffee. This is my escape from the kitchen. I should never have learnt how to make good coffee."
"Well, when the next bad guy attack's will force your coffee down his throat and he'll do what ever you want." Another male voice joined in.
"Mr Stark, you're not funny, you do realise that." Ianto said looking up at the newcomer.
"Yes I am Ianto, it just doesn't transcribe very well into Welsh obviously."
"No, Ianto's right." Tasha said as they both stood. "You're really aren't that funny."
The three of them started to head towards S.H.I.E.L.D.
Tasha was still keeping on at Ianto to ask Steve out on a date. It had been three days non stop of her talking about it. He knew that if he didn't do something that she was going to get involved to. Tasha didn't have many people she considered friends but when they were she would do anything to make sure they were happy. Even against said friends wishes.
Ianto put the cups down on the side, turned and walked straight into someone. Strong arms gripped hold of his shoulders making sure he didn't fall. Ianto didn't to look up to know who it was.
"Are you okay Ianto?" Steve asked in a quiet voice.
Ianto finally looked up at him. "Yes, I am fine. Thank you."
Tasha watched from the door waiting to see what happened. If nothing this time then she was getting involved. It was obvious from the looks that went between the two of them they were both interested.
"Uhhh Ianto." Steve stepped back and dropped his gaze to the floor. "I was wondering would you..." He stopped.
"Would I what?" Ianto replied in a soft voice.
"Would you like to go out, with me I mean sometime?" Steve rushed the words out. "On a date."
Ianto couldn't stop the huge smile. "I would love to. When were you thinking?"
Steve's head snapped up. "How about tonight when we're finished here?"
"That sounds great."
Tasha smiled and snuck away. It looks like she wouldn't have to get involved after all.
Gwen stared at Jack confusion on her face. Tosh and Owen just sat their drinking.
"What's wrong Jack?" Gwen finally snapped.
"Nothings wrong." Jack replied.
"You're in a world of your own mate." Owen didn't want to get involved in a relationship argument but Jack had been like this at the hub.
"I found a picture of Ianto and just wondered what he was doing?"
Gwen paled it always made her nervous when Ianto was brought up.
"Well I don't know what he is doing but he sounds happy." Tosh missed him and it did hurt that he was so happy where he was.
"I just want to know what he does and why all the secrecy. It can't be more then we do. Why can't I get security clearance."
Silence fell around them, they quietly sipped at their drinks.
It had been a fairly easy day, no major problems. So Ianto and Steve had managed to get out easily enough for their date. It had gone well, very well indeed. Steve being the man he was walked Ianto to his apartment building and to his door.
"I had a great time tonight Steve." Ianto smiled sweetly, feeling that nervous rush at the start of something new.
"So did I." Steve liked his lips nervously moved his head down slightly and stopped.
Ianto could stop the smile getting wider. Here was one of the sexiest, sweetest and most innocent men every created and he wanted a nobody Welshman. Ianto decided to help out Steve reaching up and wrapping his arm around the taller man's neck he pulled him down into a kiss.
Ianto couldn't help but smile the last two weeks had been great with Steve. It was very much like old fashioned dating. It was something that he had never done with Jack. He loved dating, some nights the two of them didn't go out they just stayed in one of their apartments watching movies and making-out. Steve had so much things to catch up on.
Different kinds of restaurants, theatre and the cinema just to name a few. Ianto loved showing this whole new world, including the relationship one. He didn't mind the sly looks or the jokes. He could deal with all of that because at the end of the day he had Steve. The only problem was trying to broach the next subject of how far did Steve what to go? Did he know what two men did together? This was something he was going to have to ask. The furthest they had gone apart from kissing was jacking each other off. He loved to feel his hand wrapped around Steve's cock feeling it pulse and explode with a sweaty Steve collapsed next to him. Ianto wanted to see much more of that.
Steve sat in his apartment waiting for Ianto staring at his laptop in amazement. How he loved this little machine and everything it could do. He loved kissing his boyfriend. Steve paused for a moment.
"A boyfriend." He muttered to himself and grinned. It was not something he'd ever thought of before he met Ianto.
