Title: Nothing Better Then Strawberries
By: Bry-Jack
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Prompt: 16 - Strawberries
Character/Pairing: Jack/Ianto/10
Word Count: 551 Words
Disclaimer: Not mine – no money made
Summary: There is nothing better then strawberries....***
Jack and I were standing outside the door. NOT hiding. Pressed chest to back and chest to wall. We were looking into the kitchen, watching Ianto put different types of food –veg and bread, those sorts of things- away. But it wasn't the way Ianto's trousers pulled tight across his bum that was making us watch him…Well, not the main reason. If you take in the fact that Jack was rubbing his hip against MY bum….The reason was that he had strawberries . Big, juicy, bright red strawberries.
You see you could only get strawberries on earth and only for a small space in time, so Jack doesn't have them in the 51st century and I didn't have them in Gallifrey. So the only time we have them is when Ianto does the shopping on earth. Most of the time, he took the green top off and divides them into threes when cuts up, 2/3 into fours. With Jack's, he sprinkles sugar on top and puts them in the fridge until some of the sugar has dissolved and serves them with meringue...With mine, well I like them with think cream with a big spoon of sugar sprinkled on top. Sometimes Ianto asks if Jack and I would like to help him cut them up. We'd jump at that chance. It wasn't everyday that Ianto let Jack or I in the kitchen, since he had come on board the TARDIS, Ianto had banned us from even nearing the kitchen…But it wasn't one of those times.
Ianto open the two little boxes the housed the strawberries and put them into a sieve and let the water run over them. After a few seconds he pulled the sieve from under the water and placed them into the three bowls that were in front of him. He then started to cut mine and Jack's…As he was doing all this, he was humming, the same song that he sings when he's in the shower by his self -which isn't very often when Jack is about…or me for that matter. It was a Welsh song that his mam used too sing to him so that he would fall asleep.
"Strawberries, strawberries, ." Jack whispered into my neck, running his nose behind my ear and sucking my skin.
But I could feel that it wasn't just the strawberries that Jack wanted.
Ianto sprinkles a lot sugar onto Jack strawberries and a little on mine before putting them in the fridge. Clearing the rubbish and sieve away, he picked up a strawberry. He brought it to his mouth and ran his tongue over the berry.
My breath hitched as Jack thrust his hip hard against me as we both watched…Waited…Hoping.
Ianto bit into the fat, opulent red fruit and moaned. His snow while skin grew pink from the fruit.
Jack and I moaned as we watched the juice dribbled down his chin.
Before I knew that was happening Jack leapt across that room, grabbed Ianto's wrist and pulled him out the door and down the corridor towards our bedroom.
As I was about to sneak into the kitchen I saw the sly grin Ianto give over his shoulders. Looking at the kitchen one more time, I ran after them, knowing that Ianto and Jack there much better then strawberries.
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