Title: Aces and Eights
Author: dietpoison
Pairing: mild Jack/Ianto/Owen
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The boys play strip poker.***
The two of them thought they were being clever, and Ianto was having a great time proving them wrong. He had a feeling that Owen thought he was a greenhorn when it came to life general. There was so much the doctor did not know.
It was just the boys in the hub now, sitting around a table littered with coffee mugs, and empty bottles. A bowl of pretzels has been emptied and refilled. Jack's laughter filters through to the otherwise quiet parts of the hub.
For the first time tonight Ianto finally lets his face show some emotion. It arrives in the form of a brazen smile. Holding out his hand to Owen, he beckons with his fingers.
"Hand them over."
With an indignant huff, Owen pulls off his socks, and slaps them into Ianto's hand. They are added to the pile on the floor next to Ianto's chair. All of Jack's clothes were there, and now all of Owen's. The only thins Ianto was missing, was his tie and jacket. Jack leans back in his chair, comfortable in just his amused grin.
"Well it looks like Ianto has stumbled into some beginners luck"
Owen looks like he wants to curl into himself, and gives Ianto a scowl.
"A shark is what he is!"
Calmly, Ianto slides out of his chair, and bends down to pick up his winnings. Owen holds up a finger, wanting to interject. Instead his mouth just hangs open, silenced, and a little shocked by Ianto's cheek.
"I do believe you asked me if I ever played strip, poker."***
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