Title: As Time Passed
By: Michelle K
Pairing: Doctor/Jack/Rose
Rating: AO
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
Summary: Three. (Nine/Rose/Jack ficlet with sex and het/slash.)***
There were three pairs of hands on her body. Jack's, which were on her hips, the Doctor's, which were cupping her breasts, and her own, which lingered by her thighs. Sex with them always seemed especially tactile, and Rose could never help but touch them back. Not that there would be a reason to resist the urge; they were her... they were hers.
Jack's chest pressed against her own as he leaned over her to kiss the Doctor, and she was reminded that it wasn't that clear-cut. They belonged to each other in a way that wasn't a simple equation with her in the middle. The thought made her smile.
(She never would've thought she could share like this, but abstract notions are just that: theories without experience.)
She shifted, grinding her hips against Jack's as she gripped his shoulders. There was a gasp as Jack slid inside her, another as he grazed his teeth over her neck.
The Doctor's fingers moved to her stomach as he pulled her closer. She could feel the beat of his hearts against her back and the beat of Jack's against her chest. Her own was lost in the sea of them, time seeming to stop as centuries went by outside. She told Jack to move faster and he complied with a smile. The Doctor's touch drifted lower, two fingers rolling her clit in precise circles.
After she came, she said, "I love you," but she wasn't even sure who she was talking to.
(A calm drifted over the air, and she realized what they knew: she meant both of them.)
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