Title: Just Us
She still couldn't really believe what was happening, and in part blamed it on the alcohol. Not that she'd had that much to drink – none of them had, really – but it just made it all sound better, made it easier for her to reason her actions. That way if Rhys ever found out, she'd have an excuse.
Author: Jedi Princess Clarrisani
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Jack/Ianto/Gwen
Warning: Pure PWP smut.
Summary: Gwen Cooper really couldn't believe this was happening.
Disclaimer: Nope, don't own this toy box. Just playing with it while no one is watching.
A/N: This came to me while I was reading John/Gareth RPS, of all things. Hope you enjoy.
Gwen heard herself whimper, tilting her head slightly and feeling a shudder move through her body as Jack's lips played over her neck and shoulder. His arms were around her waist, teasing the skin just below her waistband with one hand while the other slid up under her shirt. She shifted, feeling his arousal pressing into her lower back through the layers of clothing.
Gwen would have turned her head to kiss him only at that moment her fingers were buried in Ianto's hair, trying to suck the breath from his lungs as she kissed him hard, one of her legs around his waist rocking against him, silently cursing their clothing.
She pulled back from the kiss roughly to gasp at the air, taking the momentary break to pull at the buttons on his shirt. Jack let her go long enough to help her, Gwen silently admiring his skill as he made short work of the buttons and quickly divesting Ianto of his shirt.
Gwen's own shirt soon followed as Jack pulled it over her head, Ianto reaching around to unhook her bra as she ran her hand down his chest, fingers playing through the trail of dark hair. She tossed the bra aside and sat forward as Jack removed his own shirt, tossing it to join theirs along with his white undershirt.
While he was leaning forward he took the opportunity to hook a finger under Ianto's jaw and draw him forward, their lips meeting in a heated yet familiar kiss. Gwen couldn't help but stare. As jealous as she often was of Ianto, she did enjoy watching them kiss and seeing it so raw...
Not to be left out, Gwen let her hand slide down Ianto's abdomen to cup his crouch, squeezing gently and smiling as he gasped, breaking the kiss to stare at her. Jack chuckled, shifting so that he could nibble her earlobe as Ianto's eyes narrowed, that familiar knowing smirk on his lips.
Ianto dipped his head, kissing the V of her neck before laving his tongue over the area, causing Gwen to gasp. Ianto shifted lower, tracing a path down until his tongue darted over a nipple, a hand gently cupping and squeezing the other. Gwen gasped again, fingers once more finding and tightening in his hair.
She closed her eyes, just allowing herself to feel those lips and teeth teasing her, his thumb gently tracing over her other breast and sending hot flushes through her as Jack continued to suck and nibble at her earlobe. She jumped slightly as Jack's hands slid once more over her skin, fingers of one hand splaying over her abdomen as the other slid lower.
She felt him tug at her belt, her breath hitching with each gentle tug, a hot flush shooting through her as she felt him tug the belt free and make short work of her button and zip. She gasped as his hand crept back upward, slipping down inside, straight underneath.
She jerked sharply as Jack caressed her, fingers gliding over her wetness and gently playing over her. Ianto smiled against her as her legs tightened around him, shifting and moving to her other breast, catching it between his teeth and tugging lightly just as Jack slid a finger inside her and dragged back out, up over her clit.
"Oh god..." she breathed, rocking against Jack's hand as he slid two fingers in, his thumb dragging agonisingly deliberate over that oh so sensitive place that had her whimpering. She tugged hard at Ianto's hair as he pulled back to blow on the wet area of her breast, then placed an open mouthed kiss over it.
Gwen tilted her head back against Jack's shoulder, pressing hard against his fingers as he continued to stroke her, Ianto releasing her breasts to move down, tongue darting into her bellybutton as Jack's free hand came up to gently stroke his face. Ianto's impossibly blue eyes flicked upward and over her shoulder, Gwen knowing he and Jack were silently communicating and confirming it when she saw Ianto smile and nod, sitting back on his knees.
He reached back, unhooking her legs from around him then reaching for her pants, tugging them down. Gwen lifted her hips, allowing him to pull them completely free. As he tossed them down on the floor Jack caught her knees, shifting her up so that she was straddling him with legs on either side of his, Ianto still between both their parted knees.
Jack's hands slid up her sides, cupping her breasts as Ianto's trailed up her thighs, settling himself between them before he leaned forward, pressing his lips to her core. Gwen jolted sharply, Jack holding her tighter as Ianto's tongue trailed over her on the same path Jack's fingers had previously taken.
