Title: Warriors
By: karaokegal
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Pairing: Nine/Real Captain Jack
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 175There would always be wars, and young men who needed to fight them. Old ones too, the Doctor thought, only slightly amused by the irony. Nine hundred years or twenty nine. No difference at all, if they believed the cause was just.
At least he knew the outcome of this war. There was hope for democracy and even humanity in the big picture. On the small scale things were different.
A single human being, a man who’d come to fight before his country had even declared war. The great pity was that he had to fight himself at the same time. It wasn’t fair and the Doctor knew he was only making it worse, but he couldn’t resist. The man was too attractive, the emotional need too great. Nothing happened, but even the emotional connection was dangerous for a man in Jack’s position.
Captain Harkness was shipping off to Wales and the Doctor had places to go, making it the right time to say good-bye.
Maybe there’d be someone better waiting for Jack in Cardiff.
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