Title: When It's Right
By: angstytimelord
Pairing: Ianto/Greg Sanders (CSI: Las Vegas)
Fandom: CSI: Las Vegas/Torchwood
Rating: PG-13
Table: 1drabble
Prompt: 10, Weakness
Disclaimer: This is entirely a product of my imagination, and I make no profit from it. I do not own the lovely Greg Sanders or Ianto Jones, unfortunately, just borrowing them for a while. Please do not sue.***
Ianto glanced towards the door of his bedroom, waiting for Greg to come back in. His lover was in the shower, and even though Ianto would have liked to join him there, he'd decided that it was best to give Greg a bit of privacy. After all, they'd been together all day.
He couldn't help but smile as he thought back on their day. They'd stayed in bed, making love, murmuring sweet nothings, and generally behaving like smitten adolescents.
The truth of the matter was, he was smitten with Greg, utterly and completely, in a way that he'd never been with anyone else. Not Lisa, not even Jack. Greg was the one for him; he'd known that ever since they'd first laid eyes on each other.
Most people would say that Greg was his weakness. But that wasn't true at all.
In Ianto's eyes, loving Greg gave him a strength that he'd never had before. He felt like Superman, as though he was ten feet tall and could leap giant buildings in a single bound. He felt that he could take on the entire world, as long as Greg was by his side.
Even Jack had never given him that kind of confidence in himself. Jack had always kept him guessing, made him wonder if it was the right thing for him to fall in love with a man. And Jack had never returned his feelings, not in the way that Greg did.
He was more in love with Greg than he'd ever thought it was possible to love anyone. It might seem soon, but Ianto knew that he should follow his heart, and not try to second-guess his emotions. He knew what he felt, and that was enough for him.
Greg was all he'd ever wanted; this time, he didn't have to ask himself if loving a man, being involved with someone of the same sex, was the right thing for him. There were no questions; there was no hesitation, none at all. This time, he knew it was right.
That wasn't a weakness. That was a strength, one that he would never give up.
How could loving anyone this much be a weakness? Greg didn't make him feel weak and unhinged, the way that Jack had sometimes done. Greg made him feel strong, as though he was invincible. Greg made him more of a man, not less of one.
And he did the same for Greg. At least, he hoped that he did. He wanted his lover to feel the same way about him, wanted Greg to take strength from what they shared.
Ianto sat up in bed as he heard the bathroom door open. Greg would soon be back, and even though his boyfriend had just showered, he intended to show the other man just how much strength their relationship had given him -- in every possible way.***
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