That was why he was staring at the computer screen feeling very, very turned on. He knew that Ianto was being cautious. Ianto had only been with one man before but Steve hadn't been with anyone. He knew that he was going to have to lead the way to move on to the next stage. At the time he hadn't know what it was and well now he did. Steve was terrified but couldn't want to get started. Somehow he was going to bring up this subject tonight. He had waited long enough to be with someone. Hell, he had been frozen for 70 years.
Nick Fury stared at the screen he couldn't believe it. They needed a very special person, one that didn't exist. They were going to have to find out some other way of solving this problem.
Turning he looked at Maria Hill. "Hill, pass this across to our scientists, Banner and Stark maybe they can come up with something. We'll debrief everyone else tomorrow when they come in."
"Yes, sir." She replied and turned back to her screen.
Steve shut down his laptop as he heard a knock on the door. Grinning he walked over it and opened it. As soon as the door shut Steve pulled Ianto into his arms and kissed him. Loving the feel of the other man in his arms. Slow, teasing kisses that caused a heat deep in his belly.
Finally they pulled back.
"I do love your hello's'" Ianto said chuckling. "Well the private ones anyway." He reached out and took hold of Steve's hand as they walked into the lounge and sat close on the sofa. "So, what's the plan for tonight?"
Steve looked down, his face tinging red with embarrassment. "I... uh we..."
Ianto reached out with both hands and cupped his face so he was looking at him. "You can say anything to me you know that, right?"
"I know it's just, I uhhhh was doing a little research."
Ianto could see where this was going with how red Steve was going. "Really," Ianto drawled. "What did you like the look of?"
"Your mouth on..."
Ianto couldn't help but smile, a man this sexy had not right to be this sweet and innocent. "Would you like me to suck you off?"
Steve stared at him and just nodded his head. Ianto moved onto the floor undoing the button and slowly pulling the zip over a very impressive bulge. He moved his hands to the back of the jeans and making Steve lift up so he could pull them down those long legs. Ianto then threw the denim onto the floor next to him.
"Ianto are..." Steve started to talk.
"Steve you don't know how long I've wanted to do this. Just remember if I do something you don't like just tell me. I want this too be so very good for you." With that Ianto bent his head forward using his tongue he licked across the slit on the head of Steve's cock. Then opening his mouth as Steve groaned and pushed it inside the wet and wonderful cavern.
"Ianto." He sighed as he pushed his hips forward never feeling anything like this before.
Ianto released it with a pop, using one hand to massage that hot, throbbing erection. He took one of Steve's balls in his mouth, rolling it around in his mouth. He didn't want to push to far not for this first time. Once again Ianto took Steve into his mouth, moving up and down his cheeks hollowing as he sucked. Steve his closed, head thrown back. Hands in Ianto's hair stroking gently. His hips moving in time. Ianto started to move quicker sucking harder, one hand moved down. His finger playing with the hole. Not breaching it yet, Steve was not ready for that.
Steve started to move faster, a tingling sensation started in the pit of his stomach. Ianto moved one had to his own trouser's and released himself as he sucked. Wrapping around his shaft he moved in time with the movements off his mouth. He screamed out, his body arched pushing his cock deep into Ianto's throat as he came. Watching as Steve had his orgasm, never seeing anything as sexy as this first time. It wasn't long before Ianto followed him. Covering his hand in his own seed.
Finally Ianto moved away licking his lips and smiling. Staring at a half naked, sweaty Steve Rogers.
"I guess you liked that."
"Yeah. I'm sorry I was so quick." Steve said blushing and panting. "What about you?"
"I'm good, you're not expected to last long on your first time. You're so beautiful." Ianto whispered showing Steve his hand covered his come.
Steve reached over smiling and took hold of it. Bringing it to his lips he slowly licked it clean.
Ianto closed his eyes and groaned. Steve reached down and pulled Ianto into his arms kissing him passionately. The taste of the two of them mingling.
Steve pulled away and stroked Ianto's cheek reverently. "You are so amazing, thank you for being in my life." He then chuckled wickedly and moved forward so he was whispering in Ianto's ear. "I can't wait to do more." Then with a nip to Ianto's lobe he moved back.
"What have I created?" Ianto laughed.
"Hey, I have a lot of years to catch up with." Steve replied.
"But not tonight." Ianto knew it would be too much.
