Title: So I Fall Again
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Greg Sanders/Ianto Jones
Fandom: CSI: Vegas/Torchwood
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Ianto Jones, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.***
Ianto looked up at the clock on the wall above his desk, smiling when he realized that there were less than twenty minutes to go in his working day. He would be out of here once those hands said five o'clock; he had better things to do than to bury himself in his work.
He had done that for so long -- really, ever since he'd joined the police force. Andy had told him more than once that he needed to relax more, that he needed to find someone to be with, someone who he'd want to go home to rather than work himself to death.
He'd been so sure that any chance of finding someone to love had left with Jack that he hadn't taken those words seriously. There had been no reason to go home; all that waited for him there was dinner, maybe a bit of television, and sleep. Nothing more.
Oh, he'd met a few people here and there, had a few dates. But it had never gone further than a first date with anyone; no one had been able to capture his heart, and he certainly hadn't wanted to go to bed with any of the people he'd been on those tentative dates with.
No one had been able to touch his heart in the way that Jack had; he'd been absolutely positive that he would be alone for the rest of his life. Unless he could find someone who he had that kind of connection with, he'd rather spend his life in solitude.
But then .... Greg Sanders had come barreling into his life, and everything had changed. It had only taken one look, one smile, and he had been smitten, falling so completely arse over teacups that all thoughts of Jack, or anyone else, had been completely drive from his mind.
That had been completely unexpected, he told himself, propping his chin in his hands and letting himself drift off into a daydream. He hadn't been looking for anyone; he would never have dreamed that any other man could replace Jack in his heart.
He hadn't counted on finding someone like Greg. It didn't matter that the other man was new to Cardiff, and that he didn't know much about the area or the local haunts that Ianto was used to. He had captured Ianto's heart from that first hello, that first smile.
So he had let himself fall again -- and he didn't regret it in any way. It felt completely natural, as though he and Greg had been meant to be together from the first moment they had met. The two of them had come together so easily, so naturally, like two puzzle pieces that fit perfectly.
He really hadn't expected that, Ianto told himself, glancing up at the clock again. Really, time was going so slowly now that he'd realized it was nearly time for him to go home! It flew by when he was busy, but when he was eager to leave, it dragged on forever.
What would Jack say if he knew about Greg? Ianto's smile became rueful; he knew exactly what Jack would think. He would be relieved that his former lover had found someone new, and he would encourage the relationship in any way he could.
Jack would more than likely be relieved to know that he had moved on -- the immortal certainly had, Ianto thought. Strangely enough, he didn't feel regretful about that any more; there was no sense of "what if" when he thought of Jack now.
There was only the sense of being fulfilled, being completed for the first time since Jack had left to go back to America. There was no piercing pain when he thought of Jack, either; there was no sense of having lost something that he wanted to get back.
Greg had swept all of that away. It was hard to believe that he could have fallen head over heels for this man, but he had. And now that he'd let himself fall, there was no going back -- not that he would, even if such a thing was somehow possible.
Ianto blinked, startled out of his thoughts for a moment. Was that true? Did he no longer want Jack? He had thought that he would be in love with the immortal for all of his life, that no one could make him feel the way that Jack had. But he had obviously been wrong.
His feelings for Greg were stronger than anything he had ever felt for Jack. Yes, he had loved the immortal -- but he had always known that for Jack, he was just one of many. Jack had cared for him, yes -- but he had never returned the unconditional love that Ianto had given him.
Greg returned that love a hundred times over. He was the most passionate man Ianto had ever known -- it was hard for him to believe sometimes that anyone could love him with the intensity that Greg did. Making love to him took Ianto's breath away.
How had he gotten so lucky? he asked himself, a smile curving his lips as he thought of his boyfriend. Greg was unlike anyone he had ever known -- beautiful, smart, fearless. And even though their loyalty to each other hadn't been tested yet, Ianto had no doubts about Greg.
He had thought that his romantic life was over when Jack had left, but how was he to know that it was just beginning? Maybe he should thank Jack for releasing him, for letting him have his heart back so that he could give it to someone else who would treat it gently.
Ianto leaned back in his chair, forming an image of Greg in his mind. Compared to him, Jack had faded into the background of his memories; he could barely remember what the immortal had looked like now, when he had previously thought that he could never forget.
He would never forget Jack completely, of course. Jack had been the man who had helped him to discover his true nature; if he had never met Jack, he probably would have spent his whole life thinking that he was a heterosexual man, and have turned away from his true self.
If not for Jack, he wouldn't have had the courage to be who he really was. And he would always consider Jack a friend. Maybe a part of him would always love the immortal, no matter how deeply he felt for Greg. He didn't doubt that Greg had someone like that in his past, too.
But that wouldn't affect their feelings for each other, Ianto told himself with a smile. He and Greg had found something special; the way that they had immediately connected when they had met was unlike anything he'd ever experienced, something he had thought only happened in fairy tales.
Yet that instant attraction had happened to him, in a way that it never had with anyone else. It was more than just attraction with Greg; he had fallen for the other man heart and soul from that first meeting. He had never felt any emotion that strong before.
The most amazing thing about those feelings was that they were returned. He found it hard to believe that Greg felt the same way about him, that his attraction had been just as instantaneous as Ianto's. But that could only be more proof that they were meant to be.
Was he being fanciful to think that? Ianto asked himself, frowning slightly. No, he didn't think so. If he and Greg hadn't been specifically made for each other, then he'd be very surprised. It felt as though they had always been together, always been in love.
So he had fallen again -- and he didn't want to get back up. He had placed his heart in Greg's hands, and this time, he had no doubt that it would be treasured and cherished. Greg wasn't like Jack; he wasn't going to simply turn his back and leave.
This would be forever -- even if neither of them was immortal. That had been the problem with himself and Jack, Ianto thought, shaking his head. Jack hadn't been brave enough to face the fact that one day, they would lose each other -- at least in this world.
He would never have been able to grow old with Jack. They would always have been mismatched; there would always have been a sort of imbalance of power in their relationship, and he would have never felt as though they were true equals. That had been their tragedy.
He had nothing of the sort to worry about with Greg. They were equals, much more well-matched than he and Jack had ever been. And there was no holding back with either of them. They had both given their hearts and souls completely, without any conditions.
They would last forever, Ianto told himself firmly. He could feel it in his heart. When he had told Greg that he was falling in love, he had meant those words. And when he loved, he loved with every fiber of his being, just as he was sure Greg did as well.
He had fallen again, for the third time in his life. Wasn't it always said that the third time was the one that would be most lucky? Ianto smiled as he stood up, getting ready to leave the office. That was something he should ask Greg -- or maybe they should spend the weekend proving it to be true.***
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