Title: External Fixation
By: karaokegal
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Capt. Jack/Capt. John
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Written for k_haldane as a recovery gift. Prompt: Jack and John, during the 2-week/5-year time loop. Who's the wife? “Partners in what way?”In a way Jack still couldn’t explain.
He was supposed to be in control, but when they were together, there was no controlling anything. The fights, the sex, and especially the post-fight sex.
Time Agents weren’t allowed to stay with one partner for more than two years and Jack engineered the time loop to avoid letting go. It nearly killed both of them.
Sending John away was the right thing for Earth and Jack needed to be the guy who did the right thing.
Oh, but I was a good wife.
Best he’d ever had.
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