"Sleep with me? I want you to be in my arms tonight." Steve asked.
"As long as we can sleep in my bed tomorrow. On the nights I am by myself I want to be able to imagine you there."
"Well, if we have things my way you won't be sleeping alone again." Steve lifted Ianto into his arms and carried him into his bedroom.
Ianto knew that it was just to sleep but even just being able to be held safe in those strong arms all night would be worth it. "You didn't have to carry me you know."
"I wanted to was that a problem?" Steve asked looking embarrassed.
Ianto reached out and touched him making sure that Steve was looking at him. "Never."
They undressed, sorted themselves out and curled up against each other in bed. Ianto's head resting on Steve's chest.
Natasha watched Steve and Ianto something was different between the two of them and when she got her friend alone she was going to grill him. If he didn't tell her anything then she would torture him so he would. She wanted all the little details. She was so happy for him, for both of them. With lives like theirs if you found happiness you kept hold of it for as long as you can.
"Ok people we have a problem and so far our scientists haven't been able to come up with a solution and that included Dr Banner and Mr Stark." Nick said as he looked around the table.
"What's the problem?" Clint asked.
"We need to get into a certain room." Nick said simply.
Natasha turned and looked at Ianto shrugging her shoulders. Tony tired of these games jumped in.
"Who ever goes into that room dies." He said. Thor opened his mouth to speak. "That includes you big fellow."
"How important is whatever is in that room?" Ianto asked.
"There is another crystal that could possibly used to be linked to Thor's world making it a lot easier to communicate with him and not wait for him to turn up." Nick replied.
"I might have a solution but you are going to give clearance to at least one person, maybe two. I know someone who could help with the communication system."
Everyone turned to look at Ianto.
"What is the solution?" Nick asked.
Ianto knew that Jack was going to kill him for this. "My former boss from Torchwood, he's immortal, can't die."
Steve stared even harder at Ianto as soon as he mentioned his former boss, his ex-lover.
"And the communication systems?" Tony asked he wasn't bad with electronics himself.
Ianto turned and looked at him. "She has this natural ability with alien tech. Her name is Toshiko Sato. I thought she might be able to work with you and could get things done sooner. There are two more members it's going to be difficult for just two of them to vanish without the others."
Nick stood, "I'll see what I can do." With that he headed out.
Bruce Banner turned and looked at him. "Immortal how did that happen?"
"I think I've said enough. That's Jack's story if he wants to tell it." Ianto replied turning to look over at Steve and then smiled.
Jack stared down at the phone in disgust. He hated being given orders.
"Ok, pack up what you need we are leaving for America." Jack ordered.
Tosh, Gwen and Owen all looked at him.
"Why?" Gwen asked.
"We get to find out what Ianto has been doing all of this time. It seems they need me and Tosh."
Tosh grinned and hugged Owen, she was going to see Ianto. Jack couldn't help but smile he was looking forward to seeing their old team-mate. Gwen looked at them all she didn't like this at all.
Steve and Ianto spent the whole night talking.
"I'm not going back to him." Ianto said finally. "I'm with you I don't want anyone else."
There was a knock at Ianto's door.
Steve looked over at Ianto laying in bed.
"Well I'm nearly dressed." He said looking down at his naked chest, his jeans zipped but unbuttoned.
"I do like this look on you." Ianto said with a grin. "It's probably Tasha, give her a treat and answer the door like that."
Steve shook his head and left the bedroom walking to the front door opening it.
"I'm sorry can I help you?" Steve asked politely ignoring the four pairs of eyes roaming over him.
"We're looking for Ianto Jones?" Tosh asked.
"You have the right place." Steve said smiling. "Who are you?"
"Captain Jack Harkness, who the hell are you?"
"Hello Captain Harkness, Ianto has told me a lot about you, about all of you." Steve smiled at them. "I'm Captain Steve Rogers."
Tosh and Gwen stood there mouths open staring at the other man.
"Steve, who is I..." Ianto's voice trailed off as he saw their visitors.
He moved forward and hugged Tosh and Gwen. Owen slapped him on the arm and smirked.
Ianto stood back not sure what to do with Jack. Afraid to give him and Steve the wrong idea. Steve moved forward and placed a hand on the centre of his back.
