Title: Double Your Pleasure
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Fandom: Doctor Who/Torchwood
Rating: NC-17
Table: 5
Prompt: 58, Penetration
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my own imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own Ianto Jones, the Tenth Doctor, or Jack Harkness. Please do not sue.***
"I can't tell you what I really want," Ianto protested, shaking his head, a pink blush spreading over his face. "It's embarrassing, and besides, I'd never get it. I've learned the hard way not to ask for the impossible."
Jack frowned, both at the idea of him leaving Ianto wanting anything and the deeper implications of the young man's words. "What do you mean, 'you learned the hard way'?" His hands bunched into fists underneath the covers, where Ianto couldn't see them. "Did somebody hurt you because you asked for something? If they did, I'll kill them."
"No, nothing like that," Ianto hastened to assure his lover. Jack looked as if there was a black thundercloud growing over his head, and Ianto didn't particularly envy whoever was caught in the descent of that cloud. "What I meant was, I learned when I was a child not to ask for things I couldn't have. It only leads to disappointment in the long run."
"Ah." Jack's hands relaxed, his face gradually assuming its normal expression and not looking so angry. "Just why do you think it's so impossible to get what you want, Ianto? You know I'd make any wish you have come true, if I can do it." His voice softened, took on a husky quality. "I'd do anything for you. You should know that by now."
"I do." Ianto moved over to Jack's side of the bed, raising a hand to thread it through the other man's silky hair. "And you know I'd do the same for you. But what I want --" He stopped, swallowing hard. How could he say this to Jack? "-- What I want involves another person, and they might not agree to what I'd like to do."
"Would that other person be somebody we both know and love?" Jack's eyes were dancing, his smile mischievous; Ianto raised his eyebrows in mute question. He had the feeling that Jack might have had an inkling of his desires all along, and that the other man had somehow anticipated this and was prepared for it, more so than Ianto had known.
"Yes, it would," he answered, wondering just why Jack had that look on his face. Did he know something more than Ianto thought he did?
"Would that other person wear a suit, carry a sonic screwdriver, and just happen to be one of the sexiest men either of us have ever laid eyes on?" Jack continued, the smile on his features spreading. Ianto couldn't help laughing at his expression, and at the way that Jack had hit the nail squarely on the head with his apt description of the Doctor.
"You knew, didn't you?" he said, shaking an admonitory finger in Jack's face. "You knew I was thinking about him. You're just as much of a telepath as he is, even though you'd never admit it because you don't want people to know, I'm guessing. Any other hidden talents that you've neglected to tell me about?"
"No, he's not as much of a telepath as I am." Ianto gasped, turning his head so quickly at the sound of the Doctor's voice by the door that he could have given himself whiplash. "He's just good at knowing what other people's desires are -- and equally as good at fulfilling them. Haven't you discovered that yet, Ianto Jones?"
"I didn't hear you come in." Ianto's words sounded trite to his own ears, but they were all he could think of to say. The Doctor's sudden appearance had unbalanced him, made him feel as if the situation were out of his hands. He had the uneasy feeling that between the two of them, the Doctor and Jack were going to coax something out him that he didn't want to reveal.
"Oh, I've been here for a while. I simply thought that I should let you have a bit of time to yourselves." The Doctor sat down on the end of the bed, crossing his legs and looking from one man to the other. "Now, what's this about you having something you've always wanted but that you think isn't possible for you to have? Care to enlighten us?"
Ianto shook his head stubbornly, suddenly feeling shy. Just because the Doctor was here, in living color, that was no guarantee that he was going to be able to fulfill his desires. This was probably something that the Doctor wouldn't want to do, after he knew what it was. He'd certainly never shown any particular desire for it in the past ....
"He could just reach into your mind and find out what you want," Jack murmured, close to his ear, the sound of his voice making Ianto jump. He'd been lost in his own thoughts for a few moments, completely forgetting that Jack and the Doctor were there with him. "He's being polite by not doing that. So you could at least be nice and just tell him."
Ianto squirmed, looking down at the covers on the bed. He could feel his face flushing; he didn't want to articulate what he wanted to these two men. Was that because as much as he wanted it, a part of him was terrified that he would actually get it? His mind shied away from that question, not wanting to answer it. He was all too sure that the answer would be a definite yes.
The Doctor leaned closer, pressing soft lips against Ianto's cheek, then against his ear. "I know what you want, Ianto," he breathed, the tip of his tongue flicking out to tease the shell of Ianto's ear. "If you won't say it, I will. And no, I'm not averse to doing what you're thinking. It isn't as though I haven't done it before, after all." He pulled back slightly, giving Ianto a roguish wink. "I have been around for over 900 years, you know. I've done a thing or two that you've probably never even thought of."
