Title: Coat Tale
By: sqyd
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: R
Disclaimers: I don't own the characters (or the coat), just borrow them
Characters: Greatcoat, others
Word Count: 395
Summary: Coat Sex.
Thanks: Rootesie for betaThe Coat is caressing Its Captain: It feels every ripple of muscle, the warmth of flesh through layers of cotton and wool. It hugs the solid torso, embraces shoulders and arms, fondles the firm buttocks, softly grazes the thighs and calves. It brushes against naked skin at the wrist and neck. The Coat absorbs his smell, stores it in Its every fiber. It warms him when the weather is cold, cools him when it's hot.
There are rips and burns and dirt. The Coat repairs at times of rest. Fibers like nerve endings reconnect, new ones grow, foreign material is shed. By the time It's needed again, The Coat is as good as new.
There are others - he can feel their desire for him through the touch of their skin. For most of them The Coat is just another layer of obstacles to get past. It doesn't mind, It commits them all to memory. When discarded, It can still hear their moans and whimpers that taste like the jungle, wet sand, and the ocean; earthy, salty, sweet and rich. The Coat shudders.
There are the few who run their fingers down Its sleeves, rub their fingertips to Its buttons, lean into Its folds and inhale deeply, filling their lungs with the Captain's scent. The Coat purrs to their minds softly, and when they walk away they feel pleasantly lightheaded. The Coat would smile if coats could smile. Every once in a while tear-streaked cheeks bury into The Coat, and It reaches out to smooth away their worries. The Coat knows the Captain will be back.
The Captain is possessive of The Coat, and rarely, if ever, lends it out to others. There are special cases though. The Coat is now draped over someone else, and there are no other fabrics in the way. The Coat is in full contact with naked skin, and It's drinking in the rare sensation. The body is different; more slender, muscles stretch in a way that's familiar and different at once. The Coat can feel the arousal radiate from every pore. It scrapes against tender skin and feels it tingle. Then this body and the Captain's are pressed together, skin on skin, moving, writhing together. The coat touches them, envelops them, absorbs their sweat, smell, movement, every sound they make, every sensation, emotion they feel. The Coat will remember it forever.
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