"I'll go and get a shirt on." Steve kissed Ianto on the cheek and turned and walked away.
Ianto, the girls and Jack turned their heads to watch him leave. Ianto shook his head and couldn't help but smile. Somehow he had managed to end up dating Captain America.
"Ianto..." Jack's frown became more pronounced when the Welshman didn't turn around. "Ianto." He said again louder this time,
Ianto looked back at them blushing. "Sorry."
"Don't be." Tosh said with a grin. "It was a very nice view. So how long have you and he been seeing each other."
"It's a new thing. Please come in." Ianto moved away from the door and they went inside his apartment and sat down.
"So how did you meet him?" Gwen asked, wondering if this was how Ianto felt whenever she had been in the room and the two men had been together. She did owe him and apology, a huge one and hoped that he would except it.
"We work together."
"You do like your office romances Ianto don't you?" Jack muttered.
Ianto turned and glared at him. "My closest friends are the people are work with. Just like working with Torchwood, what I do now is important."
Gwen slapped Jack on the arm glaring at him. There was a knock at the door. Steve walked out of the bedroom, with a shirt on much to the disappointment of Tosh and Gwen. Ianto stood and walked out to the door.
Steve walked closer and then stared at Jack for a moment. "Ianto has become important to all of us that he works with. He does everything he can to make our lives in and out of work run smoother so we can help people. Ianto is much of a hero as we are to us, he just doesn't get it. We are trying to show him that he is important." Steve made the implication clear that at Torchwood Ianto didn't feel that way. "Also he now has some very dangerous and important friends who wouldn't like to to see him upset."
"Do you mean you?" Jack replied standing up.
Steve laughed. "I'm a soldier and yes can be deadly but I wasn't the one I was thinking off."
Ianto walked in laughing with another woman. "Hey all this is Natasha Romanov. Tasha this is Jack Harkness, Toshiko Sato, Gwen Cooper and Owen Harper."
"She is." Steve answered quickly.
"She is what?" Ianto asked looking confused.
"Someone who cares about you." Tasha said simply raising an eyebrow waiting for any of them to say answer.
Ianto turned back to her. "What are you doing? Not that I don't always love seeing you."
"Steve called and said you had some visitors. Clint's on his way with another vehicle. I'll drive one lot and he will drive the other."
"Why can't some of us go with Ianto?" Jack asked he did really want to speak to Ianto alone.
"Because I go with Steve and he has a motorcycle." Ianto replied easily enough.
Director Nick Fury stood and eyed Jack Harkness, he had done his research. He knew what this man was like. They needed him and that was all. Tosh was working with Hill and they were on the computer terminals, Owen had gone down to the infirmary to see if he could learn anything or teach about what he knew and saw. Gwen was standing off to the background, her police work wasn't really much help here and neither was interaction with the public.
Jack was amazed at where Ianto worked. It was completely unbelievable and that fact that he worked with Tony Stark. It wasn't just that. Ianto Jones their Welshman worked with The Avengers. He had seen it all on TV and they were an amazing group of people.
"So were waiting for who?" Jack asked.
"Thor." Ianto smiled as he walked past.
"Of course, Thor." Gwen muttered.
Ianto placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry you do get use to it. It's a bit of a trip for him." He turned to Nick for a moment. "I have to head out to Miller's won't be long."
Nick nodded at him.
"Miller's?" Gwen asked.
"If anything we need is in the local area Ianto likes to go out and meet them. Give it the personally touch. He hasn't been there for a while. It works though." Nick shook his head.
Gwen and Jack smiled that did sound like their Ianto.
Nick looked down at his watch and then turned to Hill.
"Is Ianto back yet?"
Hill looked down at the screen, her face pale. "There is a hostage situation down at Miller's, in the large warehouse at the back."
"Call him now to see if he is out. Get the rest of them up here now." Fury ordered.
Gwen went and held Jack's hand. "I hope Ianto's going to be all right."
"Stark, Captain and the rest of you are up. Get Ianto back." Nick said simply.
Gwen, Tosh, Jack and Owen could not take their eyes of these men.
"You're Captain America?" Gwen muttered. "Ianto's dating Captain America." She repeated more to herself then anyone else.
