Title: The Necessity of Pillows
By: Shotsy
Pairing: Doctor/Rose/Jack
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Just some good ot3 fluffy goodness that includes the Doctor getting beat with pillows.***
"Rose, the Doc says we're all ready"- Jack topped as he stuck his head into Rose's room. She was passed out on her bed, a book still clutched in her hand. It slowly slipped from her hand to the floor and landed with a bang. Rose didn't even turn over. Jack couldn't help but appreciate how peaceful she looked and smiled as he thought of how fun it would be to change that. He crawled onto the other side of the bed until he was on his stomach next to her. "Rose, sweetheart," he whispered in a sing-song voice, "it's time to wake up." She muttered sleepily and turned away from him, here eyes still closed. "Come on, you really should wake up." Jack continued to whisper as his hand inched to his left, searching until it closed around what he wanted. "Last chance, honey," Jack was kneeling on the bed now above Rose's sleeping form, a wicked gleam in his eyes.
Rose was jolted awake as something faintly cushion-like smacked her across the chest. She opened her eyes to see Jack leaning over her with a pillow in his hands and a smirk on his face still poised in attack position. "Did you just hit me with a pillow?" she asked; all thoughts of sleep gone.
"Yeah," Jack said, his smirk intact, "yeah, I did."
Rose narrowed her eyes, "You are so dead." She grabbed the pillow she had previously been sleeping on and brought it up to smack Jack in the face. Jack's jaw dropped and he froze- but not for long. He brought his pillow up in an offensive position and glared. This meant war.
* * *
The Doctor looked up from the control he had bee fiddling with and that the room was quieter than it normally was. That can't be good, he thought to himself as he looked around and noticed the obvious lack of humans in the room. He walked out into one of the TARDIS's many corridors in search of his companions. He walked the familiar path to Rose's room trying to figure out how long ago it had actually been since he sent Jack to get her while simultaneously examining an artifact that had been lying on the grated floor of the control room earlier.
He stopped in front of her door and absentmindedly pushed it open, his eyes still concentrating on the object in his hands. He heard Rose shriek and looked sharply up to see his companions kneeling on Rose's bed, pillows clutched in their hands, their faces red and smiling. Rose's hair was a mess, like she had just been smacked and Jack's coat lay abandoned on the floor.
They finally realized he was there and caught each other's eye. The Doctor saw them smile and each other before turning to face him. Next thing he knew he was being bombarded with pillows from every angle. His glasses went flying into the mess of clothes that covered the floor and his shirt collar no longer resembled worn on Earth during any time period. He managed to grab a pillow and fought back against his attackers. He hit Rose once and she went flying towards the floor. He stopped to make sure she was ok and Jack took advantage of his hesitation and he suddenly joined the girl on the floor. Jack stood over them, triumphant. Well, that was until Rose and the Doctor each grabbed a leg and pulled him down on top of them, cutting off his cry of "Victory!"
They laid in a heap on the floor breathing heavily, their faces red and plastered with smiles. Pillows and blankets were everywhere, adding to the usual mess on Rose's room. Jack reached over and pulled a feather from where it rested in Rose's hair. His hand stayed there a little longer than strictly necessary and she smiled at him. She turned to the Doctor but hesitated to do anything due to the shocked look on his face. He looked and his companions and said disbelievingly, "Was I just part of a pillow fight?"
Jack laughed and caught Rose's eye. "Yep," he said, "I think you were." The Doctor raised his eyebrows and nodded, "Huh, that's a first." And he sounded so serious that Rose couldn't take it anymore. She started laughing harder than she had in a long time. Jack joined in and, as had happened with the pillow fight, the Doctor got pulled in. Soon they were all cracking up from their positions on the floor. Rose sat up, trying to breath through her tears of mirth. Jack pulled her over to him and she rested her head on his chest. She grabbed the Doctor's hand and he scooted over to lay his head on her stomach. Jack sat up slightly to smile at him and their hands found each other through the tangle of limbs.
Rose realized that she had never been so comfortable than she was in that moment. She was warm and a smile rested on her face as the remains of her laughing fit. Jack's heart beat was lulling her to sleep and the Doctor's hand held hers in a gesture so familiar it felt like coming home. Jack shared Rose's smile and couldn't help but think that if this was what the rest of his life was like than he wouldn't want to be anything but immortal. The Doctor closed his eyes and reveled in the shared contentment of his companions. He was less dignified than he had ever been but in that moment he had never cared less. He could almost feel the years melting away from his soul as the pure youthfulness of a pillow fight revived him. Both Jack and Rose had claimed to need him at some point in time but they would never know that it was him that needed them. He needed them to love him and give him something to love; he needed them to laugh with, to cry with, to hold hands, and sleep. He even needed to them to hit him with pillows, which, he mused, he didn't even know he needed until now. But now, he knew he couldn't live without it.***
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