"Or ten," Jack murmured under his breath, breaking into a laugh at the Doctor's indignant look. "Oh, come on. You know you're proud of your experience, whether you want to admit it or not. And I for one am glad you're so experienced. I wouldn't know so many different ways of, erm, having a good time if I hadn't learned a few of them from you."
The Doctor grinned, shrugging and nodding. "All right, so I am. And I must say, you've always been a very apt pupil." He leaned towards Jack, letting the immortal wrap a hand around the back of his neck and pull him close for a heated, passionate kiss. When the Time Lord finally pulled away, his eyes were slightly unfocused, his breath coming more quickly. "And I can say you've taught me a few things, as well."
"I want to be in the middle," Ianto blurted out, almost clapping both hands over his mouth after the words were out, as if he could push them back in again and leave them unsaid. But it was too late now -- they were out in the open, for all three of them to hear. Of course, the Doctor already knew, but it might be a surprise to Jack.
Jack raised his eyebrows, looking smug. "I knew it! I was pretty sure that's what you wanted to tell me. I don't have any idea why you're embarrassed about that, Ianto. It's not like you don't have two men here who're willing and ready to make that wish come true."
"And on that note, I think I may be wearing too many clothes," the Doctor murmured, kicking off his shoes and standing up. He undressed quickly, not seeming to mind the fact that both Ianto and Jack were watching him, their eyes roaming over his body as each piece of clothing revealed more and more skin. When he was finally naked, he moved back to the bed, sitting down so close to Ianto that their thighs were pressed against each other.
"Now," he said, leaning so close to the young man that Ianto could feel that warm breath against his lips, "I think we should get down to making that wish an actuality."
So saying, he wrapped slender arms around Ianto's waist and leaned back, pulling the young man down on top of him. Ianto fell forward, laughing as he caught himself on his elbows. If he fell fully onto the Doctor, he'd more than likely break the fragile Time Lord, he thought to himself, moving one hand down the Gallifreyan's hip and lowering his head to taste those parted lips. This was definitely getting off to a good start ....
Ianto managed to maneuver himself into a position where he was straddling the Time Lord, closing his hands as the Doctor's hands moved down his body, soft fingertips teasing and caressing. Jack's hands were moving down his back, down further to cup his ass and slip between his spread thighs. He could help tensing, wondering just what Jack would decide to do next.
"Relax, Ianto," the immortal said softly, leaning forward to nip at Ianto's throat. "You don't have to do anything but lay back and let us do all the work. This is about what you want, and we're both going to do our best to make sure it's fantastic for you, okay?"
Ianto nodded, gulping a little. He still wasn't completely sure about this -- after all, both Jack and the Doctor were very well-endowed men, and he wasn't positive that his body was going to be able to accommodate them both. But this was something he'd always wanted to experience -- and besides, if the Doctor, as small and tight as he was, could take both himself and Jack, then he should be able to manage with few problems.
He could feel Jack leaning back, no doubt reaching for the lube on the table by the bed. Yes, that was what he'd been doing, Ianto realized when Jack hand slipped between his legs, curling long, gentle fingers around the Doctor's shaft and stroking him. The Time Lord sighed softly, his eyelashes fluttering, lips parting. Ianto couldn't resist leaning forward and pressing a kiss to that delicious mouth.
"Don't be nervous," the Doctor whispered, opening his eyes and looking up at the young man above him. "It's a bit uncomfortable at first, but you'll get used to it rather quickly. And we won't do anything to hurt you, you can be sure of that. This isn't painful at all, not if it's done slowly and gently."
Ianto wanted to frown at the sudden shadow that crossed the Doctor's features; obviously, the Time Lord had been introduced to this particular sexual act in a way that hadn't been either slow or gentle. He wanted to ask the other man about it, but now wasn't the time or place. He pushed those thoughts aside, concentrating on what Jack was doing, letting out a gasp when the immortal's fingers pressed between his cheeks from behind.
"Steady, Ianto," Jack whispered, brushing his lips against the young man's throat. "Just do what comes naturally. We're both here with you, okay? If it's too much, just say so, and we'll stop. This isn't going to hurt if you take your time. Nothing to be nervous about, nothing at all." His voice was low and soothing, both arms moving around Ianto's waist to hold him steady.
Ianto looked down at the Doctor, twining his fingers with the other man's and getting an encouraging smile in answer. He positioned himself over the Doctor, crying out and squeezing his eyes shut when he lowered himself onto the Time Lord's cock. It was the first time the Doctor had been inside him; he'd known the Gallifreyan was, well, rather large -- but he hadn't expected the other man to feel quite that big inside him.
The Doctor didn't move, letting Ianto set the pace as he rocked his hips up and down on the Time Lord's erection. His breath hissed between his teeth, his fingers gripping Ianto's more tightly than they ever had before, but other than that, he kept himself still. Ianto leaned down to kiss him again, whispering into his ear as he did so.
"You can move, you know. I'm not going to break -- you don't have to be careful with me. Just go slowly, and I'll be fine."