Tosh suddenly grinned, after Jack Harkness it was obvious that Ianto couldn't go back to anyone everyday kind of guy.
Jack didn't like this, at all. Ianto and Captain America was not something he expected. He was at a loss on what to do. He knew that he had no rights over the young Welshman but Jack wasn't read to quite let go yet.
Nick Fury sent down The Avengers and Torchwood.
"Where's Banner?" Stark asked using his headpiece.
"He's not with you?" Nick answered. He heard Stark sigh over the comms.
"Would I have asked if he was?"
A young man sitting at one of the computer's turned around and looked at the director. "I believe he went to join Mr Jones."
Nick turned to him, his eye blazing with anger. "You're telling me this now? You heard what the hell is going on and decide to keep this piece of information to yourself." He shook his head. "Did you get that?"
"Got it, property damage to be expected." Stark replied.
"Ianto?" A voice said.
"Bruce?" Ianto said as soon as he opened his eyes and recognised the man next to him. "What happened?"
"Well if you can believe it we're being held hostage, they have split people up into groups. Since you were injured they kept me with you and left us here." He indicated the small storage room that they were in.
"How are you doing?" Ianto asked wincing as he moved.
"I'm coping, for now. I don't know how much longer especially since you are injure and I'm not sure how badly."
"I'm fine." Ianto said smiling reaching on and touching Bruce on the arm.
The door opened and one of the men walked in. Ianto wobbly got to his feet, Bruce suddenly next to him in case he fell.
"You're alive then." The man muttered.
"You really need to let us go. It will be a whole lot better for you if you do." Ianto gave him his most charming smile.
The man raised his gun and hit Ianto run the head with it. Ianto heard laughter as he collapsed to the ground. The door closed behind them and Bruce fell onto all fours.
Natasha paced too and fro, they couldn't go in with out more information. She hated this her best friend was in there and they had no idea if he was hurt.
"Nat, it'll be ok?" Clint said to her, who suddenly held up his hands when she turned and glared at him. "No more platitudes, I understand."
"We have to go in." Jack ordered.
"We'll go in when we get the in-tell." Steve replied staring at the building, his hand clenched.
"You're going to listen to this?" Jack turned to Stark.
"He's the military mind and the Captain has not steered us wrong yet."
"Well he or any of you may not care about Ianto but I do." Jack shouted.
Steve turned to him and slammed him against the wall. "Never accuse me, or any of us not caring about Ianto. You no nothing and Ianto felt so cared for at Torchwood he left you and came here." He stopped, stepped back and took a deep breath. "If you carry on like this I will have you escorted away.
"You can..." Jack stopped as he saw some military men walk forward.
A loud raw broke the sudden silence.
"Someone made him angry." Stark muttered. "Looks like we'll be going in sooner than later."
"What?" Jack turned to look at him.
A smashing noise from above made them all look up. A large green man, caring a slender suited one taking large jumps and vanished.
"Can you all deal with this?" Steve turned to look at Natasha.
"Bring them back?" She said simply.
Clint nodded. "We're clean up here."
Steve turned to Stark. "Give me a lift?"
"Sure thing Captain." Stark wrapped an arm around Steve's waist and lifted off.
"What the hell was that thing?" Gwen asked.
"Now is not the time to have this conversation. Ready Nat?" Clint asked, as soon as she nodded they headed in.
It didn't take Stark to pick up the trail. When they landed they saw The Hulk roaring and an unmoving Ianto Jones.
Tony bent down by Ianto immediately and placed his fingers on the other man's throat.
"He's still breathing, it's faint but it is there." Tony scanned him with Jarvis to make sure that there where no other complications stopping him from transporting Ianto to get the aid he needed.
"Thank God." Steve sighed. He had already lost a woman that he loved. Steve didn't think that he could deal with losing Ianto. A man he was already in love with and falling deeper and deeper every day.
Tony carefully picked Ianto up, when the Welshman's eyes opened ever so slightly.
"Come on sleeping beauty. Let's get you looked at and the prince can turn up and kiss you. "Tony paused for a moment, while getting Ianto settled comfortably. "Actually Steve's the one that has been asleep so technically it is the other way around."
"You're a bloody wanker, you know that right?" Ianto whispered. A weak smile gracing his face taking the sting out of his words.