Gwen found her moans muffled as Jack tilted her head back, claiming her mouth with his own. She reached back around, cupping his face as she shuddered, the heat within her building with every movement Ianto made. She felt Jack's hand slide down over her abdomen and through her curls, fingers finding and rubbing her clit, causing her to gasp his name into his mouth.
Ianto shifted again, gently stroking her thighs as he thrust his tongue deep within her, matching Jack's movements with his own. Jack tightened his grip around her waist as she pressed down against them. She felt it growing, the build up within coming fast and hard until it hit her, the pleasure rushing over her in waves as she shuddered through her orgasm.
It was only as it was fading and Gwen had gone limp in Jack's arms that Jack drew his hand back, Ianto kissing his way back up her body, stopping only once to wipe his mouth with the back of his arm but still reluctant to kiss her. Gwen knew it was because he was unsure how she'd react given where he'd just been, so she pulled him the rest of the way up and kissed him.
She felt Jack shift behind her, pushing forward. Ianto seemed to know what he wanted and bundled her up in his arms, sitting back and bringing her with him as Jack slid out from behind her. Gwen's body was still shivering in aftershock as he gently lay her back down, kissing her once more before he was drawn back by two strong arms.
Gwen shifted against the pillows, watching as Ianto allowed himself to be pulled back against Jack's chest, closing his eyes and tilting his head as Jack kissed and sucked his neck. Jack's hand tugged at Ianto's belt, freeing it before sliding down the front of Ianto's pants. Ianto gasped, hips bucking forward as he moaned softly, hands sliding behind him to grip Jack's back as Ianto ground himself against Jack, causing the older man to gasp.
Jack raised his head, Ianto opening his eyes as they rested their heads together, eyes watching each other in that silent communication Gwen realised they had perfected at some stage. Then Ianto was moving, turning himself so that he was straddling Jack's lap, cupping Jack's head in his hands and pressing their lips together firmly.
It was Jack's turn to moan as they kissed, Gwen's eyes widening slightly as she watched one of Jack's hands slide down Ianto's back and down the back of his pants. She looked up again, feeling her own need burning back into life as Jack's hand slide back up and he held Ianto, gently lowering him back onto the bed beside her.
They kissed forever, Gwen feeling a pang of jealously toward both of them as she watched, knowing they had something deeper than she had realised. She watched as Ianto's beautiful hands slid from Jack's back to his front, undoing his belt and pants and pushing them over Jack's hips.
Gwen swallowed hard as Jack tugged them the rest of the way off, giving her her first look at his whole naked body, flushed with his arousal. Jack didn't notice her staring as he himself was preoccupied with relieving Ianto of his own pants, tossing the lasts of their clothing onto the floor.
Gwen let her gaze take in the two beautiful men beside her as they paused for a moment, smiling at each other before Jack shifted so he was hovering over Ianto, Ianto shifting so that Jack could settle between his legs. Ianto trailed his hands up Jack's sides, then around his back as Jack brought his lips down to his neck, Ianto arching his head back against the pillows to give him better access.
Jack reached toward the beside table, Gwen spotting the small tube for the first time as Jack picked it up, uncapping it and smearing the liquid onto his fingers. He set it aside, nipping at Ianto's neck as his hand slid between their legs, Gwen's eyes widening as Ianto arched back at the touch of Jack's fingers down there.
Gwen couldn't see exactly what Jack was doing, only what reaction he was drawing out of Ianto. The blue of Ianto's eyes had almost gone, his fingers digging into Jack's back as he shifted against Jack's hand, Jack bringing his mouth from Ianto's chest up to catch him in an open mouthed kiss, one Ianto was more than happy to return.
As she watched Gwen felt her hand creeping down, slipping inside her wetness still so sensitive from her last climax. She shifted on the bed so she could get a better view as Jack reached for the lube again, Gwen watching as he slicked it over his erection before he caught Ianto's knees, Ianto hooking his ankles behind Jack's back as Jack shifted.
Gwen couldn't tear her eyes away from their faces as they broke the kiss, staring into each others eyes as Jack pressed himself inside, a shuddering gasp escaping his lips as Ianto whimpered slightly, fingers digging into Jack's shoulders. Gwen felt herself shudder as Jack dipped his head down as Ianto lurched upward, the two men kissing furiously as Jack shifted, pulling out before thrusting back in.
It was one of the most erotic sights she had ever seen, watching these two men she had secretly lusted over for so long doing something so hot, so beautiful, beside her. Their bodies were flushed with arousal and exertion, muscles twitching and flexing with each movement as sweat began to glisten on their skin.
She found herself beginning to stroke herself with each thrust Jack made, timing herself to the movements and grinding herself down against her hand. She gasped, whimpering slightly as she listened to their soft grunts and moans. Gwen started as they broke the kiss, Ianto's eyes turning toward her as Jack pressed his face into Ianto's chest.