The Doctor nodded, drawing in air in a shuddering gasp, starting to thrust his slim hips upward each time Ianto moved down. The young man closed his eyes, leaning back against the strong chest behind him. Jack's hands were stroking his chest, tweaking and teasing his nipples, making Ianto moan and try to push back against him even as he moved up and down on the Doctor.
"I think you're getting used to this pretty quickly," Jack murmured, moving one hand from Ianto's waist to guide himself to the young man's entrance. "Just relax, Ianto, and keep doing what you're doing. You'll feel a little more full than usual, that's all."
Ianto nodded, trying to keep his muscles relaxed. He'd asked for this, he told himself silently, swallowing hard when he felt the head of Jack's cock pressing against him. He willed himself not to tighten, crying out when the other man pushed inside him alongside the Doctor, dimly hearing Jack's moan and the Doctor's soft cry, sounds that seemed as if they were coming from a far-off distance and had nothing to do with him.
Then they were both inside, pushing into him, filling him more completely than he'd ever been. He could feel Jack's heartbeat against his back, the rocking motion of the Doctor's hips, the delicious sensation of moving back and forth between the two of them. His hands were gripping the Doctor's shoulders, Jack's hand on his cock, the sensation of spiralling down into a vortex of pleasure growing stronger and stronger with each passing moment.
It couldn't last forever; Ianto could feel his orgasm uncurling within him, threatening to wash over him with each second. The Doctor was the first to break the spell, crying out and arching up off the bed as his hips thrust upwards into Ianto one last time. Ianto could feel his release, his pleasure, the orgasmic shudders shaking the other man from head to toe.
In the next moment, he could feel Jack releasing into him, the immortal's arm tightening around his waist at the same time his other hand tightened on Ianto's cock. A moment later, he was coming, seeing multicolored stars in front of his eyes, his own cry echoing in his ears.
He wanted nothing more than to fall forward onto the Doctor, let the Time Lord wrap those thin arms around him and lull him into an exhausted slumber. But there were three of them, he thought dizzily, and he didn't want any of them to feel left out. He compromised by reaching blindly for the Doctor's hand, twining their fingers together, and leaning back against Jack, turning his head to rest his cheek against the immortal's chest.
"You two should see how marvelous you look." The Doctor's soft voice broke into his thoughts; Ianto opened his eyes to see the Doctor smiling up at them, still holding his hand. "It's a pity there's no camera. I'd like to have a photo of that .... something to remember when I'm alone in the Tardis without the two of you around."
Jack grinned, pulling back a little and easing himself out of Ianto. "Will a videotape do?" He pointed to the video camera sitting on the night stand, the whirring noise coming from it giving proof that it had been turned on. Ianto blushed red to the roots of his hair; he hadn't been expecting to be caught on tape.
"Jack! You didn't tell me that was on!" he groaned, wishing that he could crawl under the bed and hide. If that tape got out .... he'd never hear the end of it.
"Don't worry, Ianto." Jack laughed, swinging long legs off the bed and standing up, stretching his arms above his head. "I'm not going to show it to anybody else. You should know that I don't like other people looking at what belongs to me. Well, they can look -- as long as they don't get the wrong idea about doing anything else."
"Oh, he's got several of me," the Doctor said cheerfully, his words followed by a regretful sigh as Ianto moved off him, sitting up with a slight groan. "Are you all right?" he asked anxiously, interpreting that groan as meaning that Ianto might be in pain.
The young man nodded, leaning down to place a gentle kiss on the Doctor's mouth. "Yes, I'm fine," he murmured against those soft lips. "Never better, actually. Only a bit disconcerted about the prospect of having one of my finest moments immortalized on film."
"It's for our eyes only," Jack promised, bending over to tilt Ianto's face up to his and press a kiss to his lips. "Now, get up, you two. We can't stay in bed all day."
"And why not?" asked the Doctor, turning over onto his side and propping his head on one hand, waving his other hand in the air. "Do we really have anything better to do other than stay here and enjoy each other all day -- and night? I don't think so. After all, it is the weekend. No one will be expecting either of you anywhere, will they?"
"He does have a point." Ianto looked up at Jack, eyes sparkling. He couldn't think of anything he'd rather do than spend his weekend here in bed with his two lovers. And he was sure, very sure, that Jack felt exactly the same.
"Point taken." Jack raised both hands, coming back to the bed and crawling across it until he was nearly on top of the Doctor. "Now, where were we?" His hands were already starting to explore the Time Lord's slender body, drawing a moan of appreciation from the man lying underneath him.
"It's not where we were that's important, it's where we're going," the Time Lord managed to gasp -- just before Jack's mouth covered his in a heated kiss that took his breath away.
Ianto just sat back and looked at the both of them, a smile curving his lips. If this was the way the weekend was going to start, then he could hardly wait to see what else was going to happen in the next two days.***
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