"Well aren't you just charming." Tony looked down at him. "If what you said is what I think it means and not flattering."
Steve heard Ianto's chuckle as Tony took off. Looking around he saw the Hulk slowly beginning to change back into Bruce. He hoped that whoever collected them would bring some spare clothes.
Jack tried to rush to Ianto's side as soon as they got back but he was stopped.
"I'm sorry Captain Harkness but you can't go in there. We're limiting his visitors." The doctor explained.
"I bet Captain USA will be allowed in." He muttered sarcastically.
"I explained to Ms Sato and she was fine with it." The doctor watched as Jack turned and glared at Tosh. "I am giving Mr Jones the best care I can and only the people I know aren't going to upset him are going in. I don't know you. You current attitude is proving that I was correct in not letting you in. Please leave before I call security."
Tosh grabbed hold of Jack's arm and pulled him away before he caused any more problems.
As soon as Steve arrived he headed straight away to see his boyfriend.
"Doctor, is he going to be ok?" Steve took hold of Ianto's hand and sat down.
"He's going to be fine Captain. He's woken up, I've checked him over and Mr Jones has answered all the questions that I have asked him. We're just keeping him in over night for observation." The doctor paused for a moment. "Why don't you go home and get some rest?"
"No I'll be fine here." Steve knew he wouldn't be able to sleep without Ianto in his arms, especially after what had happened today.
The doctor quietly left them.
"Ianto." Steve sighed as he gently stroked the bruised face.
Jack stood at the window looking in. He had never felt such an outsider as he did today. It was weird he had taken Ianto for granted but he did and still does care for the young man. It hurt him to see Ianto happy at any place that wasn't Torchwood and with someone who wasn't him.
Ianto left and found a place with a bunch of heroes and the perfect man, literally.
"Steve." Ianto mumbled drowsily.
"Shhhh Ianto, I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." Steve soothed him with a gentle voice.
"Love you Steve."
Steve couldn't help the smile that appeared.
"I love you too." He bent forward and kissed Ianto on the lips.
Jack's heart hurt at the soft declarations. Turning and almost walking into someone. He smiled at the woman looking at him.
Natasha Romanov. Her arms crossed over her chest, not smiling at him.
"We have to talk." She said simply and calmly.
"We need to talk do we?" Jack placed his hands on his hips and smirked at her.
Natasha walked up to him and stared into his face. "Leave Ianto alone. He is happy."
"Why are you all so worried about my being here? If Ianto was that happy I wouldn't need to be warned."
Natasha laughed at him. "I'm not worried, Ianto is happy here. My only concern is that you are going to keep on and just make him unhappy. He and Steve are happy together." She turned, started to walk away and then stopped. Glancing over her shoulder she smirked at him. "This is the only warning I am giving you. I know you are immortal and I like that. It means I can hurt you for over a longer period. If I go to far and you die I just have to wait for you to wake up." She walked off her voice carrying back over to him. "You're only here because we need something from you, otherwise Ianto would not have contacted you remember that."
As soon as she vanished the smile left Jack's face. "Bitch." He muttered to himself. Jack knew that he was going to have to talk to Ianto at some point. This was not the place for him
Steve left Ianto's side while the doctor took a look at him. Hopefully he would be allowed home soon.
"Dr Banner." Steve called out as he saw the other man in front of him.
Bruce turned and grinned at him. "You can call me Bruce you know Steve."
"Sorry Bruce. I want to thank you and, well, the Hulk for saving Ianto." Steve held out his hand.
Bruce still felt weird that after all this time that the Hulk in fact could help people. Knew what was good and bad. He still felt as if he had a time bomb of a monster in him but nowadays, with these people he didn't feel alone.
"I'm glad that I could help. They say Ianto is going to be fine."
"Yeah they are just checking him out. I will head back in a minute to see if I can take him home. I just wanted to find you first." Steve explained.
"Make sure you take care of him. He is an original is our Ianto." Bruce laughed as he headed off.
"Yes he is." Steve sighed. He knew that Jack was going to cause problems. All Steve wanted was for Ianto to be happy.
Tosh sat holding Ianto's hand and smiled brightly as his eyes fluttered open.