"Want to join in?"
Gwen swallowed hard, nodding at Ianto's invitation as she spotted Jack watching out the corner of his eye, his eyes almost black with lust. "God yes."
Ianto smiled, planting a hand on Jack's chest and gently pushing him back off him. Jack sat back as Ianto pushed himself into a sitting position, reaching toward the bedside table again and plucking up a couple of condoms and tossing one at Jack, Gwen realising for the first time they had been going bareback and swearing softly to herself at how hot that thought made her.
She watched them. "Where..."
"Just lie back," Jack told her, crawling forward to kiss her gently. "Question is, who do you want?"
Gwen's eyes flicked from one to the other, before landing back on Jack. "You looked like you were enjoying where you were, while Ianto was a bit... neglected."
"Never neglected," Ianto said, smiling. "He's just a tease."
"Still, saves on the preparation," Gwen said.
"True." Jack shot Ianto a hot look, nodding toward her. "Be easier if you go first. I'll join in a second."
Ianto nodded, tearing open the packet only to have Gwen pluck it from his fingers. She sat up, pulling the condom from the wrapper and catching hold of Ianto's erection, grinning as she saw him grit his teeth. She smiled at him as she rolled it on, then planted a soft kiss on his lips and lay back. He chuckled, allowing her to draw him down into a deeper kiss as she wrapped her legs around him, Gwen sucking in a deep breath as he slipped inside her.
She smoothed her hands down his back, feeling the bed dip slightly as Jack settled in behind Ianto. There was a pressing against her thighs as Jack encouraged them to widen their knees, and she and Ianto shifted slightly to comply.
She felt Ianto tense slightly and knew Jack had re-entered him, Ianto letting out a long shuddering breath as he broke the kiss, resting his head on her shoulder and squeezing his eyes closed. Gwen ran her fingers through his hair as she watched him, glancing up and meeting Jack's eye briefly as Jack placed a soft kiss on to the back of Ianto's neck.
"You okay, gorgeous?" Jack asked.
Ianto nodded, eyes cracking open and turning his head, Gwen gently stroking his brow. "It's just a little... overwhelming."
Gwen heard Jack chuckle as he placed a kiss to the side of Ianto's face and shifted back, Gwen placing one in the same place and earning a smile. She clenched down on him, causing him to hiss and curse before he shifted himself, shooting her a quick look, then one back over his shoulder.
He smirked slightly, looking down at her once before drawing back, his hands fisting the sheets on either side of her as she hooked her legs up around both his and Jack's. Then he pushed back inside her, slowly but surely falling into a rhythm, no doubt trying to match that of Jack behind him.
Gwen gasped, still not quite able to believe they were doing this. The mere thought of it was hot enough without the feeling of skin on skin, the harsh pants of both Jack and Ianto above her, and the feeling of Ianto thrusting into her again and again, sending one sweep of pleasure through her after another.
She could feel the muscles on his back flexing beneath her hands, and knew that with the pleasure coming from both being in her and being filled by Jack he probably wouldn't last long. She clenched down on him again, hearing his breath hitch in his throat as he shifted his angle ever so slightly, Gwen gasping as her own pleasure increased.
He moved his weight to one arm, the other slipping down toward their joined bodies so his fingers could stroke her clit, Gwen arching back as the almost pain/pleasure shot through her body. Then she was coming, harder than she had ever come in her life. She felt him shudder and gasp above her, his body tightening in her arms as he returned to grasping the bed with both hands. Distantly she heard Jack swear and knew he had joined them just as the edges of her vision greyed out.
When she began to think straight again she became aware of how weak she felt, her body trembling with pleasurable pins and needles, her breath slowing but her heartbeat still racing in her ears. She could feel them shifting, a sense of loss filling her as they both drew back, ungracefully collapsing onto the bed beside her.
She turned her head, watching as they kissed, a small feeling of isolation and loneliness sweeping through her as she remembered this was their relationship, and she had only momentarily been part of it. Then an arm wrapped around her waist, Ianto pulling her over to them and tucking her in over his side. One of Jack's arms came to circle them both, Jack leaning forward to place a soft kiss on her forehead as he gently smoothed a hand down her back.
Gwen smiled, tucking her head into Ianto's shoulder and resting her hand on Jack's forearm, closing her eyes. Here, wrapped in the arms of these two men, she felt that loneliness disappear. They both wanted her. And right now, with that knowledge accompanied with the heat of their cooling bodies, she had never felt more secure, more wanted or safe, than she had ever felt before.
This was where she wanted to be, and she'd give anything, anything, to stay here.
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