"Steve." Ianto mumbled.
"Steve just left for five minutes, he'll be back. He wanted to thank Dr Banner, uhh the Hulk for saving you."
"Tosh." He sighed. "Hav'in good time."
"Well I was apart from you being hurt." Tosh bent forward and gave him a kiss.
"Tosh can I speak to Ianto please." Jack said from behind her.
"Is now really the time Jack." Tosh said without moving.
"Tosh, now."
"I'll be back in as soon as Jack leaves Ianto." Tosh stood, glared at Jack and walked out.
"Hey Ianto." Jack sat beside him and took hold of his hand.
"What do you want Jack?" Ianto asked sounding more awake than he had moments ago.
"Can't I just want to see you?" Jack grinned at him.
Ianto just stared at him, eyebrow raised. "Jack, what do you want?" He repeated slower this time.
"I miss you Ianto. I love you and want you to come home. To Torchwood."
Ianto pulled his hand out of Jack's and struggled to sit up.
"Jack I am happy here. I am happy with Steve. I'm not going anywhere."
"Ianto." Jack whispered before bending down and kissing him.
Steve stood at the door next to Tosh. Natasha moved to his other side and just behind them appeared Nick Fury.
Steve felt paralysed, not knowing what to do.
Ianto pushed Jack away and hit him.
"What part of I am happy here, I am happy with Steve did you not understand Jack. Please leave me alone now."
"Ianto I..."
"You heard Captain Harkness you heard Mr Jones please leave. If we didn't need you for this mission I would ask you to leave but we do. Do not make me regret that decision." Nick said calmly as security joined them waiting for Jack to move.
"Ianto we need to talk about this?" Jack asked as he left the room.
"WE don't need to talk about anything. This is my life and my decisions." Ianto said simply.
"Are you ok Ianto?" Nick asked walking to his bedside.
"I'm fine and I'm sorry."
Nick grinned and squeezed his shoulder ever so slightly. "Not your fault. Captain Rogers please take Mr Jones home he has been released by the doctors."
"Is there ok Ianto?" Steve asked nervously.
"That would be great Steve." Ianto held out his hand and watched as Steve smiled and took hold of it.
"I tried to warn him." Tosh whispered.
Nick turned to her. "It's fine Ms Sato, they only person to blame is Captain Harkness himself." He paused before turning to Natasha. "Agent Romanov we need him so leave him alone."
Natasha waited for a moment and then nodded before she walked over to stand beside Steve.
Nick Fury laughed as he left.
"I warned him Ianto."
"I know Tasha but Jack is a law unto himself. I couldn't make him stay away even though I asked him to."
"Take care Ianto if you need me call and I will come to visit. I am going to help with the plan, the sooner it is done, the sooner he will be gone." Natasha bent forward and kissed him on the cheek.
Steve waited until the room was finally cleared and turned back to the man he loved.
"Am I your second choice?"
Ianto looked over and smiled at Steve.
"There is no other place I want to be. You aren't and never will be my second choice. I am here because I want to be." He paused for a moment. "I could have gone back with Jack, you heard him. I wasn't even tempted, not for a second. I love what I have now. I love you Captain Steve Rogers."
Steve looked down shyly, a reddish tinge colouring his face. "Thank you Ianto. I had to ask. I would have let you go if that made you happy, that is all I want."
Ianto chuckled. "You would have, let, me go?"
Steve opened and closed his mouth and then tried to speak again. "You know what I meant."
"Yes I did." Ianto agreed. "Steve, please take me home now. I'm tired and want to get out of here."
"Of course Ianto, do you want to go to you place or mine?" Steve wanted to know.
"Yours." Ianto said quickly.
"Because Jack doesn't know where I live?" The soldier asked.
Ianto nodded. "I just want to heal in peace with you. Knowing Jack he won't give up. I just can't and don't want to deal with him while I am like this."
Steve nodded and smiled. He understood, and it was nice that all Ianto wanted while he was ill was him around. "Let's get you dressed and get out of here. I am sure that Nick and the others will make sure Jack is.....detained."
"I am sure Tosh will help as well." Ianto flipped the blankets and slowly moved, so his legs were dangling over the edge.
Tosh had followed Jack out giving Ianto an apologetic look. They both headed into a room where Owen and Gwen were waiting. Tosh moved to sit down crossing her arms and her legs at her ankles glaring at her boss.
Owen looked between the two of them and shrugged his shoulders at Gwen who looked just as confused as he did. "Well, this is an extraordinary place. Ianto definitely landed on his feet." Owen noticed the tightening of Jack's shoulders and Tosh's glare got worse. "Ok, what the hell happened?"
"Yes Jack; tell Owen and your girlfriend Gwen what happened?" Tosh muttered sarcastically. She was not normally like this, but she had never had this rage inside of her all aimed at one person either before.
"Not now Tosh." Jack growled out glaring back at her.
"Not now, that is all you have to say. You told Ianto you loved him and wanted him to come back. You kissed him in front of Steve." Tosh saw Gwen pale. "I'm sorry Gwen I didn't mean to blurt that out. "
Jack turned and looked at Gwen and saw the sadness and resignation on her face.
"Is it true Jack?" Gwen asked and waited for Jack to nod. Deep down she knew this would happen, but it didn't stop the pain or the anger that enveloped her. She stood taking deep breaths. "I am guessing Ianto didn't say yes?"
"No he didn't, but on the look of Director Fury's face, he did almost get us all kicked out." Tosh growled.
"No Ms Sato he only nearly got himself kicked out." Said a voice from the door, making them all jump.
Their focus had been entirely on each other that they had not noticed that Nick Fury had come into the room.
"I'm sorry Director." Tosh whispered.
"It's not your fault." Nick paused and turned to Jack. "Can you still do this job for us?"
"Yeah I can." Jack replied quickly.
"This is the last time I will tell you this, stay away from Ianto or I will allow Agent Romanov do everything to you that she promised, and I am sure she will get help." With that Nick turned and left the room.
"Jack I can't work like this." Tosh whispered.
Jack's eyes flew to hers. "What do you mean?"
"How can I work with you after all you've done here? You hurt Ianto; you won't let him be happy with a man he loves. Just because you weren't happy with what you had you want to destroy everything for him." She stopped and paced, then turning back to him again. "I can't forgive you for that, and I don't know if I can stand to see you every day. I never realised you were this selfish." Tosh headed for the door, opening and closing it behind her without ever looking back.
Jack, Gwen and Owen all stared at the door in shock. Jack rubbed his eyes not only had he driven the man he loved away, but now he might have driven Tosh away. He was slowly pushing people he loved and considered family out of the door.
Tosh walked down the passage not knowing what to do now when she almost walked into Clint and Natasha.
"Is Ianto still here?" Tosh asked.
"No, he and Steve have left." Natasha answered promptly and to the point. "I have to check in with Dr Banner to make sure everything is as it should be for the mission." She went to walk off but stopped. "Ianto means a lot to me. He is my best friend. I will make sure to the best of my abilities that no harm comes to him."
"Thank you. Ianto makes a terrific best friend." Tosh said with a grin.
Natasha smiled back. "Yes he does. I must go."
Clint and Tosh watched her go.
"Not one for a lot of talking is she?" Tosh asked.
Clint laughed. "Oh she can be. It's amazing what she can get out of people, out of men. They all under estimate her. To their peril of course."
"Yeah." Tosh sighed the smile left her face.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
"I just needed to talk to someone." Her voice could scarcely be heard.
"You want to talk to Ianto you mean?"
"Yes I do, but it's not life or death it can wait. He needs this time alone with Steve."
"Come on Ms Sato let me get you a cup of coffee, and if you feel like talking about what is bothering you. I am there if you need me."
"It's Tosh, thank you....."
Before she could say anymore he interrupted her. "It's Clint." He said simply.
"Clint." She ducked her head and smiled shyly.
As soon as Steve shut his door Ianto grabbed him and pulled him into his arms for a passionate kiss. When they had to pause for air, they stared at each other for a moment.
"Steve, I can't wait any longer. Please I want you in me."
Steve took a deep breath and nodded. This is what he wanted too. Taking hold of Ianto's hand, he pulled the other man into the bedroom. Everything they needed was in there. No matter how embarrassed he was buying the items, he had needed to show Ianto he was ready for them to make love.
Next part of Avengers Assistant.
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